A cartoon was released in Russia "About Dima", explaining to children (and adults) how to treat and how to communicate with children who have special needs. watched it and selected other animated shorts that speak to young viewers on this important topic.

"About Dima" (2016)

The daughter turns to her mother with all the questions that, according to the author of the cartoon, Natalya Remish, children often have when they see their peers with disabilities. But to the questions “why is he like this?”, “Will I get infected?” and to the tactless, even rude behavior of their children, parents often do not give an adequate response.

Mom in the cartoon explains to her daughter that the world is diverse and everyone has their own characteristics. Nevertheless, even with the “strange”, at first glance, children, you can find something in common and make friends. The voice of Olga Shelest is voiced by mother simple rules which, by the way, are relevant in any communication:

- help, if it is difficult for another;
- smile from the heart;
- do not rush and speak clearly;
- if you see that the other is angry, move away and wait.

In addition to the TV presenter, the daughter of rapper Basta Masha Vakulenko and a boy diagnosed with autism Artem Leontiev took part in the creation of the cartoon. Funds for the project were raised through crowdfunding.

"Flower-Semitsvetik" (1948) and "The Last Petal" (1977)

The topic of the relationship of children to their peers with disabilities was touched upon many, many years ago by Valentin Kataev in the fairy tale "Flower of Seven Flowers", the film adaptation of which was first released in 1948. The girl Zhenya had a magic flower in her hands. She used six of its petals for six empty wishes, but she used the last petal to help a boy on crutches.

Another cartoon based on Kataev's fairy tale came out almost 30 years later. If in the first version the boy Vitya appears only towards the end, then in the second version Zhenya meets him at the very beginning of the story. The girl either says that he is asking, then calls him a coward, then teases and takes away the book. But when he sees the crutches, he realizes that he was wrong.

In a fairy tale, only a simple action is enough to new friend Zhenya became healthy. In reality, however, great efforts may be needed, or a cure may be impossible. Parents should also talk about this with their children when watching such cartoons.

"Unusual little brother" (1995)

One of the cartoons of the French series "Fairy Tales" is dedicated to the story of a family of hares, in which the youngest child is unusual. He does not know how to talk, often grimaces, but he is very affectionate. He has Down syndrome.

The main character of the cartoon is Little Bunny's little sister Lilya. Her parents explain to her that it is not her brother's fault that he was born with special needs. And Lily, in turn, convinces his parents that he can learn a lot. But the family has to face difficulties, and the girl has to get used to the idea that her brother needs to be helped to develop, but you need to love him the way he is.

"My brother from the moon" (2007)

This video was created by the father of a son diagnosed with autism. Available, in the form of a sister's story about her brother, the cartoon talks about the boy's behavior, his habits and characteristics.

The girl gives her explanation for his behavior: “He was born on Earth, but it seems that from the Moon. He loves everything that glitters like the moon. He likes round things like the moon. He likes to climb stairs, but he doesn’t like to go down ... ”The girl would like to become a fairy and make her brother like to be with loved ones more than on the moon. But she is not a fairy, so she is looking for other suitable ways of communication.

The cartoon calls for "stretching a thread between the Earth and the Moon": observe, be patient and take steps towards an unusual baby.

"Journey of Mary" (2012)

This animated film is also created by the father of a child with autism. It does not affect the relationship between the girl and other children, but it attempts to explain to adults and young viewers how she sees the world around her.

The cartoon tells what difficulties Maria faces and what she cannot cope with: she cannot tie her shoelaces, make a phone call, wash her hair, turn on the TV. But Maria also has “superpowers”: super focus while eating, super smile, super vision, thanks to which she can tear off tiny pieces of paper, and super memory, thanks to which Maria has a place in her head for the name of everyone she knows!

Maria's Journey is not the first time artist Miguel Gayardo has written about autism. In 2007, his comic book "Maria and Me" was published, which tells about the joint vacation of father and daughter. The book was translated into Russian in 2014.

"Anatole's Saucepan" (2014)

The unusual metaphor was coined by children's writer and illustrator Isabelle Carrier and brought to life by director Eric Monchaux.

Anatole is different from other children because, for some unknown reason, he always carries a saucepan with him. He is an affectionate, sensitive, gifted kid, but ... a saucepan - often people pay attention only to her. In addition, the saucepan creates a lot of inconvenience for Anatole himself. Such unusual people as Anatole often want to hide, and it seems that most of those around him would also be fine ...

But it turns out that you can learn to live with a “pot”, and it is very important that someone who is ready to help with this is nearby.

Macropolis (2012)

A toy cat and a dog, instead of a van that goes to a children's store, end up in the trash. They do not know that they are different from other figurines that have left the factory assembly line (the cat is missing an eye, and the dog has one paw). They think there's been some kind of mistake and try to catch up with the van. Finally, they end up in a toy store, but will someone buy a defective item...?

Children's imagination is capable of much, and it turns a disadvantage into a virtue. A small customer who comes to the store sees in toys not a one-eyed cat and a legless dog, but his favorite pirates!

Adjusting the focus of perception, respecting the characteristics of other people and accepting them - all these touching cartoons teach this. But the main teachers who set an example should be parents, and animation is only an assistant and, maybe, a way to start this conversation with children.

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Who most often becomes the hero of their own cartoon? Talking animals, various cars and people - both ordinary and with superpowers. However, cartoons are also drawn about "special" people - those who see, hear and perceive the world in a completely different way from those around them.

the site has made a selection of short cartoons on this subtle topic - about children with autism. We suggest that you also do not celebrate cowardice and watch these small animated films with your child. Nothing terrible and frightening - only good stories about why some children are “different”, how to behave with those who are extremely deeply immersed in their own “I”, and how the world might look through the eyes of such people.

"About Dima"

Let's start with the work of the Parovoz animation studio (and many other cartoons beloved by children) as part of the project "Important to Children". Girl Mira on a walk in the park meets Dima - a special boy who is afraid of other kids on the playground.

Thanks to the wise advice of her mother, Mira learns the main thing: what Dima can become good friend and "it" is not contagious. And what "it" is, too. Mom talks about the fact that all people are basically different - right-handed and left-handed, with different skin colors and even eyesight, and all this is a completely natural order of things.

The bright animation style and poetic rhythm of speech will help young viewers to feel the story of Dima and understand that being different is normal and not scary.

Source: cartoon

"Autism" from the trilogy "Abman of sight"

The Sverdlovsk film studio in the early nineties released a complex triptych about psychological disorders. The first part is called "Autism" and is a surreal tape (approximately) about how the images of the real and fictional worlds intertwine inside the hero. The cartoon was dedicated to a child from the 60s, because the images and symbols involved belong to those times.

For children, perhaps a little difficult to understand, but without the cartoon, the selection would be incomplete.


We return to the extremely simple and kind animation for the little ones. The cartoon "Autism" is very short, but everything that a child should know about a special view of the world by other people is invested in this minute. Beautiful music and bright simplicity of the picture will help to learn this important information. In Ukrainian!

"My brother from the moon"

Almost completely black and white and very touching: "My Brother from the Moon" is a cartoon in which the narrator is a girl whose younger brother is autistic. Memories of how the boy grew up are interspersed with important observations and remarks from his sister about autism, and the cartoon itself as a whole captivates with its poetry:

“The brother does not see and does not hear - he looks at the sky ... If I were a sorceress, I would enchant him so that he would like to be with us more than on the moon.”

Despite the sad thoughts of the girl, the conclusion of the cartoon is much brighter: she found an approach to an unusual brother, they play together and rejoice. French language, Russian subtitles.

« Snackanddrink"

This short documentary cartoon is also one of the most characteristic and visually revealing about autism. "Snacks and Drinks" is a store that special 13-year-old boy Ryan Power comes to. He mixes different flavors of soda, and the creators of the tape mix different styles of animation in a crazy kaleidoscope.

The cartoon does not look easy, even with difficulty, but this is an attempt to show the outside world "from the inside", and about how a weekday and simple trip to the store for us turns into a strange adventure for an autistic person. On the English language, voiced by Ryan Power himself.

Source: ub4k's channel


Once again, welcome to the world of fully adapted educational tapes for children. The beginning and style of the cartoon "What happened to Nick?" reminiscent of a girly application about dressing up dolls, but all this is drawn in such a way in order to make the feed closer to the audience. On behalf of the blonde heroine, there is a story about Nick, a special classmate.

The cartoon is extremely good. Nick is a nice guy, he just needs more help because of the special feel of the world. He is fond of airplanes and wants to communicate with other guys - it remains only to lend a friendly hand and understand that autism is not a disease, but a developmental feature. In English.

Source: ResearchAutism

"My Name Is David"

Matt Manning, an animator who worked on the parody series "Robot Chicken", also did not stay away from a serious issue and created the cartoon "My name is David". The plot is simple: a young student speaks to classmates about autism. The issues of different perception are raised again - David doesn't like noises, can't read other people's emotions and body language, can get problems where others don't, and so on.

How to explain to a child what empathy is? How to teach to be kind, tolerant, not to condemn those who are not like everyone else? Of course, all this goes through the family. But it is not always possible to explain something to a small person in a language he understands. And then cartoons come to the aid of parents. These short animated films are worth watching for every person, regardless of their age, nationality and life position. And the New Year holidays are just a great occasion to look at the right and useful cartoons the whole family.

"PRO DIMA" (2016, Russia) The cartoon "About Dima" tells about the meeting of the girl Mira and the boy, who is not like her friends. Dima walks poorly and hardly speaks, but Mira's curiosity and her mother's good advice become the beginning of a true friendship. Describing the idea of ​​the cartoon, the author of the project noted: “There are many resources on the Internet that tell separately about cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, and so on. But children do not distinguish between diagnoses, they need a general explanation, delivered in simple language.

"AN ACCURATE HISTORY" (2014, Russia) Russian fund"Children of BEL" on the Day of Rare Diseases released a short film about the boy Nikita, who is preparing to go to school, but because of his fragile skin, he faces a number of problems. The authors wanted this story, presented in such an accessible form for children, to give "special" children self-confidence, and help society understand their problems and help them adapt.

"ANATOL'S LITTLE POT" (2014, France) The protagonist of the cartoon - Anatole no longer remembers where the small saucepan came from, which he drags around with him on a string. She noticeably hinders him, constantly getting stuck here and there, making it difficult for him to move. One fine day, Anatole gets tired of this and decides to hide from her and from everyone, so as not to see anything and to be invisible himself. However, and perhaps for the better, this is not so easy to do. The short film on children's images makes it clear that it's okay to be special.

"STRINGS" (2014, Spain) A beautiful story about equality, solidarity, friendship and children's wisdom, which even adults should learn. The cartoon was awarded the Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film. Its creator, Pedro Solis, wanted to draw attention to the importance of inclusive education.

"TAMARA" (2013, USA) This touching short cartoon tells about a girl Tamara who dreams of becoming a dancer. She dances to the sound of the music box, not noticing anything around. But why is mom so upset when she sees this? It turns out that Tamara does not hear music, she is deaf. In the comments under the cartoon, they most often write: “I will restrain myself, I will not cry!”

"MAEL'S SECRET" (2014, France) The creators of this cartoon wanted to explain not only to children, but also to adults the topic of attitude towards people suffering from Angelman syndrome. In order to appreciate the subtlety of this film, you should watch it several times.

"MY BROTHER FROM THE MOON" (2007, France) This wonderful animated film was created by Frederic Philibert, the parent of a boy with autism. The author shared his experience and idea: “When we realized that our son had problems, the pediatrician referred us to a mental health center, where we, the parents, began to undergo psychoanalysis sessions. We began to look for other solutions for the care of sick children in hospitals and at home, and in parallel we decided to make a film. It was a way to tell a little story to talk about the issue of autism in a very simple and understandable way. Everyone can watch this film: parents, professionals, those for whom autism means nothing, and those who have experienced it in their lives.”