
Gather multiple Word documents that you want to merge into one *.doc file in one folder to make this process easier. Gluing documents in Word is not difficult, but for this you need to know some practical subtleties. The easiest way to glue Word documents in one - copy and paste. This is inconvenient and rather monotonous, besides, formatting may be violated.

Merge documents in Word using the following method. Create the structure of your main document first, leave the page for inserting content. On the next page, enter the name of the first part of the document, it can be a chapter or a section.

Separate parts of the document with breaks, then each new chapter will begin with new page, and not after the text of the previous chapter. Breaks will give your document a more professional and finished look. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the chapter, select the "Insert" menu, then "Break", in the window that opens, set the switch to " New section from the next page" and click "OK".

Select the "Insert" menu to add the text of the next section, select "File". A new "Insert File" window will open, in it find and select the file that contains the text of the chapter. Paste the rest of the files in the same way to merge multiple Word documents into one. The result is a single document. If there were headers and footers in the source files, they will also be transferred to the main file without changes.

To set the same formatting for the entire document, use styles. For easy navigation through the sections of your text, apply the style “Heading 1” to the titles of chapters / sections, and “Heading 2/3” for subsections / paragraphs.

Next, add to the table of contents ("Insert" - "Tables and Indexes"). Then a table of contents will appear on the first page, created from hyperlinks to pages with chapters. To go to desired section just click on its name while holding Ctrl.


  • how to merge several documents into one

When processing information on a computer, it may be necessary to merge text files. This action can be done using text editor. But this is not always convenient. How to perform this operation efficiently?

You will need


Merge text files with copy functions file manager. Many programs of this type, such as Total Commander, provide the option to append the contents of one file to another when attempting to overwrite. Open the directories containing the files to merge in the panels of the file manager. Copy the files to be merged to the target directory, giving them the same name. Select the option to add information in the file manager's warning dialog.

Use the copy command in operating systems Windows families to unite text files. Launch the cmd shell. In the Run Program dialog that appears when you select Run from the Start menu, type cmd in the Open field and click OK.

If the files to be merged are in the same directory, change to that directory. Change disk by typing in command line its letter with a colon and pressing Enter. Change directory with the cd command.

Get help on copy command and check it out. Type in the shell window "copy /?", press Enter.

Sometimes we need to merge several Word files into one. On this page, we will look at two ways to do this. But before you start merging several documents into one, make sure that all the documents are in the same folder. Made? Then let's get started.

Combining documents using "Text from file"

This method will help you merge several files into one, but be aware that formatting in the finished document will be lost.

Step 1.

Create a new empty document: Office icon, then New.

Step 2

Go to the "Insert" tab, find the "Object" button in the "Text" section and click on the down arrow.

Step 3

In the dialog box, select Text from File.

Step 4

Select all the files you wish to merge into one.

To select all files at once, press CTRL + A. If you want to select several files in a row, then select the first one, then hold SHIFT key and select the last one - intermediate ones will be highlighted automatically. If you need to select, for example, all odd files, then select them with the left mouse button while holding the CTRL key.

Step 5

After the files are selected, click on the "Insert" button, and the documents will be sent to the document you created.

Combining Documents Using VBA Script

Before you start running the following script, please follow these instructions:

  1. Collect all the documents that you will combine into one folder and number them in the order in which they should be. For example: part 1, part 2, etc. It is necessary to do this so that the material is not mixed up in the process of combining documents.
  2. Open the document with the material that will be posted very first, and only after that start running the script.

Step 1.

In the Word window, press the key combination ALT + F11 to launch Visual Basic application.

Step 2

In the menu "Insert" - "Module". Now copy the script code and paste it in the VBA window.

Step 3

Run the code by pressing F5 on the keyboard, or on the panel on the green triangle.

VBA script to merge multiple word files into one.

Sub MergeDocuments() Application.ScreenUpdating = False MyPath = ActiveDocument.Path MyName = Dir(MyPath & "\" & "*.doc") i = 0 Do While My Name<> "" If MyName<>ActiveDocument.Name Then Set wb = Documents.Open(MyPath & "\" & MyName) Selection.WholeStory Selection.Copy Windows(1).Activate Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.Paste i = i + 1 wb.Close False End if MyName = Dir loop Application.ScreenUpdating = True end sub

Good luck with your study. Move on to other lessons.

Let's imagine a situation, you fell in love with spring, and imperceptibly missed several lectures. Preparing for the exam, they asked fellow students to throw off the missing material. And so, the spirit of unity responded and sent you one lecture in doc format, the second in pdf, and the third in jpg. Okay, but inconvenient.

In this article, you will learn how to merge several documents of different formats into one file using the web service. The assembled document is easier to store, search, print and send. The capabilities of the service will also be useful to office workers in the organization of workflow.

Working with the service is not without flaws, but, in general, is a useful working tool. We could not find information on limiting the number of files and their size. Apparently, everything fits into the framework of ordinary everyday needs. But the list of supported formats consists of PDF, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Images, Html, txt.

The minimalist design of the service immediately offers to upload files for merging. But you can only select them from one single folder. Not very convenient, but there are no options yet.

After waiting for the files to be uploaded to the server, you will see a list of files to be merged and their size in tabular form. At this stage, you have the opportunity to set the order of the files in common document. Yes, there is still an output file compression switch, but we were not able to get it to really work.

Pros and cons

The most requested feature of seems to be the creation of a PDF file. We fed the most typical files in everyday use to the service: text documents Word and Notepad, picture and the same PDF. The result could not please the most. Creation shared file passed quickly, but the image turned out to be cropped, and Cyrillic from Notepad was displayed as gibberish.

When experimenting again, we changed the image orientation from landscape to portrait, and also assigned DOC as the output format. The image has not been cropped. The PDF file was recognized as text, as a result of which it became editable using Word.


Of course, is still a long way from creating miracles. But for quick gluing of documents related to the same subject, the service is quite suitable. You do not need to install specialized software, everything is done online. The downloaded data is temporarily located in cloud storage service, are gradually removed and not transferred to the wrong hands.

What are your impressions of working with the service? Share your opinion in the comments.

After a document is sent back for review, multiple copies with suggestions and changes may be received. In this case, you can combine them in one document.

If you haven't shared your documents with others, you can merge them by copying and pasting.

Combining two documents

Advice: Next time, save yourself all that work by sharing your document through OneDrive and inviting others to edit and comment on it.

Combining Additional Copies

If you want to include additional copies in the merge, save the document containing the merged changes from the first two copies, and then merge the additional copies with it.

Adding Multiple Documents to a File

If you need to combine multiple documents into one file, you can copy all of their content and paste it into the file. You can also open the first document, click on the tab Insert button An object and select item Text from file. After that, select the documents you want to add, and click the button Insert.

Combining documents by copying and pasting

To combine two various document to one file, copy the content from one document and paste it into another.

? We have two or three documents that need to be merged. What do we usually do in such cases? We open all these documents, copy all the text and paste it into original file. Everything seems to be logical and correct. Yes, that's right, but you can do the same operation much faster and easier. The only inconvenience is if the files were created by different people, with different formatting, and in different versions word text editor. But in this case, the speed of combining different texts into one document will play a positive role. Then it will be possible to select all the text and bring it to one style, and edit it. How to merge Word files, we will now consider.

How to merge files into Word ?

  • First, we open the main document into which we need to paste text from other files.
  • We set the cursor where we will insert text from another file.
  • On the tab Insert, in block Text choose an icon Paste text, and clicking on the small arrow opens the drop-down menu of this icon.

  • In the drop-down menu, select the item Text from file...
  • In the opened window Inserting a file, select the required file and click the button at the very bottom of the window Insert .

Insert absolutely everything. And drawings, and footers. In the same way, we can insert any number of Word files, and then bring everything to a single style, and format the entire document as necessary.

This method is very good when merging a large number of files when you are working as a team.

In order to do this work even faster, it is better to set the text editor on all computers to the same style, i.e. the same font and size.

Now you know how to merge word files . I hope you find this method useful.
