A small useful article from one of our readers.

The path I have chosen may seem long or confusing to you, but it has the right to exist.

So let's get started:

1. Launch Chrome and go to the extensions menu at chrome://chrome/extensions

2. Switch to developer mode

3. Appear additional features, which developers Google Chrome nicely provided us, ordinary users, namely the opportunity to repack the extensions installed in Google Chrome.

4. We press the "Packing extensions" button and the following window appears in front of us:

Now a little more about the location paths of extensions installed in Google Chrome for Windows 7:

C 1:\Users\Username 2 \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default 3 \Extensions\

for Linux Ubuntu 11.04 4:

/home/username 5 /.config/google-chrome/Default 3 /Extensions/

1 - The name of the disk may differ, usually this is the disk on which Windows 7 is installed
2 - Username in the system that has the Google Chrome browser installed
3 - If you have several users in Google Chrome, then the folder name may be different (for example, Profile 1, etc.)
4 - Tested personally on Linux Ubuntu 11.04, the paths may be slightly different in other distributions (also the path may be different for beta, dev, canary Google versions chrome)
5 - Username in the system that has the Google Chrome browser installed

5. We found a folder with extensions, looked into it and saw a lot of subfolders with names like "blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo" - these are our extensions, in each such folder there is a subfolder with a name like "4.2_0" - it indicates the version of this installed extension.

Now a small lyrical digression: Each extension is in a folder, with a name generated by the browser itself, i.e. just by looking into the folder with extensions it’s hard to tell which one is which, but you can turn on your head and find out from indirect data which extension is in a particular folder. Such data includes: a) extension version (the name of the folder with the extension version will be a good hint for us). b) the icons inside with the extension folder will also be a good guide. c) you can simply view the contents of the scripts and identify which extension we have in front of our noses.

I didn’t bother much and made a copy of all the extensions I have, later on I can give all the packed extensions regular names.

6. Now the packaging process itself, it can be a little tedious (and I warned that the method is "confusing", but we are not looking for easy ways;), but it really works ( alternative ways I didn’t find it, and I didn’t really look for it, this one suited me).

In the "Packing extensions" window, specify the full path to the extension to be packed, for clarity, I will give an example of the full path to one of the extensions installed in Google Chrome on my computer in Windows 7

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\capoflidgjlhkbndkbnopnbnmkfcjbgn\

(In windows 7, in the extension folder selection window, the ability to view hidden folders, which AppData folder is, so it's easier to copy the full path to the extension in advance and just paste it into the extension path selection window, there were no such problems under Ubuntu OS, where the folder selection takes place in the normal mode).

Then click the "Pack extensions" button if you get a message

Then you need to specify the path to the private key file, it lies one directory up from the folder with the extension.

Path to extension (as above):

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\capoflidgjlhkbndkbnopnbnmkfcjbgn\

Path to the key file:

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\capoflidgjlhkbndkbnopnbnmkfcjbgn\

I think it will not be difficult to paste the same path copied in advance into the bottom field and delete the last directory.

7. Everything, your efforts are rewarded, a message should appear.

This means that our extension is packed and lies on specified address, you need to copy/move the .crx extension file and the key file to a separate folder for further transfer this extension to another computer installed browser Google Chrome.

8. To pack the remaining extensions, you need to repeat the operations starting from point 6 of our manual.

Now you are the proud owner of an offline collection of your favorite extensions for Google Chrome. You copied everything to a flash drive, brought them where you needed and decided to install. Ask me "how to do it?". Everything is very simple. We open Google Chrome and drag a file with the .crx extension onto its window, Chrome will ask you one single question:

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. My laptop has a cunning disease, it does not want to work and that's it. Today I finished off the fact that in the morning he refused to please my ears with music, referring to the fact that the convenient, familiar player had disappeared. Where? Yesterday was, but not in the morning. This was the last straw. It was decided, I give it to experienced male hands ("I didn't have it" with "I give it away", I'm still talking about the beech). Why didn't you decide earlier? There are many things to keep so as not to lose. Among other things, she held on to bookmarks in Google Chrome. All necessary and interesting. As it turned out, I currently have 313 of them.

And what to do? Once I copied the addresses of sites (!) Manually on paper. Haha, now it's funny. Last time, I copied to a Word file and then tore off the sites and saved them to bookmarks again, as a result, part was lost. Tonight I took up the solution of this topic (Google to help me) and made a new discovery.

So. You need to reinstall Windows, but are you afraid of losing data from Chrome? You bought new computer, and in the old there are a lot of familiar and so necessary? Are you traveling far away and would like to use your bookmarks in a foreign land? (well, you understand ... let's get to the point)

I present to your attention a new step by step instructions, this time with screenshots.

By the way, in this way you can transfer not only bookmarks, but also applications, extensions, passwords, Chrome settings.

In the right upper corner click on (previously there was a wrench) three little black horizontal stripes, which areSettings and Google management Chrome e

Or, when opening a New Browser Tab, on the "Not signed in to Chrome" notification, click Sign in:

To sync bookmarks and other Chrome settings, enter your address email gmail.com and password (if there is no such mail, then register on Gmail.com). Click Login:

For bloggers on the Blogspot platform, this is not a problem, as we all have Google account. Therefore, we use mailbox and the password from it, which was indicated when creating the account.

A notification appears in the browser window stating that Chrome is signed in and the browser settings are instantly synchronized with your Google account. Click OK:

To synchronize not all browser settings, but selectively or disconnect the browser from your Google account, click the wrench again and go to Signed in as [email protected].

Question: How to move all open tabs in chrome?
Sometimes you need to transfer all open windows or, more precisely, as Google Chrome calls it, tabs to another computer, for example, you have an open window at work necessary information and I would like to work with it at home, and there can be 30 tabs in this case, manually saving page addresses is very inconvenient.

Therefore, I propose one of the solutions:
First way.
You can put some plugin to synchronize tabs, but for example I don't want to use third-party plugins.
Therefore, I turn to the second option - it is simple and does not require anything to be installed.

The second way.
1. First, we must have data synchronization enabled using our Gmail account

This synchronization makes life very easy (if you do not trust Google with your passwords and so on, you can leave only the Bookmarks checkbox)

2. On any open tab, click right button mouse and select - Bookmarks for all tabs

3. A window opens with saved Chrome Bookmarks

4. We need to create the name of the group of bookmarks of the current tabs and save

5. On any other computer where Google Chrome is installed and synchronization via Gmail account is enabled, we will see our saved tab group in the Other bookmarks section.

6. Go to the group we need and open all the tabs of the group either in a New window or in the same Chrome window.

Here are some simple steps to transfer open Chrome tabs to any other computer.

According to statistics, the Google Chrome browser is the most popular, and therefore the best to date. It is used by most Internet users, especially young people who understand current trends.

Based on such popularity, it is not difficult to assume that a person using Chrome uses it everywhere at work and at home or while traveling. A Chrome supporter will use Google Chrome, and in order to do so, follow the link.

However, a problem arises, the solution of which is often asked ordinary users, namely - How to transfer Google Chrome settings ?

For example: You use a browser at home and at work. At home, in your free time, you set up your browser the way you wanted it. However, at work you have a completely different computer, but with the same Google Chrome browser. Most often there is no desire to reconfigure the browser again. Yes, and with each reconfiguration you have to do everything again.

That's why, best solution The given problem is the migration of browser settings.

What is the migration process?

The process, it should be noted, is very simple, for which the developers of Chrome should be thanked. You do not have to use flash drives and other methods of transferring files between computers to transfer settings. Fortunately, Google Chrome does not have such inefficient and time-consuming methods of transferring settings 🙂

Everything is much simpler than you might imagine.

Transfer process

You need to register on Google.com, and then log in using your account.

To do this, go to settings.

Now, go to the tab " Settings«.

Here we click on the button Sign in to Chrome“, after which we get to the authorization page. Be sure to pay attention to the protocol for connecting to the site to which you are redirected. You must be on a domain with the HTTPS protocol:

Otherwise, leave the site and open the real one, then log in there.

Most of the work is done 🙂

Now, on the settings page, you should see the settings synchronization page in front of you, namely chrome://settings/syncSetup:

All you have to do is select the settings synchronization settings, and then click on the "OK" button. By the way, if the checkboxes do not respond to clicks, try changing the synchronization type from "Synchronize All" to "Select Items to Synchronize".

That's all, congratulations! Now you can synchronize settings Google browser Chrome! Tip: Use 1 Google Chrome account to sync browser settings wherever you are.

Try not to rush and do everything as described above, and you will definitely succeed!

Migrate Google Chrome extension settings. Or how copy google chrome extension settings. Useful when transferring Chrome to another computer, chrome migration for portable version
This way will help copy any chrome extension settings . Copy filters Adguard, yandex. bookmarks, Adblock, different Dial. The bottom line is to copy the folder with the extension settings, and then copy it to another location when transferring Chrome.
When we transfer Google Chrome to another computer, we would like to transfer the settings of our extensions in addition to passwords and bookmarks
Some extensions have their own filters that we fill in (addblock), visual bookmarks also consist of sites filled by us
You need to copy all files called chrome-extension_ in the Local Storage folder
To copy all extensions with settings, copy the entire replacement folder after installing and logging in with an account

Copy Settings Google Chrome Extensions Windows Xp

In the folder below, there are all your extensions, copy to the new google chrome folder local storage, after lice under the account.
For Win-Xp: %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage

Copy settings of Google Chrome extensions Windows 7 and higher

For Win-Vista and older (incl. Windows 10): %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage

in detail

So press Win + R and copy the path for your operating system, paste it in the box and click OK

Now all files chrome-extension_(from the computer from which you want to transfer speed dial settings)

With google chrome off, replace all files chrome-extension_ in that google chrome where you want to transfer extension settings

Everything =)