Sometimes a big problem for the user is the discovery of hidden folders. Of particular difficulty is the search for system files on the computer. Windows operating system device does not display everything by default system files. In fact, the process of searching for them on a computer is very simple, anyone can master it without difficulty. And the question is: "How to find a hidden folder?" won't be a problem anymore.


Windows is the most used OS in the world, so we will work with it. It should be noted right away that the location of the submenu may change in different versions of the operating system, but the algorithm of actions is unchanged.

Work on the computer comes from the Start menu. This is a bright button of a rectangular or round shape with an inscription or Windows icon. It is located in the lower left corner of the screen on the taskbar.

The first stage - "Control Panel"

Left-click on the "Start" button, after which a directory consisting of 2 parts will open. One with a white background, the second with a blue background fill (there may be other colors).

The next step is to find the “Control Panel” section on the colored part of the directory and click on it. This will open the "Settings" window.

Opposite the window is a drop-down menu called "View". In it, select the item "Small icons".

As a result, the files contained in the directory will become small size and there will be more of them. Now find the "Folder Options" section and click on it.

This will open a new window with the same title. This contains various settings.

The second stage - working with tabs

At the top of the window on the computer are the tabs: "General", "View", "Search". You need to select the "View" tab.

It contains 2 blocks:

  • Folder view;
  • Extra options.

They are located one below the other. You must select a block "Extra options". In it, among a series of square fields, where some are marked with checkmarks and others are empty, you need to find round icons. There are only 4 of them, of which you need to mark an empty form with the name “Show hidden files, folders, disks. By default, a directory with the same name is selected, but with a "Not" particle in front.

To make it easier to navigate, you need to go down to the very bottom of the block and find the name "Hidden files and folders".

Final stage

After desired function activated, you need to confirm the action. This is done using the "Apply" button. It is located at the very bottom of the block and is the last in a row with the OK and Cancel buttons. Right above it is a form called Restore Defaults.

After clicking on the "Apply" button, it dims. Everything can be entered Windows partition on drive C, all hidden partitions on the computer are now displayed, they are translucent.

Using this guide, you can find all hidden files on your computer.

Sometimes, when setting up the system, you need to have access to hidden system folders that are hidden from inexperienced users. Namely, they hide them so that they are not accidentally deleted or moved, because this can affect the operation of the system.

But every day there are various viruses that can hide your files and folders, which you can only see in by turning on the display of hidden folders and files. But, virus removal is not the only situation in which you need to open access to displaying such folders. Just recently, I described solutions to a problem where it was necessary to copy a file to a folder that is system and was invisible to a simple user.

Of course, it’s better not to go into these folders, but sometimes you can’t do without it, so now you will find out how to open hidden folders and files.

How to open hidden folders in Windows XP

Let's start with Windows XP. We open " Start» and click on « Control Panel».

So, as we will open invisible files, we need to go to " Folder properties»

Also, you can use alternative way folder settings. To do this, go to any window and in top menu choose " Properties» –> « Folder properties».

Either way, the settings window will open. Here we go to the tab " View» and in additional options go down to the very bottom to the point " Hidden files and folders". We celebrate " Show hidden files and folders» and press « Apply».

In some cases, even after setting the display of hidden folders, some still remain inaccessible. To display them, you can use another item in the settings: " Hide protected system files s". By simply unchecking and saving, some more folders will appear that are considered system folders, perhaps among them there will be the folder that you needed. But, I want to immediately warn you, if you come across some unfamiliar folder, then do not write it off to delete it, perhaps this is one of the system ones that is needed for correct operation OS or Applications.

How to show hidden folders in Windows 7

In Windows 7, to enter the folder settings, we also go to "Control Panel" and then "Folder Options"

To enter the settings through the window of any folder, click on "Organize", and there we already select "Folder and Search Options".

In the window itself, check "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and save the settings.

How to show hidden folders in Windows 8

In the new Windows 8 operating system, going into any folder, click on "View", then select "Options" and then "Change folder and search options".

In the settings menu of the folder options, as in the examples described above, we simply mark the same item as on other operating systems, and then click "OK"

I repeat once again, you will meet a hidden folder with a name unknown to you, you should not delete it, and after you finish working with hidden files, do not forget to return everything back, this is done in the same order, just check the item, do not show hidden files and folders. You might also be interested in the article on configuring the extension for registered file types.

The Windows operating system supports the so-called hiding of folders and files. This was done for several reasons. First, in this way, the manufacturer of the operating system hides important system files that the user can inadvertently delete. And secondly, with the help of this function, the user himself can hide the files he needs from prying eyes. In general, the function is very convenient and very popular.

Suppose you are using a relative's PC who, for example, hid photos from you, and you would really like to see them. And you know for sure that they are on the computer, but, having reviewed all the folders, they could not find the photos. It is possible that they are in one of the hidden folders. Let's try to find her.

Option number 1

Using the first method, we can open files and folders hidden for viewing. This is easy to do, it will take you literally a minute of your time. I will show an example on Windows 7.

We are looking for the shortcut "Computer" on the desktop or in the "Start" menu and click on it. A window will open in front of you. In its upper left part there is a menu item called "Organize". Click on it, then select "Folder and Search Options". Click on the last one.

You will now see a new window in front of you called Folder Options.

Switch to the "View" tab, and then scroll to the very bottom of the menu. Here you will see a subsection "Hidden files and folders". Check the box next to Show hidden files, folders, and drives. Be sure to click Apply or OK to save your changes.

After this procedure, all hidden files and folders will become visible. How to distinguish them? They will be slightly less bright than the rest of the files.

Option number 2

You can use a little more in a simple way. For this you will need file manager, for example, the well-known Total Commander. Launch the application. At the top of it, you will see a menu. Select "Configuration" - "Settings". A window with program settings will appear. Here, select the Panel Contents tab and check the box next to Show hidden/system files, then click OK.

Now you can navigate through the disks with Total Commander and find hidden materials.

By the way, there is an option to open hidden folders and files using, but I believe that this method is not necessary for the average user. In addition, when working with the registry, it is easy to break such firewood that after changing it, the system may not start at all.


So, now all folders and files are open, which means that you can start searching. This is quite problematic for the sole reason that no one can tell where to look. Well, if there are only a few folders on the disk, and one of them turns out to be the one you need. But if there are a great many files, then you will have to review everything that was once hidden with your hands (remember that such folders and files stand out with their less bright shade).

If you are looking for, say, photographs, then you can try using the search on the disk. To do this, type in the search bar.jpg (in this case, this is the file format) and press the Enter key.

The system will show all files with such an extension that are on the disk. There may be a lot of them, but among them, it is quite possible that there will be exactly the photos that you are looking for. Good luck in your search.

By default, any version of Windows disables the ability to see hidden files. This is necessary so that inexperienced "dummies" do not accidentally delete anything and do not disrupt the operation of the OS. The decision is quite logical, since these folders are rarely required. And even then - only a few users. But still, sometimes it becomes necessary to view hidden files.

For example, during Windows optimization and garbage cleaning. Many programs ( Microsoft Word, Skype) create hidden files as they work. Over time, they become unnecessary, but are stored on disk and take up extra space.

Very often, gamers have a need to enable hidden folders and files. After all, it is in them that saves from many games are stored.

Also, the display of hidden files is required for users who want to hide documents on a flash drive, but do not yet know how to find them later. In general, there are a lot of reasons.

I note right away that in different Windows versions this setting is done in different ways. Although some methods may overlap. Therefore, below are a few instructions on how to enable hidden files in all Windows - "seven", "eight", "ten" and XP. Plus, there is a universal way that works on all operating systems.

If you need to disable their display, then in the same window check the box "Do not show ...".

Second way:

  1. Go to Start, open the "Control Panel" and click on the "Folder Options" shortcut.
  2. Select the "View" section, scroll the slider down and activate the "Show ..." item.
  3. Save changes by clicking "Apply".

And the third way:

  1. Open any folder.
  2. Click the Alt button and the following menu will appear.
  3. Click Tools - Folder Options.
  4. A familiar window will open: to enable the display of hidden files, go to the "View" tab and check the box "Show ...".

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Choose whichever method suits you best and use it at the right time.

When you turn on viewing hidden files in Windows 7 using any of the above methods, they will be visible everywhere. Including on a flash drive. You just need to connect it to a PC or laptop - and you will see the hidden folders (provided that they are there). The same goes for an external HDD.

We figured out the "seven", now let's move on to the "eight".

How to enable hidden files in Windows 8?

There are also 3 options to choose from. The first two are described above in the instructions for Windows 7. That is, you can enable hidden files in Windows 8 by typing the control folders command. Or by selecting the Folder Options shortcut in the Control Panel.

But there is another way to show hidden files in Windows 8:

  1. Open any folder.
  2. Select the "View" section.
  3. Click on Show or Hide, and then check the box next to Hidden Items.

Ready. And not only in the current folder, but also in the rest. The same methods will help display hidden files on a flash drive or external HDD drive- you just need to connect them to a computer or laptop.

The last method, which works on Windows 8, is also suitable for "tens"

To enable hidden files in Windows 10:

  1. Open any folder.
  2. Select the "View" section.
  3. Put a checkmark in the "Hidden Items" section.

After that, you will be able to see hidden folders and documents in any section hard drive or on a flash drive (it must be connected to a PC).

If you want to hide the folders again, uncheck this box.

There is also another way to enable the display of hidden files in Windows 10:

Ready. Now you can open any hidden files on Windows 10. As you can see, the methods on different versions of the OS are quite similar, but differ in small nuances.

Piggy today is not used by many users, but still consider it. How to view hidden files in XP

All - now you can open or delete hidden folders and documents.

If you don’t want to understand the differences between different versions of Windows, you can use the universal method

In this case, you only need to install the file Total manager Commander (download link). The program sees hidden documents and works on all Windows.

How to see hidden files in Total Commander? To do this, do the following:

Now all folders and documents in Total Commander will be visible. And you don't even have to go to windows settings and change folder display options.

Need to see hidden documents? Launch Total Commander and go to desired section hard drive. Or plug in a flash drive and then open it with this file manager.

As you can see, all ingenious is simple. Now you know how to show hidden files and make them visible. And if necessary, you can easily find them. The only advice: if you find any unfamiliar folders, do not delete them. After all, they may contain important system files, the removal of which will disrupt the operation of Windows.

Almost all system folders in the operating Windows system are hidden. This is done so that the user does not inadvertently remove some of the necessary components, as well as so that a lot of folders unnecessary for the average PC user do not clutter up his space on the computer. However, many games, programs and utilities require these folders to be changed for a full installation. The most common hidden folder to look for is called appdata, it stores temporary files of some games. To install a patch or add-on, you will need to access it. In this article, a hidden folder will be searched using the appdata example, you can search for any other folder, since the methods are universal.

How to find hidden folders using the command line

A very fast and simple method, but more suitable for those users who rarely encounter such a task. For this step, you do not need to adjust the visibility of folders and, in general, search for them yourself, the work will take place completely in a special Windows window.

  • Clamp Combination CTRL keys and R in the English layout, or CTRL and K in Russian.

This is a combination to call the search box window. From here, you can directly navigate to any folder, even the system folder. The search goes like this:

  • enter the name of the folder you are looking for, with a small letter;
  • on the sides of the name, put percent signs “%” without spaces;
  • click “OK” or press Enter.

Now wait for the system to respond.

  • All is ready. You have entered a hidden system folder. In this case, it is called appdata. You can also use this method to search regular folders in which it takes too long to open the path.

How to set the visibility of hidden folders

If you often have to work with hidden folders, or you need to open several of them at once, try setting the visibility of all hidden folders and files in the system. This method has a big plus - you can always see the folder, open it, change it, everything will happen exactly the same as with regular user folders. However, the downside is the cluttered space. You will constantly encounter system files that do not carry any information for ordinary user PC. Which method to use is up to you, try both, because everything can be returned back.

  • Let's see how exactly the folder appears on the example of appdata. Usually, it is located at "Disk C" - "Users" - "Username". As you can see, it's not in the screenshot.

  • Now go to the “Control Panel” through Start in the Computer Explorer.

  • Choose to show options by category. Find the line “Appearance and personalization”, click directly on its name.

  • Now you need to go to the "Folder Options" section, which is highlighted in green.

  • A special window with settings will open in front of you. First, go to the View tab at the top of the window.

  • Scroll the list all the way down. As soon as you see the line “Hidden folders and files”, pay attention to the sub-items. You need to check the box next to the words “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. Click "Apply" and then "OK".

  • Look in the system folder location directory. Now you can see the hidden appdata folder, it's grayed out and a little faded. This will be the case with all system folders that were hidden. At any time, you can return everything back.

Thus, we can conclude that the first method is suitable for those users who rarely need access to hidden folders. The second way is setting the visibility system folders for your further continuous work with them. If you are not a confident PC user, then it is better to bypass the second way so that you do not delete or change important system files by mistake, because this is fraught with a complete system failure.