Repair the remote control

Remote control not working.
Each of us sometimes faces the question
How to Repair a TV or DVD Remote Control ?
Everything is simple if you have even the slightest skills in repairing some kind of radio equipment.

I met a bunch of tips on the internet, like, and Is it worth repairing an old remote?? Of course it's worth it. Have you ever seen the offal of your own console and

of the rubbish that you will be offered in the nearest store? Then look:

In the native remote control there is a normal microcircuit on a ceramic base and in a plastic case.
In the cousin - a drop. The slightest blow or bend, and goodbye tracks. And they are sooo thin. And remotes, as you know, love to fly.
Spring contacts in Chinese fakes are usually made anyhow. Rubber bands have a very thin conductive layer and wear out in a couple of months.

And don't be fooled by the beautiful appearance new Chinese. It's not for long. You will wipe yourself off and you will not have time to look back.
As a last resort, if you are too lazy to bother with repairing your own remote control, use the Chinese one, but in no case throw away the one that came with the TV. The time will come and you will pat yourself on the head. Like - wow what a malades!

So, let's begin.

Disassembly of a modern console
- a terrible sight for the owner of the device because after unscrewing all the screws, the remote is torn apart like a nut. If there is, hard and thin plastic like bank card. If not, use a blunt screwdriver. You need to open carefully, but confidently. He won't get any worse.

1 . We take out the batteries and measure with the device. Must be at least 1.5 volts. And you can not show off and just change them for new ones. You should not take super-expensive ones, but cheap ones also have no place in your remote control. For the assholes are flowing. And this is the death of the remote control. Battery electrolyte is not friendly with copper tracks. Or rather, quite the opposite, but it will not help you much.

How can you tell a good battery from a bad one?
You don't need to be an expert to do this. A good battery is usually almost twice as heavy as a fake.
Appearance can also say a lot.

2 . Be sure to look at state of spring contacts. If they are clean and shiny, then move on. If dark or rusty or with a white coating, it's time to sand them with sandpaper or a needle file.

3 . We wipe the surface of the board with graphite contacts with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. I've been using wet alcohol wipes lately. Having them in stock is a must. It happens that there is nothing to wipe your hands with. And so at least peel off the remote control, at least a kinescope with a thick, thick layer of soot
Ideally, it is better to wash the gum with warm water, a soft brush and dishwashing detergent (Together with the body. It will be more pleasant to hold in your hands) If everything is done in conditions close to combat, then an alcohol wipe will do.
Salo on the remote by the way from our hands. On the insides of the TV and the remote control, a lot can be said about the owners of the devices. Seen a lot in 20 years.

4 . The best way to check the remote control is with a cell phone camera. Unlike our eyes, the camera sees infrared radiation. If when you press the button you see the rhythmic blinking of the LED - happiness smiled at you!

If it blinks without pressing a button, then one of the buttons is stuck, or there is too much kaki on the board.
By the way, the camera is unlikely to help you with this. There is an infrared filter and you will not see anything.

5 . If there is no reaction to pressing the buttons, the first thing to do is to replace quartz resonator. It can be of different types and you need to replace it exactly like that. In appearance, its integrity cannot be determined in any way, but believe me - this is the most fragile part in the remote control. Change it and you'll see. The detail is cheesy.

6 . Least likely to die Light-emitting diode. Instead, put any infrared, close in parameters and size. Or from another broken remote control.

7 . If your buttons work through one, you can:

a. Use a repair kit of nickels and glue.

b. Take supermoment gel and foil from a cigarette pack, it is made specifically for this purpose. One side is conductive, the other is paper, on which glue is applied. Piglets are cut out a little larger than the size of the button, with a toothpick we drip glue on the elastic band and with thin tweezers we sculpt a nickel and press it down.

in. Conductive varnish. It is profitable to buy only if you often repair the remote control, because a good one is expensive, and a bad one does not cost itself anything.

8 . There are still cracks in the board, remotes eaten by dogs and other rare occurrences. Here it is necessary to judge its maintainability solely in appearance.

Good luck to you!

The panels are not very different from one another. The repair technology is the same. Do the operations given in the article in sequence, from simple to complex, and you will succeed. First, change the batteries and clean the contacts, if it doesn’t help, take it apart, see if there are any external damage. And so on.

If the remote does not work, but you need to make it (a rare remote, expensive, or you just want to master it yourself), register on the forum:

and ask a question there. And we will definitely win.

If the remote control is rare, then a photograph of the board from both sides is highly desirable, with sufficient clarity to see all the details. It’s better to write a background right away - he fell, water got in ... And what they themselves did to make it work.

Added December 25, 2015.
If your remote stops working after being dropped, replace the quartz first., and then check the rest of the circuit. As a result of the fall, it is he who most often suffers. The main thing do not start scientific researchjust replace the quartz with the same.

The first part of the article was told to control household television equipment.

Despite all the technological breakthroughs, the increase in speed and the number of commands, the improvement in the design and noise immunity of the remote control are, perhaps, the most vulnerable unit of the TV and video equipment. It is he who gradually or immediately stops working, perplexing the owners. Next, various typical malfunctions consoles remote control and methods for their elimination.

The TV does not respond to any of the remote control buttons

Here the question immediately arises - what to do, and who is to blame. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to start checking with what is simpler, namely with the remote control. First of all, you need to check if the remote control works at all. To do this is quite simple. It is enough to bring the remote control LED to the camera lens, which is in any phone, and press any button. In this case, flashes of the remote control LED will be visible on the viewfinder screen. The color can be from white to bluish, everything, apparently, depends on the camera.

If these flashes are present, then we can assume that the remote control is almost serviceable. Pressing all the buttons in turn allows you to test each button individually. Before doing this test, it is advisable to check the batteries. The easiest option is to replace the batteries with new ones or check the existing ones with a multimeter.

Checking batteries with a multimeter

The best way to do this is in measurement mode. direct current on the 10A range. At lower limits it is possible to blow a 250mA fuse inside the instrument. Unlike batteries, batteries are not afraid of short circuits, and if you manage to measure the current within 200..500mA, then everything is in order. It is better to check separately for each battery, so it is easier to hold it in your hands along with the probes of the device.

If you measure the voltage on the batteries, then you need to load them, otherwise even unusable batteries can show the presence of voltage. In the process of checking - replacing batteries, you should pay attention to the contact plates in the battery compartment. If oxide deposits or rust are found, the plates should be cleaned with sandpaper or even a not very large needle file.

To avoid scandals at home, the number of TVs must be at least two. This is the best option for checking a "suspicious" remote control. It is certainly known that the remotes are suitable (or not suitable) for both home TVs.

If the batteries were changed, the camera was looked at, and there were no light pulses from this, then the remote control will have to be disassembled.

A small note: if the normal operation of the remote control stopped immediately after it was dropped on the floor, then first of all after disassembling it is worth paying attention to the ceramic resonator.

Remote control disassembly

All consoles are arranged and disassembled quite uniformly. The first thing to do is remove the batteries from the battery compartment. In the same compartment, carefully look for mounting screws here, as a rule, this is their place. But often there may not be screws at all. In this case, you can begin to divide the remote control into two halves.

To do this, a suitable tool, such as a screwdriver, is slipped into the connecting seam. Some descriptions of such a procedure say that the screwdriver may leave traces in the form of chips and scratches. Therefore, it is safer in this regard to use the usual credit card, which are issued in immeasurable quantities in any "magnet" or "spar". The main thing is to successfully get to the first latch without breaking it, and then gradually and carefully open the rest.

After the console is open, the lower part can be set aside for the time being. The entire remote control will remain in the upper part. The console with the bottom cover removed is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Remote control with cover removed

Here we see the reverse side of the circuit board. On the left side is an IR LED, and the yellow square in the lower right corner is nothing more than a ceramic resonator. There are also contacts of the battery compartment and the only electrolytic capacitor for the entire remote control.

If no signs of life were found when checking with a camera, then you should immediately check the appearance of the LED and resonator, inspect their soldering. If they are oxidized or have annular cracks, then they should be re-soldered. It is better not just to pierce with a soldering iron, but to remove these parts from the board, clean and tin the leads, and only then put them in place.

If a printed circuit board removed from the case, then a rubber base with buttons will be found under it, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Buttons, when pressed, close the contact pads on the printed circuit board.

The part side board is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Remote Control Board

Figure 3 shows the upper part of the rubber base, on which the pushers of the buttons are located.

Figure 4. Upper part of rubber base with remote control pushers

The mentioned pushers are inserted into the sockets when assembling the remote control top cover(Figure 5), at the same time being a fixing element of the rubber base.

Figure 5

In the pictures, everything is shown decently enough and cleanly, since shortly before that, the remote control underwent minor repairs. As a rule, any remote control opened for repair is a rather pathetic and even heartbreaking sight.

What can be seen inside the remote control

The entire space where the rubber base with buttons is located is filled with a transparent sticky and viscous liquid that looks like epoxy resin, only without a hardener. This liquid is smeared with a neat thin layer, in places with small droplets. Even if you try, it will not work so well and accurately right away.

This sticky liquid is everywhere. On the top and bottom side of the rubber button base, on the top of the case with button sockets. The upper part of the printed circuit board with contact pads is also smeared with this glue ...

The origin of this adhesive is the subject of discussion and even debate in repair circles. Some say that it is fat from the fingers, others that it is fumes from batteries. But why then these fumes are not covered Bottom part boards where there are no details?

The most likely version seems to be that these sticky connections come from the rubber base itself. Rubber, as it were, sweats, releasing plasticizers out of itself, which indicates a violation of the technology for the production of rubber products. But the question arises, why are there so many substandard products? Indeed, in almost every remote control that gets into repair, just such a defect is noticed.

These evaporated plasticizers are most often the cause of failure of the remote control. Outwardly, such a defect manifests itself in the fact that the buttons stop being “pressed”, you have to increase the applied force, but after a while this also does not lead to the passage of commands. You can press as hard as you like, for a long time, several times, but the channels do not switch, the volume is not adjusted ...

Several ways to repair

There are a lot of recipes, tips and opinions on how to deal with this phenomenon. One source advises to immediately wipe all this mess with alcohol, gasoline or acetone, another says that in no case. Who to believe? I will share my own poor experience in the field of remote control repair, there were few customers, mostly relatives, neighbors and acquaintances, but the simplicity of the device and repair allows us to draw certain conclusions. And if you listen to what they write on the Internet ...

Once cleaning such a remote control with alcohol led to its complete failure. If before cleaning only a few buttons (apparently the most frequently used ones) worked poorly, then almost all of them stopped working. Therefore, I had to resort to another method of repair, but it was deposited in my memory that these buttons cannot be washed with alcohol.

Much best result, if the board has such a snotty appearance, it can bring washing of the board and rubber bands with buttons with not very hot water using modern means for dish washing. It should be noted that here you can also overdo it: if you wash the rubber base with very energetic movements and press harder, then the result can be exactly the opposite. The graphite coating will be washed off the buttons, and then you can press them as much as you like, while not at all fearing that pressing the button will cause the channel to switch or the volume to be adjusted.

If the graphite coating has not been washed off before, then it should be washed with a soft cloth, with gentle, blotting movements that will never erase the graphite coating. The inside of the case and the printed circuit board are best washed with a brush used to clean glass jars and bottles. It is quite good if, before washing the snot, the parts of the disassembled remote control for some time, 20 ... 30 minutes, lie in a detergent solution.

After washing, be patient, wait until the parts dry and only then assemble the remote control in the reverse order. If such washing gave a positive result, the remote control worked, it remains only to rejoice at the result. Otherwise, you can offer several more ways to repair.

What to do if the buttons are worn to the ground

For these situations, solutions already exist: repair kits for repairing the remote control are sold. The bag contains a tube of glue and round rubber spots with a graphite coating. Just smear and stick where you want. There are even instructions on how to stick. A more modern version of the repair kit is self-adhesive patches. Everything is quite simple here. In such cases, just wiping the rubber buttons with alcohol or another solvent will not hurt.

But, unfortunately, it is not possible to buy such semi-finished products everywhere and not always, although the price of the question is simply ridiculous: where are we and where is the radio market ... In these cases, we have to use various improvised means. One of the best materials available is aluminum foil with paper backing from cigarette packs. It is glued quite reliably and simply with any Moment type glue or superglue from small tubes.

Another option for repairing the remote control is to smear the buttons with conductive adhesives and varnishes, such as Contactol or Ellast. There are also many different opinions about this method, which is better is not yet clear. Apparently, everything is simple: whoever did it well, he praises and vice versa.

Of course, modern remote control prices are not high, and it’s easier than inventing something, going and buying a new one. But, it happens that the TV is so old that not a single modern remote control is suitable. Most likely it's time to buy a new TV along with the remote control. Or still repair the old remote control.

If at one point the buttons on the TV remote control stop being pressed, or the buttons are pressed, but the TV does not respond to pressing, it's time to fix the remote control. Possible causes of failure: You accidentally flooded the case with water or dropped the device on the floor. If we already told readers how to perform, then this technology repair is clearly not difficult for novice electricians. Next, we will tell you why the TV remote control does not work and how to repair it yourself!


If the buttons on the TV remote do not work, for starters, no matter how trite it may sound, check the batteries by replacing them with new ones. The situation has not changed? Try turning the camera on mobile phone, point it at the diode in front and see if it flashes when you press the buttons. The fact is that a person cannot see infrared radiation, but the camera captures it, as seen in the photo.

Diode not flashing? So, in order to repair the remote control from the TV with your own hands, you need to disassemble it and check the condition inside. To begin with, pull out the batteries and check if there are any screws under them that hold the case together, then make a visual inspection of the back cover for the presence of screws. After unscrewing all fasteners, insert a straight screwdriver at the junction of the two parts of the case and separate them, as shown in the photo below.

Some models of TV remote controls are fastened with conventional latches, i.e. without screws. To disassemble such a housing, it is enough to simply separate the connecting parts with a straight screwdriver. This must be done carefully so as not to damage or scratch the plastic!

So, the case is disassembled, now you need to carefully inspect all the details yourself: the board, the contact pads of the buttons, the spring contacts for the batteries, the emitting diode, the conductive tracks and ceramic quartz.

Let's start with spring contacts for batteries. See if the contact from the microcircuit has soldered off, if everything is in order, let's move on. No - take a soldering iron and carefully solder it. By the way, you can if you don’t have a normal tool at hand.

Also look at the state of the spring itself, which is in contact with the battery, it may be very dirty and rusty. If so, to repair the TV remote control with your own hands, you need to clean it with sandpaper.

The next possible reason is contamination of the button contacts with oily dirt. The appearance of this dirt is a long use of the device, as a result of which the condensate of fat from the skin of the hands settles on the contact pads. If these pads are rubber, you need to wipe them yourself well with a swab dipped in alcohol or with wet wipes. Also wipe the board, because. it is possible that dirt closes the contacts, as a result of which the buttons on the remote control from the TV do not work.

If the contacts are graphite-coated, the malfunction may lie in the fact that this coating has worn off over time. Repairing the TV remote control in this case is quite simple - you need to take the foil from the chocolate bar, cut it into small squares and glue the paper side to the contacts.

By the way, if the buttons on the TV remote control are poorly pressed, you need to press hard on them, the cause of the malfunction is the same and you can repair the device by cleaning the contacts or restoring them.

If only some of the buttons do not work, and then the most necessary ones - turning on the TV, switching the volume or channels, then most likely the graphite coating has worn out on them!

Also possible cause breakage may be a malfunction of ceramic quartz. If the remote control does not work after a fall, then you can be 95% sure that this circuit element has broken. It is quite simple to determine this on your own - shake the board, and if a rustle is heard from the quartz, then it is not functioning. Repair in this case comes down to replacing the quartz.

If you can turn off / on the TV, switch programs or sound only at close range, either dead batteries or a diode are to blame. In the latter case, you can check the health of the emitting diode at home visual inspection soldering, as well as checking through the phone's camera. If the diode is really stuck, it will also have to be replaced.

Well, the last malfunction is damage to the contact tracks. If you see cracks on the chip, then repairs will be inappropriate here, and it's best to just buy a new remote control device.

You can clearly see how to repair some of the faults yourself in the video examples below:

Change buttons on Samsung remote control

How to fix the tracks on the board?

Proper cleaning of pads

How to stick pieces of foil on rubber contacts?

What else is important to know?

If the buttons on the TV remote do not work, you can also repair them yourself by buying a repair kit with ready-made patches and glue. Of course, it costs a lot, but one such kit is enough to repair 3-4 devices.

You can also, instead of sticking patches, just drop a special glue called “contactol” onto the fat-free rubber contacts of the buttons. The only problem is that it is quite expensive, but for a novice electrician, such glue is useful at home in order to repair other electrical appliances.

Finally, I would like to note that if your TV remote control sticks or does not work due to dirty buttons, after thorough cleaning we recommend wrapping the device in a bag (even special ones are sold) or in a thin film. In this case, the fat will not fall on the microcircuit and contact pads.

That's all I wanted to talk about why the TV remote does not work and how to repair it yourself at home! We hope that the instruction with photo and video examples was useful for you!

Over time, the buttons on remotes / gamepads stop working normally, but this does not mean at all that they have worn out and need to be changed.

The article is aimed at beginners, because every seasoned brainer has probably known this for a long time.

I remember an incident four years ago. I'm going home after school, and next to me is a man of 40-50 years old with a remote control from a Chinese TV set. I gave him a curious look. He, as if in excuse, began to tell, they say, the buttons began to work poorly, so he was going to look for a new one. On the remote control was a worn, barely noticeable inscription of some incomprehensible and new company for me. He asked if I didn't know where I could find one, but I suggested that he just clean the contacts with a rubber band.

This is what we will do now!

We unscrew the screws and use a screwdriver to separate the two parts of the remote control. Every self-respecting remote control has special places from which disassembly begins)). Be careful not to hurt him.

There is some liquid on the buttons. She caused the problem.

We clean everything with cotton wool and alcohol, and, if necessary, wipe the board with an ordinary clerical grater.

OK it's all over Now! By the way, I checked his work directly on the camera))



Everyone is familiar with the TV remote control today. And everyone knows that over time, something will definitely happen with the remote control. What to do, if buttons on tv remote not working and how to put the remote control in order - read the article.

Change batteries

If your remote has not been broken in half or into more pieces, but its performance leaves much to be desired, then the first thing to do is definitely change the batteries. As clichéd as it sounds, many people often forget about it. As a rule, AA and AAA batteries are used in TV remote controls, both of which are popularly called “finger-type”. Small ones are sometimes called "little fingers".

If the old batteries have not been changed for a long time, then this could lead to the leakage of electrolyte from them and to the oxidation of the battery contacts. So when replacing batteries, make sure that there is no oxide or rust on the contacts. If there are, then you should clean them off with a sharp knife.

The buttons on the remote do not work at all

If the matter is not in the batteries, then you should check the buttons, namely, press everything in a row. If the TV absolutely does not respond to button presses, then things are bad and here 2 options arise: either the remote control is completely out of order or there is a problem in the TV receiver.

The development and cheapening of technologies today have led to the fact that in the vast majority of cases, it is cheaper to buy new remote rather than fixing and digging with the old remote control. But if the purchase of a new remote control did not solve the problem with controlling the TV and it does not respond to any of the buttons, then there is already a problem in the TV itself.

The buttons on the remote do not work - some are either bad

If the buttons on the remote control do not work for you, but not all, but only some, or you have to make a lot of effort to operate them, then most likely the problem lies in the dirt that got inside the remote control. In this case, you should disassemble and wash the remote control.

Most often, the cause of a non-working remote control is spilled sweet tea, coffee or soda. Sugar dissolved in drinks forms a sticky film on surfaces that prevents the buttons from being pressed, acting as an insulator.

How to clean your TV remote

We remove the batteries and unscrew all the screws, if any. Often the screws can be hidden under some kind of stickers, rubber feet or in the battery compartment. Next, we hook all the plastic latches in a circle. We act carefully, without violent actions - they break easily.

Having removed the back cover of the remote control and having reached the insides, we remove the board. It can be held on with screws. If you look at the board, you can see wet stains on its surface. We will wash them.

Under the board is the keyboard elastic, which can be divided into two. The gum is also smeared in some kind of obscurity, so we will wash it too.

The principle of operation of these buttons is very simple - there are two closed contacts on the board. These black patterns are the contacts. If you look closely, they are scallops entering each other.

On an elastic band, on the inside of the buttons, there are closing circles. These circles, when pressed, close the contacts on the board. So the remote recognizes pressing, and then transmits the command to the TV. The button springs solely due to its shape and the fact that it is made of rubber.

In fact, these buttons are open design and, as a result, any dirt between the contacts of the board and the trailing pad inevitably leads to worse operation.

How to wash the remote

Having disassembled the remote control, we separate all the plastic and rubber parts and go to the bathroom, where we thoroughly rub the remote control case with a soapy brush, and then thoroughly rinse it from soap residue.

Rubber bands should be treated more gently. The part of which they close the contacts of the board is a conductive material deposited on a rubber base. Do not scrub them with a brush. It is better to gently rub with soapy hands or just rinse under warm water.

We send the washed parts of the remote control to dry on your favorite towel. It is desirable that the towel was clean. You can also wipe it, but again, you should not rub the conductive places on the rubber bands.

We clean the remote control board from contamination

In the meantime, the whole thing is drying, let's clean the board.In general, I prefer to use pure alcohol for such purposes - it evaporates quickly, leaves no residue and dissolves any dirt well.

But its last property should be treated with caution, because it is not known whether the contact material on the board will withstand alcohol. I have not yet seen cases where the contacts are dissolved with alcohol, but just in case, I always try on less important buttons first.