The motherboard is the backbone of any computer. It depends on what components can be used in the computer. Therefore, when assembling or upgrading a computer, you need to know the exact name motherboard.

How to find out the name of the motherboard on a working computer

If you have a working computer and you need to know the name of the motherboard that it uses, then you do not need to disassemble the computer for this. All the necessary information about your motherboard can be obtained programmatically.

For example, you can simply and alternately execute two commands. First " wmic baseboard get Manufacturer" and then " wmic baseboard get product ". The first command will display information about the manufacturer, and the second command will display the exact name of the motherboard.

If you do not want to mess with the command line, then you can get information about the name of the motherboard using third-party programs. For example, you can use the CPU-Z program. This program collects all available information about the configuration of the computer and provides it in a convenient form. At the same time, CPU-Z is completely free and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. After downloading the CPU-Z program, you need to run it and go to the “MainBoard” tab in it. All basic information about your motherboard will be available here, including the name of the motherboard manufacturer and model name.

Also in the CPU-Z program on the "MainBoard" tab, you can get information about the chipset and BIOS that are used on the motherboard. On other tabs CPU-Z programs you can see the information about the processor, random access memory and video card.

How to find out the name of the motherboard if the computer is not working

If your computer does not work or you have not even assembled it yet and you need to find out the name of the motherboard, then the methods described above will not help you. In your case, you need to inspect the motherboard itself. In most cases, the name will be stamped on the motherboard itself. The name is written capital letters, so it will not be possible to confuse it with other inscriptions.

And, even if the drivers were installed automatically or using specialized programs, you will not be able to upgrade your computer without knowing anything about the motherboard.

Search for packaging and receipts

The first way, the simplest and most commonplace, is to search for instructions and equipment boxes.

If the packaging has not yet been thrown away, it should also indicate the model of the board, and a number of other information.

If the box is no longer there, you can use sources of information such as:

  • A sales receipt (not to be confused with a cash receipt), on which the full name of the equipment is often written.
  • Equipment warranty card.

Advice! The coupon should be kept in any case, even after the end of the warranty - sometimes there are addresses and phone numbers of services where the board can be repaired in the event of a breakdown.

  • Installation disks. Often they are designed for several board models, but sometimes they are designed for only 1-2. And at least you will have an approximate name.

visual way

In order to determine the model of the board on the computer in a visual way, you will need to turn off the power, find a screwdriver of the right size and provide sufficient lighting.

  1. Unscrew the bolts from the side cover of the system unit. Sometimes there are two and both are removed. In this case, you most likely need a lid that has fewer ventilation holes.
    Or the opposite of the one that heats up the most when the computer is running;
  2. After removing the cover, look at the labeling of the board. It is not always in a conspicuous place. Often the "motherboard" is labeled with PCI slot or the processor.
  3. As you can see from the image, the name of the board in this case is H61MV-ITX. It is he who will have to be driven into the search bar of the browser to search for drivers or characteristics.

The above method cannot be called convenient and safe.

Firstly, because the system unit may be under warranty, and after opening the case, it will most likely be invalid.

Secondly, others can interfere with finding the name of the board installed devices, and it’s better not to shoot them without experience.

Thirdly, there are other options to find out the name of the board.

Using Windows Tools

One of the simplest and fast methods board name definition is to use command line to call system utilities.

This will require no installation additional programs, but just the following instructions:

  1. Open the "Run" menu (via "Start" or by pressing the keys "Windows" + "R");
  2. Enter the wmic baseboard get Manufacturer command (getting the manufacturer's name, for example, ASUSTek) and wmic baseboard get product (gives the board model, for example, P8H61-MX).

Another utility from Microsoft, launched through the same command execution menu, has similar functionality. Only msinfo32 is already entered in the window.

In the window that opens, you can find the characteristics of your motherboard. The parameters in the list may be in a different order and even in English.

However, as you can see, sometimes this method does not help to determine either the manufacturer or the model of the board.

However, just like previous version, using other commands. Therefore, it is possible that in order to determine the name of the “motherboard”, you will have to download and install additional software.

Software Definition

By using software Determining the parameters of the board is quite simple.

The problem can only arise if the missing drivers just do not allow you to connect to the Internet.

You can prevent such a situation by writing appropriate programs to a disk (not a system one) in advance.

CPU-Z utility

The program will allow you to get all the information about the processor and the board in a few seconds. Download it on the official website of the manufacturer.

After opening the program and going to the Mainboard tab, they look for the necessary data in the Manufacturer and Model lines.


The same task as CPU-Z is performed by the program formerly known as EVEREST. The problem with using it is that you can install it on your computer for free only for 30 days.

The extension of this period is paid, but a couple of minutes is enough to determine the brand of the fee.

You can find information by clicking on the Motherboard icon. The name of the board and a lot of other useful information will appear in the window that opens.

And if necessary, using the same program, you can update all the drivers for both the "motherboard" and other components.

How to find motherboard model

From this video you will learn how to determine the model of your motherboard (system) board.

How to find out, what motherboard model is installed on your computer or laptop? This information may be needed if you reinstalled Windows and now want to download required drivers on chipset, sound, network card. Or, for example, you decide to upgrade your computer and want to buy a new one more powerful processor. In this case, you also need to know the model of your motherboard.
In today's article I will tell you what are the ways to find out the model of the installed motherboard.

1. The first way is with command line. For me personally, this is the easiest way and, let's say, less energy-intensive.

To call the command line in Windows, go to "Start" - "Run" (or just press the keyboard shortcut Win+R). In the window that opens, type cmd and click OK:
The command line will launch. In it you need to enter the command:

for determining motherboard models: wmic baseboard get product

for determining motherboard manufacturer: wmic baseboard get manufacturer

After entering any command, press the key Enter on keyboard:

2. The second way to find out the motherboard model using Windows itself is to call the standard utility “System Information”.

Again we go to “Start” - “Run” (or just press the key combination on the keyboard Win+R). In the window that opens, enter the command msinfo32 and click OK:
will start System Information utility: here in the right column we will see the manufacturer and model of the motherboard (in rare cases, the standard utility does not display the name of the board):

3. The next way is to use third party program, which is called .

This program provides full information about the hardware installed in your computer. The program is paid, but the first 30 days of use is free.

Run the downloaded file - install the program. Then we open installed program and go to tab main board. Here we see the model and manufacturer of the motherboard:

5. The fifth way is not software. You can remove the system unit cover by unscrewing a couple of screws with a screwdriver. After that, carefully look at the motherboard - its name will be printed on the textolite of the board itself:

6. If you have left motherboard box, then you can see the name on it:

7. If preserved User's Manual to the motherboard, then the name will be written on its cover:

8. Also the model name of the motherboard can be see immediately after turning on the computer(during the self-test of the board). To do this, press the key Pause on the keyboard (to pause the download) and read the name of the motherboard on the monitor screen. It will be written above the processor model:

After some time, the computer needs to be upgraded. Some users prefer to upgrade by buying a new computer, others replace old components with new ones.

Before buying new components for a PC (video card, processor, RAM, and others), you need to know the characteristics and model of the motherboard. This is necessary in order to avoid component incompatibilities.

Physical examination

For physical inspection of the installed motherboard, it is necessary to disassemble the system unit.

In order to disassemble the system unit, you must:

This method is suitable for owners of stationary computers.

Important! ASUS motherboard manufacturers write the model name near the PCI-E connector, GIGABYTE places information about the board near the RAM slot, MSI, like ASUS, most often places information near the PCI-E connector ".

Standard Windows Tools

If the user, due to inexperience, cannot disassemble the system unit and see which motherboard is installed, then you can use standard means operating system Windows, such as: bios and command line.

You can also use the regular utilities of the operating system.

To use the System Information utility, you must complete the following steps:

Important! The regular System Information utility may not display information about the motherboard.

Also, to establish the model, you can use the standard Windows utility"DirectX Diagnostic Tools".

To use the DirectX Diagnostic Tools utility, you must complete the following steps:

Important! Data may not be displayed. In this case, the "Computer Model" item will contain the "System Product Name" information.

Another standard method for defining a model is the PostScreen check. Post check occurs during computer startup.

Important! Modern computers pass the Post check almost instantly, so this screen may not be displayed during PC startup.

Video: information about bios, motherboard and processor

Through Bios

You can find out the model of the motherboard through the BIOS.

In order to find out the model of the motherboard through the BIOS, you must:

Method two:

Command line

One of the most simple ways find out which motherboard is on the computer - this is through the command line. The user does not need to install additional software, it is enough to call a command line window.

To determine the model of the motherboard through the command line, you must:

First team "wmic baseboard get Manufacturer". With this command, you can determine the manufacturer of the motherboard;
Second team "wmic baseboard get product". With the help of the command, you can directly determine the model of the motherboard;

  • then it remains only to enter the desired command.

The second way looks like this:

The third way to determine using the command line looks like this:

Find out what motherboard I have on my computer in Everest

You can find out the model of the motherboard using specialized software. Everest (today the program is called AIDA64) allows you to make a deep analysis of a personal computer.

With Everest you can learn about technical specifications PC, test the processor (CPU), video card (GPU), RAM. Everest allows you not only to find out the characteristics of the computer, but also to update the system drivers by providing download links to the manufacturers' official pages.

Important! The program is distributed shareware and has a trial period of 30 days.
The trial version of the program has significant functional limitations.

To find out the model and characteristics of the motherboard in the program, you must:

You can also determine the board model in Everest:

The everest program is the most effective in determining the model and characteristics system board.

This article looked at ways to determine the model of the motherboard. You need to choose only the most convenient way.

Do you know what the black box of your PC's system unit hides? Or a laptop case? Me not. Of course, I know what brand of processor is installed in my computer and how many gigs of RAM it has, but I can’t remember the model of the motherboard. And I don’t try, to be honest: why clog memory if I can easily determine it?

Today we’ll talk about how to find out which motherboard is on a computer or laptop. Not only on a working one, but also on a faulty one that does not start, does not load the system, or refuses to display an image on the screen.

Windows Tools: Fast, Easy, Sometimes Useless

If the computer turns on normally and loads the operating system, you will spend no more than a minute to determine the “mother” model. Windows provides 3 tools for this (maybe more, but enough for us):
  • Built-in System Information app.
  • DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
  • Console Windows program Management Instrumentation Command (WMIC).

To open " System Information» go to Windows search and start typing msinfo32. The information you are looking for will be displayed on the first tab:

In my example, Windows was able to recognize only the manufacturer of "mother". The model on some machines, as can be seen on the screen, remains unrecognized. It turns out that this tool is not very reliable, so let's go ahead and use the next one.

For start " Diagnostic toolsDirectX"Open the Windows search engine again and start typing the command dxdiag. The information we are interested in is also on the main tab of the application. It " Computer manufacturer" and " Computer model».

But what is? Is this tool also useless? Alas, it happens. In the second example, it was unable to determine either the manufacturer of the motherboard or its model. And if so, let's see what the third Windows tool is capable of.

Practice shows that the WMIC console utility produces much more informative results than the first and second ones. On the stationary computers it displays the correct information almost always, and I will say a few words about laptops a little lower. So, in order to find out with its help which motherboard is in system unit, execute two instructions in the Windows command line (or in the PowerShell console, as in my example):

Wmic baseboard get manufacturer

Wmic baseboard get product

As you already understood, first we determined the brand, then the model. Everything worked as it should, which means that this is the only Windows tool that is trustworthy.

Third Party Programs: More Information, More Options

Advantages third party applications, in particular those that I included in this article - not only more informative, but also the possibility of using outside the installed HDD operating system. They can be run when the computer is booted from, in various Windows Live CDs, and even under DOS. All this can be useful in cases where the computer does not load the OS.


B free software HWiNFO32/64- one of the best, in my opinion, tools for analyzing and monitoring the state of PC hardware resources. As for information about the motherboard, it displays not only its make and model, but also the version PCI bus, USB, multi-controller chip (Super I/O), chipset and BIOS feature set, and more. A knowledgeable user will receive almost exhaustive information about his hardware with the help of HWiNFO.

If you are only interested in the “mother” model, it is enough to open only the window in the program general information about the system ( Summaryonly). The data is in the field " mother board” in the lower left half of the window. More detailed information is contained in the main section.

HWiNFO is released separately for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. You can choose to download an installation or portable version for Windows, as well as for DOS.


The second popular utility that will quickly and for free show you basic information about the motherboard is CPU-Z, a product of developers from China.

The dossier on the "mother" is stored on the tab " main board". In addition to the brand, model and revision (highlighted with a red frame on the screen), CPU-Z shows:

  • Northbridge Chip ( chipset).
  • South Bridge Chip ( southbridge).
  • Multicontroller ( LPCIO).
  • Information about BIOS (subsection BIOS).
  • Discrete graphics interface( GraphicInterface).

The program is released in portable and installable versions. Also on the author's website there is a release of CPU-Z for older versions of the system, in particular, Windows 98.


AIDA64- a paid and very expensive application, but thanks to torrent trackers, this fact is of little concern today. Moreover, for our task, its trial version, which works for 1 month, is enough. Unlike the two previous utilities, Aida has a Russian-language interface, for which users love it even more. In addition, the program functions not only as an analyzer and monitor of hardware resources, it contains several sets of tests that are used to diagnose, evaluate the performance of devices and compare them with analogues (benchmark).

To find out with the help of Aida which model of the motherboard is on your computer, take a look at her section " Motherboard". The searched data is displayed in the list " Motherboard properties". Below is more information about it as a device: FSB (processor), memory and chipset parameters. Data about the chipset itself, the BIOS and the ACPI subsystem are placed on separate tabs.

In general, AIDA64 provides more detailed information than HWiNFO32, but some data is hidden in the trial version.

The utility is available in four editions for Windows, the most inexpensive of which is Extreme, which costs $39.95. There are installation and portable versions to choose from.

How to run HWiNFO, CPU-Z and AIDA64 in MSDaRT environment

The Windows Recovery Disk MSDaRT (Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset) is based on WinPE, a small operating system based on Windows kernel with a minimal set of services that can be booted from portable media. Programs installed on the computer's hard drive, with rare exceptions, do not run in the WinPE environment, so you can only work with their portable versions.
  • So, boot your computer from a flash drive or DVD with MSDaRT. Download any of the above utilities (or all three) on another PC and place them on a removable drive.
  • In the list of MSDaRT recovery tools, select " Conductor».
  • Open the drive with the program in Explorer and run the executable file.

Features of recognition of motherboards on laptops

In all the considered tools, and not only they, running on a laptop, can display information not about the motherboard, but about the model of the device. Or about a whole series of models, as, for example, in this screenshot:

The name of laptop motherboards does not match the name of the models. The exception is Asus products, among which this occurs, but also not always. Very often determine the model of a laptop motherboard software tools impossible.

In general, very few companies equip their laptops with boards of their own production - the same Asus, Apple, Samsung and MSI. The rest buy them from other manufacturers. Yes, motherboard brands Quanta stand in Sony VAIO, Acer, HP laptops. "Moms" Asus can be found in Dell and Samsung devices. boards Wistron equip their products with Lenovo, Acer, Dell. foxconn found in Sony VAIO and Compaq. Compal put in Acer, Toshiba, Lenovo and many more. clevo can be found in DNS and DEXP. Inventec installed in laptop brands HP, Compaq, Toshiba Satellite. These are only the most common manufacturers of mobile motherboards and only some brands of laptops in which they are used.

How to identify the motherboard of a non-working computer and laptop

The only way to determine the model of the device installed in a faulty device is to find information on the device itself. In the case of desktop motherboards, this is not difficult - the model name is printed large on their front side. Most often it is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bPCI-express connectors or near the processor socket. If it is not visible, most likely it is covered by the cooling system or video card.

On laptops, everything is again confused and classified. Information in uncoded form is again found in Asus(thanks to them for that). The model and revision of the motherboard is indicated before the phrase " MAINBOARD”, in my example it is K72DR rev 3.0 . A corporate logo is placed next to or somewhere on the same side of the board.

Samsung labels its platforms like this: the top line starts with the word " MODEL”, followed by its name ( BremenM). bottom line contains revision information.

motherboards Compal International are identified by the characteristic two-letter marking " LA” followed by 4 digits. Some models have a P after the numbers.

Platform marking Quanta, which points to the model, is not easy to see. It is the only inconspicuous line starting with " DAO" or " DA". Next comes 8-9 characters. The model name is part of this line between DA (DAO) and MB. This example shows the labeling of the Quanta LZ3A motherboard.

Platform Model Details Wistron are inside a small white rectangle. A fragment of the Wistron LA56 motherboard is shown here. The two remaining lines with numbers are the version and part number of the motherboard (starts with 48). If the model has a verbal name, it is indicated in the first line.

Boards from other manufacturers also have unique identification marks, but I see no reason to list everything here, since there are quite a few of them. Then, laptop owners rarely need such information, because everything you need - drivers, BIOS, spare parts, etc., can be found, knowing only the model of the device. And with this, problems, as a rule, do not arise.