Need a doctor's consultation, but there is no way to come to the clinic?

Use the online consultation service, contact EMC doctors from anywhere in the world through your Personal Account.

Possibilities of online consultation:

    Consultation on previously prescribed treatment.

    Interpretation of survey results.

    Obtaining a second opinion of leading EMC specialists - experts from the USA, Western Europe, Israel, Russia.

    Get expert answers to your health concerns.

At the request of the patient, a remote written consultation is also possible - receiving recommendations from a specialist based on the results of the analysis of medical records.

Benefits of online consultation:

    Convenience: You can get advice from a qualified EMC specialist without a visit to the clinic from anywhere in the world (from home, from work, on a business trip or on vacation).

    Confidentiality. We use our own secure data and information repositories.

The cost of an online consultation can be viewed.

The online consultation service is provided in the following areas:

How to get an online specialist consultation service

    An online consultation is conducted through the EMC Patient Account. If you do not have a Personal Account, register in the Google Play / App Store mobile application or.

    To schedule an online consultation, contact the call center or sign up in the EMC Patient Account. Log in to your account, select a specialist, type of recording - "Video consultation", date and time of recording.

    In order for the doctor to see your medical documents (diagnostic images, test results, etc.) during the consultation, we ask you to attach these documents to your Personal Account and give the doctor access to your medical record.

    At the appointed time, the doctor will contact you, after the consultation, you will see the doctor's recommendations in your Personal Account.

Before you ask a doctor a question, you need to understand the purpose of your appeal well. Sometimes, an incorrectly formulated patient's question provokes an unreliable or biased answer from a specialist. Guided by what principles, the doctor answers questions? How to ask about symptoms and treatment correctly so that a paid or free consultation is effective?

When a person asks a doctor a question, wanting to get advice, he is guided by the following principles or needs:

  • wants to understand the causes of his malaise, illness;
  • wants to know the history of the disease that interests him;
  • wants to learn about modern methods of treatment of the disease of interest;
  • needs to receive recommendations regarding his health or illness;
  • wants to consult about the illness of a relative, a child;
  • considers that the methods of treatment he used are ineffective;
  • wants to receive recommendations within the framework of the diagnosis - lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, side effects, prospects for recovery;
  • wishes to be consulted regarding alternative methods of treatment;
  • wants to know about the side effects of the drugs he takes;
  • needs to draw up a plan of preventive measures for alarming symptoms;
  • wants to learn how to prevent complications after diagnosis.

If a person has health problems, due to anxiety, various feelings may arise, for example, such as anxiety, fear, worries. Obeying the negative, people may choose the wrong strategy when trying to ask a question to their doctor online or in person. Instead of being objective and impartial, the patient then tends to talk more about his experiences than about the issue that really worries him. So, he unconsciously tries to get rid of the anxiety that overwhelms him.

Therefore, before asking questions to the doctor through online services for free or for a fee, you should calm down, calm your anxious feelings and fear. Otherwise, there is a risk of paying for a consultation, but not getting the desired answer, spending time working through your own anxiety.

Today, every person has the opportunity to ask a doctor a question online, to do it for free and without prior registration. However, at the same time, people sometimes avoid consulting about treatment. This happens for several reasons:

  • they are afraid to hear that the disease is incurable, it requires large financial costs, effort, changes in lifestyle. Silence and inaction, in such cases, will not lead to good result on the contrary, the physical condition may worsen, and the specialist will not know about it and will not be able to give timely recommendations regarding treatment;
  • do not trust the doctor for various reasons - they doubt his competence, experience, proposed methods of treatment;
  • believe that the disease or symptom will go away on its own, and the need to be interested is not important. In this case, the person avoids accepting his illness, perhaps because he is afraid to hear that it is difficult to treat or requires changes in the conditions of his lifestyle, and he is not ready for this.

Do not be afraid and resist communicating with specialists. When a doctor communicates with a patient and answers his questions, certain relationships are formed between them, thanks to which a person receives information about his health, and the doctor has the opportunity to prevent the development of complications, provide timely assistance, and confirm professional competence.

In addition, during communication, the doctor can hear from the patient the details of his condition, which will facilitate the diagnosis and search for treatment methods.

Currently, there are no major barriers to getting quality medical advice on health, wellness and prevention. The patient can ask a question of interest to the attending physician online, at a personal meeting - free of charge or by paying for the necessary consultation time.

The doctor gives information about the symptoms, disease and diagnosis, based on his knowledge and experience. In addition, when answering questions, he can be guided by assumptions that have proven their effectiveness in his medical practice and are objective.

During a medical consultation, the doctor takes into account the medical history, age, mental and individual characteristics of a person. Only with an integrated approach to health and well-being, it provides objective and high-quality information.

Today, there are many Internet sites where each person has the opportunity to ask a free, interesting question to a doctor without the registration procedure on the site.

Questions to a specialist via the Internet

It is worth remembering that the more specific the question is, the more likely it is that the doctor's answer will be detailed, complete and satisfy the patient's needs.

Sometimes, the desire to ask about a disease or disturbing symptoms is hidden by the unconscious processes of the personality. For example, a person is afraid of the consequences of his diagnosis or how the operation will go, and this fear fills all of him. In this case, people tend to behave not very objectively - they, having paid for a doctor's consultation, do not delve into what he says or writes about, because they are disturbed by anxiety or fear. Psychologically, a person wants his anxiety to be understood and needs to share negative feelings, but the doctor, who is waiting for a question within the framework of the disease, is unaware of such internal processes.

The specialist, during such communication, may seem incompetent, because he will not be able to satisfy the patient's need for security, calmness and understanding.

Therefore, the questions that will be asked to narrow specialists or attending physicians should be thought out in advance, consciously, quite simple and not have a double, secret meaning.

This possibility exists on many sites on the Internet. In order to get information about the disease of interest, advice on the prospects for treatment, side effects of drugs, alternative methods, the development of symptoms, you must first register on the site that offers free help physician within the framework of medical services. To do this, you need to provide your details and email.

The next step is to choose a doctor or referral. In most cases, online help can be obtained from such specialists as: therapist, dermatovenerologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, cardiologist, neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, oncologist, gynecologist, urologist, allergist, orthopedist, surgeon, endocrinologist, andrologist, mammologist and others.

Usually, site services are provided to their customers full information about specialists with whom you can quickly contact online and find out answers about the disease that worries. Thanks to this, a person has the opportunity, before asking, to get acquainted with a brief medical portfolio of the selected specialist. Most often, it mentions work experience, education, academic degree, specialization, sometimes personal preferences and professional path. So, the user has the opportunity to choose a doctor on their own.

Particularly trusted are specialists who have already answered a large number of questions - open access for all readers. Having become acquainted with them, a person has the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the individual and professional characteristics of the doctor, his objectivity and competence. After writing a question, it should be sent to the doctor and wait feedback. Usually, confirmation of its receipt comes to the e-mail specified during registration.

How to get a free consultation with a doctor?

This service is popular on many medical portals. In addition, on some sites you can ask a question of interest to any doctor without registration. This is easy to do - you just need to follow the prompts of the site. As a rule, these are: choosing a specialist, describing the problem, sending a message.

Sometimes, patients remain dissatisfied with communication with the doctor, experience strong negative feelings after trying to find out about their health or disease. One of the reasons for this is wrong question asked. Therefore, in order not to be disappointed by misinformation, you need to know what you should not ask your doctor about.

List of prohibited questions:

Does the doctor consider the patient's disease completely curable? He can express his personal opinion, however, without having a medical history and the results of a comprehensive examination, the risk of an erroneous answer increases. Then, if he says "yes", the patient may be very disappointed if the doctor's words are not confirmed. In the case of an incorrect negative answer, the person will also be disappointed in the doctor and begin to judge his competence biasedly. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since, in addition to the diagnosis, one should take into account the symptoms, heredity, age, occupation of the patient and his desire to improve his health.

Please choose a treatment that will definitely “put you on your feet”. It is impossible to ask for such guarantees from a doctor if communication with him takes place in the format of a video consultation or online correspondence. This variant of the question is acceptable in a personal meeting, however, in this case, it can be problematic to get a lifetime guarantee for recovery.

Questions about the doctor's personal opinion regarding a particular disease will not contribute to the patient's understanding of the causes of the disease and how to treat it.

Usually people ask the “wrong” questions and get angry when their interest is not met or a medical error occurs, in the same case: in the presence of severe anxiety and fear. Usually such feelings overwhelm patients with serious diseases that threaten life and require physical, emotional and financial costs. Therefore, in combination with medical treatment, people with serious diagnoses, which sometimes sound like a sentence, are recommended the mandatory help and support of a psychotherapist.

What to do if the doctor's answers are not clear?

It happens that a person received an answer from a specialist, however, it is difficult for him to understand the terminology used by the doctor when he wrote or said the answer. Some, hearing incomprehensible words, are afraid of their diagnosis or symptoms, even more. To avoid this, the patient is advised, if he uses the correspondence format in the consultation, to read the reviews of other people about the specialist he wants to contact. Also, you can read his answers to other users. Thus, it will become clear in what form the specialist answers, how accessible his language is for a person who is far from medical concepts, how detailed and complete he gives the answer.

When a person decides to ask a doctor a question online, he, having done so, eagerly awaits an answer. If he turns to the doctor for free, without the registration procedure, then he will have to wait a while until his question is processed by the site administrator and an answer is given to him. The more questions a specialist has and if his activity on the site is high - every day he gives advice on dozens of questions - then you may have to wait for an answer for more than one day. This format of counseling is suitable for non-urgent questions, the answers to which do not depend on the methods of treatment and the patient's well-being does not worsen.

If a person urgently needs a doctor - he wants to get help, recommendations or even call him to his house - then the procedure for communicating with a specialist online is not suitable. In this case, it is better to give up the desire to ask a doctor a question via the Internet, without registration. Instead, you should call the clinic and make an appointment with the right specialist, or if the symptoms are life-threatening, call an ambulance.

about telemedicine, which has been launched since January 1 this year, it is impossible to make a diagnosis during an online consultation. The initial visit is made by the patient in person. But with a second online appointment, the doctor already has the opportunity to adjust the prescribed treatment.

During an online consultation, the doctor can:

    to collect an anamnesis and complaints of the patient and, based on the data collected, recommend to the patient a visit to the appropriate specialist;

    tell how to prepare for diagnostic measures and for a visit to a specialized specialist;

    help to orient in analogues of drugs, in the compatibility of prescribed drugs;

    help to decipher the analysis data.

If there is already a diagnosis and treatment is prescribed, the citizen has the right to contact the attending physician with additional questions online.“For example, patients with chronic conditions will now be able to receive prescriptions electronically if they first visit a doctor in person and receive an appointment with a diagnosis and treatment,”- tells Elizaveta Ivakhnenko, head of the telemedicine department of the DOC+ mobile clinic. Truth, Doctors will be able to issue certificates and prescriptions in electronic form when the Ministry of Health publishes the relevant regulatory legal acts.

Telemedicine assistance will be provided as a fee- within the framework of the system of additional medical insurance, and free of charge- at the expense of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. To receive telemedicine services, patients will need to log in to the State Services website.

According to Natalya Belova, Head of the Individual Insurance Products Department at Sberbank Life Insurance,online consultations will be especially relevant for residents of remote regions, where there is an acute shortage of doctors, especially highly specialized ones.

How it works

All telemedicine services work on a similar principle.

1. Need to download mobile app and register.

2. Choose a doctor, date and time of consultation.

3. Pay for a consultation.

4. Get a consultation when the doctor contacts at the appointed time.

5. Tell the doctor about your request, be ready to answer clarifying questions about your condition.

How much does it cost

So far, there are 4 paid online services in Russia that anyone can use- Doc+, "Doctor nearby", "Online Doctor" and Yandex.Health.

FROM the cost of services on each of them is based on its own principles. On some- based on the qualifications and experience of the doctor, on other- a fixed cost of the service is set, regardless of additional factors.

Services of online consultations with doctors

*The price depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor

The most democratic tariffs- at the Yandex.Health service. The first consultation costs 199 rubles (some doctors- 299 rubles), subsequent- 499 rubles. According toGrigory Bakunov, head of the Yandex.Health service,prices depend on the specialization of the doctor.

The Doctor Nearby service has one of the most inflexible tariffs- regardless of the profile of the doctor and his experience, the price of the consultation is fixed- 1200 rubles. For comparison- a personal consultation in the same clinic costs 1550 rubles.

Grigory Bakunov from Yandex.Healthnotes that the difference in the price of online and offline services depends on different cities and clinics, but on average, an online consultation is still two to three times cheaper. “In the future, prices are likely to equalize, because online and offline doctors do the same job,”- expert predicts.

Personal consultations in clinics are really more expensive today. For example, the initial appointment with a general practitioner, as well as specialized doctors (gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist) in the Medsi clinics on Solyanka, Polyanka or Prechistenka costs 1,800 rubles. In the clinic "Medicina" an appointment with a therapist will cost 4300 rubles, and with a specialized doctor- at 4990 rubles.

A little apart from other services is "Capsule". It does not have the ability to talk to the doctor in a video chat, but you can ask a question in writing. The correspondent of asked a question about how not to get sick with colds in winter, and received a free answer after 3 minutes. The doctor, who was online at the time, replied that“For the prevention of diseases, a balanced and nutritious diet, a sufficient number of hours of sleep, and the absence of excessive stress (physical and emotional) are necessary.”

To continue the dialogue with the doctor, it was necessary to replenish the account in personal account. As noted on the site,a doctor's answer within 2 hours costs 200 rubles, and if you want to convene a mini-consultation and find out the opinion of 3 specialists on an issue that concerns you, you will need to pay 500 rubles.

What other services are there

Insurers have long begun to actively include online consultation services in their voluntary health insurance programs. For example, the Renaissance Insurance group and the Doctor Nearby clinic network have already done this. Sberbank last year bought almost 80% of the DocDoc project, which also plans to develop telemedicine. Also in 2017, AlfaStrakhovanie-Life, together with the Online Doctor service, launched the Good Health product.

“Insurers see telemedicine as a additional option to the classic voluntary medical insurance, which will allow the settlement of insured events, or as a service option to other personal insurance contracts (for example, life insurance), which increases the customer value of the products”,-

Finding an experienced medical professional who will agree to provide you with free consultations is not only difficult in our time, but almost impossible. Therefore, if you do not know a doctor, it can be very difficult for you to get professional advice. However, there is always alternative options which includes our service. With our help you can ask a doctor a question for free online and get the professional answers you need.

If you want to know how correctly you were prescribed treatment in your clinic or in a hospital, find out about the advisability of going to the doctor or treating yourself at home, and also get an answer to any other medical question, then just ask one of our doctors free online. In return, you will receive professional advice and guidance that will enable you to make the right decision.

Our experts equally professionally treat all those who seek help, providing only useful advice. Asking a doctor a question for free online means eliminating a lot of risks associated with your health.

How does our service work?

  1. Ask a doctor a question for free online using a special form on our website. All our specialists are highly experienced practical work, so their advice will be useful to you in any case.
  2. Get an adequate and professional answer. You can get the answer to your question by e-mail or by phone. At the same time, in any case, you will have the opportunity to ask additional questions and get detailed answers to them.
  3. Guaranteed success. In order for the advice of our experts to be valid, provide them with only truthful data.

Why choose "site"?

In answering this question, several key factors can be identified. Firstly, our doctors are experienced practitioners, each of whom has considerable experience in a particular field of medicine. Secondly, by asking a doctor a question for free online, you can get an answer from exactly the specialist who has already encountered in his practice similar to your case. And thirdly, our resource works very quickly, so our users get answers to their questions very quickly.