July 10, 2018 Instagram released in open access a new sticker for Stories, which managed to get everyone on the second day.

At the same time, the functionality is funny and useful for a blogger / business, if you approach it wisely.

Instagram question stickers

Adding a question sticker to Stories looks like adding any sticker from a set.

At the same time, you can change appearance sticker, or rather the background color. When you tap (click) on the sticker, you start writing text + you can change the color of the background. The font color is selected automatically.

How to use?

The sticker can be used in two ways:

  • You ask the audience a question and collect answers to it
  • The audience asks you questions, and you answer them.

The appearance of the sticker led to the massive use of the second option. And in my opinion, quite useless. And all because of the openness of the wording.

- a convenient service for auto-posting, analytics and work with personal messages on Instagram.

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People react badly enough to open questions. This knowledge is tortured and removed from the CTA under the posts. Question stickers are no exception, so ask the format question as shown in the third screenshot "Ask me anything"- well, that's it. Here you need to think, to strain.

You feed your ego (often) and want to engage the audience in a dialogue. So it doesn't work.

Decide on a topic for questions. I invited my followers to ask questions about promotion on Instagram and got under 50 in the first few hours, while I managed to answer most of them.

Therefore, suggest a topic for questions if you want to receive feedback.

Response management is very simple. You need to go to the statistics section for your History with a question, everything is collected in it.

An important point: there are problems with the relevance of the latest sticker answers in the statistics. Namely, opening the latest answers, or going to the section with all the answers to the sticker, you will often see half of the old answers. And the new ones may be lower. Therefore, keep a close eye on new answers in notifications and do not be lazy to scroll down the answers section.

Problems with the "Questions" sticker

I don't have a question sticker in Stories!

Very often, innovations on Instagram are distributed unevenly and for some users their appearance is delayed.

Often there are cases when you manage several Instagram accounts and one of them already has an update (stickers with questions, current stories and other functionality) and the other profile does not.

Nothing can be done about it. It remains only to wait. Of course you'd better have latest version Instagram app, but updating it won't change anything. The functionality is “distributed” to the profile itself, and not to the application / phone. So be patient and wait.

How to add stickers with questions if there are none?

No way. I repeat for those who inattentively read the previous paragraph. The most you can do:

  • Try accessing Instagram using a VPN and a US IP. This may help in rare cases. For example, when business profiles did not yet appear in bulk, it could only be obtained in this way.
  • Try to access your profile from another phone. Sometimes it helps.
  • Of course, updating the application, but this is unlikely to help.

There are no other options, just wait.

I can't record video in response to Questions!

Most likely you have an android smartphone. Congratulations, or rather sad with you. On my phone, the ability to respond with text is also available, and that's it.

I borrowed an iphone from my wife, it has the ability to choose which Stories to do in response to a question. That is, both video from the hand, and pre-prepared photos from the gallery. But for some reason, android smartphones are buggy and only make text answers.

There are no options to fix, we are waiting for a miracle and buy apple products.

Do you have questions about functionality? Write in the comments.

Finally, updating questions for Instagram Stories has reached the majority of Russian users. This update adds an additional way to interact with your followers and more. Now you can collect questions in the format Instagram Stories and answer them there. It turned out something like the once popular services of anonymous questions.

We will try to figure out how to ask questions on Instagram stories, give answers to them and use this feature to engage the audience. Let's go!

Questions for Instagram Stories

How to ask a question

To ask a question in stories, you first need to prepare what you want to publish (photo, video or text), and then click on the sticker at the top of the screen.

Then, in the pop-up tab, find the “Question” sticker and tap on it.

A form will appear through which users can ask questions and enter the text they see. It should be a call to ask you questions.

To enhance the effect and attract more attention, you can add a GIF with a pointer, as well as add geolocation and hashtags to get more coverage.

At the end, click "Submit" and wait for the publication. People who see your Story will be able to ask an unlimited number of questions. As a rule, the bulk of questions, if any, will come in the first 2 hours after publication. After waiting for the questions, you can start answering them.

How to answer questions in Stories

We go into our stories and go to the one where we created the form for questions. Swipe up to access statistics.

In the statistics on views, you can see the questions received. To answer, click on a question and select an answer option:

How to make a story with an answer to a question

We select the background and positioning of objects on the screen: the place where the question and the answer to it are located. The question will be shown as a form with the question asked. The author of the question will remain anonymous. The answer can be issued in any form - in text or, for example, by recording a short video.

If necessary, you can add other elements, for example emoji slider or any other sticker.

The background of the answer to the question in stories on Android and iPhones

From the moment of launch to the present day, as a background for answering a question in stories, you can use:

  • on android: gradient color from standard set, as in the design of the History in the form of text;
  • on iPhone: you can choose any arbitrary background - a picture or a video.

Why there are no questions on Instagram

What to do if the sticker with questions for Instagram Stories? For those who have problems, here is a list of the main problems and how to solve them.

  • Application Version. Go to your Instagram settings and check which version of the app you have installed. There must be a version no younger than 52, both for iOs and Android. Update.
  • If updating the app doesn't help, try deleting it, clearing the cache, and reinstalling it.
  • Didn't show up? Once again, carefully review the contents of this article - are you doing everything right?
  • I do everything according to the instructions, but nothing helps - write to technical support.

What interesting questions you can ask in Instagram Stories - a selection of ideas

The “Questions” sticker will help to involve the audience in communication with the brand and work on getting feedback. Here are some ideas for interesting questions and what questions to ask on Instagram Stories.

1. Get feedback.

Post a sticker asking for "Leave your feedback" to collect feedback on your work, products or services. You can also ask to leave suggestions: what can be improved, what you liked and did not like. In this way, those who did not even think to evaluate your company will be involved in the interaction.

2. Collection of questions.

Find out what concerns you target audience- ask them. For example: “What else would you like to know about our product” or “What can I tell you about our service”. Substitute your own names for "product" and "service". It would seem that hardly anyone might be interested in this, but in fact, you will be surprised how many questions your potential customers have.

3. Form of entry.

Let your customers sign up with a question sticker. Write a call to action: “Leave your phone number and we will call you back to make an appointment” or “Would you like to reserve an item in stock? Just write the answer here. Only in this case it is necessary to quickly track incoming requests.

4. Contests.

Come up with a contest using the question forms. Ask a question and give a prize to the first one to answer, or arrange a quiz of many questions, where the winner will be the one who answers the most correctly or answers the fastest.

5. Get to know your subscribers better.

Forget about sales and show genuine interest in your subscribers. Find out how they live, how they spend their free time, what they prefer for breakfast or what book they are reading right now.

In July, Instagram introduced new feature- the ability to create questions in Stories. And now it's time to figure out how to use it to make your company's content plan more interesting and effective!

How to Post New Questions on Instagram Stories

How to add a question to Instagram Stories

To ask your followers a question, go to Stories, upload your photo or video, and then select the "Questions" widget in the settings.

How to set up a question in Stories

To change the color of your widget, click on it and select the color that suits you best. In addition, you can move the widget itself, as well as reduce or enlarge it. Your question should not be too long: it can fit 55 characters including spaces.

How to view answers to questions on Instagram

How to Post Replies to Instagram Stories

You will get a widget with your question and answer (without the username who gave it), and you can choose the background yourself using a photo or video, and then post it to Instagram Stories.

For many, the new questions on Instagram reminded us of the era of anonymous questions from ask.fm or Ask.ru, but they work a little differently.

The main thing to know is that questions on Instagram are not completely anonymous. The owner of the page always sees who asked the question.

But when he posts an answer to a question on Instagram Stories, the name of the user who asked the question is hidden.

Not all commercial Instagram accounts use Stories due to the difficulty for content managers to upload posts from their phone to multiple work accounts at once. Therefore, many companies in their SMM strategy ignore both questions in Instagram Stories and other useful widgets for Instagram Stories. But you can also post to Instagram Stories from a computer. You can use links, mentions, geotagging, hashtags, and polls in Instagram Stories posted from your computer. You can also add your own GIF there.

How to Use Questions in Instagram Stories for Business

Questions help to engage the audience and work with feedback, which is why companies have begun to actively use them in their SMM strategies.

Here are 10 ideas on how you can use Instagram Stories questions for commercial projects:

Feedback Questions

Questions for the FAQ

Keep researching your target audience by responding to subscribers' most popular questions about a product or service. Invite them to ask any question and promise to answer on Instagram Stories as well. Thus, you will be able to talk about your product based on the interests of subscribers.

Questions for contests

After the questions appear in Instagram Stories, the contest mechanics will look great in Stories as well. For example, ask your followers a difficult question about a product and offer a prize to the first person to guess the correct answer.

Questions as an application form

Post questions along with photo or video content, writing a call to order in the question field. For example, the traditional - “Do you want to order? Write here". Thus, the form of questions for you will turn into a form for collecting applications - simple and beautiful.

Questions to collect opinions and test hypotheses

When making new decisions, test them on your own subscribers. For example, you can ask what kind of drink should be included in the menu? Which lemonade is better - from raspberries or from currants? Which of the two logo options do you like better? This way you show that the opinion of your subscribers is important to you.

Questions to collect topics for content

Perfect if you don't know what to write about so that your target audience will like it. Invite subscribers to answer you, but do not forget that the more specific your question is, the better the audience will respond.

For example, the question “What do you want us to write about” is too vague and requires a lot of effort to answer, but the question “Which topic is more interesting - ethical business or recycling?” gives a choice in the format of either-or, and it is much easier for subscribers to make it. If you can narrow the topic of the question - narrow it down.

Questions to Engage

Ask subscribers not only about how they feel about you, but also be interested in what they like. Commercial accounts that involve users in communication look much more human.

You can ask who your subscribers are rooting for today, what the weather is like, where they plan to go on vacation, what books they read, and so on. If you know that your target audience has special hobbies that unite them, ask about it. It is better that the topics of the questions are close to your field.

Questions for studying TA

Analytics is, of course, good, but sometimes you can just ask your target audience. This way you will understand who your most active followers are - those who watch Stories and are ready to respond to your posts. For example, you can ask subscribers such questions - “Where are you from?”, “Are you a guy or a girl?”, “How old are you?”. You can also find out something that cannot be verified through statistics - for example, ask if your subscribers have children.

If you are hosting an offline conference or lecture, but not broadcasting on Instagram, please use the form to submit questions for speakers. After the speech, the speaker can simply open the list of questions in Instagram Stories and respond to messages sent to him by people sitting in the hall.

A new sticker has appeared in Instagram stories - QUESTIONS. With it, you can ask questions to subscribers, or vice versa - take questions from the audience and answer in an interview format.

How can you use the new feature to increase the reach of your Instagram account, establish yourself as an expert or earn the trust of subscribers - let's try to figure it out.

Where to look for sticker QUESTIONS

The new sticker is hidden in the stickers section (surprise!). To use it, you need to create a new story, go to the stickers section and select "questions".

By default, Instagram will offer you the text "Ask me a question." But you can change it to any other.

After the question sticker blew up Instagram, users were divided into 2 camps. Some began to invite subscribers to ask questions and willingly answered them. Others argued that they were doing everything wrong and that they should not collect questions, but rather ask questions to subscribers!

In my opinion, according to the plan of Instagram itself, the idea was still to collect questions from subscribers. That's why the default text is "Ask me a question". But, fortunately, there are no rules carved in stone and you can use this sticker as you like.

For example, here are some options.

Show your expertise

If you maintain a thematic account and position yourself as an expert in some field, invite your followers to ask you questions in stories through a sticker. If everything is OK with your positioning and content, most likely the majority of questions will be related to your topic.

Practice shows that if a question arose in one person, for sure, he is not alone in this and this problem interested in many people. By publicly answering questions about your topic, you demonstrate your expertise, remove user objections, and at the same time create useful content.

Tricky life hack: if you offered to ask questions, but no one asks them, nothing prevents you from asking them to yourself 😉 When you publish an answer, subscribers will not know that this is your own question.

Remind about your products or past posts

Not all of your subscribers see all of your posts and remember your products. If you feel uncomfortable reminding about old publications and even more so selling “on the forehead”, use questions to make such reminders native.

If someone asks a question that your old article or your product answers, give a link to the article or product.

When you answer a question from a sticker on Android, you won't be able to attach the link to stories right away. To make a picture like mine (above), create a story with the answer, save it without posting (or take a screenshot), exit the story, go back in and add the saved story with the sticker from the gallery. Now you can add a link to this story.

By the way, if it’s also relevant for you, then a webinar on how to write texts for Instagram, and an article on how to choose a topic for an account -.

If you have less than 10k followers, and you can't attach a link to your stories, then use the @-link to your account and put in the profile header desired link to a sales page or your old article.

Collect topics for publications andLIVE's

In order for your content to “visit”, to be commented on, saved and always remain your subscribers, you need to publish what is interesting to your audience. Most reliable way find out what your audience is interested in - ask them.

Sticker responses are collected on one page, which is convenient for sorting the results and compiling a content plan.

When publishing a post or going on air, be sure to tell that this is a topic at the request of your subscribers. This will show that you are listening to your audience.

Increase reach on Instagram with stories

The total reach of your account is also made up of the reach of your stories. By posting more stories, you can easily straighten out the sagging statistics.

What to do if you live a boring life and you have nothing to publish in stories? Invite followers to ask you questions. Such an interview will give you ideas for publications. By the way, reading such stories is very exciting. It's like you're eavesdropping on someone else's conversation.

Subscriber quiz

With the help of the questions sticker, not only subscribers can ask questions to you, but you can also ask them. To motivate people to answer your questions, offer them a prize for the best answer, for the correct answer, or for the fastest correct answer.

Then, of course, you need to sum up the results of such a quiz and this is another topic for publication in stories, in a post, or even live.

In addition, your quizzes can be games (no prizes). For example, I played a game on the knowledge of Soviet films in my account. In the first version, I shot a video where I said a quote from the film, and subscribers sent their guesses through the sticker. In the second case, I invited subscribers to send me quotes through the sticker, and I guessed them back in the story.

The activity in both cases was high, but be careful not to overwhelm stories with the same type of content.


If you want to develop your account or at least maintain it at the same level, it is worth collecting feedback from subscribers from time to time. To do this, you need to ask the audience the right questions. For example:

  • What would you like to see in my stories?
  • What posts do you like the most in my account?
  • What new category would you like to see in my account?
  • What is your favorite section in my account?
  • What is missing from my account?

This is not much, but due to privacy, you can count on more frank answers here.

When initiating such feedback, be prepared for a variety of responses, including unpleasant ones. When analyzing responses, discard 100% hate responses (such as “everything is bad, delete your account!”) And 100% loving responses (“You are perfect! Stay the way you are!”) - they are not useful. It is worth processing only intermediate options.

When analyzing this kind of feedback, pay attention to recurring variations and always consider whether the audience needs match your positioning.

Popular questions about the sticker "QUESTIONS"

I don't have this sticker, what should I do?

Try updating the app. If it does not help, then it remains only to wait for the update to reach you. Updates to all accounts reach at different times. Even if these are your accounts, and they are on the same phone. It might be a long wait.

How do I add a video or photo to my answer?

At the time of this writing, only owners of iPhones can add videos or photos to answers. Android owners (for now) can only post replies with colored backgrounds.

What to do if you can’t write a question in a sticker, and the story scrolls through?

This happens if the update has come to you, but not completely 🙂 Try to re-login, update or reinstall Instagram. If none of this helps, wait, such a bug heals itself after a while.

That's all for me. I hope that now you will use the “questions” sticker more often and not only for fun, but also for the development of your Instagram account.

If you need help, we will analyze your problems in detail and write down the steps to your goal.

How to drive even more traffic to your website from social networks?

I'm sure you know about word of mouth marketing. No, no, I'm not suggesting now to run to grandmothers on the street and ask them to tell everyone about your brand. Today, word of mouth marketing has moved to a "new level" - social networks. People love to share something interesting and useful there. Yes, you yourself know this. But the question is, how do you get them to share your content? What can be done to make it interesting for people?

Fans of your brand can generate tons of traffic. And it's absolutely free. With the help of likes, reposts, recommendations.

You can create such “brand ambassadors” with the help of visual content.

What makes people share?

Recent studies have shown that there are 5 main reasons that motivate people to share content on social networks:

Social media also allows you to share thoughts, stories, experiences, and ideas. You need to understand that reposting is easy, but you first need to attract attention. Pictures, photographs and other visual materials are great for this. Post text is more informative, but it’s harder for them to “hook” a potential reader.

A post with a picture (even if there is a canvas of text behind the picture) gets 53% more likes and 104% more comments than dry sentences. Such information is easier and more interesting to share.

I've prepared some ideas for your next viral post with visuals. So write down:

1. Give back

It's no secret that regular customers expect a brand discount or special offer. Use a photo to tell about your promo offers, discounts, contests.

After the competition, thank all the participants and take some time to create a post with photos of the winners. For example, one airline offers such a discount to its subscribers:

2. Consult

If you want to become an expert in the eyes of potential clients, you must be a great advisor. Offer your subscribers some useful tricks and tricks that will help them solve their problems or problems. Help them understand your area a little.

Use pictures to grab more attention, make your ideas quick and easy. Answer the most frequently asked questions, be helpful and positive. Here, for example, is how Oles uses this type of post:

3. Warn

In the sea of ​​information that "drowns" the modern person, negative words (for example, "Stop", "No", etc.) attract attention well. So use them sometimes. Tell potential clients about the dangers they can avoid.

4. Humor

This type of post is aimed at a wide audience. Use funny phrases and pictures in your publications about yours or in response to a holiday / current events in the world. Something like this:

5. Inspire

6. Surprise

Interesting information, facts, statistics are a strong motivating factor for your business. They will want to appear in the eyes of their friends as aware of what is going on in the world. See what kind of response Olesya's post about interesting life conclusions gathered:

7. Maintain

Social networks are a convenient place to communicate. Here you can discuss issues and problems that concern you. A post on this topic will help subscribers to see the person behind yours and maybe push someone to help you in this matter.

8. Train

The best way to engage customers is to talk about how your product can be used. This encourages your followers to share with their friends. For example, how many ways to make marshmallows do you know? What about your friends? Maybe you should tell them?

9. Celebrate

There are hundreds of different holidays in a year. Choose one that resonates with your brand. If not enough, come up with your own. Let it be something fun and interesting. Like, for example, the holiday "Sweet donut". Have you heard of this? What about GM's birthday?

10. Start an interesting conversation

There is nothing better than talking to an audience. It helps to break down the wall and learn a lot of interesting things about your followers. Ask an open-ended question or offer to complete the sentence. For best effect ask a question that can start a big discussion.

11. Be grateful

If you reach some milestone — like 50,000 subscribers or 40,000 customers, a birthday, whatever — thank your readers/followers/customers. Show that they have contributed to your success and you appreciate it. Posts like this build trust between your customers and you:


Now that you have some fresh new post ideas, what goals do you want to achieve with it? How will this post fit into your marketing strategy? Also think about your audience. What will she like? What will be interesting? People will definitely want to know more about you and what you offer, and will visit your resource.

If it was helpful please like it. I will prepare more materials on how to attract tons of traffic from different sources.

And if you still have a few minutes of free time, find out what words it is better to refuse so that your letters do not fall intospam: !