Hello friends! The fact that Windows 7 likes to scare with all sorts of blue screens and other errors, I think everyone knows. But not everyone knows how to deal with these problems. Today I will write what to do if windows 7 won't boot and how to try to return the system to working capacity.

You understand that there are a lot of problems that lead to various errors, as well as the errors themselves. And of course, there are also many ways to fix all these “glitches”! I will write about one method that should be applied first if Windows 7 has stopped loading.

If you turn on the computer, and then an error like “ “, or “ ” appears in front of you (I wrote these two errors as an example, you may have a different problem), then you should first of all try the method that I will write about now, well and if it doesn’t help, then look for a solution to the problem by the error number, or other signs of it.

And if all this already seemed complicated to you, then it’s better to contact the guys who repair laptops in St. Petersburg, I think it will be easier this way. Well, if your eyes are already on fire, and you want to fix the computer yourself, then read on :).

Windows 7 won't boot? We solve the problem.

All we need is a Windows 7 installation disc. Someone will say, yes, just something. But even if you don't have one, it's not that hard to create one. Just download the .iso image from the internet, and .

So, we insert the Windows 7 installation disk into the computer drive and reboot it. If you see an inscription, such as the one below in the picture, then press any button and wait until a window appears with a choice of language.

Well, if you didn’t see such an entry, but an error appeared, that is, the computer tried to boot as usual, then, and set it. After that, restart the computer again.

We see a window with a choice of language. Select Russian and click "Next".

In the next window select "System Restore".

After searching installed systems on the computer, select your system in the list (most likely it is there alone), and click "Next".

Now we have the opportunity to choose one of the ways to restore Windows work 7. If you have it enabled "System Restore" then you can try this method. If, for example, you have a disk with a recovery image, you can try to fix your computer with it by selecting “System Image Recovery”. You can also run command line, which by the way can be useful in other ways to solve system errors.

But I advise you to start “Startup Restoration”. After you select this item, the utility will scan your computer, and if it finds a problem through which Windows 7 did not boot, it will try to fix it.

If this method did not help and Windows 7 still does not load, then you need to look for a solution to the problem, for example, according to the words from the error, or the code. You can also use the search on this blog, perhaps I have already written about such a problem. I hope I was able to help you. Good luck friends!

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Windows 7 won't boot? Restoring the system. updated: January 12, 2015 by: admin

What is the reason for rejection Windows startup 7 on a computer? The following factors may affect the possibility of issuing an error when starting Windows: computer infection with viruses, hardware configuration failure, installation errors software, imperfection operating system.

It is required to find the true reason for their issuance, for this it is necessary first of all to figure out what stages Windows 7 download consists of. It consists of 3 main stages, which in turn are divided into stages:

Windows 7 boot stages

First stage - OSLoader

Immediately after the execution of the "BIOS" code, the first stage of loading begins. Here, at the first stage, the main drivers are connected, which are required to read data from the hard drive. After that, “winload.exe” starts loading the kernel, loads the “SYSTEM” registry hive into RAM, as well as the “BOOT_START” program.

The duration of the first stage is no more than three seconds. It ends when the Windows 7 logo is displayed on the monitor.

Second stage - MainPathBoot

MainPathBoot is the main and longest stage. The duration sometimes reaches several minutes. The phase begins with the Windows 7 logo displayed on the monitor and ends when the desktop starts to launch.

Stage PreSMSS

The kernel of the operating system is determined, “plug and play” is loaded, the “BOOT_START” programs and drivers of computer components are determined. If errors appear, this indicates a problem with the computer components.

SMSSInit stage

Next, control passes to SMSS.exe. The remaining registry hives are determined, included in the work of the program of the “auto” type. At the final stage, Winlogon.exe, the operating system logon utility, takes control. "SMSSInit" is completed when the menu with the username and password is displayed on the monitor.

Here, errors indicate a malfunction of the video card or its drivers.

WinLogonInit Stage

It starts with the launch of "Winlogon.exe" and ends with the appearance of the desktop by loading "Explorer.exe". Includes implementation scripts group policies and service loading. This is the most CPU-intensive step and usually takes a long time.

Here, errors indicate problems with the services of programs not included in Windows, for example, antivirus software.

ExplorerInit Stage

Continues from loading the shell and ending with loading the window manager. During the stage, shortcuts begin to appear, in parallel, the programs that are in autoload are loaded. This stage is characterized by the largest load on the processor, hard drive and RAM.

Here, errors indicate defects in components or the need to upgrade them.

Third stage - PostBoot

It lasts from the moment the desktop is displayed and ends with the full opening of programs from startup.

Errors indicate problems with applications that appear in the startup list or the presence of infected files on the computer.

Errors that occur during the startup phases

By examining what errors occur at various stages of system startup, it is possible to identify specific problems.

Errors due to defects in computer components:

  1. Repeated errors of any driver indicate a hardware defect associated with this program;
  2. Multiple problems at various stages indicate a defect in the RAM;
  3. If there is no image on the computer monitor, but Windows sounds are present, then this indicates incorrect operation of the video device;
  4. When unable to start Windows startup or its interruption, you should check the health of the hard drive;
  5. If it happens complete shutdown at startup, it may have failed and the power supply or motherboard failed.

Missing or broken boot files

The display on the monitor "Bootmgr is missing" indicates the absence or malfunction of boot files, and sometimes just a blank black screen happens.

If the bootloader "Bootmgr" is not installed on the computer, the system will not boot. This section is sometimes accidentally erased by the user himself, using a boot disk.

Also, the necessary files to start the system are located on the C: drive in the Windows folder.

Registry issues

Windows can sometimes restore it on its own using the recovery wizard.

Restarting the operating system

Recovery environment

Windows 7 has " Windows Recovery ToolsWRT. To restore, you need to select from the F8 menu "Troubleshoot your computer."

Next, the "System Recovery Options" menu will appear - you need to select "Startup Repair".

This will restore the startup options and files.

Recovery Methods

In the case of a software type of error, System Restore will help the OS.

Manual recovery

In case of absence positive result after using the system tools, it is possible to manually restore the registry from backup, which is located at C: in the WindowsSystem32configregback directory. You need to copy the files from it to the WindowsSystem32config directory.

File recovery

Exists useful program"sfc.exe", which can be run in the recovery environment. You must specify the following: settings and location of the download folder and offline directory of the system Windows directory). The /offbootdir and /offwindir options.

If the startup problems are not resolved, then you need to manually restore the boot files.

Hello friends! Many articles have already been written by me about what to do if Windows 7 does not boot. But I haven’t written about what needs to be done first of all if your computer refuses to start, or maybe I did :). Well, it's okay, better twice than never :).

This will be such a piece of advice on how to give the first ambulance system if it fails. Usually I write tips like this and describe in them how to restore Windows 7 in the event of a specific error. But today I will write how to try to cure the system from the appearance of various errors and problems during boot.

If you turn on the computer, and it directly does not turn on. Well, you know how it happens, a certain error appears, blue screen, or the computer just restarts itself, then you need to try starting the computer with the last known good configuration with working parameters.

If we talk about what makes Windows stop loading, then there are a lot of options. For example, a failure may occur after installing some program or driver. After cleaning the computer from viruses. After an incorrect shutdown (when, for example, electricity is lost). I had that in the evening I turned off the computer normally, and in the morning it no longer starts, and it seems that it did not install anything, but here it is.

In such cases, the first thing to do is to start the computer with Last Known Good Configuration. If this does not help, then you already need to look for other ways to solve the problem, for example, search by mistake. But as my practice shows, it helps very often to bring the computer back to life. Moreover, all these actions can be done in a few minutes. Now more.

How to start Windows 7 with Last Known Good Configuration?

Everything is very simple. We restart the computer and immediately actively press the key F8.

A black box will appear with a choice additional options downloads. Choose “Last Known Good Configuration (Optional)” and press "Enter".

Help. what to do? ? Startup Repair cannot automatically repair this computer.

  1. Reinstall Windows by formatting the C drive
  2. Most likely a virus, it's better to just restart Windows.
  3. part of the OS files has been deleted or a problem in the partition on which there is an OS, or rather the partition itself may not exist, people had both of these options, to be treated if there is nothing important there - by creating the partition again and installing the OS on a new one
  4. if this was not the case before, then you do a system restore through SAFE MODE, if you don’t know how, I explain when you turn on the computer, press F8 and then select safe mode and then in safe mode you do a system restore, and if system restore does not help, you do a virus scan there, and even if that doesn’t help, then windows installation only helps here is the instruction through the flash driveSo, let's start with the simplest, with Windows installation through a flash drive from the My Computer window. In order to install the operating system in this way, we need a working OS, a computer on which we will install Windows (In order to write the system installation to a USB flash drive), a USB flash drive and Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 itself, which we will install, or rather e image. Now we need to prepare the flash drive by writing it to a non-OS. It is necessary not only to copy the system files to a USB flash drive, but to write it down in a special way using the program. The link is blocked by the decision of the project administration. So let's get started: 1. Install UltraISO program and open e.2. Select the Bootstrap tab gt;gt; Write a hard disk image3. In the window that appears, select the flash drive where we will write the installation, the image file and check that the recording method is USB-HDD +. When everything is checked, click Record and wait for the recording to finish. After successfully writing the OS to the USB flash drive, we will begin the actual installation of the system. Go to the flash drive and run the setup.exe file, which should be in Windows files, at the root of the flash drive. After starting, a window should appear in which we select the installation of Windows. will start normal installation Windows, which is described in detail, the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration, and there is no point in describing it again. After rebooting, the computer will continue the installation until it is completed. The disadvantage of installing through My Computer is that you cannot format the disk on which the working operating system is currently installed. If this does not suit you, go to the point below. Installing Windows from USB flash drives Via BIOS This is a more time consuming setup than the first one, via My Computer. First, prepare a flash drive by copying the operating Windows system, as described in the previous installation type. Having prepared the flash drive, we need to prepare the computer to boot into the BIOS to install Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8. Restart the computer. While the first ones appear graphic images on the screen, as a rule, this is the manufacturer's logo motherboard, press the DEL button on the keyboard until the settings screen appears. This is the BIOS. Now find the Boot tab, and if your BIOS background is blue, find Advanced BIOS Features in the left column and point with the arrows and press ENTER on the keyboard. Now such a window should appear with the parameters for booting the computer. If you have a gray BIOS, you may immediately see the boot order that we need, or you may have a choice where to find boot device Priority and hover the pointer and press ENTER. If you did everything right, the device boot order on the computer should be displayed. Set it so that USB is first, CD/DVD Disk is second, Hard Disk is third.
  5. And if there are a lot of useful things on the computer and licensed boobie programs
  6. I tried all these options, the same thing repeats, no matter where I try to enter, from a secure line, boot from a disk and a flash drive, it turns on all the time system restore-in As a result, it was not possible to automatically restore
  7. Salahaddin, have you solved your problem?

When problems arise with the operating system, sometimes situations occur in which system restore does not work. Many of us have found ourselves in situations where, for some reason, we needed to restore the operating system.

This is the most easy way fix any problems in the operating system of the computer or problems associated with the operation of certain programs.

You start the operating system restore process and see that System Restore does not work in Windows. The operating system recovery process starts, goes through all the stages of recovery, and at the end of the process, you see, instead of a window with information that the system was successfully restored, a window with information that the system could not be restored.

Why is System Restore not working?

If System Restore is not disabled, then the reason why System Restore does not work may be the antivirus installed on the computer.

To solve this problem, you need to turn off antivirus self-defense. This happened to me as well. I also needed to do an operating system restore, but the operating system restore did not happen. In my case, the cause was Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012. Earlier versions of this anti-virus did not have such problems.

Restoring the operating system only works if done in "safe mode". If you do an operating system restore in normal mode, if you just pause the antivirus protection, then this will not work, at the very end of the operating system recovery process you will see a message that the operating system was unable to restore an earlier system state.

To solve this problem in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, go to "Settings" => " Extra options» => «Self-defense». In the "Self-defense settings" tab, uncheck the box next to the "Enable self-defense" item, and then click on the "OK" button.

After these steps, you can begin to restore the operating system.

After the recovery of the operating system is completed, the antivirus is turned on automatically.

Keep in mind that this is just one of the possible reasons.

Article Conclusions

System Restore may not work due to the self-protection of the antivirus installed on the computer.