The computer boot is interrupted at the very beginning and a message appears on the screen: “No bootable device - insert boot disk and press any key” - “No boot device found”. What is the reason? How to fix a similar problem? In our article, we will briefly answer these and other questions.

When a computer is working properly, we don't feel much desire to understand "how everything works in it." However, when a computer crashes, it stops loading, and "mysterious" error messages appear on the screen and we do not have the opportunity to call a computer specialist for help, then we are forced to look into the "inner world" of the computer in order to return it to working condition. Let's understand what the "No boot devices found" error message means.

What does it mean and how to fix the error "No bootable device"?
The computer has a built-in software, which operates independently of operating system. This software is embedded in the flash memory of every motherboard and is called the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). Its tasks include loading devices and various computer components. After polling and testing computer components, the BIOS passes control to the operating system. It is the BIOS that tells us by displaying a warning that no boot device was found. This happens when the BIOS is unable to boot the operating system from any media on the computer. A "boot device" can be media such as HDD, CD, DVD, floppy disk or regular "flash drive", which may contain boot information or an operating system. If this device is missing, turned off, or there are problems with the operating system, then the aforementioned error message appears. Make sure that in the BIOS menu "a hard disk partition or any other device that you plan to use as a boot device is selected as the boot device.

Now we will tell you about three possible reasons, which can lead to a similar error.

File system issues
Most probable cause The fact that the BIOS is unable to detect a boot device is a failure of the operating system installed on the hard drive. This can happen due to a virus attack, accidental deletion system files or random compression system disk, i.e. any reason due to which the existing working settings of the operating system may be violated. In this scenario, when the system starts up, the operating system is not detected and you receive this error message.

The only way out in this situation is to boot from the installation Windows disk, followed by restoring or reinstalling the operating system. In case of recovery, you will be able to save all data on the restored partition, in case of reinstallation, the data will be lost.

Hard drive disabled
In rare cases, it happens that the BIOS cannot detect the hard drive as a boot device because it may have been physically disconnected from the motherboard. This can happen if the system unit has been dropped or hit. To verify that this is indeed the case, go to BIOS settings by pressing the corresponding key at system startup (F1, F2, Del, other options are possible).

In this case, you need to open the case system block computer and check if the cable from the motherboard to the hard drive is properly connected. If it is disconnected, then just plug it in and the problem will be solved. In the case of a laptop, you will have to do the same. If your laptop or desktop computer are under warranty, it is better to give the computer to the service center specialists.

Hard drive damage
Physical damage to the hard drive or the appearance of bad sectors can cause the error to appear. The hard drive can be damaged by power surges, dust, shock, etc. In the event that the hard drive is damaged, it is not detected by the BIOS.

In this case, you may need to replace the hard drive. The hard drive needs to be tested for bad sectors. In case of restoration of its working capacity, it can be used as a secondary carrier.
If none of the above measures helped you, then you need to contact for computer help to the experts. At least your conscience will be at ease, because you did everything you could. In addition, we do not recommend that you open and repair a computer that is still under warranty. It is better, as mentioned above, to hand it over to the service department. Since if it turns out that any element needs to be replaced, you do not have to buy and change it with your own money.

The most likely cause of this failure is usually problems with the operating system affected by a virus attack or corrupted system files. In most of these cases, you will have to reinstall the operating system. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to install anti-virus software that effectively prevents virus-induced crashes in the system.

There are many software and system components involved in the process of starting a computer, and a failure in at least one of them can prevent it from starting.

When this happens, a notification appears on the computer screen and the startup process is interrupted.

Various notices correspond different types problems, and in this case we will consider the no bootable device error: what to do and why does it occur?

How does it manifest

How to notice this error on your computer? Usually, it manifests itself as follows: during the loading of the operating system, even before the Windows logo appears, a notification appears on a black screen printed in white letters "No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key".

After that, the operating system stops loading and the computer turns off.

On all subsequent launches, the error may reappear.

In this case, no manipulations and pressing certain keys do not help - the boot process is interrupted.


What does such a problem actually indicate, and what problems have arisen in the operation of the computer?

The translation of this notice allows you to understand that when the system starts, the device accesses the device on which it is located, but cannot establish connections with it and connect.

At the same time, the computer prompts the user to install a disk with the operating system and press any key.

The reasons

From the above, it is clear that the device cannot actually access the hard drive, that is, the problem is with the hardware components, not with the software.

There are several reasons why this problem may occur:

  • Physical damage to the hard drive;
  • Temporary one-time failure in the operation of the hard drive of a non-systemic nature;
  • Disorders resulting from exposure to viruses, although this occurs quite rarely;
  • The device tries to start the system from the drive that is not specified as a priority in the BIOS settings;
  • Damaged, broken, or worn out battery system board;
  • They do not work, of course, if the hard drive is connected to the PC in this way;
  • Problems with the operating system itself, which is also quite rare, since this is usually signaled by errors of a different type.

Depending on the reason that led to such a failure, there are several ways to resolve this problem.


by the most in a simple way The solution to this problem is to restart the hardware.

If the failure was temporary, then when you restart it will not occur again.

Physical Damage

They could only occur if the computer's system unit was hit, dropped, pressured or otherwise, and usually, they are visible visually.

Remove the case from the system unit or the back cover from the laptop(de-energized) and inspect all its connections, and it is important to check the correctness and serviceability of the cables, both to the hard drive and to motherboard.

If one of the loops is disabled and the problem is easy to fix, then you can reconnect it yourself.

However, if damage to the device is visually noticeable, then most likely the replacement of the hard drive will be required, which should be carried out by specialists.

External media

At the next stage, it is necessary to exclude the possibility that the download occurs from any other medium.

To do this, do the following:

  • Remove any drives installed in external or built-in drives;
  • Remove all memory cards and other connected external drives;
  • Disable as many unnecessary devices as possible.
  • Then restart the hardware. If this was the cause of the failure, then the device should now start normally.

Download Priority

This is a parameter that, it determines which media the system should access in order to start booting.

You can check and change, if necessary, the download queue in the following way:

  • Start the device;
  • Press Del during the boot process, sometimes you may need to press F8 at the same time - it depends on the device settings;
  • It will open, for its operation it is not necessary that the system be loaded;
  • It differs depending on the version and assembly of the PC, therefore the exact navigation on it will differ, but the goal is always the same - using the arrows on the keyboard, the user needs to find the item with the word Boot Manager or just Boot;
  • View the list that is displayed in this section- the first device in it should be the device on which you have recorded the system;

If this is not the case, then use the arrows to change the order of the equipment.

If so, then the problem is most likely with the hardware of the computer.

Second option: the device does not see the hard disk with the system at all and it is not displayed in the list (but it is connected correctly).

In this case, the hard drive itself is faulty and needs to be replaced.


In some cases, all changes made to the BIOS boot queue are rolled back upon restart.

This indicates that there is a problem with the motherboard battery.

It should be replaced at a service center, but the cost of such a device is not high.

System problems

It is possible that the problem is in the operating system itself.

It's easy enough to check- take the installation disk or, install it in the device and boot from it, placing it first in the boot queue in the BIOS.

Then go to System Restore, and using the command line, run the three commands bootrec / fixmbr , bootrec / fixboot and chkdsk: / f / r in turn.

Other problems

If you tried to start a system recorded on a computer connected to a computer via a USB port, it is recommended that you reconnect the hard drive using a different port.

Since these ports can sometimes work unstable with hard drives.

When turning on and booting up an Acer laptop, the user may encounter the message "No Bootable Device, Hit any key". After pressing any key, the user enters the boot disk selection mode, after which given error repeats again. In this article, I will tell you what the essence of this error is, what are its causes, and how to fix No Bootable Device, Hit any key on your PC.

Translated from English, the text of this error sounds like "No boot device, press any key". This usually indicates a situation in which the system did not detect a boot device connected to the PC with an operating system installed on it, or such a device is connected, but the operating system (or its bootloader) is not this device damaged.

When you turn on the computer, an inscription may also appear, an article dedicated to its solution at the link.

The most common error with the text No Bootable Device, Hit any key is found on ACER laptops and Lenovo. In this case, the specific reasons for its occurrence may be as follows:

How to fix No Bootable Device, Hit any key

To solve the problem with No Bootable Device, in most cases, we will need to enter the BIOS of your computer. When logging in, you may need to show due patience, since on problem computers, entering the BIOS using the F2 key may not work right away.

So, to solve the problem of No Bootable Device, Hit any key on Acer, I recommend doing the following:

  • Check visibility hard drive computer. To do this, go to the BIOS (usually by quickly pressing the F2 or Delete keys while turning on the computer), and view the list of devices connected to the laptop hard drives. If the laptop sees your hard drive - great, if not - then you have to remove the bottom cover of the laptop and check the tightness of the contacts to the hard drive (and clean, if necessary, its connectors from dirt and dust).

If, after performing cleaning operations, and then connecting the hard drive to the computer, the latter still does not see the hard drive, then disconnect your hard drive from the PC and check its performance on another computer. If the other computer doesn't see it either, then the hard drive may need to be repaired or replaced.

bootrec /FixMbr

and press enter. Wait for the process to finish and reboot your system.

If that doesn't work, try downloading again from installation flash drive(disk), select command line, and enter:

chkdsk: /f /r

and press enter. Wait for the end of the check and then restart your PC;

  • If nothing helped at all and the message No Bootable Device, Hit any key continues to appear, take advantage of the Acer eRecovery program. This utility is able to restore the software component of your ACER to the factory state, while doing this operation, your files on the laptop may be lost. I recommend applying this utility only as a last resort, when all of the above was not effective.

To activate it, while turning on the PC, hold down the "ALT" button and periodically press the F10 key.

  • May also help in some cases full flashing your bios. I recommend performing this operation only to competent users in this matter.


The answer to the question of what to do with the error “No Bootable Device, Hit any key on Acer laptops” will be to follow the tips I described above. Check if the connected hard drive is visible in the BIOS of the laptop, try various settings BIOS, and if this turned out to be ineffective, then restore the functionality of your laptop using the system disk (flash drive) with the operating system on them. A radical option may be to use the functionality of the "Acer eRecovery program", but please note that your files on this PC can be deleted after using this utility.

In contact with

Some users, when turning on their computer and trying to boot the operating system, may encounter the message "No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key". Such a problem can appear both suddenly and after any physical impact on the PC (for example, the computer falling, hitting it, and so on). In this article, I will tell you what the No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key error is, what are the reasons for its appearance, and how to fix the No bootable device error on your PC during installation.

No bootable device error - insert boot disk and press any key

Causes of No bootable device insert boot message

Before considering the algorithm of how to fix the No bootable device error, you should determine the essence and causes of this problem. Translated from English, the message “No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key” sounds like "Missing boot device, please insert boot disk and press any key. That is, here we are talking about the fact that the system does not see the boot device and, as a result, cannot load the desired operating system from it.

The reasons for the error may be as follows:

  • The hard drive is not connected (or the data cable or power cable is loose);
  • The hard drive is out of order (physical impact, "shedding" of the hard drive, breakage of its board, and so on);
  • The system, due to its settings, tries to boot from external device on which the operating system is missing or incorrectly installed (for example, on an external flash drive or CD (DVD) ROM);
  • Random system crash;
  • The system is configured to boot from a drive other than the boot drive;
  • The CR 2032 battery located in the motherboard, thanks to which the system remembers the BIOS settings (including the sequence of loaded disks), is out of order;
  • Damaged bootloader or boot record (MBR) on the hard drive;
  • Broken USB connector when trying to boot from a flash drive;
  • Malignant activity of virus programs.

How to fix No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key error

In order to fix the No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key error, I recommend doing the following:

bootrec /fixmbr

bootrec /fixboot

Also try checking your hard drive for errors and bad sectors by typing:

chkdsk: /f /r

  • If you boot the system from a flash drive, then make sure it has a bootable form to install the operating system(which is achieved, for example, using programs such as BOOTICE, Ultraiso and a number of other analogues);
  • If nothing helped, then worth contacting your hard drive in service center for its performance, or self install new version operating system on your PC.

Video solution for No bootable device insert boot error

This material describes the algorithm of how to fix the No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key error, and also lists a number of reasons that cause this problem. Statistically, in most cases, this problem is caused by an insufficiently tight connection of the data loop and the power supply of your PC's hard drive. Follow the whole set of tips I have listed, this will effectively get rid of the No bootable device error on your computer.

In contact with

Users encounter this error when turning on a computer or laptop.

In translation means " No boot device, press any key". That is, no media was found to boot from. There can be many reasons, two main ones:

  • HDD damaged or completely inoperable (here we include bad sectors in the boot area or hardware damage);
  • Winchester not connected physically to the motherboard or it is not supplied with supply voltage.


First of all, it should enter BIOS(usually this can be done by pressing the key Del or F2 during device initialization). Here in the section Main among the connected devices, your hard drive should be displayed.

If not found ( Not detectionted) - also do not rush to get upset.

Remove cover of the system unit or laptop and check the correct connection of the cables and the density of the contacts to the hard drive and the motherboard. Perhaps the contacts are oxidized, then you need to clean them.

If everything is connected properly, try them all pull out and again insert. Reboot the PC and check for the presence of the hard drive in the Main section. Still no - try checking the hard drive on another PC with different connection cables. It doesn’t see it there either - take it to a service center.

Now let's consider a more favorable option - your hard one in Bios is detected. Select this disk first first on the list boot. To do this, go to the section Boot, — device priority. First bootdevice- your hard drive with the installed OS.

Changes are saved by pressing the key F10 and subsequent confirmation.

If this method did not help, go to BIOS again - try changing the boot mode UEFI/BIOS boot mode- With " Legacy" on the " UEFI” (or vice versa, depending on which one you had active).

Another option - reset BIOS on settings default. This can be done using a jumper CLRTC on the system board located near the CMOS battery. It is set to 1-2 by default. Insert the jumper in 2-3 for 15 sec.

The next way is apply boot disk with a version of the system identical to the one installed earlier.

Select System Restore, then follow the further text instructions. You can also try to restore the main boot record(MBR) using the same disk. Among the options select command prompt and enter: " bootrec /FixMbr”, wait for the procedure to complete and reload PC.

If an unrecoverable error appears - completely reinstall OS.