Roll back Windows 7 without a disc or with a recovery disc

1. How to restore Windows 7 without a disc

2. How to restore Windows 7 via BIOS
3. Important!!!

Dividing a hard drive and creating recovery discs - Windows 7 is already installed.
In order to avoid calling a specialist in the event of a system failure,
, if not done, the hard disk on sections C and D, in section D we will save personal files. We also create a recovery disk or system image.

Restoring Windows 7

If you do not have a recovery disk or system image for Windows 7, then consider the following options recovery:

  1. The PC does not boot - OS startup and recovery of the startup sector through the recovery console;
  2. PC boots up - system restore function without disk to roll back the system - System Restore.
  3. How to create a disk (flash drive) Windows Recovery 7
  4. How to Create a System Image in Windows 7
  5. Restoring Windows 7 via BIOS using a USB flash drive or disk
  6. Restoring Windows 7 with system image(system image)
  7. How to partition a hard drive after Windows installation 7

1. Starting a Windows 7 Computer and Repairing the Startup Sector

If the PC no longer boots, then load it into safe mode safe mode.
Before loading the operating Windows systems 7, immediately after pressing the computer power button, press and release intermittently or hold down the key F8 until a list of modes appears (Repair Your Computer, Safe Mode, etc.).

Select with the arrows on the keyboard up or down safe mode(safe mode) and press Enter. In the window that opens, click on the picture with the name of the administrator, if necessary, then enter the password - a window appears: Desktop with a record "Windows is running in safe mode, press OK

Further- recovery of the boot sector through the recovery console.
If the PC does not boot, then we repeat the launch until the modes appear (see again), but then we already select with the arrows on the keyboard and Enter, a new window opens System Recovery Options where we click

and then several times Next.

We are waiting for the end of the troubleshooting process and restart the computer. Again we repeat the start of the PC by pressing the key F8, choose again Repair Your Computer and Enter, but now we click not Startup Repair (troubleshooting the startup sector), a System Restore and Next, then performing the recovery according to the instructions (for details, see point 2).

Nothing works - PC won't boot- then you here

2. System Restore Windows 7 (System Restore)

PC booted up- we return Windows 7 to a state by date when everything worked well.
Click Start (Start) - All Programs (All programs) - Accessories (Standard) - System Tools (Utilities) - System Restore (System Restore) - Next (Next), check the box opposite Show other restore points and a restore point by date (when everything was fine), as shown in the example:

press again Next - Finish.

The computer restarts Windows 7 and if a window appears: Restoration Complete (Restoration completed). The system has recovered - it is necessary to produce computer cleaning. If nothing works, then reinstall Windows 7 .

3. How to create a Windows 7 recovery disk (flash drive)???

  • Computer won't boot:
    where to download the file and how to create recovery media - get started
  • Computer boots up:
    create - disc recovery (recovery disc)- CD/DVD must be inserted.
    Press ,
    (on the left side of the window) Create a system repair disc - Create disc.
    This disk will help restore the system in case of a system failure, when the system is no longer bootable (but not all files and programs, we will restore them later using a system image or Backup file (must be available)).

4. How to create a system image in Windows 7???

  • We create - system image (system image)
    Click Start - Control Panel - Back up your computer,
    (on the left side of the window) Create a system image, choose a place,
    where to save the system image ( On a hard disc, On one or more DVD DVD discs), On a network location).
  • If your disk is divided into partitions (C and D), then select the first one, on the hard disk, partition D,
    otherwise on CD / DVD, then click Next (Next) - Start backup (Archive).
    The system image will be able to restore the system drivers needed to stable operation Windows 7 when a system crashes, and files and programs when a function System Restore unable to help.

5. Restore Windows 7 via BIOS

6. Restore Windows 7 using system image(system image)

  • computer boots up
    and you can get to the control panel,
    press Start - Control Panel - Back up your computer,
    then select the previously created system image (archive) - do it according to the instructions.
    All files and programs will be restored at the time the system image was created.
  • System recovery scheme using a system image,
    computer won't boot:
    turn on the PC using the power button, immediately press F8, opens Advanced Boot Options,
    where choose Repair your computer and press Enter.
    Next, select the keyboard, Next, name and password, OK,
    on the menu System Recovery Options click System Image Recovery and further according to the instructions.

7. How to Partition a Hard Drive After Installing Windows 7

  • We copy personal data in case of failure.
  • To increase free memory, be sure to defragment the hard disk.
  • Next, we divide the disk - click Start (Start) - Control Panel (Control Panel) - System and Security (System and Security) - Administrative Tools (Administration) - twice Computer Management (Computer Management) - Disk Management (Disk Management), on the right side windows mark the drive (C :), then press right button mouse, we see a menu where we select Shrink Volume. After a while, a window appears where we indicate the amount of memory (no more than specified) for the new partition (you can read more by clicking Shrink a Basic Volume) and press Shrink.

If a recovery failed, computer won't boot to Windows, then before reinstalling the system, you can try the last thing - creating a special boot disk, if you haven’t tried it, to begin otherwise, only reinstallation or repair of electronics.

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| How to create a system recovery disk in windows 7 |
| Restoring Windows 7 |
| How to restore windows 7 |
| system rollback |

Mar 3 2015

How to restore the Windows 7 system on a laptop, a black screen comes out on boot, the recovery environment does not work, I deleted everything hidden partitions, original disc not with Windows 7.

I spent a lot of time, tell me what to do now or at least how to insure myself against such situations in the future, preferably without using paid programs Reserve copy data.

How to restore the Windows 7 system

Unfortunately, there are enough reasons for this trouble, ranging from incorrectly written drivers, the harmful effects of a virus, errors file system and ending with our erroneous actions when working with a computer, there is no need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn how to deal with them effectively.

Let's think about how to restore the windows 7 system, as well as insure ourselves for the future from possible troubles using the backup and recovery tools built into the operating system.

We will learn how to restore Windows 7 without using third party programs for backup even when System Recovery Options does not load and the F-8 button is useless.

It has in its arsenal quite powerful and good tool-> Recovery environment, which is created automatically when you install Windows 7 in a hidden partition and contains five other tools that solve numerous malfunctions and problems.

Note: If you learn how to use Windows 7 recovery tools correctly, and this is not difficult, then you can do without additional and paid data backup programs.

You can start the recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After that, a menu of Additional boot options will open in front of you: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe mode, Safe mode with boot network drivers etc.

Small digression: Before choosing the item Troubleshoot your computer, try the easier option - Last Known Good Configuration - in simple words, the operating system always remembers the last successful boot of the computer and enters this information into the registry.

In case of problems with booting, Windows can remember the registry settings and driver settings that were used the last time the system was successfully booted and use them if you select the Last Known Good Configuration option.

If this tool does not help, select the first -> Troubleshoot your computer,

Next, we get to the Windows 7 System Recovery Options menu, which is what we need, it is here that we can select the System Restore Tool we need, there are five in total, let's take a closer look at how they all work.

The first thing to do is apply Startup Repair (Automatically fix problems that prevent Windows from starting).

Required digression: After pressing the F-8 button when the computer boots up, you may not have an item > Troubleshoot your computer, but only Safe Mode and so on, the question arises why.

When installing Windows 7, a recovery environment partition is created automatically and is located at the root of the drive (C:) in the Recovery folder. You can also see in the Disk Management window - a separate, hidden partition of the hard drive, its volume is only 100 MB, it is used to store boot configuration files (BCD) and the system boot loader (bootmgr file).

You can see it Computer-> Management-> Disk Management. In no case can you delete this partition (many people delete it out of ignorance), otherwise you will not start the recovery environment, that is, you will not have the Troubleshoot computer item, and in more severe cases you simply will not boot the system.

On the bottom screenshot, you can see another hidden partition, with a capacity of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden recovery partition with the factory settings of my laptop, you can have it more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

What to do if you do not have a partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, in the Advanced boot options menu, the Troubleshoot your computer item does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system?

The installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system can save here. You can start the recovery tool by booting from the original installation Windows disk 7 by selecting System Restore at the very beginning.

If you don't have an installation disk, then you can use the Windows 7 Recovery Disk (you can make one in any running Windows 7) in five minutes, then you can also boot from it and do the same.

So, we still got into the System Recovery Options, either using the F-8 button and the Troubleshooting item, or the Windows 7 installation disc or the Windows 7 Recovery Disc.

In the System Restore Options menu, select the first one:

Launch Recovery-> there will be an analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for normal loading and functioning operating system.

In the process, we may be warned that problems have been found in the boot options, click Fix and restart.

System Restore-> using this function, we can select a previously created system restore point, if we have it enabled, and roll back to the time when our Windows 7 worked fine and loaded, everything is simple here.

Restoring a system image-> I personally use this tool, with skillful use it can be replaced paid programs on data backup, if interested, read on.

Why is he good? It will help when you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disc and you have deleted the hidden partition with the factory settings of your laptop, but that's not all.

Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to the actions of a virus, you will not be able to load the operating system at all, or many people ask How to restore the Windows 7 system, even if the menu with Additional options downloads will also be unavailable. Reinstall the operating system again?

Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 on your laptop or computer, we create using this function -> Restore the system image, archival image our Windows 7 on the hard drive, take care of it.

Be sure to create a Windows 7 Recovery Disc (read below), it will help you use the System Image if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Backup Computer Data.

Select "Create a system image".

In my case, the Local Disk (E :), if you have system unit several hard drives, then of course it is better to place the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

By default, the data backup program will automatically select the partition with the Windows 7 operating system, if you wish, you can add Local drives for archiving yourself, as long as you have enough space.

Note: You can see that I have two operating systems installed on my laptop, so the backup program chose two Local drives.

Click Archive and the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.

Created, it will look like this.

Now, you can deploy the archive with Windows 7 to your computer, if necessary, in 20-30 minutes. It would be better if you copy the archive with the system additionally to a portable hard drive, this will double your safety.

Let's pretend that we can't start Windows 7 and deploy the backup we created, let's do it together.

We launch the Windows 7 Recovery Tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer.

The Advanced Boot Options menu opens, select Troubleshoot your computer.

Restoring a system image

Use the latest available system image.

Of course, all our data on local disk, where the operating system is currently being restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.

How else can you restore your Windows 7 system? Of course with the help of the Windows 7 Recovery Disk.

Let's create, which can be used to boot the computer, it will contain recovery tools with which you can repair malfunctions Windows boot 7, as well as restore the operating system from the backup copy that we created in advance.

Important: The bitness of the system is important for the recovery disk, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Again we go Archiving computer data.

Create a system recovery disc, insert the DVD into the drive, click "Create Disc".

When the Windows 7 Recovery Disk is ready, put it in a safe place.

In order to restore Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk, in principle, no operating system is needed at all.

You will only need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS of your computer, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive.

Many here can draw an analogy with data backup programs, and rightly so, they work on the same principle, but their functionality is of course more convenient.

Restoring Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk. I show you how to do it. Suppose we are in trouble, we cannot start Windows 7, when we press F-8 on the keyboard, nothing happens immediately after starting the computer.

We cannot get into the menu with Additional boot options and an error message is displayed. In this case, the system archive on the hard disk is not available to us. It was precisely such a nuisance that happened to our reader Ilya, who wrote us a letter asking for help.

In this situation, many reinstall Windows 7 from scratch, but not us, because we have a System Recovery Disc.

We insert it into the drive and reboot, put it in BIOS boot from the drive, as I said the disk is bootable, the System Recovery Options program is launched.

Press Enter until the offer to boot from disk is gone.

The automatic recovery tool running from the disk will try to repair Windows startup 7.

If all else fails, select any tool, try for example Recovering a computer using a previously created image of the operating system.

We use the latest available system image.

What other ways are there to restore Windows 7?

There is another little-known way to restore Windows 7 boot after a crash, and I'll tell you about it. At first glance, it will seem difficult to many, but nevertheless it often helps me out.

The fact is, friends, that a very large part of the problems due to which you cannot boot Windows 7 lies in registry errors. And Windows 7 wouldn't be Windows 7 if it didn't have a mechanism to protect registry files. Such a mechanism exists and creates archive copies of the registry in the RegBack folder every 10 days, regardless of whether you have system restore enabled or not.

If you can't fix problems booting Windows 7, you should try replacing the existing (and apparently corrupted) registry files in the Config folder with the zip files in the RegBack folder. To do this, we will have to boot the computer from the Windows 7 installation disc or the Windows 7 recovery disc.

We boot into the recovery environment, select the command line.

We type in it - notepad, we get into Notepad, then File and Open.

We go into the real explorer, click My computer. Now we need system disk C:, attention, the drive letters here can be mixed up, but the system drive C: I think you can recognize by being inside system folders Windows and Program Files.

We go to the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder, the current registry files are located here, we specify the File type - All files and we see our registry files, we also see the RegBack folder, in it every 10 days the Task Scheduler does backup registry keys.

So, we will replace the existing registry files from the Config folder backup files registry from the RegBack folder.
So, first of all, let's delete the SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM files from the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder, which are responsible for all registry hives (my advice is to copy the registry hives somewhere just in case before deleting them).

In their place, copy and paste files with the same names, but from a backup copy, that is, from the RegBack folder.

Note: You cannot delete the SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM files all together, delete them one by one. Then copy the same files from the RegBack folder in their place.

Friends, if this does not help, apply integrity restoration Windows files 7, in case the operating system does not boot, it is done in the same way as in Windows 8.

What else do we have left of the Windows 7 recovery tools?

Memory Diagnostics 7-> checks system memory for errors. Command line-> with it you can delete files that interfere with loading Windows 7.

I hope our article on how to restore a Windows 7 system helped you.


If you cannot start Windows, use Safe Mode to restore your system. Restart your computer and press F8 on your keyboard after sound signal POST. In the boot options menu, check "Load Last Known Good Configuration". Choose a rollback point closest to the date when the system was stable.

You can choose the "Safe Mode" method. When asked by the system about working in this mode answer "No". After that it should start recovery systems.

If you see the message: "System Restore failed", reboot again, press F8 and check the option "Safe Mode with Support command line". Log in with administrator rights. After downloading, enter the code %systemroot%system32 into the command line
strui.exe. Then follow the instructions.

If System Restore is disabled on your computer, you won't be able to back up. There may be a situation when, due to incorrect operation of the computer, it is not possible to enable this option. In this case, reboot and log in to the system in safe mode with administrator rights.

Go to the "Control Panel" and expand the "Administrative Tools" node. Launch the Services snap-in. Locate the "System Restore Service" item and right-click on it to bring up the drop-down menu. Select the "Start" command.

You can run this function from the command line. Apply the combination Win + R and enter the compmgmt.msc command. Double-click the Services and Applications node and check the Services component.

On the right side of the screen, find the "System Restore Service" item. Right click on it and select context menu start command.

There is another way. Call command line and type cmd. In the console window, type the net start command.

Useful advice

You can call the command line from the "Start" menu by selecting the "Run" option


  • What is protected mode?

Protection of the Windows operating system is used to “roll back” to a healthy state of the entire structure, before making any changes or actions to it. malware. However, there are situations when it is necessary to temporarily (in some cases for a long period) disable. This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

You will need

  • Personal Computer


Restart your computer for the changes to take effect. To do this, go to the "Start" menu and click the "Restart" button. You can also reboot with the button located on the system, but it should be used only in cases where it is impossible to reboot in a standard way. Once the computer restarts, go back to the System Restore tab. The system will warn you that given function was disabled. This means that you did everything right.

Do not forget to enable system protection after you have completed all the necessary actions (for example, the antivirus removed infected files from the Restore folder). Otherwise, you will not be able to use the service. protection system, which can cause it to become unstable.

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  • Frost Security post in 2018

In some situations, when the operating system does not work properly, it is recommended to run function recovery systems. To use it successfully, you need to know a few simple rules.

You will need

  • Windows installation disc.


First, after installing the operating system, make sure that the system restore checkpoint feature is enabled. Open the Control Panel and go to the System and Security menu. Select the "System" menu. In the left column, find the item "" and go to it.

Go to the "System Protection" tab, click on the local drive where the operating system is installed, and click the "Configure" button. Activate the "Restore system and file settings" option.

Specify maximum size used for this purpose disk space. It is recommended to allocate at least 1 GB. Click the "Apply" button. After you install everything necessary programs and configure the operating system, open the system properties again and click the "Create" button.

Enter a name for checkpoint to be created. Click the "Create" button again.

To start the System Restore process, open the Control Panel. Navigate to the Backup and Restore menu and select Restore System Settings or Restore Computer. Click the "Start System Restore" button.

Press "Next". Check the box next to "Show other restore points". Select the breakpoint that best suits your situation and click Next. To start the process, click the "Finish" button.

If you are unable to run this process while working in Windows environment, then you will need an installation disk with this OS.

Insert it into the drive and run the installer. In the third window of the program, open the menu " Extra options recovery."

Select "System Restore". Repeat the operations described in the sixth step.

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How to restore the Windows 7 system on a laptop, when loading, a black screen comes out, the recovery environment does not work, I deleted the hidden partitions, there is no original disk. I spent a lot of time, tell me what to do now, or at least how to insure myself against such situations in the future, preferably without using paid data backup programs. Ilya.

How to restore the Windows 7 system

Unfortunately, there are enough reasons for this trouble, ranging from incorrectly written drivers, the harmful effects of a virus, file system errors and ending with our erroneous actions when working with a computer, you don’t need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn how to deal with them effectively.
Let's think how to restore windows 7 system, as well as insure ourselves for the future from possible troubles with the help of backup and recovery tools built into the operating system. We will learn how to restore Windows 7 without using third-party backup programs, even when System Recovery Options does not load and the F-8 button is useless.

  • Friends, if our article does not help you, then check out others on this topic, for example:, in it you will learn how to restore an unbootable system using various command line utilities, the first is Bootrec.exe with the /FixMbr and /FixBoot commands or the utility bootsect /NT60 SYS, as well as Bootrec.exe with the /RebuildBcd parameter, these utilities can be run from the recovery environment or from the Windows 7 recovery disk. The article will show you how to restore the operating system when system restore is disabled and much more.
  • If Windows 7 freezes at boot or suddenly restarts, or suddenly may show blue screen with an error, then perhaps all these problems are due to numerous file system errors. How to fix the situation, even when the operating system does not boot due to these errors, is written in this article.
  • Well, eight articles from the section will give you a detailed idea of ​​\u200b\u200ball the built-in recovery tools in Windows 7: restore points, previous versions files, creating a system image and a recovery disk, and so on. So, let's begin.

Windows 7 has in its arsenal a fairly powerful and good tool-> recovery environment, which is created automatically when installing Windows 7 in a hidden partition and contains five other tools that solve numerous malfunctions and problems.

  • Note: If you learn how to use Windows 7 recovery tools correctly, and this is not difficult, then you can do without additional and paid data backup programs.

You can start the recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After that, a menu of Additional boot options will open in front of you: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe mode, Safe mode with loading network drivers, etc.

First thing to do is apply Launch Recovery(Automatically fix problems that prevent Windows from starting)

Required digression: After pressing the F-8 button when the computer boots up, you may not have a > item, but only Safe Mode and so on, the question arises why.

When installing Windows 7, a recovery environment partition is created automatically and is located at the root of the drive (C:) in the Recovery folder. You can also see in the Disk Management window - a separate, hidden partition of the hard drive, its volume is only 100 MB, it is used to store boot configuration files (BCD) and the system boot loader (bootmgr file).

You can see it Computer-> Management-> Disk Management. In no case should you delete this partition (many people delete it out of ignorance), otherwise you will not start the recovery environment, that is, the item Troubleshooting your computer you will not, and in more severe cases, you simply will not boot the system.

On the bottom screenshot, you can see another hidden partition, with a capacity of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden recovery partition with the factory settings of my laptop, you can have it more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

What to do if you do not have a partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, in the Advanced boot options menu, the Troubleshoot your computer item does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system?

The installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system can save here. You can start the recovery tool by booting from the original Windows 7 installation disk by selecting the item at the very beginning System Restore. If you do not have an installation disk with you, then you can use (you can make it in any running Windows 7) in five minutes, then you can also boot from it and do the same.

So, we still got into the System Recovery Options, either using the F-8 button and the Troubleshooting item, or the Windows 7 installation disc or the Windows 7 Recovery Disc.

In the System Restore Options menu, select the first one:
Launch Recovery-> there will be an analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for the normal loading and operation of the operating system. In the process, we may be warned that problems have been found in the boot options, click Fix and restart.

System Restore-> with the help of this function, if we have it enabled, we can roll back to the time when our Windows 7 worked fine and loaded, everything is simple here.

-> I personally use this tool, with skillful use it can replace paid data backup programs, if you are interested, read on.

Why is he good? It will help when you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disc and you have deleted the hidden partition with the factory settings of your laptop, but that's not all.
Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to the actions of a virus, you will not be able to load the operating system at all, or many people ask How to restore Windows 7 system, even if the menu with Additional boot options is also unavailable. Reinstall the operating system again?
Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 on your laptop or computer, we create using this function-> Restoring a system image, an archive image of our Windows 7 on the hard drive, save it. Be sure to create a Windows 7 Recovery Disc (read below), it will help you use the System Image if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.
Go to Start -> Control Panel->Archiving computer data.

Choose Creating a system image

then select Local disk, on which we will store the system archive. In my case, the Local Disk (E :), if you have several hard drives in the system unit, then of course it is better to place the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

Note: You may notice that I have two operating systems installed on my laptop, so the backup program selected two Local drives.

Click Archive and the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.
Created, it will look like this.

Now, you can deploy the archive with Windows 7 to your computer, if necessary, in 20-30 minutes. It would be better if you copy the archive with the system additionally to a portable hard drive, this will double your safety.

Let's pretend that we can't start Windows 7 and deploy the backup we created, let's do it together.
We launch Windows 7 Recovery Tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. The Advanced Boot Options menu opens, select Troubleshoot your computer.

Restoring a system image

Use the latest available system image

Of course, all our data on the Local Disk, where the operating system is now being restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.
How else can you restore your Windows 7 system? Of course, using the Windows 7 Recovery Disk. Let's create Recovery disk, which can be used to boot the computer, it will contain recovery tools with which you can repair Windows 7 boot problems, as well as restore the operating system from a backup copy that we created in advance.

Important: For a recovery disk, the bitness of the system is important, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Let's go again Archiving computer data

Create System Recovery Disc, insert the DVD into the drive, press

Create disk

When the Windows 7 Recovery Disk is ready, put it in a safe place.

In order to restore Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk, in principle, no operating system is needed at all. You will only need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS of your computer, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive. Many here can draw an analogy with data backup programs, and rightly so, they work on the same principle, only Here is the functionality they have of course more comfortable.

  • If you do not know how to change the boot priority in the BIOS, read our articles and

Restoring Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk. I show you how to do it. Suppose we are in trouble, we cannot start Windows 7, when we press F-8 on the keyboard, nothing happens immediately after starting the computer. We cannot get into the menu with Additional boot options and an error message is displayed. In this case, the system archive on the hard disk is not available to us. It was precisely such a nuisance that happened to our reader Ilya, who wrote us a letter asking for help.

In this scenario, many reinstall Windows 7 from scratch, but not you and me, because we have System recovery disc.
We insert it into the drive and reboot, set the BIOS to boot from the drive, as I said the disk is bootable, the System Recovery Options program starts.
Press Enter until the offer to boot from disk is gone.

As you know, unfortunately, "OSes" Windows families high stability in work is not particularly different. It is they who are most susceptible to viruses or malware, as well as unforeseen malfunctions, which often leads to extremely sad consequences when the system becomes impossible to boot. And Windows 7 is no exception. Creating a Windows 7 recovery disk will help here. How to do this in several ways, we will now consider.

Windows 7 Boot Issues

As for the reasons that can affect the performance of Windows 7, there can be a lot of them. Despite the fact that of all the operating systems of this family, the "seven" is one of the most stable and secure, nevertheless, it is not immune from such cases.

Speaking of boot problems, they can be conditionally divided into two main categories: software failures of the OS itself and malfunctions hard drive, including system errors. Quite often, such situations are associated with, say, virus attacks, the influence of malicious codes, incorrect shutdown, overheating of the HDD, an unexpected power outage, which can even cause physical damage to the hard disk during a short circuit, etc., etc.

But now we will talk about how to create a Windows 7 recovery disc. In most cases, the fix software failures and helps to fix many problems, even when automatic checkpointing is not possible (in Windows 7 this is very common and is associated with errors on the hard drive or in the partition where the OS itself is installed).

Using the Windows 7 Recovery Disc

Now just a moment of patience. Before proceeding to the direct solution of the issues of creating a Windows 7 recovery disk, a few words about its use. The fact is that when booting from such a disk (or flash drive), all saved parameters, drivers, programs, etc. are not loaded from the hard drive, since the system present on it does not have boot priority.

To properly use the Windows 7 recovery disc in BIOS settings you need to specify first boot device will be a CD/DVD media or a USB flash drive. This option is selected in the Boot Sequence section ( boot device Priority) in the First Boot Device line.

Note: if a flash drive is specified as a priority device, it must already be inserted into the corresponding USB port before turning on the computer.

Where to begin?

So let's get started. It should be said right away that many users do not particularly bother with creating a Windows 7 recovery disk, preferring to use the original installation or recovery kit.

On the one hand, this is a fairly simple solution, but it is suitable either for installing the system from scratch, or for accessing (if there is one on the disk). The problem is that not all users know how to use it. This is where a manually created disk comes in handy, especially since using it you can restore not only the system, but also data from the hard drive.

Windows 7 recovery

Create boot disk possible in several ways. To begin, consider standard means the Windows OS itself.

First and most simple method is to use the "Control Panel", in which the "Backup and Restore" section is selected. In this section, you must select the line "Create a system recovery disk", after which you will be prompted to select a device as a boot tool. It remains only to insert an empty "blank" into the drive and start the recording process.

We note right away that in most cases a regular CD will suffice for a 32-bit system. The volume of recorded information will be about 150 MB. If you are going to use a 64-bit Windows 7 recovery disc, it is better to take DVD media.

This is not the only way to access commands. You can also use the main Start menu, where in the Maintenance section you select access to backup and restore or the direct command to create a system boot disk. You can use the recdisc command from the Run menu (Win + R). The essence of this does not change.

Creating a system image

Creating an image of the system can be equally effective. This method allows you to get copies of all disks and partitions necessary for the correct operation of the OS.

In the section above, instead of creating a recovery drive, simply select the option "Create a system image", after which you will need to select a backup location (hard drive or its partitions, or network placement). In principle, the procedure is almost the same as that described above.

What you need to recover a hard drive

Naturally, Windows 7 can produce in the way just discussed, but it is better (and this has been proven in practice) to use special utilities. Acronis is one of the most powerful true image. In it, you can create and restore Windows 7, and backup the entire hard drive and its partitions.

In this case, in the program menu, you need to select the "Create archive" item, after which you can choose what exactly needs to be copied. There are two fields here: HDD entire or separate sections on it” and “Files and folders”. It is clear that you can make a complete copy of all the hard drive data, but here it is worth considering one important aspect, namely, the amount of information placed in the backup.

This is where the problems with the lack of disk space begin. For a complete image, it is better to use removable HDD drives connected via USB ports, and in most cases, a regular flash drive is suitable for saving individual files and folders. It all depends only on the volume of the “screw” itself (files and folders) and the volume of removable media.

Third Party Applications

Enough simple solution the question of how to create a Windows 7 recovery disk image can be the use of popular utilities such as UltraISO, Daemon Tools and many others. As a rule, everything software products of this type have at their disposal the appropriate tools for working with images.

In this case, the image itself is first created (of the system or hard drive), and then it is written to the corresponding removable media information.

If nothing helps with recovery

And now a few words about boot problems if the Windows 7 system recovery boot disk does not help.

The failure in the system could be triggered by viruses, so even booting from a disk will not fix the problem. The copy will still “pick up” a virus from the hard drive, because the recovery does not affect user files and folders (and viruses disguise themselves as such).

In this case, before restoring, it is recommended to use utilities such as Kaspersky Rescue Disc, which can be loaded even before the OS itself starts. As practice shows, they remove viruses much more efficiently than stationary antiviruses, the operation of which directly depends on the state of the “OS”.

In some cases, if the system has not recovered, you can try to solve the problem using utilities to check the HDD. Among them, there are also those that start even before the Windows OS starts loading. However, using an antivirus and then using a system recovery disc works very well in most cases. A hard drive check may be required only if problems are found related to physical defects or system failures in the form of bad sectors that cannot be corrected by standard methods.