Morse code is a character encoding method that allows operators to send messages using a series of long and short electrical signals, or in other words, using dots and dashes.

Who Invented Morse Code?

Morse code was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse and his assistant Alfred Weil.

When was Morse code invented?

Morse code was developed in the 1830s and improved in the 1840s.

What was the first message sent using Morse code?

The first official message was: "What hath God wrought" (in Russian: Wonderful are thy works, Lord!). It was sent by Samuel F. B. Morse on May 24, 1844, at the opening of the Baltimore-Washington telegraph line.

What is Morse code used for?

In the past, Morse code was used very widely, especially in the military. Today, Morse code has a limited scope, but it is still used in aviation, in the amateur radio community, and as an assistive technology for people with disabilities.

How to use Morse code?

Morse code can be used different ways, for example, with pen and paper, with light and sound, or even with the eyes or fingers.

How to learn Morse code?

You can learn Morse code by listening to audio recordings of the code, as well as by applying the methods of memorizing words that can be found on various sites. One of best practices learning morse code in 2019 became the Gboard keyboard from Google. You can study online for free with the Morse code learning exercises provided by the Google Creative Lab.

How to read Morse code?

If you are not experienced in reading Morse code, you can find the corresponding characters in the Morse code table, or just use a Morse code translator.

How to translate Morse code?

If you want to translate or decode Morse code and don't know how to read it, you can simply use the Morse code translator online. With the Morse code translator, you can easily decipher the code and read the text in Russian.

What is Morse code translator?

Morse code translator allows anyone to translate Morse code into text and easily decode the message written in the code. With the help of an online Morse code translator, anyone can translate a simple text in Russian or another language into Morse code and vice versa. Do you remember the Nokia SMS ringtone? If you want to experience nostalgia, try to decipher the code "... -- ..." and then play the sound. What if you need to decipher a secret message in Morse code, or you stumble upon an Easter egg with a code in the game? Morse code translator is at your service 7/24 if you have an internet connection and desire to learn Morse code.

    There are many options for decoding the SOS distress signal - “Save Our Souls”, “Save Our Ship”, “Swim Or Sink”, “Stop Other Signals”, “Save From Death”. But all of them are just mnemonics, invented for better memorization, while at the time of the adoption of this signal as a standard at the International Radiotelegraph Conference in 1906, no meaning was put into the abbreviation. Even the letters SOS themselves can be attributed to the Morse code sequence (. . . - - - . . .) very conditionally, because there are no inter-letter intervals in it. And they accepted this combination of dots and dashes due to the fact that it turned out to be more convenient than others for recognition and selection in the general stream of signals due to its sufficient length and symmetry.

    Samuel Morse was an artist until the age of 34 and was not interested in technology. In 1825, a messenger delivered a letter to him from his father saying that his wife was dying. Morse immediately left Washington and went to New Haven, where his family lived, but by the time he arrived, his wife had already been buried. This incident forced Morse to leave painting and delve into the study of ways to quickly deliver messages over long distances, which led to the development of Morse code and the electric telegraph in 1838.

    Morse code in its usual form was not invented by Morse, but by the German engineer Gercke. The original Morse code was inconvenient, although it was used on some American railroads well into the 1960s.

    On February 6, 1900, a radio station located in the Finnish city of Kotka transmitted a wireless telegram to the Ermak icebreaker with an order to rescue 50 fishermen on the torn off ice floe. It was the first ever transmission of a radio distress signal at sea. The rescue operation was completed successfully.

    Modern submarines are equipped with more efficient means of communication with the "terrestrial world". Communication is carried out on ultra-long waves, which are capable of penetrating to an ocean depth of up to 300 meters. It's very expensive" mobile connection”, which requires the maintenance of powerful ground-based antenna fields that consume power up to 30 MW, and constantly loitering in the sky communications aircraft.

    The SOS signal is transmitted at a frequency of 600 meters only in case of emergency, when the crew and passengers are in real danger to life. In case of violation of this rule, penalties may be imposed on the perpetrators of unreasonable panic. Or moral, that in the maritime community is not an empty phrase. Or material - when the ships that came to the rescue suffer significant material losses. However, there is an exception to this immutable rule. The captain of the ship in some cases can transmit on the “com frequency” in three fixed “minutes of silence” information about the emergence of a serious threat to ships in the region. These may be reports of malfunctioning lighthouses, volcanic activity, pirate activity, sunken ships ...

    To speed up radio communications, abbreviations, three-letter "Q-codes" and numerous slang expressions were introduced into wide use. From that the Q code is transmitted in the form of a question or statement, its meaning changes. AT voice communication SOS signal is not used, Mayday serves as a distress signal. It is forbidden to give an SOS signal if there is no real threat to the life of people or a ship at sea.

In this article, I will talk about the best online translation Morse codes on the Internet and how to work with them. Despite the fact that Morse code has already gone out of mass use, it still finds its use in the Navy, in the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and also as a means of communication between many radio amateurs. The process of letter-by-letter conversion of words (phrases) into Morse code can take a long time, therefore, to speed up this process it is worth using special network online services, allowing for a fraction of a second to get a translation into Morse code of the words we need.

What you need to know about the operation of Morse code converter services?

The network provides a sufficient number of services that allow you to perform both instant transformation the right words and phrases into Morse code, as well as the required reverse conversion from Morse code to the text familiar to us.

Working with these services is quite simple: you go to such a resource, insert the text (or Morse code) necessary for transformation into a special window, click on the button for performing the translation, and almost instantly get the desired result.

At the same time, some of the services allow not only to perform online translation into Morse code, but also to listen to the audio form of this code, if necessary, downloading it to a PC as an audio file.

Let's take a closer look at the popular online Morse code translators. - Morse code tutorial online

  1. Working with the site is quite simple. You insert the text of the radiogram on the left to convert it into Morse code (or Morse code in the window on the right for the reverse operation).
  2. Next, select the language (Russian or English), and click on the appropriate button with an arrow to carry out the translation procedure.
  3. The resource also offers you to listen to the sound of the existing Morse code using the corresponding sound playback button. - a game form of learning Morse code

The popular international entertainment portal offers users a convenient tool for displaying Morse code symbols for letters of the Latin alphabet. As well as the opportunity to test your knowledge of Morse code with the help of special tests.

When you navigate to a resource, you will see virtual keyboard, in which each letter (number) on the key will correspond to the corresponding Morse code. To test your knowledge of Morse code, press the "Test 1: Listen and Guess" key (it is suggested to listen to the Morse code, and then guess what number or letter it is), or "Test 2: Morse the letter" (you need to type the required letter or number in Morse code). - Convert text to Morse code and vice versa

To perform a simple and convenient conversion of text into Morse code, you should use the service. The service has a simple and convenient Russian-language interface, making it easy to translate text from standard Cyrillic and Latin forms into Morse code and vice versa.

  1. To work with services, log in to
  2. Select the desired language and conversion direction.
  3. Type the required text in the corresponding window, and click on the "Convert" button. - international online Morse code translator

The international service is a Morse code translator with an audio component that allows you to reproduce the sound of the Morse code we have (or received as a result of translation).

The working screen of the service is divided into two windows. On the left, you can enter the text you need in Cyrillic or Latin, and on the right, the corresponding Morse code will be automatically displayed.

To play Morse code, click on the "Play" button (with an arrow) at the top. - domestic service for transforming text into Morse code

And the last service that I want to talk about in this material is Its functionality is reminiscent of the service described above, while the automatic transformation of text into Morse code here works only in one direction - from Cyrillic (Latin) to Morse code.

Otherwise, the service has a classic toolkit for services of this type.


Almost all the online Morse code translators listed above allow us to transform the text we need into the form of Morse code and vice versa (with the exception of the service, which works unilaterally). Among all the listed services, I would like to draw the reader's attention to the and services. Allowing not only to translate desired text into Morse code, but also listen to the sound of the result, which is useful when training the perception of Morse code by ear (listening).

But it is designed to study the codes of Cyrillic letters, which is irrelevant in modern radio communications (everyone uses the Latin alphabet, except for our valiant army).

As a tool for implementing the idea, C ++ was chosen in conjunction with Qt.

Main idea of ​​the program

The atom (unit of time) of the Morse code is a point, relative to it the duration of all other elements is formed:
  1. A dash equals three sounding dots;
  2. A pause between elements of one symbol (sign) is one silent dot;
  3. Between the signs - three dots;
  4. There are seven dots between words.
As you can see, any code based on Morse code can be represented as a set of sounding and non-sounding dots: I started from this idea, and this solution seemed to me quite original.

The original implementation

In the first version of the program, the combination of sounding and non-sounding points was stored as a vector with boolean elements, where true corresponded to the inclusion of sound, and false- shutdown.

As you already understood, to get the final signal, I just “pulled” the sound with some delay (using a timer equal to the duration of a point in milliseconds) with an endlessly playing .wav file with a sine recording. But this approach had a significant disadvantage and it consisted in the fact that each point had to be loaded separately using an overloaded operator or a special method. Because of this approach, I had to write a separate macro for each letter (like this - #define I DOT<< false << DOT) и создать огромный жуткий switch to play the passed string. It was awful, but if you're curious, you can check out
with the first version of the program (I did not manage to fully upload the local repository to GitHub - only the latest version).

A piece of a creepy switch:

bool Morse::StringToMorse (QString &line) ( line += "\0"; for (int i = 0; i< line.size () - 1; ++i) { switch ( ()) { case "A": *this << A; if ( (i + 1) == " ") continue; else *this << MINI_SPACE; break; case "B": *this << B; if ( (i + 1) == " ") continue; else *this << MINI_SPACE; break; // И так далее

And this is how the sound turned on and off (actually, the generation of the sound code):

void Morse::PlayLinePoints () ( QTimer::singleShot (duration_point_, this, SLOT (Mute ())); (); ) void Morse::Mute () ( if (line_points_.empty ()) ( / /Stop playback sound_.stop (); return; ) if ( (0)) ( //Turn on the sound sound_.setMuted (false); line_points_.remove (0); QTimer::singleShot (duration_point_, this, SLOT (Mute ())); return; ) else ( sound_.setMuted (true); //Turn off the sound line_points_.remove (0); QTimer::singleShot (duration_point_, this, SLOT (Mute ())); return; ) )

final version

These macros turned out to be very cumbersome, and my perfectionism could no longer look at these monstrous constructions. After thinking a little, I came to the conclusion that I have a good idea, but storing codes in the form of macros is very inconvenient and if you solve this problem, then everything will be fine. As a result, QMap was used to store codes:

// Stores the appropriate combinations of dots and dashes of QMap characters codes_;
This approach turned out to be very convenient. Now I just used the current playing character as a key and got ready
to reproduce the code (a set of boolean values), however, the playback algorithm became a little more complicated: it was necessary to enter the counter of the current element of the character and the counter of characters in the line:

New playback implementation:

void Morse::MiniSpace () ( if (stop_) ( this->Stop (); return; ) sound_.setMuted (true); ++id_element_; //Go to another code element if (id_element_ == codes_.value ( (id_char_)).size ()) ( ++id_char_; id_element_ = 0; QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_ * 3, this, SLOT (Mute())); //Pause between characters return; ) QTimer: :singleShot (duration_dot_, this, SLOT (Mute())); //Pause between character elements ) void Morse::Space () ( if (stop_) ( this->Stop (); return; ) sound_.setMuted (true ); //Pause lasts 7 points //But since after the character there is a pause of three points, an additional pause must be set to a length of 4 points QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_ * 4, this, SLOT (Mute())); ) void Morse::Mute () ( if (stop_) ( this->Stop (); return; ) if (id_char_ == string_to_play_.size ()) ( // Line ended this->Stop (; return; ) if ( (id_char_) == " ") ( Space(); ++id_char_; //Go to another code element return; ) if (codes _.find ( (id_char_)) == codes_.end ()) ( qDebug()<< (id_char_) << ": No code!"; sound_.stop (); return; } sound_.setMuted (false); //Включаем звук if (codes_.value ( (id_char_)).at (id_element_)) { QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_, this, SLOT (MiniSpace())); //Воспроизводим точку } else { QTimer::singleShot (duration_dot_ * 3, this, SLOT (MiniSpace())); //Воспроизводим тире } } bool Morse::Play () { if (!stop_) return false; if (string_to_play_ == "") return false; stop_ = false; id_char_ = 0; id_element_ = 0; sound_.setMuted (true); //Выключаем звук (); Mute (); } void Morse::Stop () { if (stop_) return; sound_.stop (); id_char_ = 0; id_element_ = 0; stop_ = true; }

Flag stop_ was introduced to prevent incorrect program operation (two calls in a row to Play() and other bad things).
I see no reason to include the rest of the source codes and header files in the body of the article, since everything is quite obvious and transparent there.

You can download the full set of sources for the latest version on github. Writing a graphical interface is a trivial task, but still, if a GUI is created, then I will add a link. If you have any questions or comments, write in the comments - I will definitely answer.

We bring to your attention Morse code translator online.

What does it mean? Suppose you need to translate or listen to how your text translated into Morse code will sound. You enter your text in the left box, indicate the language of the text below and press the arrow to the right. In the right window you will get the Morse code of your text. By clicking on the "play" button below, you can listen to your text in Morse code. This way you will use our Morse code translator online.

Online text translator
to Morse code and back

In the textual interpretation of the code, the “partition sign” (-···-) is used to indicate a space. This is done solely for ease of copying.

Attention! The built-in player works well in Chrome, normally - in Opera (if it shuts up, you can re-encode the text in Morse code, it helps), very mediocre - in safari. Doesn't work at all in Firefox and Internet Explorer .

In the audio version of the message, all the rules are observed: the duration of one point is taken as a unit of time; the length of a dash is three dots; pause between elements of the same character - one dot, between characters in a word - 3 dots, between words - 7 dots.

The sound file for download is presented in the formatWAV (it needs to be downloaded, not opened in a browser). It is large: for example, the Morse code for sending"Greek rode across the river. sees a Greek, a cancer in the river. put the hand of the Greek into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek tsap. it weighs 209 KB(although it contains only835 bit information).

Do you want to test your strength? There is nothing easier.

Morse code tunes:

Morse code
. —
ah yes
— . . .
. — —
— — .
— . .
there is
. . . —
— — . .
. .
. — — —
and short
— . —
how are you
. — . .
— —
— .
— — —
. — — .
. — .
. . .

. . —
. . — .
. . . .
— . — .
— — — .
— — — —
— — . —
b, b
— . . —
— . — —
. . — . .
. . — —
. — . —

But the tunes of numbers and the most common signs. I note that in purely digital texts, zero is often conveyed with one dash, like the letter T - this pleasantly diversifies the transmission and eliminates the need to listen to five dashes in a row;)
Morse code
— — — — —
. — — — —
. . — — —
. . . — —
three-te-be-ma-lo, or I-ku-ka-ra-cha
. . . . —
. . . . .
— . . . .
— — . . .
— — — . .
— — — — .
. . — — . .
— — . . — —
. — . — . —
\ (separator)
— . . . —