Hello fighters!

As it turned out, many clan players were interested in setting up the TeamSpeak overlay in the WoT client. Well, the main criteria for setting it up will be given below, their individuality is a purely personal matter for everyone.
So, for the correct configuration, we need to install the TeamSpeak 3 Client downloaded from the client's official website - http://www.teamspeak.com and set it up. Because my client is Russified, a description will follow referring to menu items and windows using translation.
To configure the overlay, you must select the menu item Settings -> Plugins or press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+P.

The Plugins dialog box will open. In the list of plugins installed with the program, select the "TeamSpeak 3 Overlay plugin" checkbox and then click on the "Settings" button.

In the “Overlay Options” window that appears, first select the “Input” tab and set up a combination of hot keys for calling overlay windows in various applications(in our case WoT client). To do this, click on the "Set Hotkey" button and set a key or key combination. I have the keyboard shortcut "Alt + X" configured, but you can choose those that are more convenient for you, this is not so critical, as long as this keyboard shortcut is not used by your operating system and a WoT client.

After completing the hotkey(s) settings, go to the “Colors” tab, in which we set the colors and size of the font display and the transparency of the overlay windows, according to the screenshot below (in our mutual opinion with Mikhail (technik_305) the above settings are the most optimal).

Individual settings, depending on your monitor and personal preferences, can be applied when choosing and size the font for displaying the list of participants in the conversation and system or private messages (marked in green in the screenshot).
All the basic settings are done.
We launch the World of Tanks client and see that the participants in the conversation are displayed on the left side, and messages on the right.

But, most likely, your location of these areas will not be so optimally matched. To arrange these areas as you see fit or repeat their location as in the example, for this, in the game client, press the combination of hot keys or the keys that we set when setting up the “Input” tab (remember that I use the keyboard shortcut “Alt + X ”), the game client will take the following form.

Drag and drop the overlay windows until they are optimally positioned or position them as shown, then press the hotkey combination again to return to normal game client mode. These window arrangement settings can be applied not only when you are in the Hangar, but also directly in battle (if the game situation allows it).
So, we have completed the basic settings for displaying the overlay. If you have a desire to make them purely individual, the TeamSpeak toolkit offers such an opportunity. It's just a matter of your desire and imagination.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck on the battlefield!

TeamSpeak or TeamSpeak is a modern program that allows users to communicate using voice communication through a microphone. TeamSpeak 3 is latest version given computer program, it is equipped with a lot of useful functions.

About the program

This program is often used where voice communication is urgently needed, as well as the ability to coordinate large groups users.

The TeamSpeak 3 computer program is one of the the best programs of this type and has many advantages:

  • Excellent sound quality;
  • Ability to send files to other users;
  • Automatic connection after the first authorization;
  • High-quality codec that performs automatic adjustment;
  • Minimum unnecessary noise, echo and signal delays.

Main Audience

Most often, this program is used by gamers from various online games. This is because voice communication is very important for players, and in many games such a function is either not built in at all or it often does not work well.

A striking example is the audience of our game - World of Tanks, where the ability to talk built into the game is constantly buggy and turns off (this is a fact, I myself was constantly tormented by this). And who, if not you and me, is extremely important during the battle to have high-quality voice communication in order to quickly, quickly and easily exchange information? Playing in the CB, in a platoon or company, the commander constantly needs an instant opportunity to give orders, and the players to exchange data. In the game itself, you can only speak by holding down a certain button, which you can specify in the settings yourself, but in the heat of battle this can be very distracting. This is where TS3 comes to the rescue!

Teamspeak is often used by various clans or guilds that communicate regularly using this program. In addition, sometimes players will randomly team up temporarily and bond through it.

For maximum efficiency of the gaming process, it is recommended to join any gaming community where the participants are permanent, and the composition is replenished only by proven and worthy participants. For these purposes, the clan is recommended to create its own server, which is best rented using a special service.

Server rental for voice communication

  • Official servers have the maximum degree of protection and reliability, which allows you to use voice communication with great comfort.
  • From other similar free services, renting your own voice server is distinguished primarily by the reliability of uninterrupted communication and the confidence that everything will not be cut off at the most inopportune moment. Servers are located in 6 locations across Russia and Europe, which means that the quality of communication will be excellent, regardless of where you live.
  • High uptime - 99.97% guaranteed!

Such servers are protected from hacking, and only verified members have access to them. And do not forget that you pay not only for using the service, but also for the service - to the owners official servers Ruvoice employees will provide, if necessary 24/7 support. In case of problems of any nature, communication specialists will be able to quickly and efficiently provide the necessary assistance, so teamspeak hosting from these guys is initially aimed at providing quality services.

Everyone who uses the services of the service receives a convenient and multifunctional control panel. With its help, you can manage your own server, configure and maintain it. Each server has a certain number of slots for members. For each of the slots, a fixed payment must be made monthly.

In general, we can say that the use of the program for voice communication teamspeak 3 is extremely appropriate. This will allow you to quickly, inexpensively and easily communicate by voice with any number of users, as well as use a lot of other useful features.


Especially for the visitors of our site - a 20% discount on Ruvoice.com services!

Please enter when ordering WOT" without quotes.

  • Update date: 20 Mar 2018
  • Total marks: 3
  • Average rating: 3.67
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Information about the latest update:

Updated 20.03.2018:
  • adapted for 1.0;
  • mod moved to packages;

World of Tanks players use voice communication for all battle modes - from a random platoon to battles on the Global Map. We present to your attention a mod that combines the functionality of World of Tanks and popular program Teamspeak.

In most cases, the use of Teamspeak in the game is limited to downloading the program in the background and using its capabilities instead of regular voice communication. At the same time, the ability to see who is in this moment says, which is in the standard client. In a platoon, this is not so important, but in more massive 7v7 or 15v15 battles, this often leads to confusion and can even cost you a victory on the Global Map.

After installing TessuMod, Teamspeak starts working as a standard voice communication in the game, i.e. mark in the list of players with a special one who is speaking at the moment. This allows you to immediately understand when the commander gives instructions to the team, or the scout reports on the situation, or ordinary soldiers exchange operational information.

In addition, the functionality missing in the standard client is added - the mod additionally marks on the minimap the one who is speaking at the moment.


Since TeamSpeak is, after all, a separate program, some nuances must be taken into account for correct operation.

  1. Mod does not replace Teamspeak. The voice client must be running and you must be logged into your team chat, otherwise the mod will not work.
  2. All team members must install TessuMod and Teamspeak for themselves - only then you will see who from the team is speaking at what moment.
  3. If the name in World of Tanks and nickname in Teamspeak are the same, then advanced settings is not required and the mod works immediately after installation.
  4. If the nickname in WoT is partially or completely different from Teamspeak, then in the tessu_mod.ini file, you need to configure the rules for matching nicknames. The file is located in res_mods\game version\scripts\client\mods

Internet provides great amount opportunities to improve communication between users. Today you can be hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the interlocutor, but at the same time see and hear him as if he is next to you. Naturally, among the applications with which you can establish communication, there are software products of different types, goals and objectives. Some of them are absolutely free and at the same time multitasking, others mean only commercial distribution and provide limited quantity opportunities for communication. In any case, the user always has a choice with whom to communicate and how to do it. Among the programs that support voice communication, the Teamspeak application is especially worth highlighting. Given software works on the basis of VoIP technology and is mainly used to organize comfortable communication between groups of people united by common interests. Teamspeak is actively used by employees of large organizations to solve work issues, as well as gamers to communicate in in-game processes. There are even special software add-ons for certain games (for example, for Warcraft). Let's try to figure out why Teamspeak is so popular among users.

First, many do not want to overpay for similar features available in other commercial programs. Free communication is the decisive factor thanks to which Teamspeak attracts more and more new users. Secondly, the application provides decent sound quality, giving odds to such software products like Ventrilo, Mumble Audio, etc. Automatic setting microphone, echo cancellation and noise removal ensure the highest quality audio transmission, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in game process(especially when using the surround sound function). Thirdly, the decisive moment for all gamers is the speed of transmission of sound information between the participants of the conference by the utility. The same Skype is hardly suitable for organizing in-game communication, since the sound reaches the interlocutors for several milliseconds. In a game where every hundredth of a second can be decisive, such delay is often critical. Teamspeak transmits audio information many times faster. Nearly instantaneous response ensures technically perfect teamwork on any mission.

The program requires a server to work and, of course, client equipment (PC, headphones or speakers, microphone). The application supports both voice command microphone activation, and mechanical (click on a given key). The user who turned on the microphone is marked with a bright blue indicator. The server is provided by the application for free. The only thing that is required from the user is to correctly configure access to it (just specify the IP address, password and nickname to enter). The program interface is not colorful and pretentious, however, the user has the ability to customize the display themes and tool icons.

To translate the program into Russian, download the Teamspeak crack and run it, if the “Open with ...” window appears during installation, then before starting the crack, go to the directory with the program and run the createfileassoc.exe file, then repeat the installation.