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Attribute of what does do? Was used to specify the display of internal borders between rows and columns. This attribute has been deprecated. Use CSS to style table borders instead.

The Rules Attribute has been Deprecated This attribute has been deprecated and should not be used. Browser support for this attribute is limited and using it may produce unexpected results. Instead, use CSS to style tables.

The RULES Attribute

RULES , an HTML 4.0 attribute, indicates if there should be internal borders in the table. We"ll go over each of the values ​​of RULES and demonstrate how they are used. RULES and FRAME have an annoying way of changing each other"s defaults. To simplify your life, here"s a rule of thumb: if you use RULES also use FRAME and BORDER . It"s easier to avoid getting confused.

The NONE Value for the RULES Attribute

RULES=NONE means that there are no inside borders. RULES=NONE is the default if you don't use BORDER or set it to zero, but otherwise must be explicitly stated to have no inside borders. Note that currently Netscape does not recognize RULES .

Starflowerstir fied tofu
Mikovegetable rice soup
Pingfrench toast

The ALL Value for the RULES Attribute

RULES=ALL indicates that all the internal borders should be visible. RULES=ALL is usually used in conjunction with FRAME=VOID so that there are outer borders but no inner borders.

When applied to a table, that value gives us this result:

Starflowerstir fied tofu
Mikovegetable rice soup
Pingfrench toast

The COLS Value for the RULES Attribute

COLS indicates that there should be borders between the columns but not between rows.

When applied to a table, that value gives us this result:

Starflowerstir fied tofu
Mikovegetable rice soup
Pingfrench toast

The ROWS Value for the RULES Attribute

RULES=ROWS indicates that there should be borders between rows but not between columns.

When applied to a table, that value gives us this result:

Starflowerstir fied tofu
Mikovegetable rice soup
Pingfrench toast

The GROUPS Value for the RULES Attribute

RULES=GROUPS allows you to put borders between groups of table cells. There are two ways cells can be grouped: by row and by column. Let's go over each of them. Note that currently Netscape does not recognize RULES .

Grouping By Row

To group by row use the , , tags. indicates the header rows of the table, indicates the main body of the table, and indicates the bottom rows. So, for example, this code creates a table with three groups. Borders appear just between groups:

Starflowerstir fied tofu5.95
Mikovegetable rice soup4.95
Pingfrench toast5.95

Here's how that table renders:

Starflowerstir fied tofu5.95
Mikovegetable rice soup4.95
Pingfrench toast5.95

Grouping By Column

To group by column use the tag and its SPAN attribute. takes a little getting used to because it doesn't actually go around any table cells. It goes at the top of the table code where it sets rules about the table columns including which are grouped together. to indicates how many columns are in each group. If you leave SPAN out then it is assumed the group has just one column. So, for example, the following code says that the first column is in a group by itself and the three after that are together in a group. Notice that requires an end tag. Borders will go only between the groups.

HTML Basics contain the basic rules of the HTML language, a description of the structure of an HTML page, relationships in the structure of an HTML document between HTML elements.

HTML document is normal Text Document, can be created as usual text editor (Notebook), and in a specialized one, with code highlighting (Notepad++, visual studio code, etc.). An HTML document has the .html extension.

An HTML document consists of a tree of HTML elements and text. Each element is identified in the source document by a start (opening) and an end (closing) tag (with rare exceptions).

Start tag shows where the element starts, end - where it ends. Closing tag formed by adding a slash / before the tag name:<имя тега> … . Between the start and end tags is the content of the tag - content.

Single tags cannot store content directly, it is written as an attribute value, for example, a tag will create a button with text Button inside.

Tags can be nested within each other, for example,


. When investing, you must follow the order of their closing (principle of "matryoshka"), for example, the following entry would be incorrect:



HTML elements can have attributes (global, applied to all HTML elements, and their own). Attributes are written in the opening tag of an element and contain a name and value specified in the format attribute name="value" . Attributes allow you to change the properties and behavior of the element for which they are set.

Each element can have multiple class values ​​and only one id value. Multiple class values ​​are written with a space,