Shockwave Flash is a plug-in that integrates into the browser. Thanks to this add-on, users get the opportunity to watch videos on the Internet, as well as play browser games and work with presentations. Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to update the Shockwave Flash plugin.

In most cases, the program is updated automatically. It is quite easy to cope with the task if you follow a simple instruction. It should be noted that the update is performed differently for each browser.

The principle of renewal

In most cases, the problem of playing flash animation occurs only in one browser. In addition, installing a plug-in for one web browser reduces the risk of program incompatibility with other Internet browsers.

Most often, the update problem occurs in the following browsers:

Please note that the update may require a browser restart. The procedure usually takes no more than 5 minutes.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers used all over the world. To update the plugin, you need to specify "chrome://plugins" in the address bar. It is important to note that this page is only available for the outdated version of Google Chrome. After the update, all manipulations with the flash player are carried out on the "chrome://settings/content" page. All updates are made in automatic mode.

After loading the page with plugins, you need to find Shockwave Flash. In the event that several versions of the product have been installed, it is recommended to disable and then remove outdated plugins. Then the browser needs to be restarted.

When the Internet browser is turned on again, you need to open the plugins page again, and then click on the "Update" button, after selecting the player. If nothing happens, go to "". For those using the updated Google Chrome must visit immediately official resource flash player.

Mozilla Firefox

Fire Fox is another popular browser. To update the plugin, you need to open the menu, and then click on the "Add-ons" item. The menu icon is located on the right upper corner browser.

After that, you need to select the "Plugins" section. As soon as a new window opens, you need to find the "Shockwave Flash" application. It is now recommended to set it to "Always On".

To update the plugin, you need to click on the "More details" link. In the description that opens, the version of the plugin will be displayed. If the add-on has an outdated version, you will need to click on the "Update Now" button. The whole procedure is free of charge. After updating the browser, it is recommended to restart.

It should be noted that there is another way to update the installed browser. You need to go to "" to check installed extensions. After opening the page, the analysis of all plugins will begin.

When the check is complete, a list of plugins that need to be updated will appear. to install new version product, you will need to click on the "Update Now" button. In the same way, you can update Shockwave Flash. As soon as all add-ons are updated, the browser will be reloaded.


Many users are attracted to a browser like Opera. The principle of updating is somewhat reminiscent of working in Mozilla browser Firefox. First you need to open the menu, then select "Plugins". You can do the same by typing "opera://plugins" in the address bar.

When the page with plugins opens, you need to find it earlier installed extension"". It is important to make sure that the player version is out of date. After that, you need to update. To do this, just click on the "Update" button. The update process takes no more than 2 minutes. After installing the new version of the plugin, it is recommended to restart the browser so that there are no conflicts.

It is best to update not only plugins, but also the browser itself. This is due to the fact that the updated extension may not be compatible with an outdated Internet browser.

Internet Explorer

Some users use the browser integrated into the operating system - Internet Explorer. To update the plugin, you need to go to the settings. To do this, click on the gear icon.

The next step is to select "Setting Types". As soon as it opens new form, you should find "Toolbar", and then go to extensions. A list will appear in the window that opens. installed plugins. You need to find "Shockwave Flash" and then update. To do this, just click on the "Update" button.

Manual update method

If it is not possible to update the plugin through the browser settings, you can download the new version of the player directly from the official website. First you need to go to the Adobe downloads page. To do this, enter the following URL in the address bar: "".

When the download page opens, click on the "Download now" button. It is important to note that in rare cases, the site incorrectly determines the browser version and operating system. To do this, you need to specify your software. This can be done on the left side of the screen.

After choosing and operating system, it is necessary, as in the first case, to click on the “Download now” button. The download and installation will start automatically. To avoid errors during the installation process, after downloading the player, close all browsers.


If the plugin is updated infrequently, problems may arise regarding the playback of content on websites. It is also important to update the browser you are using. Developers are constantly correcting and adding to the software, so there may be compatibility issues between the web browser and the plugin. As for Google Chrome, the latest version of the browser automatically updates all plugins. In this case, the procedure is performed free of charge.

Video instructions for updating Shockwave Flash

The modern Internet offers users not just informational texts and static pictures. In the browser you can play games, watch videos. And commercials have long been part of the marketing industry. All this is possible thanks to the presence of players in web browsers. Let's see what Shockwave Flash is and what it gives users.

Does such a plugin exist?

Plug-in is software module, which is written specifically for a specific application and extends its capabilities. The plugin itself cannot work. It needs to be integrated into the software.
Initially, there were two companies that developed players for viewing active content in browsers:

  1. Adobe.
  2. macro media.

The first is widely known, thanks to graphics editor Photoshop. The second is more familiar to developers. Many games and videos were created in the unforgettable Macromedia Flash. And Macromedia Dreamweaver has been a recognized leader among website building applications. It was this developer who created the Macromedia ShockWave and Macromedia Flash platforms.

In 2005, Adobe absorbed a competitor and now we know products with the same name, but from Adobe. The first includes the player of the same name and the development environment for games, presentations and cartoons Animate. The second consists of the Shockwave player and the Director application. In which you can develop cartoons, e-learning programs, multimedia applications, etc.
So there is no ShockWave Flash plugin. There are two different developments that at some point became associated with one player. Each of them allows you to view media content in the browser.

Install and update

So, Adobe Flash built into the core of Chrome and pre-installed for other browsers, while Shockwave is a plugin that can be downloaded for free and installed.

It is automatically installed in all browsers available on the computer. The player is updated in the same way - by downloading from the official site.
You can also update Shockwave and Flash, but in different ways. To update the built-in Flash, you must either update the browser itself, or go to the components view:

The easiest way to update the player simultaneously for all browsers is through the official website.
Download the latest version and install. The player will be updated both as a separate program and for browsers.

Shockwave Flash has crashed - what to do?

Sometimes users may experience this error when they try to view active content from the Internet. Interestingly, it most often concerns the Adobe Flash Player plugin. In this case, you need to restart the browser. Also the Shockwave and Flash plugins don't respond if they are out of date. Update them.

Most often, we can observe the message for the "Shockwave Flash is not responding" module in Chrome. It was from them, by the way, that this confusion in terminology began. This is due to the fact that only Chrome and Yandex use their own built-in version. All the rest - Opera, Mozilla, etc. refer to separately installed application, which is used as a plugin.

In the presence of other browsers or just an installed player, the error is most likely associated with an attempt to access two versions at once - one's own and an offline one. Until recently, you could go to the Chrome://plugins tab and disable the extra plugin there. But in the latest versions, this function was closed from users. So as an exit, you can uninstall the PC player in the "programs and components" section (click right button mouse on the start menu). But this will lead to the fact that you can only watch the video in Chrome and Yandex browser, which also has its own plugin.

If that doesn't work, uninstall Shockwave as well. Rarely, but the players conflict with each other. In the future, if necessary, you can install fresh versions both players.

Another way to get rid of the error is to install the latest version of Chrome. Or switch to another web browser.

Have a great day!

A common question that PC users ask in online communities is what to do if shockwave flash slows down the computer. What's this? And how to solve the problem? Many proven "specialists", but rather ordinary amateurs, recommend searching by removing the plugin.

All would be fine, quite an effective method. Only one question remains, but how after that to listen to music, watch videos on the Internet without failures, play online games? No way. If you remove the plug-in in your browser, web pages will start to freeze even more. Great solution, right? In this case, it is easier to restore the shockwave flash and forget about the problem once and for all.

General solution to the problem with the Shockwave Flash plugin and object flash ocx error

It is worth noting that the unstable work and crash of the Shockwave Flash plugin, when it does not respond and, for example, an error appears: "Shockwave Flash has crashed".

What does it mean? Why is the plugin not responding? So, this error may occur due to a conflict between the plug-in built into the browser and the external Adobe Flash Player. When can this happen? Yes, at any time after updating the browser or flash player. In this case, regardless of which program is installed on the computer for working on the Internet, you can initially use two proven options:

  • update Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave Flash;
  • the latest version (the plugin update is described in detail here, go to the end of the article).

These methods work even if there are errors that Shockwave Flash could not be loaded. Works on Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Update Adobe Flash Player on your computer

You can update the flash player on your computer using the settings of the program's internal interface, or by downloading updated version from the Internet.

The first option is beneficial in that simultaneously with checking for updates for Adobe Flash Player, you can set Extra options for future downloads software. How to use it? Just. To do this, click the "Start" button and drive the value Flash Player into the search box. In response, the system will find and display the flash player installed on the computer in a matter of seconds:

In this window, look for the "Advanced" tab and open it by clicking the left mouse button:

What do we need here? The first is to find the item "Allow Adobe to install updates" and check the box next to it. Why is it important? Because you can’t remember everything, and with the help of such a setting, you can be guaranteed to provide a full update of the flash player.

In response to such an action, the page of the Adobe website will open, which will display the installed on your computer. flash version Player and current version for browser:

If it matches, then everything is fine and nothing needs to be changed. However, if it does not correspond to the current data from the site, then we find the phrase Player Download Center in the text, left-click on it and download the latest version of the flash player:

Also, update Adobe Flash Player and, accordingly, the shockwave flash plug-in built into it, can be accessed via the Internet. In this case, you can do without advanced settings, which will significantly save time for installing the program. To do this, go to the official Adobe website (, here is the instruction to download the program update and install it on your PC:

SHOCKWAVE FLASH module failure Slows down the computer in opera (opera plugins): SOLUTION

Method number 1: Update the browser to a new version.

So, a harmful shockwave flash slows down the computer in Opera, what should we do? To update the program, users of newer versions of Opera can use the settings in the program's internal interface. To do this, just open the browser, left-click on the Opera tab and select "About":

However, if you do not remember or do not know which version of the browser is installed on your computer, or, conversely, you know for sure that updates have not been installed for a long time, immediately download. To do this, just go to the browser developer's website and click the "Free Download" button:

After the file is downloaded to your computer, you just need to double-click on it with the left mouse button and install the updated software. If the error in the operation of shockwave flash was precisely in outdated browser then after installing and rebooting the problem will be solved. If not, then in this case you still need to resort to suspending the plugin.

Method number 2: Stop the shockwave flash.

For this purpose in Opera type search queryopera://plugins or just plugins:

Now it remains only to click the "Disable" button so that the shockwave flash becomes inactive. However, if you need to work with multimedia on the Internet, do not forget to enable it first. You can do this in the same order: go to the "Plugins" section, find Adobe Flash Player and instead of the "Disable" button, click next to the "Enable" plugin:

How effective is this method of eliminating the shockwave flash error for Opera browser? At 100%. After turning off the plugin and restarting the operating system, the problem with PC braking will be solved by itself.

Shockwave flash slows down computer in mozilla firefox solution

Similarly, you can solve the problem with the work of shockwave flash in the browser Mozilla Firefox. To do this, the first thing you can do is update it. In this case, there are 2 options for users:

a) download the new version of the program from the official website of the program developer:

In principle, downloading is not difficult: we save the file offered by the site to the computer, double-click on it with the left mouse button and install the program. For convenience, the developers of Mozilla Firefox have posted a small instruction on the site, which, if desired, can be checked at any time during the installation of the software.

b) reinstall Mozilla Firefox using the built-in interface of the program installed on the PC. In this case, open the browser, find and left-click on the "Advanced" tab and select the "?" ("Reference"):

If the problems with shockwave flash were caused by a mismatch between the version of the plugin and the browser, then updating Firefox will solve the problem with slowing down the computer. Otherwise, you need to resort to suspending the plugin. To do this, open the main Mozilla page Firefox and find the "Add-ons" tab at the bottom:

In principle, you can open any page in the browser, but in this case, you need to left-click first the "Open Menu" tab, and then "Add-ons":

In any case, by clicking the left mouse button on the "Add-ons" tab, a new window will open in the browser:

In it we find the item “Plugins” in the menu on the left and click on the icon with the same left mouse button. As a result, a list of installed in Mozilla opens. Firefox plugins. Among them we find the shockwave flash we need (which has stopped working) and click next to it the item "Details":

In principle, you can also select the “Never enable” option, however, such a choice will lead to the complete deactivation of the plugin. If this is done, then shockwave flash will need to be searched for and turned on each time on its own, when you suddenly want to enjoy multimedia on the Internet (video, music). It seems to be easy to resume its work, but in any case, time will need to be spent on it. In general, by stopping (suspending) the plug-in in Mozilla Firefox, you can easily resume the fast and efficient operation of your computer.

Shockwave flash slows down the computer or does not respond in Google Chrome and Yandex browser: features of solving the problem

If shockwave flash is not responding or slowing down your computer in Chrome, there is a solution too. As mentioned above, one of the ways to fix problems in the operation of the Shockwave flash and the computer, respectively, is to update the browser. For this purpose, in Google Chrome, just enter the address in the search bar, and the system will check for updates:

In principle, you can update the browser through the "Settings". In this case, we find in the upper right corner the button "Settings and Google management Chrome", left-click on it and select the "Settings" tab in the window that appears:

In any case, in both the first and second options, Google Chrome will find and install updates automatically.

The second way to solve the problem with shockwave flash is to pause it manually. For this purpose, first of all, enter the link in the Google Chrome search bar chrome://plugins/. As a result, a window should appear with all plug-ins operating in the browser, including Adobe Flash Player. However, for the time being, it is not necessary to pay attention to it. The first thing you need is to find the "Details" tab on the right side of the window and click on it with the left mouse button:

The window will take a different shape and show each plugin individually. Now we find Adobe Flash Player and take a closer look at the location of the shockwave flash.

The final touch is to close Google Chrome and restart the computer. In principle, after that, no error in the operation of shockwave flash is terrible for you.

As you can see, it is not necessary to remove the plug-in in order for the computer to work at full strength. It is enough just to establish its normal operation in one of the proposed ways! Good luck with your use!

Flash Player is one of those plugins that should be installed in every browser. With it, the computer will be able to display and play dynamic flash content: colorful animation, interactive guides, videos, music, games and much more. If you encounter a problem when displaying such content, then the first thing to do is to update your Flash Player.

Some browsers, such as , have the Shockwave Flash plugin already integrated, which is automatically updated by the system. Therefore, as a rule, problems with Flash update Player in the browser from Google does not appear.

If you want to know right now which version of Flash Player is installed in your browser, then it is most convenient to do this on the official website of the developer. To do this, in any browser, follow this link and click on the item "Check Now" . green tick tells you that you are using latest version plug-in, a red cross will indicate that the Flash Player urgently needs to be updated.

Update Flash Player.

The simplest and affordable way update an outdated version of Flash Player - download the plugin from the official website of the developer. The download link is at the end of the article. It is not recommended to download the plugin from third-party resources. instead, you can completely disable the system, resulting in the need.

Please note that on the plugin download page you will be automatically prompted to download along with Flash Player Google browser Chrome or other product. If you do not agree to download such programs, do not forget to uncheck the box.

After the download is complete, run the downloaded file and install Flash Player on your computer. Your computer will be updated with the latest version of Flash Player.

When Flash Player is successfully updated, you can check its performance in any browser using this link. On the page that opens, go down a little lower to the fifth paragraph, where a beautiful animated picture with a tree. The picture is visible, so the plugin is working.

What to do if Flash Player doesn't work?

If the animated picture is not visible to you, then, first of all, it is worth checking the plugin activity in your browser. Each browser performs its own actions.

Google Chrome.

You can check the functionality of Flash Player on the plugins page. To open this page, enter address bar the following link, press the Enter key:

On the loaded page, find Flash Player and make sure it is enabled. Additionally, you can check the box next to "Run Always" .


Similar actions are carried out for the Opera browser. Paste the following link into the address bar:

Find Adobe Flash Player in the list of plugins and make sure it is enabled.

Mozilla Firefox.

In Fire Fox, Flash Player activity is checked through the add-ons menu.

To do this, select the browser menu icon and open the section "Additions" .

In the window that appears, go to the tab "Plugins" and make sure that next to Shockwave Flash is selected "Always On" .

If these actions did not bring results, you should completely remove Flash Player from your computer, and then reinstall the plugin from the official site.

Do not uninstall Flash Player in the usual way, a special utility from Adobe - Uninstall Flash Player, which allows you to remove not only the plug-in from your computer, but also all the traces that it can put behind itself. You can download Flash Player Removal Tool from this link.