The full owner of Vkontakte. But in fact, he is the CEO and founder of the network. Well, the largest block of shares belonged until recently to Vyacheslav Mirilashvili. Now this stake has been sold to Ilya Shcherbovich. Thus, we can assume that the largest Russian social network has changed its owner.

Vyacheslav Mirilashvili and Lev Leviev together owned 48 percent of the social network. This controlling stake was recently sold to the United Capital Partners group. At the same time, the co-owners of the resource, Usmanov and Durov, were not even notified about the sale of shares. According to sources close to the leadership of Vkontakte, negotiations with the UCP began only in January of this year. And on April 2, the contract was signed. The deal was closed in full this Wednesday.

Mirilashvili told reporters that an important stage in his life had ended. The social network was great investment project. The growth of Vkontakte was phenomenal, which allowed Mirilashvili not only to earn big money, but also to gain invaluable experience.

The social network "Vkontakte" was opened in 2006 by Pavel Durov. He alone could not cope with such an ambitious project, so a classmate from the St. Petersburg gymnasium Mirilashvili was invited as a partner. He invited another person to the company - a classmate from the Israeli Leviev school. Mirilashvili took out a $30,000 loan to develop the project. Pavel Durov purchased a server for a social network.

All three at that time owned 20% of the startup's shares. The remaining 40% were given to Mirilashvili's grandfather, which was inherited by Mirilashvili's father after his death. Later, 39.99% of the shares were sold to Group, owned by.

Leviev and Mirilashvili tried to sell their stake in this project a year and a half ago. But then the controlling stake was valued by its sellers at $3 billion, no one wanted to pay that kind of money. In the summer of 2012, the co-owner of Marshall Group Konstantin Malofeev tried to acquire this block of shares. But his proposed $2.6 billion did not sit well with Miriashvili.

UCP acts on behalf of a consortium of investors in which 65% and the right to make major decisions belong to Shcherbovich. But he, apparently, will have to share part of the shares with other investors - and this is at least nine people. However, it is still unknown who to what extent invested in the amount that was given for the controlling stake in Vkontakte.

Durov and now own 12% and 39.9% of the social network, respectively. For them, the news was completely unexpected. The owners have a pre-emptive right to buy shares, and they should have been offered to use this right. However, the letter of the law does not force co-owners to take such a step. Durov noted that such an act simply contradicts the spirit of Vkontakte.

The owner of the social network has changed, but Durov, the general director of this enterprise, remains in full power. Last spring, Usmanov voluntarily gave control of his 39.99 percent stake to Durov, so that he would not be limited in anything.

We hasten to reassure our readers. This deal will definitely not affect the very device of the social network. Vkontakte will develop according to Pavel Durov's plans.

Today, a failure was recorded in the work of the social network "VKontakte". Also, the Snapster photo application, released by the VKontakte developers two weeks ago, did not work. Earlier it was reported that VKontakte is trying to restrict users from going to the Instagram photo service. Now some users have links to photos from Instagram in posts and private messages are published inactive.

Meanwhile, in general, Russian social networks are beating social networksZuckerberg and Brina. Last year, the audience of Vkontakte grew by 19% and exceeded 66 million, while the number of Odnoklassniki users amounted to 45.6 million people, which is 9% more than in 2013. Vkontakte also saw an increase in the share of mobile users, from 57% in 2013 to 71% last year.

The network membership is interesting. We have previously noted that .


Vkontakte LLC was established on January 19, 2007. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founders were the son and father Vyacheslav and Mikhail Mirilashvili(60% and 10% of the authorized capital, respectively), Lev Leviev(10%) and Pavel Durov (20%).

Reference. The first in the system was Durov's profile, the third - his former classmate Vyacheslav (Itskhak) Mirilashvili, then because of threats he moved to Israel, in 2006 he graduated Tufts University, USA.

Lev Leviev - was born in Volgograd in 1984, studied at the same school with Mirilashvili in Tel Aviv.

Mikhail Mikhilovich Mirilashvili (Misha Kutaissky) - was born in 1960 in Georgia. Lives in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) since 1978. A pediatrician by training. Married, two children. Religion: Judaism. This "authoritative entrepreneur" kept the gambling business in Moscow and St. Petersburg, was the president of the Russian Video company, sponsored the elections Starovoitova, replaced the president of the Russian Jewish Society Vladimir Gusinsky(Mirilashvili has dual citizenship of Russia and Israel). Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Petromir Holding (pharmaceuticals, chemistry, medicine, furniture production, construction, real estate, new technologies, restaurant and hotel business); President of the CONTI corporation (entertainment, gambling and club business); co-owner of the St.Petersburg Open tennis tournament (ATP-Tour series, the largest in the world). He was a member of the management of the company LUKoil-North-West-nefteprodukt.

In 2001, Mirilashvili was accused of kidnapping two people who kidnapped his father. The murder charge was later dropped, and the sentence was reduced from 12 to 8 years. In the very first interview given after his release, he declared that he had become "even more than before, a Jew."

Together in 2013 M. Freeman, G. Khan and other Jewish oligarchs. Included in .


According to Alberta Popkova, co-owner of the site, the costs of such projects amount to millions of dollars a year, investments will pay off through advertising. And makes money with the help of a subsidiary recruitment agency.

Mikhail Ravdonikas, the public relations coordinator for, said at the time that the agency's revenue had doubled monthly to $50,000 a month. Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki became a phenomenon in 2007. According to the TNS Web Index report, in January 2007, the Moscow daily audience of Yandex amounted to 2.097 million visitors, 2.06 million, Odnoklassniki 1.653 million and Rambler 1.032 million. Gallup does not evaluate the audience of .

Leviev and Mirilashvili separately benefited from the fact that in 2007 they created the Selectel company and opened a data center to meet the needs of Vkontakte in data processing and storage. The social network completely switched to it by 2009 and until the launch of its own data center in 2012, it depended on a single service provider. This allowed Selectel to become a large company with 11% of the data center market by number server racks by the end of 2011.

In 2010, Leviev and Vyacheslav Mirilashvili created the Vaizra Capital venture fund with offices in New York, Israel and St. Petersburg to invest in technology companies at any stage of development, investing in a number of other projects: Coub video hosting, hotel booking service, Komitet Publishing House (includes the Zuckerberg Will Call IT industry publication, TJournal social media and the Spark startup community), Livetex online consultant for websites, Riders community for extreme sportsmen. At the end of 2014, there were about 30 projects in the portfolio of the general fund. In August 2014, Leviev announced a personal investment of 500 thousand in joint with Boaz Behar startup - an API platform for BlockTrail bitcoin developers.

Leviev and Mirilashvili are fund investors Yuri Milner DST Global II and DST Global IV

As for the social network itself, today VKontakte is the largest Russian social network, whose monthly audience, according to TNS, is 31.5 million people. The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 4.8 billion rubles.


As of February 1, 2008, 100% of Vkontakte was transferred to the offshore company Doraview Limited, registered in the British Virgin Islands.

The first external investor was the fund Digital Sky Technologies Y. Milner(son) who bought a quarter of the social network in 2007 and later transferred it to the balance of Mail.Ru Group.Gradually, Group began to buy shares in the VKontakte network. In redeeming the next 7.5% of the shares. So both Mirilashvili sold - 30%, Leviev - 4%, and Durov - 8% of the company's shares.

In 2011, Group increased its share in the social network VKontakte from 32.49% to 39.99%. The company exercised an option to buy back 7.44% from the founders of the network at a price of $111.7 million. By the end of the year, Group already owned 39.99% of the social network, and the remaining 60% were divided between Durov (12%), Leviev (8 %) and the Mirilashvili family (40%). The transaction was carried out through JPMorgan bank, where the shareholder structure is described.

In April 2013, Mirilashvili's share was bought out by the United Capital Partners fund, which is headed by Ilya Shcherbovich, a member of the boards of directors of such large companies as Rosneft, Transneft, Federal Grid Company. Forbes devoted a special material to how he circumvented legal restrictions and sold Gazprom shares to foreign companies. At the same time, it is shown that Shcherbovich is a long-term partner of the Russian government, while engaging in raiding and money laundering through offshore companies.

January 25, 2014 Durov announced that he had sold all his remaining shares (12%) to his friend Ivan Tavrin, director of Megafon.

In September 2014, VKontakte sold the remaining 48.01% stake in the social network Group for $1.47 billion.

Thus, Group became the owner of 100% of the shares of the VKontakte social network, since both Megafon and, in turn, belong to the oligarch. Usmanov's wife - born in a family of Samarkand Jews Irina Viner-Usmanova, which was given oversight of the Russian national gymnastics team, brought V. Putin With A. Kabaeva. After that, Usmanov actively engaged in buying up all the media resources of any importance. It got to the point that even Habrahabr was under his control for some time.

Today, VKontakte is Russia's largest social network, with a monthly audience of 31.5 million, according to TNS. The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 4.8 billion rubles.

It should be noted that at the same time, oddly enough, but VKontakte - especially in comparison with Facebook - still gives relative freedom to its users - and does not block users for harsh criticism of the regime, the Jewish coup in the former Ukraine, the Kremlin's betrayal of Donbass, etc. .

Apparently they haven't arrived yet.

Good day to all, my dear friends and visitors to my blog site. How are your communities doing there? Yes Yes. Filled with followers? I hope so, because today we will learn how to manage a group in VK, keep its order, in general, how to become a mayor and a sheriff at the same time.

All control levers are contained in the eponymous point of your community. You just need to enter your group and select the item "Community Management".


In this block, you simply change the information about your group, i.e. You can change the name, address, subject, type of displayed content. I already talked about this in. By the way, that's just the address of the group I'll change, since such an opportunity presented itself.


Here we will act as real sheriffs, namely, to follow the participants. First, be sure to look at the participants for the presence of dogs. Remember I said in mine that when you add people from the Olike service, some of them will turn into dogs. Please. This is how they started showing up.

Remove these dogs from the community. This is rubbish, and rubbish must be taken out of the house. Also here. Keep your community clean. You can also delete other objectionable people if they are guilty and you do not need them.

But here we are as a sheriff, so we can not only expel, but also appoint assistants to ourselves. When the group grows, it can be difficult to lead it alone, so you can take on an assistant or group administrator. To do this, click in front of the person you need (you can find him by searching) "Appoint as leader".

You will open a new window where you will have to select the type of manager to be appointed:

  • Moderator - removes materials that he considers unnecessary for the community.
  • Editor - can not only delete and edit materials, but also write and publish materials himself. In addition, he can edit and change the main photo of the group.
  • Administrator - Well this species can do everything, even appoint new leaders.

By clicking on "Display in content block" you can see a link to the page of this person in the block "Contacts".

Black list

Here you can send delinquent boys and girls to the black list. Moreover, you can send them here either for a certain time, for example, for an hour, or forever. To do this, you simply need to go to the page of the user you want to punish and copy the address of his page. After that, paste this address into a special line and click "Add to blacklist".

A new window will open for you, where you will have to set the blocking period (for example, Week) and the reason for being blacklisted (for example, insult). Well, at the same time, explain to the person why he received a ban in the comments, for example, “What are you doing, you kind of scoundrel? Ofigel or what? Well, I'm joking) The comment must be adequate to leave.

By the way, if you do not want to see this villain in the group at all, then you can leave him on the list forever. Many people think that it is easier to remove, but in the case of a normal removal, it can always return. So add it to the list too.


Look, here is still my hanging crocodile, which I installed from the Olike service when I needed to fill the group with the first subscribers.

Well, that's about all I wanted to tell you about managing a group. Everything seems to be absolutely simple. What do you think?

So you can already safely administer your group in VK. You already know all the basics. But if you want to do it on a professional level, that administer other people's communities on a paid basis, then it's best to go through professional 2-month training, where you will be taught how to properly administer groups, how to find employers, how to present yourself, etc.

Well, I say goodbye to you. I hope you liked the article, so do not forget to subscribe to updates of blog articles and share with friends in in social networks. And be sure to check out other blog posts. You will surely find something interesting for yourself. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

The developers of the popular social service at the end of February 2013 changed functionality management of public pages and brought them as close as possible to managing groups.

Absolutely in all communities installed single system powers of managers, which includes the following three levels: “administrator”, “moderator” and “editor”. The rights and opportunities of each of them will be discussed in detail below.

Read the instructions below very carefully before you decide to sign up other users as leaders of your community.

Competence of the "Moderator".
The "Moderator" is endowed with the least rights of all levels of leadership. His direct responsibilities include overseeing the observance of order. All the rights of a "moderator" can be grouped into the following three groups:

1. The right to delete comments and entries in discussions.

"Moderator" has the right:
- Delete absolutely all comments of a specific user in the last week.
– Delete topics in discussions that were created by users.

The "moderator" has no rights to:
– Deleting comments on behalf of the community.
– Deleting topics in discussions that were created by managers.

2. The right to remove photos, videos, audio recordings, content.

The "moderator" has no rights to:
– Deleting photos, videos, audio recordings that were added by other leaders.

3. The right to a “black” list and invitation to the community of new members

"Moderator" has the right:
– Invite and approve new members.
- Blacklist and remove members from the community.
– Remove participants from the “black” list.
The "moderator" has no rights to:
- Adding to the "black" list and removal from the community for a day more than a hundred participants.

Powers of the "Editor":

In addition to all the above rights of the “moderator”, the rights of the “editor” are also supplemented with the authority to manage content, design the community and work with the community wall.

1. Right to external design communities:

- Fully manage the community avatar, as well as edit the status of the community.
– View and modify community “wiki pages” that are protected by privacy settings.
- Pin community posts.

2. Right to publish and manage content:

- Upload, edit and delete community photos and photo albums.
– Full control over all community audio and video recordings.
- Work with documents.
– Manage topics in discussions and the ability to edit members' comments.

3. Right to the wall:
– Create, edit and delete entries on behalf of the community.
– Work with the news that is offered.

In addition to all this, the “editor” has the rights to view community statistics and change its privacy settings.

Administrator's prerogative.
The “administrator” is the highest level in the management of the community. He already has absolutely all the powers of a "moderator" and "editor" at his disposal. Try to be extremely careful when assigning other users as “administrators”.

The "Administrator" has the rights to:

– Appoint and remove community leaders.
– Edit absolutely all information about the community, also including the short address and the name of the community.
– Customize RSS feed formats and sync twitter clients.
- Work with various applications: Add applications to the community, or, conversely, specify the community as the official group of the application.

By assigning a user as a “manager”, you also have the right to choose whether or not to display the “manager” in the contact block.

Some more changes in the management of public pages:

1. Now you can remove members of public pages from the list of subscribers. Previously, this could only be implemented by adding a user to the “black” list.
2. Introduced himself instant search by subscribers, which can only work in communities with more than one thousand members.

Well, that seems to be all for now.)))