Why do you need a server and when should you buy it for your business?

To begin with, let us clarify that server is the hardware that runs the server software. It is optimized to work with other computers (clients). Server clients can be computers, telephones, fax machines, printers, and all other devices that connect to the Internet. The more information you plan to store on the server hardware, the more powerful the server should be. What is the purpose of renting a server? Read more in the blog post HyperHost.

Companies use servers for public access all employees to certain information and for common use available resources. In order for the server to work well, they hire system administrator. He sets up equipment for work, makes backup, troubleshoots problems. The correct operation of the server directly depends on the quality and professional work of the system administrator. Please note that all users of the company's services are provided with a free technical support regardless of tariff.

But still, many people think that it is not necessary to have your own server, you can use a regular computer. But we want to warn you that this is a very short-sighted decision. The computer will not be able to perform many of the tasks that the server does. First of all, the server is not only the storage of information, but also the execution of a large number of simultaneous requests that a regular PC cannot handle and at a critical moment will simply lose all the necessary information.

If your business is working for a promising future, you should think about choosing a server.

To begin with, let's figure out what types of servers are, depending on the functions performed.

Mail serveris directly involved in receiving and sending Email. You are sending a letter to email address, but it first gets to the mail server, where it is processed. The recipient's address is indexed and the letter is sent. This process involves several mail servers that exchange the necessary information. About Popular mail servers Exim, Postfix, Sendmail can be found in the article.

File Serverstores all network files that are accessed from other computers. For file exchange, the FTP protocol is used, with the help of which the user can upload all files on the network (pictures, video, audio). file server can be considered any computer that has many disk space to store information.

Web server– a server connected to the Internet and accepting user requests via the HTTP protocol. All sites that are on the network are located on web servers. This type of server is a direct conductor between the site and clients. The web server receives the request, then processes it and returns the result (file or hypertext). At its core, web hosting and web server concepts are identical. Web server Nginx and apache - what is it and how does this bundle work? Answer to this question.

Database servers.For the most part, all programs use databases. This type servers provide access to data using a client-server system. The most popular database servers are SQL SERVER (Microsoft), SQL BASE SERVER, Oracle SERVER (Oracle Corporation), IBM DB2, Informix. They work on the platform of various operating systems such as MSDOS, OS/2, Xenix, Unix.

Proxy server- we can say that this is the same web server, but it makes requests on the network instead of the visitor. It is essentially a set of programs. You connect to a proxy server, give it a request, and it looks for information instead of you, in some cases changing it. Working with a proxy server allows you to protect the client computer from malware, be anonymous on the network, restrict access to certain resources, or vice versa bypass restrictions. Simple setting up a proxy server on your VPS in 1 minute, more details.

game serverprovides communication between clients on the network. Clients interact in the game and communicate with each other. This server receives information, processes requests, updates the system and sends the results to all game participants. Mostly, game servers hosted by hosting companies.

Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine the work of an enterprise without the use of servers. Servers of all types are involved in this time-consuming process.

Reasons why you can determine whether it is necessary for your firm?

  • You want to organize and centralize all the information that is in your company.
  • Many employees need to connect to the network, regardless of their location.
  • You need a lot of storage space.
  • You are planning to launch software that will help grow your business.
  • Your company is developing and growing, the number of employees is constantly increasing.
  • Your business is not very big, but you want to look like a real professional.

The successful operation of the company depends on the correct choice of the server, because servers help to organize the smooth functioning of the enterprise, and connect separate divisions, for example, those located in different cities.

Company specialists hyperhost we will be happy to select the most optimal physical or, in all respects, server and ensure the stability of your projects. Comparison will also help you make the right choice and choose the right service depending on your goal.

Need to choose an operating system for the server? This will help you make right choice and evaluate all the features of each OS. About Control Panels for Linux Servers.

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A server is a certain program, device or software and hardware complex that implements some services. In turn, a service is a service that performs some actions requested by the client. Let's take a closer look at how the server works.

Components of the client-server scheme

Let's see what the server itself consists of and what external components it cannot do without. First, the server loses its meaning in the absence of clients. The principle of the server is to fulfill the needs of clients. The client forms the requirements for the server and takes on some of its work. Therefore, more often they talk not just about the server, but about the client-server system. The client makes requests to the server, through which he expresses his will. Therefore, the next, second component of the system will be the formal language in which these requests are made. There are a great many of these languages ​​and the choice of one or another directly depends on the server. Requests to the server must somehow be delivered. The third element is the communication channel between the client and the server through which data is transmitted. This is most often either the local network, or the Internet, or local connections of one machine. The server must somehow accept and recognize the incoming request. The receiving device is the so-called front end, represents a number of ports that the server is continuously (or non-continuously) listening on. Accepted requests are sent to the server software, where they are processed in accordance with how the server is programmed. And depending on the received request, this or that service is launched with certain initial data. Services will be the last component of the system. After the end of the service, the result of the execution is sent to the client via the same communication channel. Or, if the service is interactive, then in the process of its operation there will be an intensive data exchange via the client-server channel.

What is a server for?

Now the main purpose of client-server systems is to move the load from the client machines to the server machine. That's why computing power a regular server is a couple of orders of magnitude higher than that of a regular one home computer. But sometimes such an organization of the system gives the entire load to the clients, and the server serves to organize their work and interaction. Or strictly the opposite, the server performs all the calculations, and the clients serve only to issue information to the user. As you can see, there are a lot of ways to use the client-server model.

Pros and cons of the model

The advantages are obvious - the very principle of the server operation ensures the convenience of working with the system, ease of management, and the correct distribution of the load on the machines. And the downside is the query language and related components. If the user accidentally or deliberately sends an ill-formulated request to the server, then if such an error was not provided by the programmer, the system will crash. Knowledgeable people make deliberately incorrect requests so that a system designed to issue a weather forecast to a client outputs to an attacker, for example, data credit cards all users (unless, of course, the same server is responsible for the map data and the weather forecast). And the happy attacker first goes and transfers to himself all the money of all users of the service, and then long and thoughtfully runs away from the “K” department investigating this crime.


The client-server model of organizing the work of the system is a very convenient thing in programming, management and operation. But in order for such a system to be usable, each component of a working circuit must be protected both from intruders and from users who do not know how the server works, but press all the buttons that they can reach in an arbitrary sequence. In order to be able to store, transfer and process important data in the system, for example, information about payment cards, the system information security the server must meet certain legal requirements.

I welcome you to the blog site. From this article you will learn what a server is, its role and what types they are. Many of us are familiar with the concept itself, since few people can boast that when using the Internet and browsing sites, the “Server is unavailable” window never popped up.

But far from everyone knows the meaning of this term, so we will try to study in as much detail as possible all the nuances regarding what a server is and what it is used for. In parallel, we will consider the types of servers and their main differences from each other.

Server concept

So what is web server? This is a special hardware device that allows you to perform certain tasks on the Internet. However, such installations can be used not only remotely, but also locally. They store especially important information of firms and companies, educational and other institutions. This is just the smallest example of using a "server", as programmers and users call it in jargon.

Meaning of the word

What does the word server mean in networking? If we dwell briefly on the origin of the term itself, then it originates from the English verb “to serve”, which literally means “to serve”. And if we compare it with the principle of operation of a modern server, we can note a close relationship.

The main purpose of the server is precisely to serve as a repository of files and a document, and the coordinator of the work of many systems. Even novice computer scientists know that numerous processes related to the functioning of the server depend on the normal operation of the server. computer technology and websites. Therefore, it is extremely important that the server computer receives the necessary maintenance regularly from specialists in the field of programming and computer technology.

Previously, the servers were located directly in the "system unit" - the system unit - desktop computers. But this was very inconvenient, since users often had to buy additional "boxes" to store all the necessary information. But in the late 2000s, everything changed, and today the server is the same computer, only more powerful. It may have the same structure as an ordinary system unit, or be formed from several other components.

Like an ordinary computer, this device works thanks to:

Such Hardware can have different sizes - it all depends on the purpose and place of its use. Its purpose is also different.

The concept of a server address

What is a server address? This is a set of characters, letters, designations that direct the user to a specific target computer. Usually, this concept means the system name, but only if one specific domain works with a separate, single computer. It is noteworthy that the IP address is also a server identifier, as well as a separate Domain name.

Definition. If to speak in simple words, then the server is a computer designed to store files and information. In order to operate with data on the server, it is important for the user to know that the device must be connected to the Internet and the power supply network around the clock. If we are talking about a private server, then the owner can turn it on and off when he sees fit.

Thus, in computer science, a server is a separate device, although it is quite possible to control it using special programs through Operating Systems.

The role of the server and what it is for

What is a server computer network, we briefly figured it out. Now let's dwell in as much detail as possible on what such a device is used for. The fact that it can store the necessary and important information, this is not a secret for anyone, but its possibilities do not end there.

So what is a server for? This technique performs whole line key functions, including:

  1. Storage of data of various Internet sites, portals, resources. For example, servers are successfully used to save e-mail files, media files. The so-called "cloud" on the Internet, where users upload various data, also occupies a certain place on the server, and has its own address where it can be found.
  2. Ensuring and maintaining the work of Internet providers. A person who is just about to connect to the Internet, or wants to replace the provider (supplier) of Internet services, must know why a server is needed, because it is with him that he will deal daily. To access world wide web, the customer has to pay a certain fee. In this case, we are not talking about buying a router or a Wi-Fi router. We are talking about making a payment for the opportunity to use the server of the Internet provider. This is nothing but your IP address.
  3. Storage of materials from different websites. It can be videos, pictures, articles, folders and other content. In this case, we are talking about such a thing as Internet hosting. Read more about hosting and its difference from a server here.

Important! Servers require specially designed server software for normal operation. They do it professional programmers, a simple user cannot independently provide normal maintenance of such complex equipment.

The concept of server-client

Now let's dwell on what is a server and what is a client. We have already dealt with the first concept, now we will consider the second. The client is the one who gets access to the place on server computer. It can be one person, or the whole company.

That is, if you have your own personal website on the Internet, then for its operation you will need a place to store all the files. When using ready-made engines for such resources, developers provide disk space - free of charge or for a fee. In this case, the site owner is a client of the hosting company.

If the site was developed from scratch, on its own engine, and the owner has plans for the further development of this business, then he may well get his own server. In such a situation, the entrepreneur is not a client. On the contrary, by developing his business, he can get a client base himself.

Also, a client is a person who requests a specific file through the server. The second, in turn, gets access to it and passes it to the client. The server itself does not perform any operations with this file.

What are the servers?

There are many types of servers, as developers and users themselves classify them in their own way. But speaking in general, the most often taken into account is the gradation according to the type of tasks being solved. According to this criterion, the following types of servers are distinguished:

  1. A web server that helps the client retrieve the requested file.
  2. An application server that provides more opportunities in information processing and works on the principle of an application.
  3. A server without data that is used to conduct business transactions and process user requests.
  4. A proxy server that performs 2 main functions. The first is the secure receipt of information by the user from the Internet. In this case, the server works on the principle of an intermediary. The second function is to store information in the cache local disk. This allows the user to receive this information again without another login to the Internet.

This is far from all in terms of the question of what servers are. There are other varieties of them, but they can be called a kind of subtype of the previously described species.

Another type to be aware of is local. local server is a specially designed program that allows programmers to create and develop websites without having to go online. Both professionals and beginners who want to connect their professional life with Internet technologies can work with such programs.

Progress does not stand still in our modern life more and more new developments in science and technology. Development of computer technologies and application of their products in Everyday life simply obliges us to understand the purpose of the new digital equipment. Almost everyone has heard about server hardware, but not many of us know and understand the principle of its operation and purpose.

Access to the Internet is so important today that many can no longer imagine their lives without it. Communication with relatives located on the other side of the earth, the work of the banking system of all countries of the world, mobile connection, social networks, the answer to any question - this is all the Internet gives us today. It provides access to a huge computer network interconnected by server equipment.

Service equipment functions

Server equipment includes the obligatory presence of a "master computer", which is connected via routers and a computer network to other personal computers. The main purpose of server equipment is to provide communication of any personal computer of the organization with others, transfer and storage of a large amount of information. It is very important in the operation of server hardware to guarantee the preservation of confidential information, complete elimination of the loss of important data. Server hardware must work uninterruptedly and constantly 24 hours a day, even in extreme conditions. Execution depends on server operation huge amount tasks.

Requirements for the server

As can be seen from the main functions performed by the "host computer", the requirements for the selection of such separate equipment are the highest. The computer must be very powerful, with high performance, to withstand non-stop work around the clock. The ideal work of the server would be in the case when, at the very beginning of its configuration and debugging software a process for performing tasks has been established that would not require the intervention of maintenance personnel in the future. But practical experience confirms the need for the mandatory presence of computer scientists and programmers in the staff.

The efficient operation of not only other computers, but the entire company as a whole depends on the server hardware. A failure in its operation can cause much more damage to the entire production than the cost of the server room equipment itself.

What conditions will provide Good work server hardware?

To ensure the basic functions of server hardware, the following conditions are required:

Availability of a separate room for the installation of server equipment;

Required amount motherboards, RAID arrays, hard drives;

Maintaining the temperature required for operation;

Staff of experts in the field of computer technologies.

Timely improvement of server hardware is also an important condition for good work. Enterprises specializing in the manufacture of computers and their components are developing new types of special processors, racks for hard drives, motherboards, reinforced RAM modules, special cabinets.

When choosing equipment for a server room, it will be a big mistake to focus on its cost, both high and low. This approach is absolutely wrong. To ensure the good operation of the server, you need to be guided by the functional properties of the component equipment. Without the advice of experienced professionals in this matter can not do.

The larger the company, the greater the volume of information required for its operation. And if there is information, then there must be equipment that allows it to be stored and processed. That is why, sooner or later, any organization acquires a server, or at least thinks about acquiring it.

What is a server and how does it work?

The server is, in fact, the same computer. However, not traditional, but server tasks are assigned to it. In this case, the participation of the user in the operation of the server is not provided. It may only be required for certain moments, for example, at the time of initial setup or when an emergency occurs. However, of course, you, being the owner of server hardware, are unlikely to solve such issues on your own. It would be much more reasonable to turn to the professionals of the site www.hparts.ru. On the same resource you can purchase server hardware. The Catalog section presents many specialized solutions for your business: this is a server dl160g8, as well as its "brothers" in the brand, these are blend systems, data storage systems, server cabinets and racks, and much more.

What features does the server provide?

Thanks to the server equipment, the user can organize a network that will subsequently unite the entire company and allow users to exchange information. In addition, all network users will be able to draw and store the necessary information without restrictions. By the way, the server is used not only to combine personal computers. It also serves as a connecting thread between office equipment - printers, scanners and so on. Thanks to server equipment, a company can save a lot of money and time resources.

Where to buy server hardware?

In search of a server and related equipment, it is best to go to the online store www.hparts.ru. This team specializes in the sale and subsequent assembly of storage systems, servers, and software. The highlight of the www.hparts.ru trading project is the exclusive configurator module Hewlett Packard. Buyers are accompanied by an operator who immediately offers his services in the advisory area. In online mode, if questions arise, the user can immediately ask them to the consultant, without delay long box. The team of the online store www.hparts.ru was able to provide its customers not only with a huge range of server and other equipment, but also with the highest class service, which is not typical for online trading.