Many cs 1.6 server owners have heard more than once about rcon commands and their capabilities, but not all server admins know what rcon command means! In this article, we will try to analyze all this in detail. We will talk not only about rcon commands and their purpose, but also about managing the cs 1.6 server through rcon without going to the server itself (remotely). In general, I recommend this article to all administrators and owners of their cs 1.6 servers, both for beginners and experienced admins. Everyone can emphasize something new for themselves or remember the long-forgotten old! :)

All rcon commands are executed from the Counter-Strike 1.6 game console(you can use programs, but we don’t need it ...)
In order to manage the cs1.6 server through rcon, you need to log in to the server (in order to set or view the rcon password, open the server.cfg file, which is located: your server\cstrike\server.cfg and find the rcon_password parameter, if it is not there, then create).

Be careful when entering the rcon password, because after three unsuccessful attempts you will get a Ban! :)

There are two options for managing the cs 1.6 server from the game client via rcon:
1. Go to the server you want to control via rcon
Visit desired server cs1.6 and in the console enter your rcon password with the command:
rcon_password "pass"
where pass is your password
rcon_password "123"
rcon maps *

2. Without entering the server, connect to the server via rcon:
rcon_password "pass"
rcon_address "IP"
rcon_port "PORT"
where pass is your password, IP is the address of the server, PORT is the port of the server
rcon_password "123"
rcon_address ""
rcon_port "27015"
Next, enter any rcon command, for example:
rcon maps *
which will show a list of maps that are installed on the server

List of Rcon commands for managing cs 1.6 server:

rcon status - Displays in your console full list all server players (and also: name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr).
rcon stats - Displays server fps and more in your console (CPU In Out Uptime Users FPS Player).
rcon users - Shows userid - number of each player (useful for rcon kick command).
rcon kick "name" or rcon kick "#1" - Kick the player from the server. Where name is the player's nickname and #1 is the userid (you can see the player's nickname or id with the rcon users command).
rcon addip "0" "IP" - Ban by IP address. Where "0" is the ban time in minutes (if 0 then the ban is permanent-forever), "IP" - the player's ip can be found with the rcon status command).
rcon banid "0" "Steam_id" - ban Steam_id for a period of time (in minutes, if time=0 - ban forever).
rcon listip - Ban list - list of banned IPs.
rcon listid - Ban list - list of banned Steam_ids.
rcon removeip "IP" - Unbans the given IP address from the ban list.
rcon removeid "Steam_id" - Unbans the given Steam_id from the ban list.
rcon changelevel "MapName" - Change map. Where "MapName" is the name of the map, for example de_dust2 (command example: rcon changelevel "de_dust2").
rcon sv_restart "1" - Restart the map. Where "1" is the time (in seconds) after which the map will restart.
rcon mp_autoteambalance "1" - Team autobalance where "1" is on and "0" is off. Enabling balance control between teams, if there is more than one, it flips.
rcon mp_c4timer "35" - Sets the time (in seconds) until the bomb explodes after it is planted by terrorists.
rcon mp_fadetoblack "1" - Black screen after death where "1" is on and "0" is off. Enabling an option that, after the death of the player, activates a black screen (the player will not be able to watch anyone).
rcon mp_buytime "0.25" - Time to buy weapons at the beginning of the round. Where "0.25" is 15 seconds (examples: "0.5" = 30 seconds | "0.75" = 45 seconds | "1" = 1 minute)
rcon mp_footsteps "1" - Hear the sound of footsteps when running players. Where "1" is On and "0" is Off.
rcon mp_freezetime "5" - Sets the delay of the round (where "5" is the delay time in seconds) when respawning in a new round (Freeze giving a chance to buy at the beginning of the round).
rcon mp_forcecamera "0"
"0" - after death, you can watch the enemy;
"1" - the dead can only watch their team;
"2" - in the spectator mode (after death), you see the current face of your teammates;
rcon mp_forcechasecam "0"
"0" - after death the player can watch everyone;
"1" - after death, the player can only watch members of his team;
"2" - after death, the player is forbidden to watch anyone, the player can watch the game only from the place of his death;
rcon mp_friendlyfire "0" - Friendly fire. Where "1" is On and "0" is Off.
rcon mp_hostagepenalty "0" - Kick a player for shooting hostages. Where "1" is On and "0" is Off.
rcon mp_limitteams "2" - Sets the number of overweight players at which it will transfer the players of the team with more players on the opposite side.
rcon mp_maxrounds "0" - Sets the maximum number of rounds that can be played on the map, with "0" the number of rounds is unlimited.
rcon mp_startmoney "800" - Sets the amount of money given to all players when starting the game after entering the map (i.e. in the first round).
rcon mp_roundtime "1.75" - Sets the duration of each round on the server. "1.75" - 1 min. 45 sec.
rcon mp_timelimit "25" - Sets the limit in minutes for playing on each map. Those. how long the game will last on each map in minutes.
rcon mp_winlimit "0" - Sets the value of how many rounds one of the playing parties can win (take) in order to change the map to the next one.
rcon sv_voiceenable "1" - Allow players to speak on the microphone. Where "1" is On and "0" is Off.
rcon sv_alltalk "1" - Who hears whom when talking on the microphone. Where "1" - Everyone hears everyone, and "0" - the living hear only the living, and the dead only the dead.
rcon sv_gravity "800" - Sets the level of gravity on the map. The default is 800.
rcon sv_proxies "1" - Sets how many HLTV clients can join watching the game. The default is rcon sv_proxies "1".
rcon pausable "1" - Enables the ability to pause the game on the server. "0" - Disable the option.
rcon allow_spectators "1" - Allows the presence of players in the spectator (spectator "s"). "0" - Disable the option.
rcon sv_password - Check what password is set on the server.
rcon sv_password "12345" - Sets the password for the server "12345". rcon sv_password "" - Removes the password from the server.
rcon sv_restartround "1" - Restart the round. Where "1" is 1 second, that is, the round will restart in one second, you can set your own value, for example: rcon sv_restartround "5"
rcon restart - Complete restart of the server.
rcon quit - Shut down the server.
rcon maps * - Show a list of server maps.
rcon exec "filename" - Run a configuration file. Where "filename" is the name of the file and its extension is either .cfg or .rc
rcon cmdlist - Display a list of all commands.
rcon сvarlist - Display a list of all variables.

HLTV control using Rcon commands:

If you are on an HLTV server:

If you are on game server:
rcon_address "IP" - HLTV server address without port
rcon_port "PORT" - HLTV server port
rcon_password "rcon password" - rcon password from HLTV
rcon record "demo name" - starts recording a demo
rcon stoprecording - stops demo recording (don't forget the 30s delay)
rcon status - shows the current status

You can also control amx commands through rcon and not only
(for a list of amx and other available commands, see the command - rcon cmdlist)

A few example commands:
rcon amx_slay "nick" - Kill player (show player's nickname - rcon users)
rcon amx_slap "nickname" "1" - Hit the player for 1hp (see the player's nickname - rcon users)
rcon amx_map "de_dust2" - Change map to de_dust2 (list of maps - rcon maps *)
rcon amx_kick "nickname or #userid" - Kick a player (see name or #userid - rcon users)

Sysadmin(he is on English language sysadmin, system administrator) - the abbreviated name of the profession, the full name of which in Russian sounds like System Administrator. This profession has recently become very popular for most young, and not very, people, they teach it, they work on it, they get good money for it. This is due to the rapid development of various computer technology and their penetration into all spheres of human life. The word sysadmin is often used in colloquial speech, in vacancies and resumes when looking for a job, in a word - everywhere. Below we will talk about what the profession is. system administrator.

In modern realities, virtually any person who is engaged in the maintenance and maintenance of the work of a certain computer network, including all of its hardware and/or software components which may include:

  • Personal computers, both workstations and servers;
  • Network equipment such as switches, routers, firewalls and more;
  • Web servers, mail servers, database servers, and others.

Also, in certain cases, the system administrator may be responsible for ensuring proper information security.

Depending on their specialization, a system administrator can engage in the following activities:

  • The administrator of workstations and servers is most often involved in repairing both hardware (failed motherboards, burned out power supplies), and software (Windows does not boot, commas are not printed in Word "e ...).
  • Administrator corporate network domain based Active Directory. A very popular occupation, given the prevalence operating systems Windows, as well as the need to somehow centrally control them. Such a specialist should be able to create, distribute into groups, edit users, give them the appropriate rights in the AD domain, and also be able to manage group policies for users, their computers and the groups they all belong to.
  • Administration of networks and network equipment. His responsibilities include knowledge of the network topology, the ability to work with both non-configurable and configurable network equipment, planning a local area network, as well as the ability to combine several remote workplaces into one network by setting up NATs and VPNs "ov. Do not also forget about access control within this network, and outside it - proxy settings.
  • A web server administrator who must at least be able to install, configure and maintain one of the following web servers - Apache, IIS, Nginx, monitor hosting (which can be located both inside the organization's network and outside it). Besides, good administrator should be able to configure the normal distribution of resources under high loads, clustering and many other specific things.
  • Mail server administration is also a common task for a system administrator, his tasks include working with such popular solutions as Exim, Microsoft Exchange, Postfix, Sendmail, or corporate mail solutions from Google or, for example, Yandex. In addition to the obvious control over accounts (creation, deletion, configuration), it is also necessary to be able to set up an anti-spam system and so on.
  • Site administrator. These responsibilities may include just some filling with the content of the site, but since we are talking about a system administrator, then in theory he should be able to set up hosting (including a web server, as mentioned above), install and configure desired site, such as a content management system (CMS).
  • Very rarely, the task of creating or maintaining a video surveillance system may fall under the duties of a system administrator. The tasks include installing and configuring cameras, responding to various events, saving and playing back recordings. Refers to system administration weakly, and often falls into his part-time duties to some other duties.

Outside of the system administrator's occupations described above, there were such possible things as database administration ( Microsoft SQL, MySQL and its multiple branches, Oracle, etc.), 1C administration (not to be confused with "1C programmer"), PBX and much more.

In this article, I will list most of the rcon commands that will be useful to any Counter-Strike game server administrator. With the RCON (Remote Control) system, you have the ability to fully manage the server. But for this you need to know rcon commands cs 1.6 which I will list below.

To use rcon, you first need to create a password, then log in using this password.

This is done simply:
1. We go into server.cfg.
2. We write the command rcon_password "password" .
3. Restart the server, go to it and enter in the console rcon_password "your password".

If you enter the RCON password incorrectly 3 times, or try to enter the rcon command without authorization 3 or more times, you will be blocked.

And here is the list of RCON commands:

rcon rcon_password "password"- change rcon password (after changing, you need to log in with a new password).

rcon sv_restart n- restart. Instead of "n", substitute a number, after how many seconds you need to restart.

rcon changelevel de_dust2- card change. Instead of "de_dust" you can write any other name for the map.

rcon sv_password "password"- setting a password on the server:
To remove the password, you need to write rcon sv_password ""

rcon kick "name","#1"""- A command to kick a player from the server, you can kick (kick) both by nickname and by number (you can find out the number using the rcon users command), and by IP address.

rcon maps *- list of maps installed on the server.

rcon restart 1- map restart.

rcon exit- turn off the server

Ban by IP:

rcon addip "Here IP"- ban IP temporarily (=0 - forever)

rcon listip- list of banned by IP

rcon removeip "Here IP"- unban a player by IP. Replace "IP" with the player's IP address.

To find out the IP, type the command rcon status
Ban by Steam_ID:

rcon banid "minutes" "Here Steam_ID"- ban Steam_ID for time (in minutes, if time=0 - ban forever)

rcon listid- list of banned by Steam_ID

rcon removeid "Here Steam_id"- unban Steam_ID

To find out the Steam_ID, type rcon users

HLTV Management

If you are on an HLTV server:
rcon_password- rkon password from HLTV
rcon record name- starts recording
rcon stop recording- stops recording (don't forget the 30 sec delay)
rcon status - shows the current status

If you are on the Game Server:
rcon_address- HLTV server address without port
rcon_port- HLTV server port
rcon_password- rkon password from HLTV
rcon record "demo name"- start recording
rcon stop recording- stop recording (don't forget about 30 sec delay)
rcon status- shows the current status

Game settings

rconmp_autoteambalance "1"- Enabling balance control between teams, if there is more than one - throws. rcon mp_autoteambalance "0" - Shutdown.

rcon mp_c4timer "35"- Sets the time until the bomb explodes after it is planted by terrorists.

rcon mp_fadetoblack "1"- Enabling an option that, after the death of the player, activates a black screen (the player will not be able to watch anyone).

rcon mp_fadetoblack "0"- Disable this option.

rcon mp_buytime "0.25"- Sets the time for purchasing devices after the start of the round. "0.25" - 15 seconds.

rcon mp_footsteps "1"- Sets the audibility of steps when running models. rcon mp_footsteps "0" - Disable.

rcon mp_freezetime "5"- Sets the round delay in seconds when respawning in a new round (Freeze giving a chance to buy at the beginning of the round).

rcon mp_forcecamera "0"- Disables viewing of all players by the player after his death. rcon mp_forcecamera "2" - Enable this option.

rcon mp_forcechasecam "0"- Same command as above. The values ​​are the same. Disables viewing of all players by the player after his death.

rcon mp_forcechasecam "2"- Enable this option.

rcon mp_friendlyfire "0"- Turns off the fire on his own. rcon mp_friendlyfire "1" - Enable this option.

rcon mp_hostagepenalty "0"- Disabling the option in which the player will be kicked from the server if he deals damage to the hostages.

rcon mp_hostagepenalty "1"- Inclusion.

rcon mp_limitteams "2"- Sets the number of overweight players, at which it will transfer the players of the team where there are more players playing for the opposite side.

rcon mp_maxrounds "0"- Sets the maximum number of rounds that can be played on the first map.

mp_startmoney "800"- Sets the amount of money that gives all players at the start of the game after entering the map (ie in the first round).

rcon mp_roundtime "1.75"- Sets the duration of each round on the server. "1.75" - 1 min. 45 sec.

rcon mp_timelimit "25"- Sets the limit in minutes for playing on each map. Those. how long the game will last on each map in minutes.

rcon mp_winlimit "0"- Sets the value of how many rounds one of the playing parties can win (take) in order to change the map to the next one.

rcon sv_voiceenable "1"- Unlocks a feature for players to be able to speak into the microphone.

rcon sv_alltalk "1"- Allows all players on both sides to hear each other when talking on the microphone. rcon sv_alltalk "0" - Disables this option.

rcon sv_gravity "800"- Sets the level of gravity on the map. The default is 800.

rcon sv_proxies "1"- Sets how many HLTV clients can join to watch the game. The default is rcon sv_proxies "1".

rcon pausable "1"- Includes the ability to pause the game on the server. rcon pausable "0" - Disable the option.

rcon allow_spectators "1"- Allows the presence of players in the spectator (spectator "s)

RCON is a server management system. To log into the RCON system, you must first set the RCON password, it can be set in the server.cfg file (Located in the server folder). Open the file and find the line there rcon_password changeme, change the text changeme to another text [Password], this will be your RCON password.
Once you have set a password, you can log in to RCON. To do this, you need to register in the game chat, the command /rcon login [your password].

RCON commands:

/rcon login [password] - Login to the RCON panel
/rcon cmdlist - Show a list of RCON commands
/rcon exit - Close the server
/rcon varlist - List current settings
/rcon kick - Kick a user by their ID (Example: /rcon kick 3)
/rcon ban - Ban a user by their ID (Example: /rcon ban 3)
/rcon banip - Ban IP (Example: /rcon banip
/rcon unbanip - Unban an IP (Example: /rcon unbanip
/rcon reloadbans - Reload samp.ban containing banned IPs
/rcon reloadlog - Clear server log
/rcon exec [filename] - Open a .cfg file (Example: /rcon exec blah.cfg)
/rcon say [text] - Say to the general chat on behalf of the admin (Example: /rcon say Hello)
/rcon players - Show all players on the server with their names, ip and ping
/rcon gravity - Change server gravity - (Example: /rcon gravity 0.008)
/rcon weather - Change server weather (Example: /rcon weather 2)
/rcon worldtime [time] - Change server time (Example: /rcon worldtime 2)
/rcon maxplayers - Change max. number of seats on the server
/rcon timestamp - Set timezone
/rcon plugins - List all installed plugins
/rcon filterscripts - List all installed filterscripts
/rcon loadfs [name] - Load filter script (Example: /rcon loadfs [FS name])
/rcon unloadfs [name] - Unload filterscript (Example: /rcon unloadfs [FS name])
/rcon reloadfs [name] - Reload the filter script (Example: /rcon reloadfs [FS name])
/rcon password [password] - Set a password on the server (Example: /rcon password 123456)
/rcon rcon_password [password] - Set a new RCON password (Example: /rcon rcon_password 123456)
/rcon changemode [name] - Change the game mode on the server to the specified one
/rcon gmx - Exit the current game mode and start the next one, according to the configuration in server.cfg
/rcon hostname [name] - Change server name (Example: /rcon hostname my server)
/rcon gamemodetext [name] - Change the name of the mod (Example: /rcon gamemodetext Samp-Mods)
/rcon mapname [name] - Change map name (Example: /rcon mapname San Andreas)
/rcon gamemode - Set gamemode order (Example: /rcon gamemode1 sftdm)
/rcon instagib - Enable 1-shot kill feature (Example: /rcon instagib 0)
/rcon lanmode - Set LAN (Example: /rcon lanmode 1)
/rcon port - Change port
/rcon version - View server version
/rcon weburl [url] - Set the site url on the server (Example: /rcon weburl

what is RCON Password ?

  1. RCON Password - server administrator password for name management
  2. I have my own server in minecraft where can I find rcon ?
  3. read here

    Server management using RCON password - My articles - Catalog of articles...
    How to use rkon? 1) enter the password in the console of your Counter-Strike: rcon_password (for example, rcon_password iddqd) 2) enter absolutely any server command in the console after the word rcon.
    RCON or SERVER MANAGEMENT - My Articles - Articles Directory - HolyGuns COD4 Clan
    To access the server management, you must have the rcon password, which is written in the main server config file when it is configured by the command. Set rcon_password "" where the password is specified in quotes. saved copy
    RCON commands: - My articles - Catalog of articles - Personal site
    All rcon commands are executed from the counter-strike console. To use the rcon commands, enter in the console after entering the server: rcon_password password (the password is set in the server configuration) saved copy
    What is rcon, what is it for and how to use it - Counter-Strike...
    go to your server and write in the console the password to the rcon like this "rcon_password "pass"" instead of "pass" the password to the rcon, which is registered in the cfg file of the "server" server, there is a line "rcon_password """ between two quotes is a pass (password for rcon...
    the link will appear after the moderator checks the saved copy from the site
    Commands for managing the server for help rcon Counter strike Portal
    For koristuvannya rcon ohm it is necessary to enter into the console. rcon_password your_password The password in the server.cfg file.
    Remove Rkon - You erase the Rkon_password line in the server.cfg and that's it. A DDoS attack is when a lot of packets are sent to your server... saved copy from the site
    6. - Rent of high-quality Counter strike servers- Help
    If you are on an HLTV server: rcon_password rcon password for HLTV. rcon record name - starts recording. rcon stoprecording - stops recording (don't forget the 30s delay) saved copy from the site
    Cheats CS Contra Console
    cmd name **** - you can change the server name without even knowing rcon_password. The light cannot be turned off. r_dynamic 0 - default value 1. saved copy from the site
    HLSW - Game Server Browser and Administration Tool
    HLSW Game Server Browser. Browse and search game servers and connect quickly. Remotely administer server using rcon (remote control).
    found at the link: rcon_password), I would never see more such passwords. backup copy from the site
    Rcon Commands for Half-Life 1 and Counter Strike 1.6 Game Servers
    It is a very powerful tool, so we suggest only giving the rcon password to those people that you completely trust. To use Rcon, login by typing the following command, replacing "yourpassword" with the Rcon password on your server. saved copy from the site
    3. The client becomes the server. If you are not a server, but want to register commands as a server (for example, sv_gravity, kick xxx), then do the following. In the console on the server, write rcon_password 1, and on your own (that is, who wants to be a server) also writes rcon ... saved copy

  4. in my sump I want to go to the server and there rkon password what does it mean how to get it ????
  5. Here is what I found on one forum -
    Rcon password is the server password.
    It is needed in order to perform administrator operations.
    For example ""
    rcon_kick XXX
    I had to remove the first line, otherwise there will be a series of bans for selecting a password, the server will automatically start banning them. Please do not write this on the forum, thanks in advance.
    Good luck!!!
  6. rcon password.

    So you bought a server, got an amxx admin panel, and maybe you want to know how else you can manage the server?

    There is a way, and it is universal. This is rcon_password.

    You will be given an rcon_password if you wish. What can you do with it?

    1) Administer the server without AMXX admin panel

    2) Administer the server remotely, through the console or remote administration programs, such as HLSW.

    3) Run scripts that control the clanwar (for example, a script that starts LIVE).

    How to use rkon?

    1) enter the password in the console of your Counter-Strike: rcon_password (for example, rcon_password iddqd)

    2) enter absolutely any server command in the console after the word rcon. Examples:

    Perhaps the most important command is rcon status, which lists all the players on the server, including their full nickname and ip.

    rcon addip 0.0 ip (e.g. rcon addip 0.0 - in this example ip flies into a permanent ban. We copy the IP from the console after the rcon status command.

    rcon removeip ip (for example, rcon removeip - unbans ips that are on the banlist

    rcon changelevel de_dust2 - changes the map to any you typed after changelevel

    rcon kick nick - kick player with nick nick

    rcon sv_restart 1 - restart the map after 1 second.

    rcon mp_autoteambalance "1" - Turn on or turn off the automatic balance of players (to throw if there is more than one

    rcon mp_buytime "0.25" - change purchase time (in minutes) (default 15 seconds - 0.25)

    rcon mp_c4timer "35" - change the time for which the bomb is planted on de_ maps (in seconds)

    rcon mp_fadetoblack "0" - does the screen turn black on death? 1-yes 0-no

    rcon mp_footsteps "1" - can you hear footsteps while running? 1-yes 0-no

    rcon mp_forcecamera "0" - allow to watch the players of the other team after death? 0-yes 2-no

    rcon mp_forcechasecam "0" - allow to watch the players of another team after death? 0-yes 2-no

    rcon mp_freezetime "5" - delay before the start of the round (in seconds)

    rcon mp_friendlyfire "0" - whether friendlyfire is enabled (friendly attack) 1-yes, 0-no

    rcon mp_hostagepenalty "0" - kick for hostage attack? 1-yes 0-no

    rcon mp_limitteams "2" - how much should the overweight be in order to reroll?

    rcon mp_maxrounds "0" - maximum amount rounds that can be played on the 1st map (by default, the map is played for a while)

    rcon mp_roundtime "1.75" - round time (default 1 minute 45 seconds - 1.75)

    mp_startmoney "800" - the money a player starts playing with after joining a game

    rcon mp_timelimit "25" - how long one card is played (in minutes)

    rcon mp_winlimit "0" - how much one team can win in order to move to the next map (disabled by default)

    rcon sv_alltalk "0" - if 1, then everyone will hear the microphones of the opposite team

    rcon sv_gravity "800" - gravity (default 800)

    rcon sv_proxies "1" - how many HLTVs can join the server (1 by default)

    rcon sv_voiceenable "1" - whether to allow players to speak into the microphone?

    rcon pausable "0" - allow players to manually pause with the pause command in the console?

    rcon allow_spectators "1" - allow joining as spectators?

    How to control amxx via rcon?

    Sun is simple. We do the same, just add the amxx command after rcon, FOR EXAMPLE:

    rcon amx_slay nick - slay player with nick nick

    rcon amx_slap nick 1 - slap nick for 1 damage

    rcon amx_map de_dust2 - change map to give2


  7. blicnagoev here skyip if you want help with sump