Turn upside down Prost. Unapproved Distort, twist the facts. Vera Ivanovna said in a calm, even voice: “In order to provide you with material for literary creativity, students work for hours in the archive ... Children work, and the fee is for you? .. - You must be able to turn everything upside down! - Olga Nikolaevna said with amazement. - That's disgusting!(A. Kuznetsova. Prostration).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Turn upside down" is in other dictionaries:


    Flip/turn upside down- what. Prost. Unapproved Distort, distort facts. F 2, 38 ...

    TURN FROM FEET TO HEAD- who to change what; represent the opposite of how it should be. This means that a person or a group of persons (X) distorts the situation (P), presents it not in accordance with the real state of affairs, replaces or refutes the essence of what l. ideas... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    PUT UP YOUR HEAD- who to change what; represent the opposite of how it should be. This means that a person or a group of persons (X) distorts the situation (P), presents it not in accordance with the real state of affairs, replaces or refutes the essence of what l. ideas... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    STANDING FROM HEAD TO HEAD- who to change what; represent the opposite of how it should be. This means that a person or a group of persons (X) distorts the situation (P), presents it not in accordance with the real state of affairs, replaces or refutes the essence of what l. ideas... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Turn upside down, turn over- LEG, and, vin. leg, pl. legs, legs, am, f. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    turn upside down- (turn over) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    LEG- No hind legs. Razg. Shuttle. Strongly, soundly (sleep). BMS 1998, 404; BTS, 320, 286; ZS 1996, 174; FSRYA, 281. Without legs. 1. Kar. About a man who cannot walk because of a disease in his legs. SRGC 4, 31. 2. Psk. Very fast, with all your might (to run). SPP… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Heliocentric system of the world- An image of the solar system from Andreas Cellarius' book Harmonia Macrocosmica (1708) The heliocentric system of the world is the idea that the Sun is the central celestial body around which the Earth and others revolve ... Wikipedia

    MEAN- In 1996 at an advanced school Chinese studied Yevgeny Odinokov and Alexander Yanukovych. The atmosphere at the school and the school itself was, to put it mildly, pop. Their main pastime, apart from school, is Gorbushka. And guys…… Russian rock. Small encyclopedia


  • Fairy tales are not quite for children, Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich. Leonid Andreev (1871-1919) - one of the brightest representatives of the literature of the Silver Age, the founder of Russian expressionism, in whose prose everyday life is intricately intertwined ...

On the Internet, there are stories of people whose lives have been radically turned upside down due to just one random act.

I'm 30, I own a pub. I take the subway to work. Outwardly, such a huge bull. Once, at the exit of the car, I saw that one girl with a backpack could not squeeze herself out on her own. He decided to help her: he took the hood and went out with her. The next morning, I look, looking for me with my eyes in the car - so we traveled together for 2 months, I helped her get out.

She let me listen to her music and generally behaved nicely and modestly, I even began to regret that she was only 15 years old. But one day it turned out that she did not go to school, as I thought, but to work in the Department of Social Policy and she is 25. It turned out that I took an official out of the metro for 2 months by the hood. And it would have been the most epic failure in 30 years if she had not agreed to go to a cafe with me.

What have I learned! When I was in the 4th grade, before the summer holidays, we gave flowers to teachers, and I had a huge expensive bouquet. It was necessary to congratulate the teachers, but ... They were cruel and unfair! And I gave it to the one who really deserved it - the cleaning lady. But we didn't see her the next year. And now, 9 years later, a friend told me that she was his neighbor, and then she left school with happiness and opened her own business. She says I gave her hope.

“Suddenly fate? And I’m not wearing makeup, ”I always repeated to myself. Until she broke her leg in two places, falling in the bathroom. I went to the emergency room with an unshaven leg, half-worn nail polish, in my grandmother's jacket and without a hint of makeup. I met my fate there - a guy with a broken arm and half-shaved beard. Together for 5 years.

One night I heard something fall in the hallway. It turned out to be a book. It fell off the shelf and opened to a page titled "How to Lose Weight." I thought.

Once I went to a club with a friend, I was sitting at the bar, a guy came up to me and said: “Come to me, I will show you my raccoon.” No, of course, they glued me, but this was the first time. It became interesting, I went. We arrive, he opens the door, and a REAL raccoon runs out to meet him! In general, we have been living together for several months now: me, the guy and the raccoon Garik.

I was riding the bus for an exam and suddenly I hear inside myself: “Get off at this stop, go to a cafe, make a bridge.” I think what nonsense, I have an exam! The bus stops, something clicks inside me, and I get off. I go into a cafe, make a bridge and hear a man shouting something to me. I rushed, and the man behind me! He caught up and asks why the bridge was made in a cafe. And I say I don't know. He almost cried. A month ago, his family died in a car accident. He could not accept and decided to commit suicide. I dined and thought: “God, if you exist and I must continue to live, give me a sign.” And here I am.

I dreamed of Berlin, but there was no money - I had been saving up hard for a year for a trip. On the last day I was walking down the street on the outskirts, I saw a barbershop and decided to get a haircut for myself as a keepsake. The hairdresser offered to cut me to his taste - to make a surprise, and I agreed. In an hour, he made my boring haircut so stylish that I was afraid to do it, because I considered myself not cool enough.
I went out, and across the road there was a clothing store, I decided to buy myself a super-brutal T-shirt for a new look. I bought a T-shirt, came home, looked like a week, decided to pump up to complete the image of a tough guy. Already after 6 months I had a completely athletic body and a girl fell in love with me for the first time. With the advent of the girl, there was not enough time, he learned how to properly manage it, and immediately increased efficiency at work.
After another 4 months, for my success, I was promoted to a manager, my income increased, I bought a car for myself, and with a girl they began to save up for a wedding. And yesterday I received a letter that my company accepted my application and I was being transferred to another office, which is located in Berlin.

5 years ago, I dropped a bag of water from the balcony onto the head of a girl I didn't know. And yesterday I found out that 5 years ago my wife (and we met 3 years ago) went on a date with a man who was supposed to propose to her, but some bastard threw a bag of water on her from the balcony, and she could not come all so wet. Her boyfriend considered this a very frivolous attitude towards him, and they broke up. 5 years ago I crashed my current wife's wedding! Proud!

I really liked one guy at the university, I liked it so much that I constantly imagined how we met with him and how then we live happily ever after. She imagined herself to the point that she confused reality with dreams - after the holidays, thinking about something of her own, she approached him and kissed him with the words: “I missed you so much!” By the slightly freaked out look of the guy, I realized that I was a fool. I apologized and ran away. He caught up with me, said that he did not understand what it was now, but he did not mind continuing.

I am 35. At work I am a boss, in life I am a hermit. I don't have friends, but there is one constant habit: I go to the same pub, sit at the very back of the bar and just drink Guinness.
On a typical pub night, someone unexpectedly covered my eyes with their hands and asked, "Guess who?" The girl behind realized that she was mistaken and, apologizing, went to the other end of the bar. She was so young, light, with eyes like two big black beads - not like everyone else. I couldn't think anymore, and the Guinness suddenly became somehow bitter.
She had been waiting there all this time for someone, but apparently in vain. Like crazy, I began to think of how to talk to her, but nothing came to mind. The bar was closing, she was getting ready. I ran out and, in view of the terrible weather and her sad appearance, offered to give her a ride home.
In the car, she chatted incessantly - there was so much life in her! I forgot to ask for her number, I came to my senses only at home. Came to the pub a week later, and there she was. Sitting in my place. I covered her eyes with my hands and asked, "Guess who?" She laughed and shouted, “I thought you would never come here!”

What is "TURN ON HEAD"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

TURN FROM FEET TO HEAD who to change what; represent the opposite of how it should be. This means that a person or a group of persons (X) distorts the situation (P), presents it not in accordance with the real state of affairs, replaces or refutes the essence of any . ideas, concepts, etc. (R). It is spoken with disapproval if the action seems reprehensible to the speaker. speech standard. ? (1) Active creation of the situation: X turned P upside down. Nominal part invariable. Usually the verbs of owls. in. In the role of a tale The order of component words is not fixed. ? - So don't worry, everything will be settled by the world, in a good way. ... Service is service, and there are many friends and enemies, you yourself understand, they will make an elephant out of a molehill, they will turn everything upside down, and we will amicably solve our business, understand? L. Komarovsky, Visiting happiness. All our fashionable television series are a thieves' song on the contrary. If in thieves' songs the guard is always a scoundrel and a son of a bitch who interferes with the free manifestation of the spirit, then here, as in any reformed prison, everything is turned upside down. Bandits are ... terrible creatures ... and the only one who can restore order is a dexterous, nimble and cheerful guard. Here is such a replacement - it is also a substitution - of ideals. MK, 2002. Our epoch surrendered itself to the demon of speed and for this reason ... so easily forgot itself. But I would like to turn this statement upside down and say: our era was seized by a passion for oblivion, and in order to satisfy this passion, she surrendered herself to the demon of speed .... M. Kundera, Slowness. The original idea of ​​such a holiday is forgotten, altered, turned upside down. Accordingly, the celebration itself is controversial. MK, 2002. Some writers agree to any conditions, as long as the book is published. They get a thousand or two thousand dollars, and their publishers earn tens, hundreds of thousands. We have everything turned upside down. Performers depend on producers, and writers depend on publishers. Ch. Abdullaev, English Boulevard. ? The frisky journalist Khaikin interpreted Tomilina's words absolutely wrong, turned everything upside down, distorted everything. A. Marinina, I died yesterday. [Mao] turned China upside down more than once: he forced the peasants to kill all the sparrows, dispersed the party elite with the help of hungweiping students - and each, at first glance, the most ridiculous trick of the head of the CPC extended his political life .... A caravan of stories, 2000. Strelnikov's entourage began to change their testimony. Last week they said one thing, and the weekend has passed - and they are talking about something completely different .... In everything. Everything is upside down. Or head to toe? The devil will tell them when they were lying and when they were telling the truth. A. Marinina, The bright face of death. ? - Len, how do you like to exaggerate everything! Turned everything upside down again! Nothing has happened yet, and you're already making up a whole detective story. (Speech) ? (As a citation.) - Yes, I didn’t turn anything upside down, as it was, I told it. (Speech) culturological commentary: The image of phraseology. goes back to the most ancient forms of understanding the world and is based on the archetypal (oldest) opposition "up - down". According to ancient ideas, the world, the universe were thought and described as a system of pairs of balanced opposites, serving to streamline chaos, in which everything appears in its place and is filled with a certain content. So, in the most ancient ideas about the structuring of space, "up" (sky) is symbolically associated with the divine, spiritual, and "down" (earth) - with the material. This opposition in relation to the human body is realized in the opposition of the head, symbolizing the top, supremacy, the intellectual principle, and the legs, which belong to the material and bodily bottom, are in contact with the earth and are associated with the lower chthonic (underground) world. (Biedermann G. Encyclopedia of Symbols. M., 1996. S. 39; Slavic Mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. S. 106, 323.) In addition, the legs and head also appear as extreme points in the vertical position of the human body . phraseological image. correlates with the somatic (bodily) and spatial codes of culture, i.e. with a set of culturally conditioned stereotypical ideas about the properties, characteristics of the body as a whole or its parts, which are guidelines for a person in the organization of space, set a system for measuring it, acting as signs "language" of culture. In the form of phraseology. spatial relations are transferred to the activity sphere of a person. phraseol. contains a spatial metaphor based on a stereotypical idea of ​​an active action aimed at changing the situation, which is created due to the verbal components put/put, turn/turn over, belonging to the procedural-activity code of culture. In this metaphor, the distortion, confusion of the situation, the substitution of ideas or concepts are likened to a spatial "permutation" of extreme points in the vertical dimension of the human body - legs and head, which entails the opposition of their "essences": the substitution of "top" as a spiritual and intellectual principle "bottom" as a material beginning serves as a reason for a negative assessment in the image of phrases. (cf. also the "turning over" of the top and bottom in carnival rites. ) phraseol. as a whole displays a stereotyped idea of ​​the substitution of any. ideas, concepts opposite, about the deliberate distortion of the real state of affairs.

Prost. Unapproved Distort, twist the facts. Vera Ivanovna said in a calm, even voice: - In order to provide you with material for literary creativity, the students work for hours in the archive ... The children work, and the fee is for you? .. - You must be able to turn everything upside down! - Olga Nikolaevna said with amazement. - That's disgusting!(A. Kuznetsova. Prostration).

  • - what from what to what. See translate...

    Management in Russian

  • - LEG, -and, wine. leg, pl. legs, legs, -am, ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - turn over verb, sv., use. compare...

    Dictionary of Dmitriev

  • - Flip over, -well, -nosh; - twisted; sovereign 1. what. Turn opposite side. P. page. 2. trans., what. Change radically. P. ch. life. 3. trans., whom. Shake, deeply move...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Flip, turn over, turn over, sov. 1. someone. Turn up the side that was previously below, turn from one side to the other. Turn the barrel upside down. Turn the page...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - turn owls. transition 1. single to ch. flip I 2...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - turn over "ut, -n" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Express. To do something impossible, difficult to do. I decided to turn the whole world upside down, if necessary, but to give these three thousand to Katerina Ivanovna at all costs, and above all ...
  • - TO TURN THE WHOLE SOUL of whom, whose, to whom. TURN THE WHOLE SOUL of whom, whose, to whom. Express. Very much to excite, shock...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Simple. Unapproved Distort, twist the facts...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - See KARA -...
  • - If the dog howls at night, then turn the pillow over under their heads, saying: "On your own head!" And she'll shut up...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ANIMAL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - what. Prost. Unapproved Distort, distort facts. F 2, 38...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - examine, shake, turn somersault, turn the other side, turn somersault, break, overturn, turn over, shake up, how to hit the head with a butt, change, study, strike, move, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Turn Upside Down" in books

6. "We need to turn everything over"

From the book Distant Youth author Kurakin Petr Grigorievich

6. “We need to turn everything around!” How strange life sometimes turns out! Three years ago, looking from the train window at the dark platform, at the distant lights, at the dull, dirty building of the Nyandoma station, Kurbatov could not even imagine that he would have to work here. And now, coming down from

S. Semanov An axis that could turn the world…

From the author's book

S. Semanov An axis that could turn the world… V.E. Molodyakov. Failed Axis: Berlin-Moscow-Tokyo. M.: "Veche", 2004. This book, executed at the highest level of modern scientific requirements, is devoted to geopolitics. In the famous dictionary of V. I. Dahl

How to flip a card

author Hoffmann Louis

How to flip a card You give the spectator 18 cards and ask him to do the following with the cards under the table: flip the top pair of cards (i.e. the top two cards taken together) and “cut” the deck, again Turn the top pair of cards and shoot again . This procedure the viewer

How to flip a deck

From the book Modern Magic author Hoffmann Louis

How to flip a deck Quite often in tricks you need to deal a certain number of cards from one end of the deck, and then continue the deal from the other end. To do this, you need to fold the top and bottom of the deck right sides. This can be done using

How to make the reader turn the page

From the book How to write a story author Watts Nigel

How to make the reader turn the page This is very simple, but at the same time, like many simple things, very difficult to do. The author captures the reader's attention with the help of intriguing questions and postponing the answers "for later." If at the beginning of a four hundred page

How to turn over a victim who has damaged cervical vertebrae

From the author's book

How to turn over a casualty with a fractured cervical vertebrae 1. Kneel next to the casualty, lean over him and place his right arm bent at the elbow on his chest. Then lift his right leg and place it on his left, making sure that

How the Lady of the Lake demanded for herself the head of a knight who got the sword, or the head of a maiden

From the book Literature Grade 8. Textbook-reader for schools with in-depth study of literature author Team of authors

As the Lady of the Lake demanded for herself the head of the knight who got the sword, or the head of the maiden. But while he was going on the road, the Lady of the Lake arrived at the court on a horse and in rich clothes. She bowed to King Arthur and said that she wanted to receive a gift from him, as he

Throw block over the head (throws over the head)

From Geary's book. Sports of the strong and healthy author Vorotyntsev Alexey Ivanovich

Block of throws over the head (throws over the head) Throw over the head - throwing the kettlebell over the head with its subsequent reception with the same hand with a rotation of the torso by 180 °. All throws over the head are performed with a rotation of the torso by 180 °, therefore, when naming the throw, the rotation

A smile can change your world

From the book by Dale Carnegie. How to become a master of communication with any person, in any situation. All secrets, tips, formulas the author Narbut Alex

A smile can turn your world around When you are confident, when your worldview is positive, when you are peaceful and calm, when you feel like a cheerful and happy person, you will not have to make any effort to smile. You will literally

2. Flip the orders of magnitude that order ratings in the community

From the author's book

2. Reversing the Orders of Greatness that Orders Evaluations in the Community To clear up the confusion that exists in the interpretations of May '68, we need to bypass the notions of individualism and freedom, which are not sufficiently polysemic, and apply an analytical model,

3. Flip the personality architecture

From the author's book

3. Reshape the architecture of the individual The events of May 1968 not only called into question the social order and legitimate forms of greatness. They also profoundly affected the internal structure and organization of the personality. "Shake-up" of the orders of greatness, in terms of which it was estimated,

Is it possible to flip a great poet?

From the author's book

Is it possible to flip a great poet? This exhibition was opened at the State Central Museum modern history Russia on the 100th anniversary of Alexander Tvardovsky, and is named after the lines of the poet himself: “I stepped on that hot trail. I was there. I lived then…” Press release,

Before turning this page

From the book What I like about ... author Vandeman George

Before you turn this page The book you hold in your hands has come into being in a way that suits our modern needs.

17 And Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on Ephraim's head; and it was sad for him. And he took his father's hand to transfer it from the head of Ephraim to the head of Manasseh, 18. And Joseph said to his father: Not so, my father, for this is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

17 And Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on Ephraim's head; and it was sad for him. And he took his father's hand to transfer it from the head of Ephraim to the head of Manasseh, 18. And Joseph said to his father: Not so, my father, for this is the firstborn; put it on his head

9. Turn over (back side)

From the book Rice Storm and 21 More Ways to Think Outside the Box author Mikalko Michael

9. Flip (Reverse) If you can understand the reverse side of your ideas, products or services, it will open up new ways of thinking for you. The following drawing was proposed by the Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin in 1915. It can be perceived both as a vase and as two

On mushroom soup The duration of such a diet can be 10-14 days. The basis of the diet is a special mushroom soup that will need to be eaten twice. His recipe: Chop one onion into quarters and pour 2 liters of water.


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