Conichua friends! With the advent of WordPress 4.2, many users have a problem with how to use or disable emoji emoticons. In fact, these are not even emoticons, but an extended set of icons. Someone might find it useful. For example, to use some kind of hieroglyphs, musical or astrological signs. And for some, these icons will be superfluous. Therefore, I prepared this material for two categories of people at once.

There used to be a plugin WP Emoji One, which allowed you to add such emoticons to the site. But starting with WordPress 4.2, the developers decided to implement such functionality into the CMS itself. When I first saw these faces, I immediately remembered the Chinese. After all, the emoticons had narrow eyes. Something like this: (^_^). In general, enough introductions. Let's do something with this function. Either use it on your blog or delete it completely. But before you decide, be sure to read this post to the end!

How to Use Emoji Emoticons in WordPress?

Let's start with those who want to use emoticons. You have upgraded to WordPress 4.2 but don't know how to use Emoji emoticons on your site. After all, in the CMS editor there is no new button for adding icons. And how do we add these emoticons to the site? Before answering this question, I will tell you that a lot depends on the operating system. Emoji are handled differently on different operating systems and browsers. Therefore, I will list several ways to use these icons. And you, in turn, choose the option that suits you and begin to act.

iOS for iPhone, iPad and iPod

I will say that starting from version 5, Emojis have already been introduced into the system. Therefore, to use them in the IOS system, you just need to connect new keyboard. If you are using iOS 8, then you are in luck. The Emoji keyboard is already installed on this system. If you have a different version of the system, then we do the following gestures. Go to menu " Settings» —> « Main» —> « Keyboard» —> « International keyboards«.

After that choose " New keyboards” and in the list itself, select “ Emoji«.

Everything, the keyboard is now added. At the very bottom of the screen you will see a smiley (1) . Click on it to see a set of Emoji emoticons. If you use multiple keyboards, you can select the one you want using the globe icon (2) .

Now when working with your site on mobile device like iPhone, iPad or iPod, you can easily add emoji emoticons s. You can also use these icons in comments on your friends blogs. However, this will only work if the other blog has Emoji enabled.


For those who use devices on Android system, you will have to add an app to create an emoji keyboard. There are quite a few similar applications. Therefore, I will not list them all here. For starters, you can try things like TouchPal X Keyboard or Emoji Keyboard. After installing the application, click on the smiley button to access the icons.

Windows Phone 8

For owners Windows phone 8 fit great app [+]Emoji. All emoticons are grouped into separate categories, which is very convenient.

Windows 8 and above

Now for those who use desktop computers. For operating room Windows systems 8 and above will be easy enough here. Emoji emoticons are already built into the system and you only need to enable them. To do this, on the taskbar (3) (she's at the bottom) click right click mice. Choose " Toolbars» —> « Touch Keyboard". After that, a new icon in the form of a keyboard will appear in the lower right corner. (4) .

When you want to add emoji emoticons to Windows 8, just click on the keyboard and select the smiley icon (5) .

Windows 7 and below

For earlier Windows versions, Emoji are not embedded. Therefore, you will have to tinker a little. Let me tell you that there are two ways to add icons. First, you can use special extensions for browsers. For example, for me Google Chrome installed the extension Emoji Input. Now to add emojis to WordPress blog, I just need to click on the extension icon, select and copy the desired icon.

After that you need to go to text editor site and insert an icon.

Secondly, instead of the extension, you can use the site ( or ( and take icons from there. Here by analogy with the first option. Copy the desired icon and immediately paste it into the WordPress editor.

These are the ways you can add and use emoji emoticons on your WordPress site. Of course, such icons can be used on other operating systems. More details can be found in the WordPress codex (

Icons look small by default. Therefore, if you want to adjust the size, then you need to switch to the html editor and paste this code:


Instead of 14, insert your number. It will turn out like this:

How to disable emojis in WordPress 4.2?

Well, now, about the sore. Due to some problems, many WordPress users 4.2 would just like to disable those emojis. There are several reasons. Someone trite, do not like these icons. Someone has various errors and so on. I personally turned off emoji because I started having problems with the old emojis.

The fact is that when I updated WordPress, then all the emoticons in my comments began to appear ugly. Basically, they were flattened and poorly visible. This option did not suit me. Therefore, I decided to disable the new feature. And, as a rule, I rarely add icons to posts. If I use it, it's only icon fonts. (fingers, plus signs, ticks, etc.). This is enough for me.

Of course, I could use Emoji emoticons instead of icon fonts (they are much lighter). However, the conflict with the old emoticons in the comments does not make me very happy. I like such emoticons and somehow I don’t want to get rid of them or disfigure them.

And now you ask: So how do you disable emoji emoticons in WordPress 4.2?"Yes, it's very simple! Just install the plugin Disable emojis. The extension does not have any settings. Therefore, when you activate it, the Emoji support will completely disappear.

However, if you want to display your emoticons, then you will need to additionally connect them to your site. For those who yearn for classic emoticons, you will need to additionally install the plugin Classic Smilies. It will allow you to bring back the classic set of funny faces.

If you need to display something else, then install the appropriate extension for this. In general, if you want to display your emoticons and disable Emotions, you need to install Disable Emojis + a script or plugin that will display the faces you need. If you generally want to completely disable the display of emoticons on a WordPress site, then simply set Disable Emojis and in the menu " Settings» —> « Writing» —> « Formatting"Uncheck the box" Convert emoticons like...»

Should I use Emoji emoticons or not?

Now you know how to enable or disable emoji in WordPress 4.2. It's bad, of course, that the developers have not yet made it possible for us to disable this new feature right in the admin panel. After all, not everyone will use such icons. Basically, this innovation is well suited for social networks or forums where there is closer communication. For business sites or non-entertainment projects, this feature is definitely not suitable.

And besides, there may be problems with the display of icons. This is especially true for operating systems that do not support Emojis. For example, I have the seventh Windows. But still, when viewing these emoticons from the site ( I'm getting errors in the form of squares.

This suggests that even if you add these icons to your site, many users may simply not see them. In order to somehow avoid this, it is worth putting classic emoticons from the site ( I didn't have any display issues.

There is also a second option - this is to use special extensions for browsers (like Emoji Input for Chrome). They help to recognize all kinds of emoticons. But here again, it is necessary that such extensions be installed on the user side. Otherwise, instead of your icons, he will see empty squares.

It is also worth considering that this new feature Emoji can additionally load the site. When a user visits your site, WordPress automatically checks for Emoji support on the user's side using a special script. If it is not there, then the CMS will additionally download icons from another site. As a result, for the user (with old OS and no extension) the site will load 1 - 1.5 seconds more than usual. Therefore, if you do not plan to use Emoji, then it is better to completely disable this feature.

As for me, so all this is an innovation in new version WordPress will be redundant. Why bother with something that works just fine! And if someone wants to connect Emoji, then just install the plugin WP Emoji One. As a result, a person will have the right to choose. Now, unfortunately, we don't have it. You have to run for and return the old functionality back.

Damn, they didn't even bother to put a button in the editor so that you can quickly add an icon! It generally, in any gate does not climb! And they say that they work more on improving the usability of the WordPress system. I hope that in the new versions of the engine, the developers will fix all these shortcomings. Also note that . Be sure to read this news. In general, study and implement!

We continue to decorate your site. And this time the object of our attention is the plugin for installing emoticons on the blog WP Monalisa. By the way, do you know why they are needed? What a stupid question? Of course, they are needed so that site visitors and avid commentators clearly express their emotions not only with words, but also with funny, sad or angry pictures. That's it. Well, let's start installing this wonderful plugin.

It is installed in the usual way via console. Console -> Plugins -> Add New and in the search drive WP Monalisa. One single plugin appears, install it, and then activate it.

Its settings appeared in the console menu, go ahead. Let's get started with the WP-Monalisa plugin settings.

  1. Iconpath is the path to the smilies on your site. As you can see, the default is wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons You can upload your pictures along the same path.
  2. Show smiles on edit- this item is responsible for displaying emoticons in the post editor. That is, you can insert all emoticons into your posts.
  3. Show emoticons on comment- and this is to allow your visitors to insert emoji into their comments.
  4. Replace emoticons with html-images- choose the way to display emoticons. If you leave the item enabled, then when you insert an image in a comment, a long code will be displayed. So it's better to turn it off.
  5. Show smiles in a table- by checking this box, you can make the smilies in the selection appear in a vertical table, adjusting to the design of your site.
  6. Show smiles as Pulldown– emoticons will be presented as a drop-down list.
  7. Show tooltip for icons- this item will show hints for emoticons, which emotion the emoticon means.

Under the settings, you can experiment with emoticons. There are a lot of them, and you also have the opportunity to delete, replace, swap or upload your own emoticon. To install your assembly, you need to find it and download it or even draw it yourself, and then upload it to your hosting along this path Such a useful plugin!

Hello my dear readers!

Glad to meet you again!

Today we will talk about the plugin qip smiles, which displays cute emoticons in the form of comments.

And why do we need these smilies at all? Should I load my blog with extra plugins? After all, some bloggers do without these emoticons.

Of course, you can do without them. But….

When I just started blogging, commenting on other blogs, chatting with commentators, I really liked the fact that you can insert emoticons into words, thereby expressing your feelings, giving them additional coloring.

And if you, my dear readers, often comment on blogs yourself, then you have probably experienced for yourself that sometimes - oh, how you want to express your emotions! And then these little wonderful emoticons come to the rescue.

And it happens that the words in the comments sound strictly, but next to you you see a smiling or laughing emoticon and you understand that the person is quite friendly.

After all, communicating in the comments, we can only see words - we do not see feelings, emotions. And thanks to emoticons, we can convey all this.

And so, at the beginning of my blogging journey, I decided that emoticons would be a must on my blog!

And now I see that my commentators use emoticons quite often, which once again proves that I was not mistaken when I put them on my blog.

At first, I had Monalisa plugin emoticons. But after a while I realized that this is not quite what I wanted. There are not very many of them and the set of emotions is very limited.

Then it was decided to install the qip smiles plugin, because qip smiles are numerous and can convey a large number of emotions and feelings.

Therefore, friends, today I will tell you how to install this miracle on your blog.

You can download the plugin to your computer.

The plugin will be downloaded in a zip archive, you do not need to open it, we will install it in this form.

On the left, click on the " Appearance- "Plugins", the page with plugins will open, and at the top click on "Add New".

Then "Upload" and "Select File"

Your computer's explorer will open, you find the qipsmiles plugin you just downloaded and click "Install".

When the plugin is installed (it will take a couple of seconds), click "Activate" - and the plugin will appear on the page with all plugins.

Now we need to make some small changes in the code.

Don't be scared, it's not difficult at all - we'll figure it out now.

On the left, click the "Appearance" tab - "Editor" and on the right you need to click on the link "Comments" (comments.php).

In the opened code, we carefully look - we need to find a line with the word textarea (clickable)

Here, under this line, we will need to insert this code:

It looks like this for me (the line in the Editor is marked in yellow, the code to be inserted is blue), clickable

Emoticons will be located below the comment form. If you want emoticons to be above the comment form, then the code must be placed ABOVE the line in the Editor.

Click "Update File" below and that's it. Now qip emoticons will show off in the form of comments and delight your readers and commentators!

Yes, what you see in the comment form is not all emoticons, click "More emoticons" and they will appear before you in all their glory

And what do you think, friends, do you need emoticons on the blog or is it so good without them?

Well, it’s not for nothing that we talked about emoticons today. For you, my dears, a two-minute positive

Hello dear blog readers "Internet Cabbage"!

Here comes a new day. I start it on the positive, and I try to do it always.

Here, on this note, I would like to immediately ask you a question:

And how often do you start your morning with a smile and can you be called a cheerful person? Do you have a sense of humor and when was the last time you laughed heartily?

Are there too many questions? But I don't just ask these questions. As you know, positivity gives us more strength, and laughter prolongs life. You have already heard all this more than once, and no matter how beaten these phrases are, they work and work perfectly if you take them seriously.

I created a site to teach beginners how to create their own sites and give motivation to earn money on the Internet in all available ways! You can smile now if you don't believe that the Internet really makes money.

You just have to learn, try different methods and analyze. The most important thing is not to despair if it doesn't work right away. You just need to be able to laugh at mistakes and failures and remember that dawn always comes after sunset.

So you read my next article and wanted to write a comment, but in order to fully express your emotions, you understand that something is missing.

Yes, yes, there are not enough emoticons! Those small and funny koloboks that usually help us show our emotions to the fullest.

What are emoticons and why are they needed?

Emoticon (English smiley - “smiling”) or happy face (☺ / ☻) - stylized graphic image smiling human face; traditionally depicted as a yellow circle with two black dots representing the eyes and a black arc representing the mouth. Emoticons are widely used in popular culture, the word "smiley" itself is also often used as a general term for any emoticon (images of emotion are not graphics, but punctuation marks).

We need emoticons to express our emotions. They are very fun and give plain text a bit of dynamism.

How to install emoticons on the site?

In order to install emoticons on the site, and in this case we have a site on the WordPress engine, there are peculiar plugin helpers.

Today we will look at one of the plugins that will automatically easily add emoticons to your site and thus decorate it with a variety of emotions. This plugin is called wp-Monalisa and there are two ways to install it on the site.

The first way is to go to the admin as usual. panel of your site, in the Plugins section - Add New and enter the name of the plugin in the search bar. The installation is standard.

The second way is to download it on the official website at:

And, having downloaded it to your computer, check it with an antivirus and then go to the site administration panel: Plugins - Upload - Select file - Install - Activate.

After installing this plugin, a section will appear in the admin. Site panels: wp Monalisa.

When you log in for the first time after installation, you will see that you have the following line:

It translates as: Please turn off Settings -> Writing -> Emoji Conversion in order to use the WP-Monalisa emoji plugin).

Now let's do that.

Let's go to Settings (Options) - Writing - And uncheck the box: Convert emoticons like and :-P to pictures.

We refresh the plugin settings page and see that the line has disappeared.

Now let's look at the settings of the WP-Monalisa plugin.

Item – Iconpath is the path where the icon images are located. You can experiment and write your own path where emoticons will be located. First you need to upload your folder with a set of necessary emoticons to the hosting, and the plugin will determine these emoticons by itself.

Next item Show smileys on edit – show emoticons in the editor, that is, show emoticons in the editor of your posts.

Show emoticons on comment – this item means that emoticons will be displayed in the comments.

If we go into editing the post, a new field with emoticons will appear, which can be inserted into the text of the article.

How to set up the plugin now?

Let's consider the settings in more detail.

Replace emoticons with html-images - indicates how emoticons will be displayed in the comments field.

For example, I click on the smiley to paste into the text, and a long link code appears, like this:

It is advisable to disable this item so as not to frighten your commentators. To do this, uncheck this box.

Let's check how it works. We click on the face in the comments and now we see that it already looks prettier than the big piece of the link.

Next step Replace emoticons with html-images - means exactly how you want to display emoticons: icon, text, or both. Try different options, but it seems to me that it would be preferable to leave only the value of the icon.

Show smileys in a table This is the ability to show emoticons in a vertical table. Everyone's tastes are different and so is the design of the site, so you can choose this item by checking the box or leave the default horizontal emoji layout. You can also set the number of columns.

Show smiles as pulldown show emoticons as a dropdown list. Here you can set the number of the most popular emoticons so that they are displayed in the quantity that is most favorable to you. I do not have a checkmark on this fad and all smiles are displayed. But whoever likes it! If you have a lot of them, then it is advisable not to clutter up the space and activate this fad.

Show tooltip for icons - show hints for emoticons. That is, if the fad is activated and you hover over the emoticon with the mouse cursor, then the hint of the emoticon's emotion will be displayed. This is also up to you. I have a hint, so you can rate it right now on my website in the comments.

Don't forget to click on save all changes for them to take effect.

Arrows can be used to change the location of emoticons. For example, simply by moving the arrows up or down, you move the smiley itself and thereby determine its place in the hierarchy of smileys when displayed on the site.

Now let's look at how to add a new emoticon to our database. To do this, you need to go to the hosting, in root folder plugin located in the following path.

If you have Springhost hosting, then follow the following path:

Optional - File manager- public_html - site (here is the name of your site) - wp-content - plugins - WP-Monalisa - icons.

In folder icons are all the emoticons of your plugin. And here you can upload any emoticon you want.

To do this, you need to download an archive of interesting emoticons to your computer in advance.

That's all. We figured out how

How to install emoticons on the site? wp-monalisa plugin.

The plugin works perfectly and I hope it will give you pleasure and diversify emotions when writing text.

If this article was interesting and useful to you, then do not forget to share the information with your friends - click on the buttons of social networks !!!
Sincerely, the author is Larisa Mazurova.

Watch a wonderful song about a smiley performed by Verka Serduchka:

Hello! I am with you again, the author of the Free Webmaster's Blog and today we will talk about emoticons on wordpress. Emoticons have long gained their popularity. This is a great way to express your emotions and sometimes just one emoji is enough to express your feelings.

To be honest, I was not very impressed with the standard WordPress emoticons. Their appearance seemed to me primitive, too ancient, and therefore I decided to change them to others.

Standard wordpress emoticons

Here you can go two ways.

  • The first is to install a plugin that will automatically replace the standard emoticons with others. But too many active plugins will slow down the blog, increase the load on the server. In addition, plugins often add their own tables to the database. MySQL data, and when deleting, they do not always clean up this database and have to, through the phpMyAdmin panel.
  • The second way will avoid such troubles, besides, it will allow you to better understand how WordPress works. It implies manual editing.

Therefore, we will go the second way. The default smilies are located in the /wp-includes/images/smilies/ folder at the root of your blog. To change them, you just need to overwrite the old ones with the new ones. You can take absolutely any emoticons, rename them so that the file names match the standard ones and upload them back to the same folder. I post the sets of emoticons that I already have:

You don’t need to rename anything, it remains only to replace the standard ones with these and you’re done. This issue has been dealt with.

Next question: how to add emoticons above text field comment form? Everything is very simple here too! To do this, in the comments.php file of your theme, before the opening tag '); }); } } }); })(jQuery);

Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete.