I, like many who will read this section I am a user of the wonderful InstantCMS system. I also bought the InstantShop module in order to create an online store. AT this moment I have two online stores of various topics, and for one of them it was necessary to create a YML file in order to connect the online store to the Yandex.Market service.

With this document I will try to tell how in the floor automatic mode create YML file. Perhaps someone will find flaws in my description and suggest a shorter way. The author is open to discussion.

To begin with, the entire price list of the store is in my Excel spreadsheets. I needed this so that the data could be converted to the store automatically.
Every leaf of my Excel tables contained only part of the information needed to create the YML file.

Let's talk a little about the YML format itself and what it should contain. (example of my YML file - Price list in YML format). There is also a file lavka_price.xml

The header of the YML file, I had to write it by hand, open my file and you will understand everything, there is nothing complicated there.

Products inside the YML file must be described inside tags ....
Each product inside the tags must contain the following data:
- product card start tag, product id, product availability
http://www.lavka.od.ua/shop/bytovaja-tehnika/vodonagrevateli/cube-steatite-vm-50s4cm.html - link to product page
171- the price of the product
USD- commodity currency
272- product category
CUBE STEATITE VM 50S4CM- product name
Atlantic- product manufacturer
- product card closing tag

Of all the data above, I was missing the following data:
- link to product page
- product category
- link to product photo
There was also no currency for the product, but since Since it is the same for the entire store, it does not require much knowledge other than just adding it to the desired column and that's it.

In order to get the missing data, I had to write formulas for Excel.
1. Creating a link to a product
Inside InstantShop, each product is assigned a page with the name of the product + .html
In order to get the required page, we had to first get rid of the spaces, and replace them with a dash, the formula = SUBSTITUTE (cell number; " ";" -"), then get rid of capital letters, because the title of the pages is only small letters, for this I used the formula =LOWER(cell number).
Next, we perform the concatenation, the resulting string result cube-steatite-vm-50s4cm, supplement the missing values, the formula: = CONCATENATE("http://www.lavka.od.ua/shop/bytovaja-tehnika/vodonagrevateli/";L6;" .html") and get the output value in the desired cell: http://www.lavka.od.ua/shop/bytovaja-tehnika/vodonagrevateli/cube-steatite-vm-50s4cm.html
Note, you may have a complex product name (FHR G (AN)) in this case, you need to do several transformations, because The page title cannot contain parentheses and the / sign.

2. Product category
It is created on the basis of a logical formula for such an example, for the refrigerator section:
=IF(N6="single-chamber";259;IF(N6="two-chamber";260;IF(N6="three-chamber";261;IF(N6="wine";262;IF(N6="freezer";263 ;IF(N6="combi";264;IF(N6="side-by-side";265))))))).
Since All my goods were divided into subcategories (for refrigerators, these are 7 subcategories), the system did everything by itself. That is, depending on which subsection the product belongs to (single-chamber, two-chamber, etc.), the corresponding figure 259, 260, etc. will be inserted.

3. Photo link
Using the product ID, you can easily create a link to the product photo, because InstantShop creates links using the ID number.
Formula: =CONCATENATE("http://www.lavka.od.ua/images/photos/medium/shop";E6;".jpg") at the output we get the following result: http://www.lavka.od. ua/images/photos/medium/shop500.jpg

Now a few reservations received XML file must be supplemented with a title and all the necessary offal required by Yandex. Next, rename the file extension from XML to YML.
All Your file is ready.

Fish, catamaran, bad business!

We have released a new book "Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand.

At the time of the capture of the world, more and more people use the Internet. But before ordering something from there, most of us will ask our question to the search engine. And if you prefer Yandex Google, then you probably won’t disdain to go to, because it is there that you can immediately evaluate all the offers that can be. And there is no need to shovel a bunch of information - convenient filters greatly simplify the work.

In addition, Yandex Market is not only ads in the search.

But also a large showcase, similar to a large online store:

For example, you are not looking at cameras, but at dresses:

All the same convenient filters are here.

Therefore, today I propose to look: how do all these goods magically get to this site?

File for Market

Generally speaking, thenfile for Marketis a document containing the full range of your products that you plan to sell through this site.

Three formats are allowed:

  • csv;
  • XLS;

CSV is text file, consisting of rows in which the data is separated special characters- separators.

The XLS file is most convenient for those who store their goods in Excel spreadsheets.

The requirements for both types of files can be found in Yandex Market help, and the disadvantages include the lack of the ability to transfer product characteristics, as well as the fact that all prices will be converted into rubles.

YML file for Market

YML file (Yandex Market Language) is a special file format that allows online store owners to place their products in Yandex Market.

YML file for Yandex Market is the preferred format, because if you have a large assortment that is constantly updated, then in order not to do everything manually, you cannot do without the help of automatic export. YML handles this best.

So while CSV and XLS are handy when you're compiling a price list manually, YML is better for automating processes. So if you are in doubt whichfile format for downloading on the Marketto choose, decide whether you will draw up a price list manually or use the services of programmers.

Details of the elements that are used in the file for the Market can be found.

You can also find examples there.

How to create YML file for Market?

  1. First of all, only up-to-date information!
  2. Use each field for its purpose: if this is a description, then describe all the benefits of this product, if you have any special purchase conditions, use the sales_notes field. do everything as it should be, and you will be happy. No need to litter the field with information for which it is not intended.
  3. Write the name of the proposal clearly and understandably. For example, if you are selling a Canon camera, then write like this:

Camera Canon EOS 700D Kit

that is, indicate important parameters: product type, manufacturer/brand, model, because exactly will be displayed on the service in the title of your offer, and the user must clearly understand what is offered to him.

How to upload a file for the Market?

If you have preparedYML file for Yandex Marketand are ready to join the battle for customers, then after creating the store you need to go to the "Assortment" section:

and select "Price List" from the menu that appears.

And enter it in the field:

According to the site.ru/file_name.xml principle (that is, the file must be located in the root of the site!), And then click the "Check price list" button.

If you want to upload the file manually, then choose "Upload file":

And feel free to click on the price list selection button:

If everything is done correctly, there will be no problems.

If you just wanted to check your database, click "Cancel", if you are ready to start hosting on the Market, click "Save and continue".


  1. You need to update the file you uploaded at least once every 30 days.
  2. Moderation takes 2 working days. If errors are found, you will receive an email. Do not abuse, correct everything as carefully as possible, otherwise the store may not be accepted for placement at all.

This is a standard developed by Yandex for accepting and placing information in the Yandex.Market database. YML is based on the XML standard. A single data presentation format allows you to quickly and efficiently process information provided by stores about goods and services.

Customize the export of information about goods and services from your database to a YML file, or use a CMS with built-in capabilities for exporting data to YML format.

Connection process

Place the file on the website of your store by URL , and specify it when adding the store to SocPoster. The YML file is regularly downloaded by the robot and the updated data is imported into the product catalog of your community on VKontakte.

YML file requirements

The YML standard does not allow the use of non-printable characters with ASCII codes in the range of values ​​from 0 to 31 in text data (with the exception of characters with codes 9, 10, 13. Allowed - tabulation, line feed, carriage return.). This requires the obligatory replacement of some characters with their equivalent character codes:

If the file still contains html tags, then for reliability, you can wrap them in a design. It's not obligatory. Example:

> >

Description of elements and sample file

Multiple product categories

The YML standard does not allow for multiple categories, but SocPoster makes an exception to this rule and handles all tags specified for the product. Example:

> Just category > Another category > Daughter just category > regular category > Category > > > http://socposter.ru/ > > 100> > RUB > > 1> > 3> > 5> > 12> > http://socposter.ru/product-img1.jpg > > http://socposter.ru/product-img2.jpg > > Product Name > > Manufacturer > > Description. > "Parameter name 1"> parameter 1 > "Parameter name 2"> parameter 2 > >

In this article, we will consider one of the options for uploading goods to the store using a YML file.


First of all, the upload file must comply with the Yandex.Market format standards. More information about the file format can be found in Yandex.Help at: https://yandex.ru/support/partnermarket/yml/about-yml.xml. If the file differs slightly (for example, additional tags are added), then it can also be imported.

  • Module setup
    • Advanced settings

Module installation

Go to the administration panel in the "Modules" menu item, find the "Import products from YML file" module and click install, then set the module activity (Fig. 1):

Picture 1.

Module setup

In the settings, you must either upload a file or specify a link.

Path to YML file- this option is selected if the file is physically located on your computer. When you click on the "Select file" link, a window for selecting a file from the computer opens (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 3

Full catalog import from market.yandex.ru

If you want to download and update all products from the supplier, then upload the file or provide a link, as described above. Next, in the advanced settings, configure the required fields. In this case, if the supplier has new products, they will be added to the store.

Partial import of a catalog from market.yandex.ru

If you want to download only certain items from the supplier, then:
1) Upload a file or provide a link as described above. 2) In the advanced settings, configure the required fields.
3) Be sure to check the box "Do not add new products" (advanced settings (Fig. 4))
In this case, if the supplier has new products, they will not be added to the store when the catalog is updated.

Figure 4

Advanced settings

Consider the settings in turn (Fig. 5)

Figure 5

1) Deactivate products that are not in the price list- when this option is set, products that do not come from the YML file when updating the catalog will become inactive in your store.

2) Reset the quantity for products that are not in the price list- when this option is set, the number of products that will not come from the YML file when updating the catalog will become 0.

3) Delete old prices - this setting must be installed if the products have already been uploaded to the store and you are updating the catalog using the YML file. When setting the setting, the old prices will be deleted and the new prices will be set for the goods, which came when the YML file was loaded.

4) Enable the ability to purchase goods on order- if there is a product with 0 quantity in the file, the setting allows you to automatically activate the function for goods "on order".

5) Do not add new products- this setting is required for partial catalog import from market.yandex.ru .

Setting the compliance of the Product SKU

Figure 6

Article format- specify from which tag or block of the YML file the article of the product will be loaded, that is, the general article of the product is meant, and not its individual models, which are displayed in the product card (Fig. 7).

Figure 7

In the group_id attribute of the offer tag (default)(Fig. 8).

Figure 8

We leave this option if the product SKU is specified in the group_id tag (Fig. 9).

Figure 9

In tag- indicate when the offer article is located in a separate tag (Fig. 10), and in the field “Tag or parameter name” indicate the name of the tag itself (Fig. 11).

Figure 10.

Figure 11.

In the parameter block

Tag or parameter name- here we specify the name attribute of the param tag, in the example in Figure 12 name="Color", that is, in this field we indicate the name of the parameter "Color" (Fig. 13).

Figure 12.

Figure 13.

Setting the compliance of the Modification Article

Figure 14.

Article format- specify from which tag or block of the YML file the article of the product offer to the store will be loaded. That is, here we are talking about the article of a separate modification of the product, which is relevant for products that have several colors and / or sizes.

Possible the following options(there are 3 of them):

1. In the id attribute of the offer tag (default)(fig.15)/

Figure 15.

2. In the tag- indicate when the offer article is located in a separate tag (Fig. 16), and in the field “Tag or parameter name” indicate the name of the tag itself (Fig. 17).

Figure 16.

Figure 17.

3. In the parameter block- in this option It's about the param tag.

Tag or parameter name- here we indicate the name attribute of the param tag, in the example in Figure 18 name="Color", that is, in this field we indicate the name of the parameter "Color" (Fig.19).

Figure 18.

Figure 19.

Quantity matching setting

Figure 20.

Quantity Format- this block contains information about where from the YML file it is necessary to take information about the number of goods.

Not in file (default)- specify this option if the quantity of goods is not provided in the YML file (Fig. 21).

Figure 21.

In tag- specify this option if the quantity of goods is specified in a separate tag in the YML file (Fig. 22).

Figure 22.

Tag or parameter name- here we indicate the tag, which indicates information about the quantity of goods, before that, selecting the option “In the tag” (Fig. 23).

Figure 23.

In the parameter block- in this variant we are talking about the param tag (Fig. 24).

Figure 24.

To load the rest of the product in this way, leave the option “In the parameter block”, in the “Name of the tag or parameter” field, specify the name attribute of the param tag, which indicates information about the quantity of the product (Fig. 25).

Figure 25.

Matching the product name

Choose the type of file you are uploading.

Model- arbitrary file type yml (Fig. 26).

Name- simplified file type yml (Fig. 27).

The difference between the simplified and custom types is that in the simplified type, the manufacturer, type, and name of the product are specified in one element. In an arbitrary type, this data must be specified in separate elements. More details: .

Figure 26.

Figure 27.

Product update setup

Figure 28.

Update way:
Full product update (default) - the product will be updated according to all the parameters that come in the YML file.
Update Quantity Only- only leftovers will be updated.
Update cost only- only the cost of goods will be updated.
Update quantity and cost- Option 2 and 3 will work together.

Store markup- by setting this value to %, when importing a YML file, the prices of goods will be increased as a percentage of those prices that are indicated for goods in the YML file.

Setting Up Scheduled Updates

Figure 29.

Enable Scheduled Update- option activates automatic update catalog in full.

Update period (in hours)- this option sets the period of time (in hours) after which the update will be performed.


Figure 30.

Create a 301 redirect (required when moving)- when this setting is set, a 301 redirect will be created automatically from the old addresses specified in the file to the newly generated ones in AdvantShop.

It is necessary when the store is transferred from another platform in order not to lose positions in search engines.

After downloading the file, you can view the list of 301 redirects in the site administration panel, menu item "Settings - SEO and counters - 301 redirects".

Everything is ready, we have considered how to connect the "import catalog from market.yandex.ru" module and how to make settings.

(Yandex Market Language) is a standard developed by Yandex for accepting and publishing store offers in the Yandex.Market database. YML is based on the XML (Extensible Markup Language) standard.

On a note! Yandex.Market is a product selection and selection system best place to buy them. Users are available detailed descriptions characteristics of goods, selection of goods by parameters, comparison of models and prices, customer reviews of goods and stores, etc. Yandex.Market provides the latest information about the availability of goods in stores, their prices and conditions of purchase.

The Yandex.Market portal is so famous and visited that all online stores tend to place their goods on it and increase sales. Due to the popularity of YML, many trading platforms(price list hubs) accept the same YML format for product exports. Once you have written a YML file for the Market, you can use the same file to upload products to other marketplaces.

Before proceeding with the practical methods of generating a YML file, You should apply for registration and pass an inspection of your store for compliance with the requirements of the Yandex.Market service for online stores. In particular, the basic requirements for stores:

  • Each product description should be on a separate page (have its own address url).
  • Each product must have a price.
  • It should be possible to put the goods in the "Basket" and place an order directly through the site.
  • The store website should contain information about the store with company details, contact details, payment methods and the cost of delivery of goods.

If you have already met all the requirements for registering stores, then you should go to the study of the description of the YML format. For different type data "Yandex.Market" offers to use its own, the most appropriate description. For example, one set of xml tags and attributes can be used to export book products, and another set to export electronic audio and video products.

Once you've decided on the type of description you'll use to export your products, you can move on to the solution.

On a note! In most cases, to create a product export file in YML format, you need to write a special script. Programming skills are indispensable. Therefore, we recommend contacting specialists for development. To connect the store we need FTP access to the site, contact details and details of your company.

The cost of our service is low - an average of 3500 rubles. The price depends on the complexity of the store catalog structure, the programming language used, the website engine, hosting features, etc. The script development time is from 2 days.

You can write a YML file in the following way:

  1. You can create a data file in YML format using the Notepad text editor. Cheap option. This option is very well suited for cases where there are few goods in the store (only 2-5 positions) and their descriptions and prices almost never change.
  2. Write a script that dynamically generates data with product descriptions in YML format for export to Yandex.Market. More expensive solution, but universal. By writing a product export script in YML just once, then you do not need to interfere with it. The YML file will always be automatically generated on the fly. Any changes in prices, product descriptions, will be immediately updated in the YML file generated by the script.

Writing sentences in YML in Notepad

As we noted earlier, this solution is suitable for stores with multiple product offerings, the data for which changes very rarely. To create a YML file, you will need any text editor, information about the rules for compiling YML and product data. You can write a YML file without programming skills.

For clarity, here is an example of YML code that we could use to export our site creation services to Yandex.Market. In the example, there are only two product offers. You can make your own adjustments to the code, taking into account the specifics of your online store.

File: market.xml

Your MASTER - Creation and support of sites

Website development
Business card site
Online store


Creation of a business card site
The service includes: design development, layout, programming and filling 5 main sections (Main, About the company, Services, Prices, Contacts)
The price is for a business card site with the development of one design option


Creation of an online store
The service includes: design development, layout, programming and filling the main sections (Home, About the store, Delivery, Payment, Guarantees, Contacts and 3 product descriptions)
The price is for an online store with minimal functionality and the development of one design option

As you can see from the example, everything is quite simple and clear. On the other hand, simplicity is deceptive. Most likely, the point is in our experience of registering stores in Yandex.Market and generating similar files in YML format.

On a note! If you do not want to understand the features of programming and the structure of YML, then you can contact us. Writing a static file in YML with 3-5 positions will cost about 500 rubles. Time, about 1 hour.

If an online store has a wide range of products and prices change quite often, then using a static export file turns out to be a very time-consuming process. Since manually editing hundreds of product offers is difficult and the risk of making a mistake is very high. A more universal solution is needed - the development of a special script that generates a file with data in YML format.

Writing a script to generate a YML file

Dignity this decision in that the updated data will always be uploaded to YML. You will need to change the prices and descriptions of goods in the store in a timely manner in the usual way through the control system. You do not need to make manual edits in the export file itself. All changes in the download will occur automatically.

"YML" is not the only popular format for exporting online store price lists. There are other similar formats. For example, the well-known portal "price.ru" (from "Rambler") sets its own requirements for the file format for exporting goods. Fortunately, the differences from the YML structure are very minor. If you have a script for generating YML, then converting it to a format suitable for the Price portal and other Yandex.Market analogues is not difficult and inexpensive. Contact the experts "Your MASTER".

The script for generating the YML file can be written by our programmers for you.
However, this service is not considered separately, but is provided as part of the contract for the promotion or development of the site. The cost of the service is from 5,000 rubles.

We wish you high sales and competitive prices!