When turning on and booting up an Acer laptop, the user may encounter the message "No Bootable Device, Hit any key". After pressing any key, the user enters the selection mode boot disk, then given error repeats again. In this article, I will tell you what the essence of this error is, what are its causes, and how to fix No Bootable Device, Hit any key on your PC.

Translated from English, the text of this error sounds like "No boot device, press any key". This usually indicates a situation in which the system did not detect a boot device connected to the PC with an operating system installed on it, or such a device is connected, but the operating system (or its bootloader) is not this device damaged.

When you turn on the computer, an inscription may also appear, an article dedicated to its solution at the link.

The most common error with the text No Bootable Device, Hit any key is found on ACER and Lenovo laptops. In this case, the specific reasons for its occurrence may be as follows:

How to fix No Bootable Device, Hit any key

To solve the problem with No Bootable Device, in most cases, we will need to enter the BIOS of your computer. When logging in, you may need to show due patience, since on problem computers, entering the BIOS using the F2 key may not work right away.

So, to solve the problem of No Bootable Device, Hit any key on Acer, I recommend doing the following:

  • Check if the hard drive is visible to the computer. To do this, go to the BIOS (usually by quickly pressing the F2 or Delete keys while turning on the computer), and view the list of hard drives connected to the laptop. If the laptop sees your hard drive - great, if not - then you have to remove the bottom cover of the laptop and check the tightness of the contacts to the hard drive (and clean, if necessary, its connectors from dirt and dust).

If, after performing cleaning operations, and then connecting the hard drive to the computer, the latter still does not see the hard drive, then disconnect your hard drive from the PC and check its performance on another computer. If the other computer doesn't see it either, then the hard drive may need to be repaired or replaced.

bootrec /FixMbr

and press enter. Wait for the process to finish and reboot your system.

If that doesn't work, try downloading again from installation flash drive(disk), select command prompt, and type:

chkdsk: /f /r

and press enter. Wait for the end of the check and then restart your PC;

  • If nothing helped at all and the message No Bootable Device, Hit any key continues to appear, take advantage of the Acer eRecovery program. This utility is able to restore the software component of your ACER to the factory state, while doing this operation, your files on the laptop may be lost. I recommend applying this utility only as a last resort, when all of the above was not effective.

To activate it, while turning on the PC, hold down the "ALT" button and periodically press the F10 key.

  • May also help in some cases full flashing your bios. I recommend performing this operation only to competent users in this matter.


The answer to the question of what to do with the error “No Bootable Device, Hit any key on Acer laptops” will be to follow the tips I described above. Check if the connected hard drive is visible in the BIOS of the laptop, try various settings BIOS, and if this turned out to be ineffective, then restore the functionality of your laptop using system disk(flash drives) with the operating system on them. A radical option may be to use the functionality of the "Acer eRecovery program", but please note that your files on this PC can be deleted after using this utility.

In contact with

This message most often appears on HP laptops. It talks about the operating system, which in a laptop is a hard drive.

But if your laptop displays this message, then it is not at all necessary that the hard drive has failed, although it is not excluded.

The first thing to do in this situation is to check the correctness of the BIOS settings.

For this . On HP laptops, this is most often the F10 key that you need to press when you turn on the laptop.

This is what the HP BIOS looks like:

hp laptop bios

Go to the "System Configuration" tab and select "Boot Options" with the arrow keys.

Secure boot-Disable

The next step is to select the "Clear All Secure Boot Keys" option and in the input field that opens, enter the code from the brackets.

"Clear All Secure Boot Keys" option in HP BIOS

Legacy Support set to Enabled

The last step is to prioritize downloads. In the first place you need to put "Notebook Hard Drive" with the F5 or F6 keys.

Putting Notebook Hard Drive in the first place in Bios

We save the settings made with the F10 key and exit the bios.

If this does not help, then you need to try to check the loops hard drive.

Checking the hard drive cable in an HP laptop

In all other cases, you will most likely need to replace the hard drive.

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Users of Lenovo and Acer laptops, when turning on their device, may observe the inscription "No bootable device hit any key". At the same time, the laptop screen is black and the operating system does not boot.

"no bootable device hit any key" error on laptop

Pressing the "Enter" button most often opens a list of devices from which you can try to boot, or go to BIOS settings.

In this article, you will learn what the message “No bootable device hit any key” means when you turn on the laptop, as well as what you need to do to remove it and load the operating system.

What does "No bootable device hit any key" mean?

First, let's deal with the translation of the message into Russian. This phrase translates as: "No boot device, press any button."

In simple terms, the laptop does not see the boot device, which is usually the hard drive. But the reasons why the hard drive is not visible can be very different:

  • Banal "non-contact" of the hard drive with a connector or cable that connects the hard drive to motherboard;
  • Breaking the hard drive cable (if any);
  • Incorrect BIOS settings;
  • Failure of the hard drive;
  • Damage boot partition hard drive.

In fact, this error is analogous to errors and. They all have similar causes, as well as methods for diagnosing and eliminating.

What to do?

First you need to determine whether "sees" your laptop hard disk in BIOS. To do this, go to the BOOT tab and see if there is a list of devices for boot hard disk. It is usually specified by the model. For example Seagate ST2600045 or Hitachi sgh050049.

This is how the hard drive is usually displayed in the BIOS

If it is there, then you should put it first in the boot list and try to start the laptop.

This is how you can enter the BIOS on Lenovo laptops.

If this does not help, then you need to reset the BIOS settings to factory settings. This is usually done through last tab in the BIOS settings.

Reset BIOS settings

If the hard drive is not visible anywhere in the BIOS, then it is probably out of order or its contact with the motherboard is broken. In this case, it is worth trying to unscrew the back cover of the laptop, disconnect the hard drive, wipe its contacts and insert it again. It is possible that the problem will go away.

Checking the hard drive cable in a laptop

If none of the above helped, then you should try reinstalling Windows.

Missing local drives when installing Windows

If there is no hard disk in the selection step local disk to install an operating system on it, then it is highly likely that the hard drive has failed, for example, due to a laptop being hit or dropped, which are the most common causes of breakdowns hard drives to "not defined".

In this case, you will need to replace the hard drive with a new one. In this case, all the information that was on it most likely disappeared or would require a specialized recovery method.

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Not infrequently, when trying to turn on the computer, users receive the error “No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key”. This error appears when you turn it on and does not allow you to load the operating system. If you translate this message into Russian, it becomes clear what the problem might be. It sounds something like this: No boot device, insert boot disk and press any key.

In this article, we will look at a number of problems that can lead to this error, as well as briefly talk about how to solve them.

Problem number 1. The computer boots from a USB flash drive.

If you get the error “No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key”, then the first thing to do is disconnect everything from the computer (including memory cards and external rigid disks) and restart your computer. It is possible that the computer is trying to boot from one of the external drives and, not detecting an operating system on it, is giving you an error. In this case, after disconnecting external drives and rebooting, everything should work.

Problem #2: Computer boots from a different drive.

If your computer has more than one hard drive installed, then the error "No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key" may be caused by incorrect BIOS settings. If the BIOS does not specify the hard drive on which the operating system is installed as bootable, then the computer will not boot, informing you of an error. To fix this problem, you need to change the priority of the hard drives so that the boot occurs from the desired drive.

Problem number 3. HDD not connected.

If, during an attempt to change the priority of hard drives in the BIOS, you did not find the drive you need in the list, then you have problems with your computer. Check if the SATA cables are securely connected to motherboard and your hard drive. Perhaps they moved away a little and contact was lost at the connection point. It is also unnecessary to rule out a drive failure.

Problem #4: The battery on the motherboard is dead.

If the time is reset on the computer when the power is turned off, then this means that the battery on the motherboard is dead. and it is likely that the problem with the error "No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key" will be resolved.

Problem #5. Damaged bootloader.

Another possible variant, it's a corrupted bootloader. If the BIOS cannot detect the bootloader on the hard drive, then the system may report a "No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key" error.

In order to restore the bootloader, you need to boot the computer from a boot disk with that Windows version that you have installed. After that, open the "System Restore" mode and run " command line". Here you need to execute the commands to restore the bootloader. For Windows 7, these are the "bootrec / fixmbr" and "bootrec / fixboot" commands.

Many of Windows users having trouble starting the computer. Instead of launching, they were greeted with a black screen with a message that says "No bootable device found". This message literally tells us that the computer could not access the attached hard drive / SSD or could not find download files on it.

This problem is mainly operating systems Windows 8 and 8.1. Although sometimes this trouble can also occur on Windows 10. Not being able to log in is itself a big problem.

Fixing No Boot Device Found Error

Fortunately a mistake "No Boot device found» can be fixed without logging in directly. However, for this you must have an installation disk with you. Windows or a USB stick with the same files. If you have all this, then follow these steps:

  • Insert the installation disc or USB stick into your system unit and restart your computer.
  • As soon as the PC starts to start, go into the BIOS settings and set the boot order to your drive or flash drive. The key to enter the BIOS is always indicated when the computer starts, the main thing is not to miss the moment to press it. If you missed it, then the computer will have to be restarted.
  • Then save your changes and exit the BIOS.
  • Now, during the system startup process, you will be asked to press any key to launch the installation disk.
  • Select the desired language, time zone, keyboard language and press "Further".
  • Once you get to the screen with the button "Install Now", instead click on "Fix this computer" in the lower left corner.
  • After that you should get to the screen "Download Options".
  • Go to "Diagnostics" - "Advanced options".
  • Click on "Command line" to launch it.
  • Enter into it
    • diskpart
    • list disk
    • sel disk X (this letter should indicate the drive on which your operating system is installed)
    • list partition
    • create partition efi
  • If after executing the last command you come across a message about the lack of space, write in "Command line" the following commands:
    • sel partition X
    • shrink desired = 200 minimum = 200
    • create partition efi
  • Fit in "Command line" the following commands and press Enter through each of them:
    • list partition
    • sel partition X (this letter should be the largest partition on the disk)
    • format fs=fat32
    • list partition
    • sel partition X (this letter should represent the newly created partition)
    • assign letter = b:
    • exit
  • Fit in "Command line" the following commands and press Enter through each of them:
    • dirb:
    • mkdir b:\EFI\
    • mkdir b:\EFI\Microsoft
    • cd /db:\EFI\Microsoft
    • bootrec /fixboot
    • bcdboot C:\Windows /l en-us /s b: /f ALL
    • dir Boot
    • exit
  • Exit the recovery environment Windows and remove the installation disk from the computer.

Restart your PC and see if the error is gone No Boot Device Found.