Our company is committed to protecting your confidential information. Our privacy policy explains what information we collect about you, how we use the information we collect about you, and how you can tell us if you would prefer to restrict the use of such information.

By providing your information, you consent to the use of such information in accordance with this privacy policy. If we change our privacy policy, any changes will be posted on this page without notice.

What kind of personal data do we collect about you?

We collect information about users of our website in a number of ways, including through the use of cookies that are stored on the client system, through registration, and through messages Email sent to us through our website. The information we collect includes the following: If you send us an email, you will automatically tell us the address of your mailbox, as well as another personal information included in the text of your message.

If you call our center technical support, or leave a voice message, you agree to provide us with your name, number(s) contact phone, your email address, as well as any other personal data that you agree to provide to our technical specialists, so that our technical specialists can respond to your request.

We collect and store information from all visitors to our website, which they either actively provide to us or in the course of their simple browsing of our website: computer network address (IP), browser type, type operating system, date and time of access to our website, the address of the Internet resource from which the user was redirected to our website. We use this information to track traffic to our website, count the number of visitors to different sections of the website, and to make our website more useful.

What do we do with the information we collect?

We use personal data to provide you with the services you ask us to provide to you. Unless you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this type of information, we may from time to time inform you about our products and services. By providing us with your personal information by email or telephone, you consent to our use of your information in the manner described in this paragraph.

We can carry out statistical analyzes user behavior (eg by analyzing website usage data passively collected from all users) in order to determine the relative degree of consumer interest in different parts of our website. Such analysis will help us in our efforts to further improve the product.

With whom do we share the information we collect?

We will share your personal information when required to do so by law, including when requested by the courts, by order of the court, when subpoenaed as a witness, or as otherwise required by federal, state or municipal law.

We may share statistical data with third parties in aggregate form without disclosing any of our users' personal data.

How can you opt out of receiving information from us?

If you do not want us to contact you about our products or services, you can let us know either when you provide us with your contact details or at any other time by sending an email to [email protected]

As a service, we may provide you with links to websites operated and operated by third parties. Such third parties use their own data collection system. We are not responsible for their data collection practices, nor for the content of their sites. We encourage you to carefully review the privacy practices of all websites, including those linked to from this page.

What security measures are in place to protect your information?

All information relating to you stored on our web server is stored in closed databases and protected by a number of technical means access control.

09.06.18 10:21:02

2.0 Excellent

I am a patient of your polyclinic Anikina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 75 years old. I had to repeatedly contact your surgeon Tokarev Anton Alekseevich. The first time was with him in 2016, the tooth fell ill under the crown, it was no longer subject to treatment, they sent it for removal, I was very worried. Earlier in the city of Omsk, when teeth were removed, two roots were hollowed out, the lower and upper eye roots, I went with a bruise on half my face. This tooth also broke during extraction, but Anton Alekseevich reassured me, took another tool and instantly pulled out the root, everything healed without complications. This year, in April, I turned to an orthopedist for prosthetics, he removed the crowns and again had to remove two teeth and a root, she asked for a ticket only to A. A. Tokarev, I had to wait, but I was not upset. She came to every appointment with Anton Alekseevich with a calm soul and not in vain, she removed everything professionally, quickly, without complications. I asked him: “Where is there a book in the clinic, to write you gratitude?”, - he was shy and said: “Well, you don’t need anything, this is my job.” Thank you very much for such a specialist as Anton Alekseevich Tokarev! And I continue to go to your clinic, getting ready for prosthetics, I treated my teeth at the dentist Khakimova O. R., a young specialist, courteous, diligent doctor.

22.05.18 13:14:59

2.0 Terrible

This dentistry has terrible receptionists, it seems that everyone who works in the registry has never known good manners. Why are these people rude to everyone who contacts them, whether they call them on the phone or come in person. In my opinion, the registrar is still the face of the clinic, and if the mood at the reception was spoiled, and the whole mood is to visit the doctor further, because it seems that doctors behave in a similar, boorish attitude.

05.09.17 18:56:56

2.0 Excellent

They came with a child to remove a tooth, because the tooth hurts, but the doctors said that it makes no sense to treat it, because it is milk. The child was given an anesthetic injection, which did not work at all, the surgeon injected it very casually so that the inside of the cheek seemed to be numb, but not near the tooth, as a result, as soon as she began to pull, the daughter began to scream and cry that it hurt, and he continued his , I say: “Don’t you see, it hurts,” to which he said that “your tooth is sick.” But for the same, they put anesthesia so that you don’t feel pain. In addition, the tooth crumbled as soon as the tweezers touched it and the surgeon, we can say that he uprooted the remnants of the root there for about 10 minutes, all this time the child was crying ... I was in shock. I have only one question - why was there pain and the surgeon did not add an injection? How to drag children to dentistry after such torment? Horror.

18.05.17 15:07:13

2.0 Terrible

My bad teeth were passed on to my son and since the age of 3 we have been treating. When the first caries appeared, they turned to this dentistry, because at the first attempt of treatment they began to drill him without an anesthetic, he cried a lot from pain and after that he was very afraid to treat his teeth, now he is 5 years old, and he still does not give teeth treatment (although he is a boy not a crybaby and not a boyak, he donates blood from a vein without tears). In this hospital, they turned to 3 doctors and were refused treatment, since he does not allow them to treat their teeth, and there is no time to persuade them. You have to spend a lot of money on dental treatment in private clinic, as in this doctors cannot establish a relationship with a child! And they can only drill live teeth without painkillers, thereby instilling fear of the dentist for life!

24.05.16 17:05:55

1.0 Good

I stumbled upon this dentistry by accident, I went through a medical examination there for work. My doctor then was by the name of Selivestrova. I remember it for the first time, it sounds beautiful, I thought. The doctor examined which teeth needed treatment. Well, I decided to treat her. Later she came, all the teeth that she needed, she put in order. He treats very well, does not hurt at all, always communicates politely and calmly. I can’t say anything about other doctors yet, I haven’t been. But I would recommend Selivestrovau.

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Addresses of branches in Yekaterinburg (4)

Dental Polyclinic No. 12 MU - 2.61 km
st. Mamin-Sibiryak, 59

Dental Polyclinic No. 12 5 - 2.62 km

st. Shartashskaya, 9

MAU SP No. 12, dental clinic 1 - 3.34 km

st. Lunacharsky, 171A

Dental polyclinic № 12 MU Zheleznodorozhny district - 7.1 km

st. Technical, 28

Dental clinics in the Kirovsky district (5)

Personal data processing policy at ORTOSMILE LLC

The provision of medical services involves the processing and storage of personal data of clients in automated information systems ah company. In accordance with the current legislation (Federal Law No. 152-FZ of June 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”), ORTOSMILE LLC has carried out a set of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the processed and stored personal data of our customers. ORTOSMILE LLC is a high-tech company that uses advanced IT technologies in its work. Therefore, one of the priority tasks in the work of the company is compliance with the current legislation. Russian Federation in the area of information security, as well as the requirements of the federal law dated June 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", the main purpose of which is to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

Purpose of personal data processing

The purpose of collecting, processing, storing, as well as other actions with personal data of clients is to fulfill the obligations of the company to the client under an agreement with him.

Principles of personal data processing

When processing clients' personal data, ORTOSMILE LLC adheres to the following principles: - compliance with the legality of receiving, processing, storing, as well as other actions with personal data; - strict compliance with the requirements for ensuring the security of personal data and information constituting a medical secret during their processing and storage; - processing of personal data solely for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations under the service agreement; - observance of the rights of the subject of personal data to access his personal data.

Composition of personal data

The personal data of clients processed by ORTOSMILE LLC may include: - last name, first name, patronymic; -floor; -Date of Birth; - passport data (for filling out an agreement for the provision of paid medical services); - residential address; -phone number; - e-mail address - other information necessary for the correct conduct and interpretation of medical research (necessary in some cases to set the correct limit values ​​for the results); -results of performed medical researches. ORTOSMILE LLC does not process personal data relating to the health status of the client, except in cases where their processing is necessary for the provision of medical services, the protection of his life, health or other vital interests.

Collection (receipt) of personal data

The company receives personal data of clients only personally from the client or from his legal representative. The personal data of the client can be obtained from his words and are not verified.

Processing of personal data

The processing of personal data of customers in the company occurs both in non-automated and automated ways. Only employees who have passed a certain admission procedure are allowed to process personal data in the company, which include: familiarization of the employee with the company's local regulations (regulations, instructions, etc.), which strictly regulate the procedure and procedure for working with clients' personal data; receipt by an employee and use in work of individual attributes of access to information systems of the company containing personal data of clients. At the same time, each employee is given the minimum rights necessary for the performance of labor duties to access information systems. Employees who have access to personal data of customers receive only the personal data that they need to perform specific work functions.

Storage of personal data

Clients' personal data is stored in paper (contract, dental patient's medical record) and electronic form. In electronic form, personal data of customers is stored in the company's personal data information systems, as well as in archival copies of the databases of these systems. When storing personal data of clients, organizational and technical measures are taken to ensure their safety and exclude unauthorized access to them. These include: the appointment of a unit or employee responsible for one or another way of storing personal data; restriction of physical access to storage locations and media; accounting of all information systems and electronic media, as well as archival copies.

Transfer of personal data to third parties

The transfer of personal data to third parties is possible in exceptional cases only with the consent of the client and only for the purpose of fulfilling obligations to the client under the service agreement, except when such an obligation arises for the company as a result of the requirements of federal law or upon receipt of a request from authorized state bodies. In this case, the company limits the transfer of personal data to the requested amount. In this case, the subject of personal data is notified of the transfer of his personal data to a third party, if possible. The client's personal data (including research results) may be provided to relatives or members of his family only with the permission of the client, except in cases where the transfer of personal data without his consent is allowed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Such permission may be: a notarized power of attorney; Personal consent of the client.

Measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing

Ensuring the security of personal data in the company is achieved by the following measures: familiarizing the employees of ORTOSMILE LLC with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data and information protection; appointment of officials responsible for organizing and carrying out work on the protection of personal data; determining the list of persons admitted to work with personal data; development and approval of the company's local regulations governing the processing of personal data. Development of work instructions for administrators of information systems; implementation of technical measures that reduce the likelihood of threats to the security of personal data; conducting periodic checks of the state of security of the company's information systems. continuous improvement of methods and ways to ensure the security of personal data.

Client rights

The subject of personal data has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including the following: confirmation of the fact of processing personal data; legal grounds and purposes of personal data processing; the purposes and applied methods of processing personal data; information about persons (excluding company employees) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement or on the basis of federal law; processed personal data relating to the respective subject of personal data, the source of their receipt; terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage; the procedure for the exercise by the subject of personal data of their rights.