Municipal educational budgetary institution "Magdagachinsk secondary school No. 1"

Research work
"Measuring devices are our helpers"


7th grade student

Bredikhina Elena


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If we look around, we will definitely see that in addition to school geometric measuring instruments, there are construction, geodetic, medical, etc. The need for these devices is obvious. But we almost never think about where and from what time they are used. Which ones came from the depths of centuries, and which ones appeared relatively recently? Which were used in the old days, and which are now? These are the questions I will try to answer in this research paper.

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  1. The history of measuring instruments in Russia.
In the ancient Russian numerical system of architectural proportioning, which functioned long before the Mongol invasion, a certain set of tools under the general name "sazhens" was used as units of measurement. Moreover, there were several fathoms, of different lengths, and, which is especially unusual, they were disproportionate to each other and were used when measuring objects at the same time.

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2. Ancient measures of measurement.

Since ancient times, a person has always been a measure of length and weight: how much he will stretch out his hand, how much he can lift on his shoulders, etc. The system of ancient Russian measures of length included the following main measures: verst, sazhen, arshin, cubit, span and vershok.

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3.Kinds of measuring tools

What tools are used in the work? some of them can be listed.

Protractor - used to measure degree measures of angles.

Compasses - used to construct a circle and measure the length and radius of a circle.

Ruler - used to build geometric figures of measurement

the lengths of their elements.

Thermometers - to measure temperature.

Pedometers - for measuring the length of a step and then finding the distance.

Scales - for measuring the mass of different bodies.

degree measures of angles

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4. Laser devices

Modern technologies have already made hand tools more efficient - the chisel has replaced the perforator, the electric drill has replaced mechanics, electronic computing modules have appeared in theodolites and levels, and ordinary construction twine, squares and plumb lines are gradually giving way to laser devices.


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5.Optical devices

Optical devices are devices in which the radiation of any region of the spectrum is converted. They can increase, decrease, improve (in rare cases worsen) the quality of the image, make it possible to see the desired object indirectly.


Time does not stand still. Old technologies are being replaced by new, more advanced ones. If we consider the stages of human development, we can see the difference between primitive man and modern man. How much appearance different from each other. The same can be said about measuring instruments. Stepping in step with their time, some devices change other devices, more advanced. Some remain in history, and some continue to be used in the modern world.

Thank you for your attention!

Instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure. BAROMETERBAROMETER Aneroid Used to measure atmospheric pressure. Mercury Used for sensitive atmospheric pressure. MANOMETER MANOMETER Metal Used to measure much higher or much lower atmospheric pressure. Liquid Used to measure greater or lesser atmospheric pressure. Content

1. Beaker - a measure of capacity: - is a glass vessel with divisions; - used in laboratories for measuring the volume of liquids, pour the desired liquid into a beaker 2-measure the required amount of liquid in divisions 3-pour off excess liquid. 3. You can accurately measure the desired volume of liquid. Beaker Description Contents

1. Thermometer - a device for measuring temperature, the principle of which is based on the thermal expansion of a liquid. So. refers to thermometers directly lead the thermometer in the room you need 2- after a while, look at the temperature shown by the thermometer. 3. You can know the exact temperature indoors or outdoors. There are different thermometers: indoor, outdoor, aquarium, etc. Description of the thermometer Contents

1. Stopwatch - a device for measuring time intervals in hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of a second, click on the desired button 2-set the time you need 3-stop the stopwatch at the time you need. 3. You can measure how many minutes (seconds) a person ran (swimmed) a certain number of meters. Stopwatch description Contents

1. Dynamometer - or power meter, physical. technical, instrument for measuring mechanical work or force, based on the comparison of the applied force with the elastic forces caused by the deformation of the spring. Dynamometer Description Contents

1. Hydrometer - a device in the form of a glass float with divisions and a weight at the bottom, designed to measure the density of liquids and solids. Take the liquid you need 2-place a hydrometer in this liquid 3- pay attention to the scale where the density of the poured liquid will be indicated. Hydrometer Description Contents

1. Ruler - a design element of a different pattern, used to separate parts of a table, highlight text headings, to decorate the publication, put a ruler on the surface you need 2- draw a line with a pencil (pen). 3. The school ruler (10-20cm) is convenient to carry. There are rulers from 10 to 100 cm. 4. It is convenient to scratch your back with a 30-40 cm ruler if you can’t reach it with your hand. Line Description Contents

1. Roulette - a steel gear wheel rotating on the curved end of the rod; and - intended for engraving on metal, pull out a meter 2-measure the length you need 3-roll a tape measure. 3. Roulette can be of different lengths from 1 to 15 meters. You can measure different lengths with a tape measure. Roulette description Contents

Description of a magnifying glass 1. A magnifying glass is an optical device for viewing small objects that are hard to see by the eye. 2.1 - point the magnifying glass at the desired object 2 - examine the desired object. 3. There are different magnifiers: manual, laboratory magnifier. 4. Using a magnifying glass, you can easily insert a thread into a needle. Content

Description of the microscope 1. Microscope - an optical device for observing small objects invisible to the naked eye put the desired object on the glass 2- cover the object with another necessary glass 3- examine the desired object through a magnifying glass. 3. Microscopes are used in laboratories to examine materials in detail. Content

1. Telescope - a large spotting scope, on a bipod, or otherwise strengthened, more for astronomical observations; there is a glass telescope and there is a mirror telescope point the telescope at the sky 2-do observations of the stars. 3. You can accurately consider any or the desired constellation. Description of the telescope Contents

1. Scales - a device for determining the mass of bodies by the force of gravity acting on them, put the object that you need to weigh on the scales 2-see what its mass is. 3. Scales can weigh any object of interest to you. There are different scales: manual, floor, automobile, electronic, etc. Balance description Contents

Bachiev Kirill Alexandrovich

Project Manager:

Trebunskikh Tatyana Nikolaevna


Public Educational Institution of Omsk "Secondary School No. 89"

In the presented research work in physics "Home hygrometer" the author considers the concept of air humidity, studies its types and norms, and also develops his own project to create a home device for measuring indoor air humidity, a hygrometer.

In the process of working on research project in physics on the topic "Home hygrometer", the author formulated the main recommendations for maintaining air humidity in the house and classroom in accordance with the standards.

The work is based on the idea of ​​creating a device for measuring air humidity, developing a measurement algorithm and recommendations for normalizing air humidity in a residential area.

In the proposed physics project "Home hygrometer" the author analyzed the positive and negative factors of the influence of air on human well-being, and also proposed ways to maintain a normal environment for health in the room.

1. The concept of air humidity
1.1. Reduced air humidity
1.2. High humidity
1.3. Influence of air humidity
1.4. Air humidity standards
1.5. Humidity measurement
1.6. Relative Humidity and Air Velocity Parameters
2. Hygrometer modeling (work algorithm)
2.1. Algorithm for applying a scale to a hygrometer
2.2. Algorithm for air humidity control.
2.3. Experiences


Relevance Very often I began to observe that in the winter, when the batteries are working, my mother puts water in cups in the rooms, often sprays flowers, and simply sprays water around the house. He says that it is very dry at home, it is hard to breathe, the skin is dry.

But with all this, my grandmother, who lives in a private house, constantly puts heaters on with the words “ to dry the house”, when I spend the night with her, it seems to me that the bed is slightly damp and a little cool, not like at home.

I became interested in why they do this and learned that the humidity of the air is an important component of physical phenomena. Poor health, fatigue are the first signs that the humidity indicators are shifted in the room where you live.

So how to find the golden mean, how to find out when the air in the apartment is normal and when it is not. What is the norm of air humidity in the apartment? After all, this indicator really affects well-being. In winter - the air is dried up due to centralized heating, in summer the humidity is often increased. How to measure the humidity in the apartment and bring it back to normal?

Subject of study- changes in air humidity

Object of study - hygrometer

Target: Create a device for measuring air humidity, develop a measurement algorithm and recommendations for normalizing humidity in a residential area.


  • Learn about air humidity and become familiar with humidity measuring instruments and humidity standards.
  • Make a home hygrometer.
  • Measure and analyze air humidity in different rooms.
  • Make recommendations for the normalization of humidity.

Hypothesis: If you create a device for measuring air humidity and follow the recommendations, you can maintain a healthy environment in the house.

Research methods:

  • Study and analyze the literature on this topic.
  • Summarize and draw conclusions. Conduct experiments and observations using a hygrometer.

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
A measuring device at our home Municipal state educational institution "Lipkovskaya secondary school No. 3" Completed by a student of the 7th grade Sabitova Ksenia FIZIKA 2016-2017 academic year Purpose of work: to get acquainted with the variety of measuring instruments, the importance of which in human life is so difficult to overestimate. Tasks: Find out which measuring instruments are used in our family; Get acquainted with the purpose of devices and the principle of their operation; Find out what physical quantities are measured by these devices; Determine the division value and units of measurement for the quantities measured by these devices.

In everyday life, we come across different measuring instruments. We cannot do without them. For example, to pour a certain amount of flour, we need a measuring cup. Or, to find out what the temperature of the air is outside, we need a thermometer, etc.
At home, we can also find some kind of measuring device. It can be a thermometer, a street thermometer, scales, etc.
Measuring device is a device with which the value of a physical quantity is obtained in a given range, determined by the scale of the device. Medical thermometerElectronic watch

Measuring instrumentsDigital instruments Scale instruments

Outdoor thermometer - This is a device for measuring the temperature of air, soil, water, etc. The temperature of air, water, is measured in degrees Celsius.

Determining the division value of a thermometer Let's take two adjacent numbers on the thermometer scale: Х₁= 20; Х₂= 30; Let's calculate the number of divisions between them: N= 10; Find the price of the division using the formula: thermometer division 1 degree Celsius.

Thermometer (medical) - This is a device for measuring body temperature. Division price: ⅟₁₀ degrees Body temperature is measured in degrees Celsius

The normal human temperature is 36.6°C, in children of the first years of life it is allowed up to 37-37.5°C. Depending on circadian rhythms, body temperature can fluctuate within narrow limits, up to 0.5-1.0°C, with a maximum around 4 pm and a minimum around 6 am.

Floor scalesThis is a device for measuring body weight. Division price: 1 kgBody weight is measured in kilograms.

Measuring cup - This is a device for measuring the volume of a liquid or bulk substance (flour, sugar, water or milk, etc.). Determining the division value of a measuring cup: C (d) \u003d (200 -150) cm³ \ 1; C (d) \u003d 50 cm³ The volume of a substance in a measuring cup is measured in (cm³) or (ml) 1 (cm³) \u003d 1 (ml)

Conclusion: While doing this project, I learned that measuring instruments are widely used in everyday life. they are necessary for measuring various physical quantities. In this project, I determined the scale of thermometers and scales, as well as the scale of a measuring cup. Measuring instruments play an important role in our life. It is necessary to be able to use them correctly.

Alekseenko Alina

Project Manager:

Gorobtsova Galina Stepanovna


MBOU Lyceum No. 1 in Proletarsk

In individual student project in physics on the topic "Physical devices around us" a definition was given to simple physical instruments with a measurement scale used in everyday life to measure a physical quantity, for example, a barometer, a thermometer, a clock.

More about work:

As part of research work in physics about physical devices the history and structure of sundials and scales are analyzed, historical and theoretical information on the measurement of physical quantities, experiments were carried out on the application of the knowledge gained in practice.

Materials of this project in physics " Physical devices around us» contain the author's own research on the use of scale instruments for measuring physical quantities in everyday life and their competitiveness in relation to electronic measuring instruments.

1. Simple physical devices.
2. History of the thermometer.


The relevance of research: in the 20th century, only professionals could use measuring scale instruments. But with the development of science and technology in a person's daily life, the number of electronic measuring instruments is rapidly increasing: mom in the kitchen, dad in the garage, in my new cell phone.

Project hypothesis: I assume that, although modern measuring instruments are mostly electronic, there are and will be scale instruments.

Objective: to systematize knowledge about school and other measuring instruments, using historical and local history educational material.

Project objectives

  1. Study additional literature on the topic of the project
  2. Conduct experiments to prove the theory
  3. Systematize theoretical knowledge and experimental results
  4. Design a multimedia product of the project

Simple physical devices

Measuring device- a measuring instrument designed to obtain the values ​​of the measured physical quantity.

In everyday life: at home or at school, we often meet with a variety of measuring instruments

All measuring instruments have one thing in common: each of them has a scale.

Scales- this is a device for determining the mass of bodies (weighing) by the weight acting on them, approximately considering it equal to gravity. As a historical reference, it can be noted that the first samples of scales found by archaeologists date back to the 5th millennium BC. e., they were used in Mesopotamia.

On the presented slide you can see the most different scales, but at school, in the classroom, to determine the mass of physical bodies, we use lever scales, where at the initial stage it is necessary to balance the scales, and remember that we place a weight on the left scale pan, and weights on the right one, which can have a measure like in grams , as well as in milligrams. Milligram weights are small in size and flat in shape, and therefore, special tweezers must be used to use them.

At home, we use either vertical spring scales to measure masses up to 15-20 kg, or electronic scales (g, mg)

Bezmen simple lever scales. Russian steelyard (kontar, kantar) - a metal rod with a constant load at one end and a hook or cup for a weighed object at the other.

The steelyard is balanced by moving along the rod of the second hook of the clip or loop, which serves as a support for the steelyard rod. " In view of the imperfection of the steelyard and the possibility of abuse» The use of steelyards in trade in the USSR was prohibited, as it is prohibited now in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The first the simplest device to measure time - a sundial - was invented Babylonians about 3.5 thousand years ago.

But on the embankments of the city of Taganrog there is a real sundial, installed in 1833 on Grecheskaya Street at the beginning of the Stone Stairs.

They are a dial, applied to a marble slab (weight about 300 kg), which is mounted on a stone 8-sided pedestal strictly parallel to the horizon plane.

Sundial dial unusual: the numbers marked on it are calculated according to a special formula, in addition to indicating the hours of the day, corrective amendments are given for each month.

The role of the time indicator is played by a metal triangle, one of the sharp corners of which is equal to the geographical latitude of the city of Taganrog - 47 ° 12 "N.

The triangle is fixed perpendicular to the dial so that its hypotenuse is directed to " celestial pole»

The hand of the Sundial is the edge of the shadow cast by the triangle on the dial.

In the past, the Sundial showed the true local solar time, and with the help of corrections given on the dial, it could be brought into line with mechanical watches.

Now this precision is lost. The sundial was made in a period when the concept of " maternity leave» time. We now live according to Moscow time, but Taganrog is located southeast of Moscow, and solar noon comes at 25 minutes. earlier than in the capital.

Now the clock is of interest as a unique monument.

For safety reasons, the use of mercury thermometers in educational institutions is prohibited, since mercury vapor is dangerous to human health

History of the thermometer

Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin - who was the first? One of the first inventors of the thermometer was the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. In 1603, he invented an instrument that did not even remotely resemble a modern thermometer, and called it the thermoscope.

The device was a glass ball half-filled with water and a glass tube taken out of it. The tube was divided into divisions, which conventionally denoted degrees, since the scale had not yet been invented. The principle of operation of such an "apparatus" was based on changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure.

Accordingly, the readings of such a thermometer were quite relative. And only in 1641, a thermoscope was put into production, in which tinted alcohol was used instead of water as a thermometric liquid. Such a device became possible to use on the street at sub-zero temperatures.

In this video, the balls are filled with alcohol and instead of a tube with divisions, there are disks with a temperature value.

In 1724, the German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit proposed using the Fahrenheit scale of the same name to measure temperature. Based on this scale, mercury thermometers were put into production. His scale is still used in a number of countries, the United States of America, Canada and Jamaica.

Over time, the devices improved and changed visually. In 1742, the Swedish scientist Andreas Celsius launched his own scale, but his young student Martin Strommer slightly corrected the invention of his teacher by turning this scale upside down, which we are used to seeing on modern thermometers.

In 1860, the English scientist William Kelvin developed and proposed his own scale model. This scale is still successfully used by scientists today. It is very convenient for conducting experiments in various fields of science, due to its specific parameters.

So, in the course of working in physics on a research project about physical instruments around us, we once again became convinced of the need to be able to apply a scale if we need to use a measuring device.

The same algorithm is used for the scales of other measuring instruments. For example, for dynamometers.

note- on the left slide there are laboratory dynamometers of the physics cabinet, and on the right is a unique dynamometer, the division value of which is 0.001 N/div. There are no such dynamometers in any district school. And you see that with the help of this extraordinary dynamometer, you can observe the interaction of the molecules of the soap solution.

Before you is a demonstration dynamometer on the lower hook of which 2 standard weights of 100g are suspended, which means that 2N is valid; another 1H also acts downward on the device from above. Te dynamometer shows 3 N - the value of the resulting forces acting along one straight line and in one direction.

This experiment makes it possible to make sure that if a force of 3N acts downward and 2N upward, then the dynamometer on which these forces act will show 1N, if the forces are directed in opposite directions, then R = F1 - F2

That is, the resultant of forces directed along one straight line in opposite directions is directed towards the greater force in absolute value, and its module is equal to the difference in the modules of the component forces.

So: I am sure that you are convinced of the need to know and be able to find the price of division of the scale of any measuring device, in order to correctly take readings and no matter where - at school when performing laboratory work, or at home, because scale measuring instruments cannot be completely replaced by electronic ones.

thermometer, clock, ruler, beaker of various shapes and, of course, the most diverse possibilities of their cell phones. The remaining devices are used by specialists in certain areas. So it turns out that if in the 20th century only specialists used measuring instruments, today, without instruments, the life of any person is practically impossible.


1) Theoretical significance lies in the fact that theoretical and practical knowledge and skills were systematized to determine the division value of a scale measuring instrument; as well as experimentally confirmed the theory of determining the resultant force.

2) Practical significance of this product lies in the fact that this presentation can be used in physics lessons 7 when studying the algorithm for determining the division price of the scale of instruments and working with lever balances, determining the resultant forces, and in 9 cells the same topic as a repetition;

3) Dignity of this project is an interesting historical and local history material in accordance with the stated topic.

To write this work, the resources of the Internet were used.