Finish student work Applications creative project .
The appendices contain illustrative, explanatory materials, graphs, tables, diagrams, drawings, drawings, photographs, etc.

Creative Work Applications placed on separate sheets.
In the right upper corner sheet is written - "Appendix 1" and its name.

The applications of the creative project include:

tables large format;

Additional calculations

drawings and photographs;

diagrams and drawings;

illustrations constituent parts products;

Graphs and diagrams;

computer printouts;

Creative project apps have in the order in which they are referenced in the body of the document.

Applications, as a rule, are performed on A4 sheets. It is allowed to draw up applications on sheets of A3 format; A2; A1.

An example of designing an Application for a creative project:

Attachment 1. Diagram of human desire to sleep

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Creative Project Evaluation

Final creative project evaluation not only sums up the work of the student, but is of great educational value.
If the work on the project is carried out in the classroom within the curriculum, then at each lesson you need to set current grades that pull up, discipline the guys, and take them into account when summing up the work. To do this, it is advisable for the teacher to put these marks on the grade sheet (according to the assessment per week), and to defend the creative work, display the arithmetic mean of the current work of each student.

The overall score is the arithmetic mean of four scores:

For current work

for the product

for an explanatory note;

for protection of work.

When evaluating current work the correctness of the implementation of methods and methods of work, the rationality of the performance of labor and the workplace, the economical use of materials, electricity, compliance with safety regulations, the conscientiousness of the performance of work, and the exercise of self-control are taken into account.

When evaluating a product the practical orientation of the project, the quality, originality and completeness of the product, the aesthetic design of the product, the performance of the task with elements of novelty, the economic efficiency of the project, the possibility of its wider use, the level of creativity and the degree of independence of students are taken into account.

When evaluating the explanatory note attention should be paid to the completeness of the disclosure of the topic of the assignment, design, rubrication, clarity, accuracy, correctness and quality of graphic assignments: diagrams, drawings.

When evaluating the defense of a creative project the reasoning of the choice of topic, the quality of the report (composition, completeness of the presentation of the work, reasoned conclusions), the quality of answers to questions (completeness, reasoning, persuasiveness and conviction), business and volitional qualities of the speaker (responsible attitude, desire to achieve high results, ability to work with overload).

Approximate criteria for evaluating a creative project:

"Excellent" is set if the requirements for the explanatory note are fully met. It is drawn up in full, clearly, accurately.
The product is made technically competently in compliance with the standards, meets the aesthetic requirements for it. If this is a product of arts and crafts, then the topic of the work should be interesting, you need to bring your own individuality, your own creativity into it. The work was planned by the students on their own, tasks of a creative nature with elements of novelty were solved. The work has a high economic value, the possibility of wide application. The work or the results of the research can be used as a guide in technology lessons or in other lessons.

"Good" is set if the explanatory note has slight deviations from the recommendations. The product is technically competent in compliance with the standards, meets the aesthetic requirements for it. If this is a product of arts and crafts, then it is made neatly, soundly, but does not contain exceptional novelty. The work was planned with little help from the teacher, the student has an unstable desire to solve problems of a creative nature.The project has a good economic assessment, the possibility of individual application.

"Satisfactorily"Exhibited if the explanatory note is made with deviations from the requirements, not very carefully. There are comments on the execution of the product in terms of its aesthetic content, non-compliance with manufacturing technology, material, form. Planning work with the help of a teacher, student's situational (unsustainable) interest in technology.

Lower project score not exposed. It needs to be modified or modified.

It is desirable to reflect the results of the defense of the project in a wall newspaper or a photo newspaper. Best works can be used as teaching aids in the classroom, sent to an exhibition of technical and arts and crafts, or for personal purposes: home decoration, gifts for parents, etc.

The proposed order of protection is exemplary. It can be changed depending on the preparation of the teacher and the creative possibilities of the class. It is desirable that the defense of projects turn into a real holiday, not be organized, so that the teacher and students get satisfaction from it, so that schoolchildren after the defense come out with new ideas, creative ideas, ready to make the next project even more interesting and perfect.

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Creative project protection

About date creative project protection students are informed in advance, the assessment criteria and the procedure for conducting the defense are brought up.

Protection of creative work is held in front of a special expert commission, consisting of teachers of your chosen subject and representatives of the school administration. The jury can also include high school students, students can be invited as spectators.

Each student is given 5-7 minutes to present.

Project protection plan (speech)

creative project theme message

Tell about the purpose of the creative project;

justify the choice of topic;

Justify the need for the product;

· talk about the tasks set for themselves: constructive, technological, environmental, aesthetic, economic and marketing;

· give a brief historical background on the topic of the project (the time of occurrence of the product, the design of the product in the past and at the present time, the materials used);

Tell about the progress of the project:
- type and amount of material used in the product;
- what technological methods were used in the manufacture of the product;
- design and technological solution of the tasks;
- solving problems that arose during practical work);

Tell about the economic feasibility of manufacturing a product (based on an analysis of the market price of a similar product, the estimated cost of the product and real cash costs);

to talk about solving environmental problems;

draw conclusions on the topic of the project (achievement of the goal, the results of solving the tasks, analysis of product testing, possible modernization of the product, what I learned new, what I learned);

Demonstration of manufactured products

· References.

Protecting a creative project After the presentation of the student, those present can ask questions, express their opinion. Questions and explanations should be on the merits of the project work.

On the defense of creative work, all explanations on the content, design and performance of the work must be received from the student, reasoned references to sources of information are given.

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Creative project plan

1. Title page creative project

3. Introduction
In Creative project introduction the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set are substantiated, the planned result and the main problems considered in the project are formulated, it is reported to whom the project is intended and what is its novelty.
The introduction also describes the main sources of information. This chapter of the project discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation.
Creative Project Introduction Structure:

1. Rationale for the choice of project topic

2. Purpose of the creative project

3. Tasks of the creative project

4. Historical background on the problem of the project

Technological part

Selection of ideas and options, their justification and analysis.
The choice of material for the object, design analysis.
Selection of tools, equipment and organization of the workplace.
Safety precautions when performing work.
Product design, sketch (description of the stages of object design).
Product manufacturing technology, graphic materials.
Instructional-technological map

In the technological part of the project, it is necessary to develop a sequence for the implementation of the object. It may include a list of steps technological map, which describes the algorithm of operations with the indication of tools, materials and processing methods.

Most reliable way find out how the application is designed in term paper in strict accordance with the requirements of the university, - look into the cathedral manual with samples of written student projects. But it will not be a mistake if, as a guideline, we choose the norms of GOST 7.32-2001, which establishes national standards for the form and content of all sections of the course.

What are applications

The average size of a term paper is strictly regulated: in the first two years of study it is 20-30 pages, then the volume increases to 30-40 sheets of printed text. But due to the complexity of the topic or a large array of calculations, statistics, illustrations, information is not always possible to squeeze into the given framework. In addition, practical studies for persuasiveness require visual support with diagrams, formulas, pivot tables, diagrams, certificates.

If explanatory information takes up more than a third of a page, then their placement directly in the text of the work is unacceptable.

All non-format materials confirming the validity of the author's reasoning and conclusions, contributing to the completeness of perception and assessment of the practical significance of the work, but cluttering up the text of the main part, are taken out in a separate section - applications to the course work.

Depending on the discipline and the topic being developed, it may contain:

  • drawings, photos and other pictures;
  • references, certificates;
  • copies of documents;
  • production test reports;
  • blueprints;
  • statistics;
  • legislative acts;
  • formulas and mathematical calculations;
  • plans, maps;
  • sources of translated texts;
  • questionnaires, etc.

The optional section "Appendices" is not included in the total volume of the course, so the number of documents in it can be any - from one to several dozen.

In the text of the study, all inserts are referenced, and additional materials are arranged strictly in the order in which references to supporting data appear.

How to design applications in the course

Auxiliary materials can be issued as a continuation of the work after the list of references or in the form of a separate brochure. In both cases, the same requirements for registration apply:

  1. Each application is located on a separate sheet.
  2. The title is printed centered on the line capital letters without a dot.
  3. An informative subtitle is required.

  1. Uppercase (large, typed with the Caps Lock key) letters are used for marking:
  • the Russian alphabet, excluding the dissonant or unpronounceable Ё, Ъ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, as well as those similar in design to the numbers Ch, O, Z;
  • Latin, except for I and O (also due to formal similarity).

It is allowed to number additions with Arabic numerals if there are no Cyrillic or Latin characters allowed by the standard.

  1. The only supplementary material in the course is designated "APPENDIX A".
  2. If necessary, the text can be divided into sections, paragraphs that have their own numbering within the boundaries of the application (for example, G. 5 or D No. 4).
  3. According to GOST 7.32-2001 (subclause 6.14.6), the pagination of the application is common with the rest of the text of the work.
  4. Extensive applications designed as a separate book may have a "Contents" section.

Although the subsection with applications does not belong to the mandatory structural elements of coursework, it is still worth doing. It will increase the value of the work as a scientific work and will definitely have a positive impact on the assessment: teachers always pay tribute to the student's diligence.

In fact, to realize this idea is not as difficult and not as expensive as it might seem at first glance. You just need to have a good idea of ​​what exactly you expect from mobile application and determine how to achieve the set goals.

Do you enjoy developing mobile applications for a business, blog, product or service, or are you just looking for a new source of income? Thinking about how to implement it and calculate future costs? In fact, to realize this idea is not as difficult and not as expensive as it might seem at first glance. You just need to have a good idea of ​​what exactly you expect from the application for mobile phone or tablet and determine how to achieve your goals.


Before you create a mobile application, you should decide on the following points:

  • Do I have a specific vision of what the finished product will be and what its functionality will be?
  • What tasks is the program designed to solve and what will be the benefit for a particular user?
  • What platforms will it work on? software(iOS, Android, Windows Phone)?
  • Will daily monitoring of its functioning be required?
  • How much am I willing to spend?
  • Will I create the application myself or will I turn to professional developers.

Also keep in mind that to create mobile programs for a business, such as a cafe, pizzeria or fitness club, should be taken especially seriously. After all, the presence of such a modern tool in a company is a serious image factor that will contribute to greater customer loyalty to the brand and a significant increase in the number of repeat visits.


In creating applications for mobile devices there are two ways. The first involves the independent formation of programs for electronic devices based on Android or IOS according to a template type using special website builders. The second way, more expensive, but as a result allowing you to get serious and functional products, is to seek help from individuals or companies involved in writing software. The second option is suitable when it comes to creating serious software products with specific characteristics that go beyond the ready-made kits available on website builders. It should also be taken into account that professional development for iOS or Android requires significant expenses. What is the cost of creating an application for Android and IOS platforms on Russian market? The price range is quite wide - from several hundred to tens of thousands of dollars - it all depends on the type of software and its functionality. However, such serious investments are more than paid off in the long run. When planning the final cost, it is also worth considering the costs of placing a new product in the AppStore and Android Market. If you are limited by a small budget and you do not have time at all, then you can try to design an application for electronic devices yourself. You don't need to be a programmer to do this. Read on to find out how easy it is to do so.


To date, there are enough domestic and foreign platforms available on the network that allow you to independently construct an application for a ready-made type for free. The website builders host hundreds of ready-made applications, sorted into various categories: small business, education, entertainment, sports, blogs, and the like. On such resources, programs with a standard and limited set of functions are created for free. Restrictions apply to the number of installs and views of your application, the number of positions in the catalog, the ability to publish in stores, the availability of a payment acceptance system, the presence of third-party advertising, and the ability to refine the functionality to suit your needs. To remove restrictions on sites, you can choose a specific package with a fixed monthly fee, the amount of which is determined depending on the number of options enabled. Examples of site-constructors of shareware mobile applications for Android, iPhone, iPad.

  1. ( - Russian version).

And now let's look at how a mobile application is developed in a few minutes using the ibuildapp site as an example. We chose this platform because it is very simple and straightforward to use. By the way, the iBuidApp resource also has Russian version, which makes it even easier to use the constructor. Before starting work, register on the site. Next, on the main page, click the “Create” tab and select the template that suits us.


This site offers enough big choice standard options, which can be found in the catalog of categories in the left menu of the site page. For example, we chose the category “Photography” and the template “Photo Studio”. After choosing the design and the corresponding category, we start editing the menu items.


The administrative panel of the designer opens up wide possibilities for editing menu items. You can change the background, add a logo, customize the navigation of the main and bottom menus on the screen electronic device, edit the contents of internal pages. By the way, on the right side of the screen you can see how the changes will look on the screen of the electronic device. The constructor also allows you to test your application on a tablet or smartphone. Also, the finished program can be published in the Appstore or in Google Play, however this feature is only available for paid versions. The site offers 3 paid packages worth 490 rubles, 2400 rubles, 3700 rubles. per month.


If you are not satisfied appearance templates available on the site, you can create your own design by clicking on account the "My Templates" tab. The capabilities of an individual constructor are quite limited, they allow you to endow the software product with only the most necessary elements.
Now it's your turn to start creating applications and install it on your smartphone. Try it, it's easy enough!

One of the components of the thesis are applications, if, of course, they are in the diploma. In some disciplines and certain topics, the presence of applications is simply not required. For example, in legal disciplines it is almost impossible to find material that can be attributed to applications. Most dissertations are submitted by the authors with applications. The rules for the design of the thesis state that the applications include those materials that are especially important for understanding the work itself, but it is impossible to form them in the text format due to the large volume. Below in this article, an example of the design of an application in a diploma will be given.

Application examples.

Most often it is:

  • various graphs, diagrams, drawings, diagrams that turned out to be too cumbersome for standard pages;
  • reference materials, for example, data on the reporting of a certain organization or internal documentation of a company;
  • methods that were used in the performance of the research part of the thesis, for example, various questionnaires or questionnaires.
  • large tables, the size of which is more than 2/3 of an A4 page;

The materials listed above are important for clarifying and detailing some components of the thesis. They allow you to understand how the conclusions and solutions to the problem were formed, how the algorithm works, what materials were emphasized, etc. Members of the attestation commission very often pay attention to applications, so your assessment will largely depend on the quality of the design of this part of the thesis. For example, many students mistakenly believe that more applications lead to better grades. This fact is unlikely to be confirmed in practice. In fact, applications in excess of 15 significantly complicate the structure of the work, the attention of the commission during the verification is dissipated, which can annoy some of them. Below are some tips that should help you properly format applications.

Application Design Tips.

It is desirable that the application be inextricably linked with the text of the thesis. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a link to each application. Link to the design of the application in the diploma example: "The call processing scheme in the billing system is presented in Appendix 4." At the same time, Appendix 4 must have an appropriate header: Call processing scheme in the BS.

It is recommended that various schemes (especially for organizational structures) always be included in applications, while it is better to design them in landscape format. This will increase visibility and detail all components of the circuit.

Registration of the application in the diploma example No. 2: “The powers of the personnel department employees are enshrined in the Regulations on the personnel department of the Neptune company (see Appendix 6).” The regulation is a voluminous document, so it is important to put it in the appendices, because it is almost impossible to lay out its essence in the text. The application will clearly show which employee performs what powers.

Most often, applications are attached to the thesis in a single array. The authors of the work allocate a special folder for them. True, there are options when applications are bound together with the text of the work. In any case, the application is preceded by Blank sheet paper, where in the middle it will be written: Applications.

Applications are usually in A3 or A4 format. The word “Application” is written in the upper right corner, followed by the number of the application (while “No.” is not written): Appendix 1. Letters are often used to designate applications: Appendix A. However, it is worth remembering that the letters E, I, O, Z, b, b are not used.

It is not customary to number sheets with applications. They can be in the bookstore, and in landscape orientation. It is important to pay attention once again to not making too many unnecessary applications. The optimal number of applications is 1-5, maximum - 8.
Links in the text to applications are mandatory, because using the application without a link is essentially meaningless.

If you correctly draw up the appendices to your thesis, this will only play into your hands and show your ability to work with large material, to highlight the main and secondary in huge works, to focus on the most important facts and objects. Members of the attestation commission will appreciate your work.

Do you want to know how to pass the course paper without problems? It is enough to complete the competent design of the application in the course work.

If you have already read all the necessary materials on our telegram channel and decided to do it yourself, we will give you some tips on how the correct design of drawings in the coursework, tables, graphs and other documents included in the application should look like.

Making an application in a course work

The rules for the design of term papers and dissertations are largely the same. For example, you will have to follow the same GOST recommendations.

Rules for designing multiple applications

If you plan to make several applications (graphs, pictures, tables, graphic images), then place each of them on a separate sheet.

Moreover, the order in which applications are presented in the work must be consistent: each new sheet with the application goes in the order in which it is referred to in the main text of the work.

Heading rules

Each new sheet with an application has its own title. At the top in the center of the page, the word "Appendix" is written, and then its numbering (according to the order of use in the text).

Application numbering rules

Applications are numbered not in Arabic numerals, but in capital letters of the Russian alphabet (for example, APPENDIX A). In the name of applications, you can also use the Latin alphabet.

In this case, the letters I are not allowed to be used. Any letters of the Russian alphabet can be used as numbering, except: Ё, Z, Й, O, Ch, b, Ы, Ъ.

If there are so many applications that all the letters of the alphabet (Russian or Latin) have already been used, the numbering can be continued using Arabic numerals.

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Rules for the design of one and several application sheets

If the application includes only 1 document (sheet), it is designated as follows: Appendix A.

If in one application they plan to divide information into blocks, then the constituent parts of the document can be divided. This happens by adding an index number to the name (for example, Appendix A No. 1, etc.).

If there are several applications in the course work, each page will have its own numbering (through).

Always pay attention to the guidelines. They indicate the features of the design of applications specifically for your university. For example, some higher education institutions recommend that applications be formatted as follows: Appendix 1, Appendix 2 ... Appendix 7.

Rules for formatting links to applications in coursework

When writing the main text at the end of the phrase for which the application is being made, it is necessary to make a sign about where to look for an explanation of the above. For example:

Or like this:

Now you know how to design an application in a term paper. In general, if you do not want to understand the sea of ​​\u200b\u200binformation, contact a professional student service. And if not, then just follow the above rules - and you will be happy.