A more or less advanced computer user should know that the speed of work operating system depends on speed hard drive. The performance of a PC is largely determined by the performance level of the HDD.

How to test hard drive speed with CrystalDiskMark

popular and very handy program, designed for comparative analysis (testing) of performance hard drives computer. Allows you to measure the speed of reading and writing data. According to http://www.softportal.com dated 01/14/2018: Last update it was 11/05/2017.

How to download CrystalDiskMark?


And on this site you can choose where you will download from the developer's site or directly from the softportal.

exe file will be loaded and you have to click on it with the left mouse button twice.

Allow the program to run with administrative rights. It will launch and begin the standard installation process. In my case, and maybe in yours too, the installation was in Japanese.

After I clicked "Finish" there was an autorun.

Crystal Disk Mark Settings

The main CrystalDiskMark options are in the main window:

So, in order:

  1. Number of checks. The default will be 5 checks. In fact, three is enough, and the maximum can be set to 9. As a result, as a result, you will see the average value of all checks.
  2. file size. This is the volume of the test file, by means of which the results of the first test will be read/written. Leave the default value.
  3. Disc selection. Select the drive whose speed test you want to run. In my case, this is the C:/ drive, and in yours, perhaps, too.

Remember! To calculate the actual speed of a disk, in particular an SSD, it is required that at least 15-20% of the volume is free on the drive. With disk size For example, if you have a 500 GB disk, then there should be at least 75-100 GB of free space. It will be right to close all programs that load the disk, the same torrent, photoshop and others.

There are other settings, which we will discuss below. But, I will say right away, they do not play a special role.

The next step is to click on the button ALL to run all tests.

Tests run

After the process is completed, the program will display the results.

1 line - SeqQ32T1– checking the write and read of a 1 GB file with a depth of 32 using 1 stream.

2 line - 4 KiBQ8T8- blocks are written, 4 KB in size, in random order with a depth of 8, using 8 streams.

3 line - 4 KiBQ32T1- blocks are written, 4 KB in size, in random order with a depth of 32, using 8 streams.

4 line - 4 KiB Q1T1– 4 KB blocks are written in random order with a depth of 1 using 1 stream.

The left column shows the speed reading, right column - record. In the title of each column, you can see the unit of measurement - Megabyte per second y.

Here are the results of a typical 500 GB hard drive:

What is important to pay attention to? On the third and fourth lines (tests 4 KiBQ32T1 and 4 KiB Q1T1). A significant number of files involved in the operation of the system have a size of 4 to 8 KB. That is why these parameters play a key role in the speed of the system.

String with test parameters SeqQ32T1 shows the speed of copying large, complete files. For example, movies or disk images. This indicator does not particularly affect the speed of the system, if we evaluate the speed as a whole.

As you already understood, the operating system works much faster if you use an SSD drive. Try this test with an hdd drive, and then with ssd drive, and you will find out for yourself.

The speed of reading / writing random data from 4 KB to 8 KB will increase tenfold. Surely, you use hdd with Windows OS, and even after reinstalling Windows, performance drops over time. With sdd it's different.

Good day.

The speed of the disk depends on the speed of the entire computer as a whole! Moreover, surprisingly, many users underestimate this moment ... But the speed of loading Windows, the speed of copying files to / from a disk, the speed of launching (loading) programs, etc. - all rests against speed of a disk.

Now in PCs (laptops) there are two types of disks: HDD (hard disk drive - familiar hard drives) and SSD (solid-state drive - a newfangled solid-state drive). Sometimes their speed differs significantly (for example, Windows 8 on my computer with an SSD starts in 7-8 seconds, versus 40 seconds with an HDD - the difference is enormous!).

And now about what utilities and how you can check the speed of the disk.

One of the best utilities to check and test the speed of disks (the utility supports both HDD and SSD drive and). Works in all popular Windows OS: XP, 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits). Supports the Russian language (although the utility is quite simple and easy to understand even without knowledge of English).

Rice. 1. The main window of the CrystalDiskMark program

To test your drive in CrystalDiskMark you need:

  • select the number of write and read cycles (in Fig. 2 this number is 5, the best option);
  • 1 GiB - file size for testing (best option);
  • "C:\" - drive letter for testing;
  • to start the test, simply click the "All" button. By the way, in most cases they are always guided by the string "SeqQ32T1" - i.e. sequential write / read - therefore, you can simply select a test specifically for this option (you need to press the button of the same name).

The first speed (column Read, from the English “read”) is the speed of reading information from the disk, the second column is writing to the disk. By the way, in Fig. 2 SSD drive was tested ( Silicon power Slim S70): reading speed of 242.5 Mb/s is not a good indicator. For modern SSDs, the optimal speed is considered to be at least ~ 400 Mb / s, provided that it is connected via SATA3 * (although 250 Mb / s is more than the speed of a conventional HDD and the increase in speed is visible to the naked eye).

* How to determine the working mode of SATA hard drive?

From the link above, in addition to CrystalDiskMark, you can also download another utility - CrystalDiskInfo. This utility will show you SMART drive, its temperature, etc. parameters (in general, an excellent utility for obtaining information about the device).

After starting it, pay attention to the line "Transmission mode" (see Fig. 3). If this line displays SATA/600 (up to 600 MB/s), then the drive is operating in SATA 3 mode (if SATA/300 is displayed in the line, i.e. the maximum throughput 300 MB/s is SATA 2).

AS SSD Benchmark

Author's website: http://www.alex-is.de/ (download link at the very bottom of the page)

Another very interesting utility. Allows easy and fast testing HDD computer (laptop): quickly find out the speed of reading and writing. Does not need to be installed, use as standard (as with the previous utility).

- This is one of the main components of any modern computer. Now they are starting to be phased out, but in many cases there is practically no alternative to hard drives.

After buying and installing a new hard drive, many users are interested in its speed. Now we will tell you how to check hard speed disk using special software.

The first program we will look at is the HD Tune program. With this program, you can test the speed of your hard drive.

HD Tune is distributed in two versions: free version HD Tune and the paid version of HD Tune Pro. HD Tune Pro can run for 15 days without registration, so you can.

With HD Tune, you can check the write and read speed of your hard drive. To do this, run the program, and on the "Benchmark" tab, select one of the "Read" or "Write" testing modes. If your computer has several hard drives, be sure to select the one you are going to check. After that, you need to start using the "Start" button.

After graduation hard checks disk the program will display the results. The data will be screenings in digital and graphical representation.

Consider the main indicators that can be obtained when checking the speed of a hard drive using this program:

  • Minimum is the lowest data transfer rate that the hard drive showed during the entire test (MB / sec).
  • Maximum - this is the highest data transfer rate that the hard drive showed during the entire testing period (MB / sec). It is this value that is most often indicated by disk manufacturers. But, maximum speed is by far the most important indicator. It should also be noted that the minimum and maximum data transfer rates can differ significantly, but this does not always indicate technical problems.
  • Rate Average is the average data transfer rate that this hard drive showed during the entire test (MB / sec). This indicator is already more useful, but it cannot be considered in isolation from the rest of the data.
  • Access Time is the time to access files on disk (ms). In theory, the lower the file access time, the better.
  • Burst Rate is the peak data rate. This value is also quite often passed off as the real speed of a hard drive, but it is far from always possible to achieve it in real conditions.
  • CPU Usage - this parameter shows the load CPU(%) during testing.

CrystalDiskMark is another pretty popular program to check the speed of hard drives. It comes with fewer features than HD Tune and its interface is much simpler, but it does its job well.

To check the speed of your hard drive, use the CrystalDiskMark program and install on your computer. After starting the program, you must select the disk partition that will be used for the speed test, as well as the test mode. To start the check, click on the "All" button.

After the end of the process, the program will display the results. In order to save the disk check result, you can take a screenshot of the program or use the "Edit - Copy test result" menu, in which case you will receive a text report.

In the last article of the site, we considered a utility that informs about all the data on a computer's hard drive. In this article, we will get acquainted with a utility related to it (the programs have the same developer) - CrystalDiskMark. It is designed to measure the performance of hard drives.

1. About CrystalDiskMark

Program for Windows CrystalDiskMark can measure the average read and write speed of conventional hard drives with magnetic platters, both external and connected via USB, SSD drives and flash drives. Unlike many similar programs, CrystalDiskMark allows you to determine the read and write speed on individual disk partitions.

CrystalDiskMark is a free, multilingual program that has no other functionality than testing the performance of hard drives.

You can download CrystalDiskMark on the developer's website. The program is presented in regular version, requiring installation, and a portable version. CrystalDiskMark Shizuku Editions are versions with Japanese anime backgrounds.

If CrystalDiskMark is selected in the usual option that requires installation, you must carefully monitor the installation process so that you do not install unnecessary software into the system along the way.

2. Testing hard drives

After starting the program, we will see a small window in the form of a table of values. The last cell of the row at the top provides for the selection of a specific disk partition or connected device (flash drives, USB-HDD, USB-SSD).

The cells to the left are the read and write cycles of a reference file with a certain size, which the program will temporarily place on the tested disk partition or device. The number of cycles of 5 with a file size of 1000 MB, set in the program by default, can be left for ordinary HDD hard drives.

In order not to once again wear out the SSD drive, in case of testing it, it is recommended to reduce the number of cycles to 3 with a file size of 100 MB.

We select the disk partition to be tested or the connected USB device and start the process of measuring the speed of reading and writing data with the button « All».

« All” - as we see from the name, this is the launch of all the data reading and writing tests presented below. They can also be launched individually with the corresponding button:

  • « Seq» - testing of sequential reading and writing of data is started;
  • « 512K» - starts testing random reading and writing blocks, the size of which is 512 KB;
  • « 4K» - testing of random reading and writing of blocks is started, the size of which is 4 KB with a queue depth of 1;
  • « 4K QD32» - starts testing random reading and writing blocks, the size of which is 4 KB with a queue depth of 32.

Of all these individual tests, by and large, only " Seq". It is the sequential measurement of reading and writing data that is considered an indicative parameter, since it is precisely its values ​​that manufacturers indicate in the characteristics of storage media. And if the goal of measuring the performance of a new hard drive or flash drive is to check the manufacturer or seller, whether he lied, promising better speed performance, you can only start testing " Seq».

After a short test in the CrystalDiskMark table, we will see the average speed of the hard disk - in the cells of the column " read» data reading speed, and in the cells of the column « Write”, respectively, the speed of their recording.

3. Other functionality of the program

CrystalDiskMark allows you to copy test results to text format. Saved in text file the test data can then be used for analysis and comparison.

The CrystalDiskMark program provides the ability to zoom in on its window, as well as change the color of the interface.

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Look at the instructions to find out the model of the storage device installed on your computer.

Go online. Type in the search "forum HDD". Explore the information on the forums where users discuss hard drive specifications, what programs they use to determine and adjust the spindle speed. Here are a few addresses of large sites where you can get help and good advice: ClubControl (http://www.clubcontrol.ru/forum/), HDD forum (http://hdd.kulichki.com/forum/), Monitor (http ://monitor.net.ru/forum/), etc. On the Internet, you can find a large number of programs, both paid and free. However, not all of them work equally well with different models of hard drives.

Download and install what you need software. Now turn off your computer and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. To determine the actual disk rotation speed, it is necessary to take measurements in a system that has not yet had time to receive a large load and is in perfect condition.

Run the program. View the list of physical drives, which are presented as a list or chart. Select the drive you want to know about at the moment.

Do a speed test called Benchmark. Usually, with the help of this test, it is possible to obtain information that gives a completely objective picture of the state of the disk as a whole. Click the Start button and wait for the testing procedure to complete.

Analyze the data collected by the program. Pay attention to several critical points. First look at the Transfer Rate Minimum value. This indicator determines the minimum data transfer rate, while Transfer Rate Maximum indicates the maximum. Then move on to an average speed called the Transfer Rate Average. Write down the numbers or save them in any other way.

Check Access Time - an indicator that describes the average file access time, which is measured in milliseconds. Together with Burst Rate (peak HDD rotation speed), Access Time is a very important characteristic to consider. Record also the CPU load data while the hard drive is spinning.

Compare all the data collected by the program with those provided by the HDD manufacturer in the computer's operating instructions. Pay attention to the fact that the numbers of indicators can differ significantly, but this does not always indicate a breakdown of the HDD. The conditions of its operation have a great influence on the test results.


  • how to check disk speed

To test hard drives, a lot of paid and free programs have been developed. HDD Scan- free program for Windows, with which you can view S.M.A.R.T indicators, check the hard drive for bad sectors, and also see in a graphical representation the speed characteristics of the hard drive speed.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - HDD Scan program.


Download HDD program scan. It doesn't need to be installed. You can find the installer on the official website of the developer hddscan.com. Save the downloaded program to the Programs folder for later use and run the application by double-clicking on the start file.

In the main program window, in the Source Disk section, check if the hard drive is selected correctly. You can see the S.M.A.R.T data by clicking on the button of the same name just below. You can easily find the decoding of these attributes on the Internet.

In the Process area, click the Start button to start the disk check. The Start LBA parameter is the first sector of the test, and End LBA is the last sector. During the validation process, the Map tab area will be filled with colored squares representing sectors. As soon as the entire space is filled with such squares, the system will automatically notify you that the computer has fully checked the speed of the hard drive.

Click the Map tab to view the hard disk speed graph. It may differ depending on the area of ​​the sectors, which in this moment being tested. The program also offers to adjust the noise work hard disk, display data on checking sectors in the form of a report, and some other features. HDD Scan is fairly easy to use and worth having in your arsenal of computer maintenance utilities.

In general, we can say that it is not difficult to check the speed of a hard drive on a personal one, since it is enough to download the appropriate software and perform a few simple operations. However, be careful, as improper work with such programs can disrupt the entire system.

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Tip 3: How to determine the speed on the Internet in 2017

There are a few questions that beginner PC users have. The first question is how and with whom to connect the Internet, and the second is what type of Internet to choose in order to get a decent one. There are ways to determine what your Internet connection speed is. This lets you know what time of day the speed is the fastest, as well as how long it takes to download your favorite series.

You will need

  • Special sites for measuring internet speed online.


First of existing methods- is to use special sites that determine the speed of the on-line connection. In order to do a check, you just need to type the address of one of these sites and it will show you all the necessary data in the form of a table "test results for".
In this case, the data will be real, such that your Internet site really provides. Indeed, for many it is no longer a secret that the download speed may also depend on the width of the channel of the resource from which you are downloading.

In order to get more reliable data about the check, you need all the programs that can affect the result of the check itself. These are programs such as flashget, emule, reget and bittorrent. The same goes for radio and the internet. It is advisable to repeat the test several times - for a more accurate result. There is nothing complicated, but you will find out the real data about your Internet connection.

Before starting the verification procedure, you need to indicate the speed declared by the provider - this is necessary in order to compare the real speed and the promised one. It takes very little time to check - only 30 seconds. This is quite enough to determine the speed. The site reports how many meters it passed in those 30 seconds and how it determined the speed.
How alternative way can be used special programs to check the speed of the Internet - but this is already a surplus of the past, it is much easier to check online sites. The data will be more accurate, and you will know how long you can watch a movie, favorite or picture.

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Useful advice

Services for determining the speed of the Internet: http://2ip.ru

When downloading a certain file from the Internet, it is interesting to know about the speed, as well as the time that will have to wait until the entire operation is completed. This can be done using special software.


There is a large list of various software on the Internet that allows you to see in real time speed transmission data. One of the popular utilities is Download Master. This program spreads completely. You can find it on the Internet or install it from the disk containing the distribution kit of the operating system with the installation of programs in WPI mode.

Install this software on your hard drive personal computer. For convenience, install to the system local drive so that the program and all downloads are on the same local disk. In the event of an emergency, you can backup and quickly recover information without any loss. A shortcut will appear on the desktop with which you can open the main program window.

An icon will also appear in the tray, which, when new download will display the current process. Open the program by double-clicking on the shortcut with the left mouse button. In the browser, find the file you need to download. Right click on the link and context menu select "Copy link address". The download is automatically integrated into the program window. You only need to click the "Download" button.

This software allows you to download up to 10 downloads at the same time, but the list of pending files can be endless. Opposite each downloaded file will be displayed speed downloads, as well as the time it will take to complete. At the top of the program there is a small graph that displays the maximum and minimum speed download all files. You can leave a description for the file, so that later you don't get confused with a large volume of files.

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The higher the quality of the communication channel, the more comfortable the work on the Internet. Pages open very quickly, even large files are downloaded in a short period of time. However, even when good channel the user sometimes has a desire to find out the real speed transmission data.


Use special network services to evaluate your channel. They work according to the following principle: a small file is transferred to your computer, the time spent on its reception is measured. Based on this information, it is calculated speed receiving data. For example, follow this link: http://ip-whois.net/test-speed-internet/ Select any server on the map, click it with the mouse. In the window that appears, click the line "Start the Internet." Testing takes less than a minute, after its completion you will see the results of the test.

You should know that speed Internet coverage is highly dependent on the time of day - it is worst when the lines are busiest and increases when most users are offline - for example, at night. Therefore, conduct this test several times at different times of the day, this will help you find out how the speed internet during the day.

You can appreciate the real speed your internet while downloading large files- for example, files from , DVD images, etc. The download manager usually says speed transmission data per second. Please note that providers indicate speed internet in kilobits.

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A slow-running computer can piss off even a very calm person. It is not necessary to change a slow machine to a new one - it is enough to find out which particular component reduces its performance and upgrade.


There are two reasons for performance degradation computer: insufficient computing power processor and too little random access memory (RAM). The second of these reasons reduces speed work indirectly: when a resource-intensive application is running that is not , it starts using for temporary storage data hard disk. This process is called swapping. Communication with hard drive is much slower than with RAM. To determine what exactly needs to be upgraded, look at the hard drive activity indicator. If the “braking” of the machine is accompanied by active access to the drive, it is necessary to increase the amount of RAM, and if not, replace the processor.