Vkontakte is a very special environment, and the usual copywriting rules do not work there. In this article, we will analyze how to write a selling post on VKontakte - how to choose an image, write a catchy headline, and compose an interesting text.

And of course, all this is verified information from my personal practice. Therefore, read very carefully.

And first, let's see what in general can be sold on VKontakte with posts, and what tactics we will have.

The big question is what are we selling?

You can sell not only some paid goods or services. Very often, we have to “sell” even free actions on VKontakte. Here are some examples of a free action that should also be sold:

  • Go to the site page to read the article
  • Participation in the survey
  • Transition and registration to the VKontakte group
  • Repost a post or like it

All the tricks that will be described below fully apply to the sale of these free actions.

Before writing a selling post, we need to understand how difficult it will be for our reader to complete this action? Clicking on the link and going to the site is quite simple. But going to a group and subscribing is already more difficult.

Getting a card and paying for our product is even more difficult. And this very "heaviness" of the target action will affect only one thing - the length of our selling post.

Are the posts long or short?

Internet marketing still has some laws. And one of these laws sounds like this - "The longer our selling text is, the less targeted actions we will have, but the level of awareness of each target action will be higher."

To put it simply, if we just write something like “Click here! It's cool here!" and give a link to our website (where the final sale of the product for money will already take place), then there will be a lot of clicks. But there will be very few sales from these clicks.

And if we write a long post in which we tell readers in advance what awaits them at the specified link, there will be very few clicks. But on the other hand, most of them will still end up with a targeted action - a purchase.

Let's give the formula how it works.

The formula "selling post + landing"

Most often we deal with such a situation. We need to write a VKontakte post with a link to our website (usually). And on this landing page, we will sell something or register people somewhere (collect their contact information).

Do you understand what's the point here? We are losing potential clients for long texts. And it is absolutely not necessary to do this twice - both on the text of the post and on the text of the landing page. Limit your explanations to one place - there or there.

But the choice of where to explain - on a landing page or in a post - depends on various factors. I just want to remind you that on the landing page we have many different tools for persuasion - videos, pictures, font sizes, text design with lists, icons, and so on. All this VKontakte is not there, there is only the text of the sheets (well, except for stupid emoticons).

Therefore, if we sell something for money, and even for decent enough money, in 95% of cases I would put it on a long landing + a short post.

And now let's move on to the mechanics of the process - how to write a selling post on VKontakte. AND " First thing first". That is, let's start with the most important thing.

How to choose an image for a selling VKontakte post

The success of your selling post by 80% will depend not on the text itself, but on the “image + headline” combination. This is explained by the fact that if you have an uninteresting picture and a non-catchy headline, then people simply will not stop to read what is in your text.

Accordingly, you will get low results (even if the text itself is written simply brilliantly). Therefore, please pay maximum attention to the picture and the title.

As for the pictures, here you can give a few recommendations.

First, the picture must be "original". That is, it should not be constantly reprinted from one public to another. Such a picture is "blurred". If you constantly meet some kind of image somewhere on VKontakte, even if it is very interesting, and which you really like, it is better not to use it.

Second, try to use bright pictures. The light attracts more attention, and your picture is more likely to “hook” the eye of a person scrolling through their news feed.

Third, the sexual theme rules. If you can pick up an image with some hint of sex or erotica, that would be great (even if it is almost completely unrelated to the topic of your post). Just do not need too candid photos - it will only repel.

The image of a beautiful girl works for almost any sale.

Fourth - if the erotic theme does not fit in any way, then try to find a photo that shows many different objects. If you need to linger for a fraction of a second to understand what is in the picture, that’s already good.

And fifthly, images with people's faces always attract more attention. You can even use your own image, it works very well. And if your face at the same time expresses some kind of emotion (fear, surprise, joy, contempt) - then it’s absolutely fine.

So, the image "catches" the eye and makes a person linger on our post for a second. Then he will read the title, and will make a final decision on it.

5 types of catchy header

For a person to decide to spend a couple of minutes of their precious time on your text, the headline must be really strong. Here are five proven options that almost always work.

#1 - Provocation

This type of headline is also sometimes referred to as "shocking". That is, we need to write something that will literally "knock the ground" out from under the feet of our readers. Here are some examples of such headers:

  • Why do all boys do THAT?
  • How long do you have left to live?
  • I'm out of business
  • Nothing will save you from poverty

I think it is clear that such headings should not be abused. You can use them occasionally when you have written a particularly cool text. But if you overdo it, it will have the opposite effect.

And yes, of course, be prepared for backlash and booing. But some will shout, and others will buy.

#2 - Paradox

This is a softer version of a catchy headline. To write a paradoxical headline, all you have to do is take some generally accepted statement and express the opposite opinion.

Here are some examples:

  • Why I love night hooligans
  • Why apples make you fatter than meat
  • Why loans are really great

I love these headlines. They are easy to come up with and always work great. I even insert them into my regular posts. For example, I once wrote a post “Why I love my bag of bags”.

The reaction was much higher than usual.

#3 - Famous Titles/Names

It's a little-known way of writing sales headlines. The essence of it is that you take the name of some famous character or the name of a famous movie / book, and insert them into your title.

For example:

  • 50 shades of contextual advertising
  • In bed with a director
  • School of English language from the terminator

The main thing is that the name or title that you use is well known and understandable to your target audience. Otherwise, the title won't work.

#4 - Benefit

The promise of some kind of benefit / value is perhaps the most common option in copywriting. You've probably come across many of these headlines.

For example:

  • How to lose weight in 90 days without dieting
  • How to learn English on your own without cramming
  • What to tell a girl to make her fall in love with you

Despite the fact that such headlines have become a little “palled” lately, they still work great. In fact, that is why they are so often used.

#5 – Intrigue/Curiosity

In general, curiosity is one of the strongest human emotions. And given type a catchy title is a bit like a "paradox", but they have their own differences.

For example:

  • What lives in your kitchen and you don't know?
  • What Moiseev said to me at the meeting
  • Why did I spend the night at the police station

It would seem - well, who cares why you spent the night in the police. But no, they will stop and take a look at our text at least with one eye. And that's exactly what we need. And now the whole question is how well our main text of the post will work.

How to write the text of the post

As I said above, regular copywriting in in social networks does not work. If you start describing the benefits and benefits of your product in the text, people will simply close your text and move on.

And the thing is that these people did not come into contact at all in order for you to sell something to them. They came to have fun and communicate with their friends. But first and foremost, have fun. And that is why your post should be primarily entertaining.

Here are the four main “genres” of VKontakte entertainment-selling posts.

  1. Stories. People love interesting stories, and it is easy to “embed” our offer to buy something or do something in them.
  2. Inspirational posts. To be able to inspire means to be able to energize people. Write something uplifting and inspiring to them (“Fuck it! Get it done!”) and add a link to your product.
  3. Humorous. Of course, it is better to insert a bit of humor into any of your texts. But in this case, your entire post will tell some kind of funny story, or give funny "bad" advice.
  4. disputes/conflicts. If you launch a protest action against someone or something in your post, people will be happy to watch it. That is, they will read the text to the end and click on our links.

An important rule - how to write VKontakte posts

And do not forget about what we started this article with. If your main “sale” is made on the landing page, then you don’t need to write too long posts. Pick a good picture, write a catchy headline, and send people to your landing page almost immediately.

Remember when I said that this is the tactic that works best 95% of the time? So, it's time to talk about the remaining 5%.

A series of selling posts on VKontakte

Your subscribers and members of the VKontakte group are like an email subscription base. You write something - and they read or ... DO NOT read. Too many new posts appear every day - and your selling message can very easily get lost in this sea.

In addition, selling by text is always very difficult. Text is the weakest tool in terms of impact (when compared, for example, with videos or webinars).

Accordingly, it would be a good idea to make a whole series of selling posts - 5-7 pieces or even more. That’s when your posts should be long and your landing page short. By the way, you may not have any landing page. You can give links to your Yandex-Money and WebMoney wallets right in the text of the post so that people pay directly.

Plan a series of selling posts in this way. You make a list of "ideas" that you want to get across to your audience for them to buy.

For example:

  • How will your product benefit them?
  • How is your product different from competitors?
  • Why can you be trusted?
  • Why is it necessary to buy it right now, and not in a month?

And then you just write one post - and insert one of these thoughts into it. Only one! Because if you try to cram all your thoughts in at once, you will most likely end up with a very long, boring and unconvincing post.

And then you publish your posts once a day for a week, working through the audience “from different angles”. Just alternate the types of posts and headlines, as we discussed above. And then posts of the same type quickly become boring.


So, we have figured out how to write a selling post on VKontakte, and now, I hope you will do it much better.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience for 10 years =)

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Often in coaching, I work with the issue of promoting myself as a specialist. And promotion of services and goods, if there is only the beginning of activity and there are no large volumes.

In any case, regardless of the volume, I am FOR a high-quality and professional approach to business.

I have a principle: Either do it well and conscientiously - or don't take it at all.

Beautiful competent promotion consists of several stages, which include niche selection, segmentation, positioning, and personal brand, and self-presentation, and work with partners.

Remember that we approach the stage of writing Selling posts after choosing a niche, after establishing contact with potential customers, after image posts, promoting, advertising.

Do not be "vaparivatel" and "barryzhnik". Sell ​​Nice! Let your promotion be so competent and beautiful that everyone will just wait for your selling post as a signal to send money transfers to the account.

Remember that selling posts in your account should be no more than 10% of all content.

Well, back to the topic:

How to write sales posts.

Question. How and where do we mainly promote ourselves? Your products and services?

Correctly. Through posts.

That is why text writing is so important in promotion.

Posts are different.
Image. Entertaining. Advertising. Selling and 100500 more options. We compose them according to the pre-compiled Content plan.

This is also a separate issue.

Let's return to the topic The structure of an effective selling post for social networks. Because that's what a lot of questions are about in coaching sessions.

Briefly - the post should contain the formula:

Attention - Interest - Desire - Action

And if you take text writing seriously, then there is a more advanced version.

Rules for writing a sales post

1. Use an eye-catching and intriguing headline or the beginning of a post. Provoke interest. Stand out from the crowd.

It can be a question, shocking news, motivation or intrigue. 3-7 words.
Remember that only the first words are visible on the Instagram network. According to them, the person decides whether to disclose your message and whether to read the entire post further.

2. Contact your target audience, for which this post.

The reader must know himself. Use the information you gathered in the lesson Segmentation.

3. Describe a clearly defined customer benefit.

Remember that people buy results. They don't need a photo shoot as a view, they need photos, emotions, a memory of something.

4. Expand the essence of your service / product.

Briefly, a few suggestions. Better 2-4. Be mindful of emotions. People don't just buy information. People don't even react to it anymore.

Have your differences, raisins. Remind your potential buyer about them.

5. Give several ready-made solutions to choose from. Write the price!

If it is not possible to specify a specific price, please indicate the "fork" of prices. Give an example from practice.

6. Specify the terms of the offer, quantity.

An offer generates more conversions when there are deadlines and restrictions. People tend to put off decisions. People don't flap their wings if it's possible not to flap them. Remember this. Your task is simply to help them make a decision "here and now".

7. Encourage action. Write, call, order. Be sure to include contacts where this can be done.

Write down a clear algorithm of actions. The person at the other end of the screen doesn't always want to think.
Give him a clear action script:
"to get into this training group, put in the comments "I'm coming" and our manager will contact you within 1 hour",
"to buy a consultation, go to the website (link in profile) click on the "order" button and follow the payment instructions",
"to buy this dress, call...-..-..- and we will help you decide on the size and delivery date."

8. Be sure to leave paragraphs between all paragraphs.

Solid text is read much less frequently.

Good Clients!

And easy sales!

Polezhaeva Yulia Vyacheslavovna

Using social media to engage with your target audience is a powerful and rewarding strategy. In this case, it is necessary to act clearly and quickly, capturing the user's attention. Small publications - the so-called posts - optimally cope with this task. Writing selling posts should be carried out in accordance with all the rules, according to a pre-compiled content plan. Otherwise, it will already be a simple note. What is the task of selling posts? Sell ​​an interesting product, offer even more content, interest the reader, encouraging him to order a product, service, etc. If the post doesn't do that, then it's not selling.

What are the types of sales posts?

  • traditional type advertisements - publications that advertise goods, services, describe the benefits of products, contain a call to action;

  • reviews of real buyers - people who have already purchased goods, use the service, write positive reviews, thereby increasing the trust of a potential client reading a post on a social network;

  • providing information about discounts, promotions, bonus programs a certain store, beauty salon, online training, etc.;

  • real photos of the product or the results of an already rendered service, which are accompanied by a small text with a call to action;

  • advertising posts with stars who hold the product or use the service offered in the text.

But on the page of the group or public of the brand there should not be a dominance of advertising posts. Such imposition works in the opposite direction - the target audience is not converted into buyers, but simply leaves the page, feeling uncomfortable. The optimal indicator is about 20% of selling posts. The rest of the space must be filled with other content:

  • custom - it is created by subscribers themselves, making video reviews of purchased goods, sharing their feelings after purchasing a product or service;

  • engaging, interactive - chats, surveys, offers - everything that encourages the user to get involved in the process, respond, communicate with each other;

  • entertaining - it can be funny pictures, quotes of great people or anecdotes, memes, small stories from life, this also includes contests and marathons;

  • informational - this type of content may contain useful tips, recipes, home tricks, industry or company news.

This ratio of content will allow you to “hook” the audience and prevent them from unsubscribing. Indeed, in this way, the user can be distracted, watch a funny meme, bookmark an interesting recipe, and at the same time, as if by chance, get acquainted with the selling post. Content marketing in this case works very effectively.

What should be a selling post

The correct design of the selling post will not tire the user. No one will read long footcloths of texts, but a publication with subheadings, lists, catchy infographics will definitely make a potential client skim through the text, noting the most important. It is worth remembering that one of the most powerful tools in the fight for the attention of the audience is visualization. You can use gifs, high-quality product photos, videos, tables. But even in this case, it is worth keeping a balance, since a large number of pictures in a post scatters the reader’s attention. And the task of the selling post is to interest the user in the text. It should be limited to one video, table or picture.

Particular attention should be paid to the title, because it is he who first attracts the attention of the reader. It will depend on him whether users will read the post further. It is recommended to add more specifics to it so that the user knows what to expect next. For example, the heading "Advice for businessmen" looks vague, because it is not clear what type of advice will be described, what will be discussed, and to whom these tips can be useful. Therefore, few people will read the post to the end. But if you improve the headline and add specifics to it: “How to properly lay out the goods in the store” or even “How you lay out your goods - this is how your fat will be”, then, for sure, the post will fulfill its task in full and attract the attention of the target audience . In this case, these are the owners of offline outlets who have a large amount of goods in stock, people who are interested in merchandising and competent display of products on the counter or showcase.

What should not be the title of the selling post:

  • answered, abstract - only narrow topics, expertise, niche will be able to interest the user;
  • uninteresting, gray - otherwise the headline will be lost between other news in the feed;
  • too long - up to 10 words are enough;
  • foggy, vague - the title should clearly tell what awaits the reader if he reads the post to the end.

How to write text for a sales post

A good sales post is broken down into logical blocks. The title is placed on one line, description, links with an appeal, benefits are separated by a space. The text should describe the main advantages of the product, each of which is supported by a benefit for the client. Do not use complex phrases and abstruse words. Copywriting for social networks is a kind of conversation with the reader, not a formal letter. Phrases should be short and understandable to a wide audience of users, they should not contain specific terminology, words in other languages, etc.

There are several main genres of a selling post: narrative, humorous, inspiring, touching on issues of disputes and conflicts. For each category of goods, you can select the appropriate genre.

Model of a standard selling post:

  1. The problem is indicated, the pains of the potential client are determined.
  2. How a product or service can help solve a problem. Description of commodity offers.
  3. Description of all the benefits and benefits of the product. Usually in a list.
  4. Motivating completion: "Place an order, call, leave a request, take part in the action, share the record."

To prevent the post from turning into a boring and dull text, you can plan a whole series of small selling publications, each of which will reveal one question. These ideas could be:

  • Why is it necessary to buy today, and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
  • What makes our product special, different from the competition?
  • Why is our brand trustworthy?
  • What will the buyer get by purchasing our product?

It is also worth considering the specifics of the site, since each social network has its own characteristics and differences both in the audience and in coverage.

So, if you decide to use social networks as trading floors, then in this case it will not be possible to do without selling posts. It is they who play the role of "enticers" and "engines of trade." The user must clearly understand what you do and what you sell. Do not forget that only a correctly composed publication will work 100%. You can write sales posts yourself using the above tips and tricks, or entrust this care to professional SMM specialists.

Do you want your blog to make money? Write the right posts!

Dozens of cool articles put together will not give such a result as one, but actually a selling article. What can sell your post?

  • Even more content
  • lead magnet,
  • inexpensive product,
  • landing page with a purchase offer,
  • access to more valuable content.

Do your posts do it?

In this article, you'll learn 5 actionable steps to create blog content that converts your time and knowledge into income.

But first, let's look at each type of sales post in more detail.

There are 5 types of selling articles:

1. A post that will bring you closer to your readers

After giving utility to the audience, give more. Encourage them to read another post of yours, watch a recording of a webinar, a new video on the channel, etc. Your goal is to captivate the reader and increase the number of “touch points” with you.

I think you noticed that each of our posts ends with a call to read the previous article. So one article sells another.

What does it give? You increase the engagement of readers, giving maximum usefulness. In addition, the user spends more time on the pages of the site - this is a plus for .

2. Post that will attract potential buyers

A lead magnet is your product that you are willing to give away to readers in exchange for their contact information. It can be anything: a useful checklist, a PDF book, an opportunity to attend a webinar or a master class. Such content turns readers into potential buyers. Now they will regularly receive news from you, as well as a variety of paid offers.

After each post on our blog, the reader can fill out a registration form and download the Internet Entrepreneur Manuscript.

What does it give? You collect a base of potential buyers (leads) for paid offers, introduce them even closer to you.

3. Post to capture customers

Do you have a product that is very inexpensive? Let's say $7? Try to sell it immediately "on the forehead" in the course of the post in the topic. People who read, for example, about promotion in , are very likely to be interested in getting some kind of detailed instructions, even if they will have to pay a symbolic amount for it.

What does it give? Such a move will attract people who are willing to pay for your products, as well as “stir up” potential customers who have been following you for a long time, but have not yet bought anything.

4. Post with a valuable offer

On the GM website, we do not often write articles where we immediately urge you to go to the selling page of any of our paid programs. Usually, we offer to register for a free webinar or receive a series of video tutorials. The sale comes later.

But there are exceptions. These are our posts in the section "". At the end, we encourage you to learn more about the program that has helped the student achieve such high results.

What does it give? Raises the awareness of potential customers, because at least once out of curiosity they will click on the link or look into the section with paid products.

5. Content for the elite

Being part of some kind of “secret society” gives people a sense of their own importance. If you have a special offer for your readers, be sure to let them know.

Pay special attention to:

  • Headings and subheadings;
  • Introduction;
  • Text formatting.

Step 5. Push to action

Briefly and clearly tell the reader what to do. Feel free to remind me to like and share. Human psychology is such that until you say exactly what needs to be done, most likely no one will lift a finger.


Try writing your new post following these guidelines. I am sure you will notice an increase in reader activity. You can choose one call or several at once (just do not overdo it!), It is important that it be.

If the article was useful to you, click "I like"!

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

To understand what a sales post is, consider a simple analogy. We all read newspapers and saw pages with advertisements in them. Here you can find ads of a very different nature: the sale of real estate, an old camera, the opening of a new clothing boutique. Selling social media posts are like advertisements in a newspaper.

Types of selling posts

Selling posts can be presented in various forms:

  1. Traditional advertisements.
  2. Holding shares.
  3. Providing information about discounts.
  4. Posting testimonials from real customers.
  5. Accommodation real photo goods/services.
  6. Posting photos of stars/famous people who are holding your item.

How to make a sales post

Since writing a selling post will need to be adapted to social networks, decide on which platform you will post it. A VKontakte post is different from a post on Instagram or Facebook. Let's figure out how to compose an advertising post for each of these social networks.

In contact with

Here, much attention should be paid to the presentability of the text, its presentation. No need to write too long text. Once the character count exceeds 280 characters, the entire story will not be displayed and a "Show Full" link will appear. Most often, users scroll through such posts without reading to the end.

Try to compress the text to 280 characters. You can add Emoji, but only if it is justified by the topic of the post. For example, in adequate quantities are appropriate if you sell flowers. But if you offer the services of a lawyer, such decorations will look ridiculous.

Complete your post with an image. It should not be a picture where “Discounts”, “Free”, “Unique offer”, etc. are written in yellow letters on a red background. Also, do not post stock photos that each user has seen hundreds of times. If you still take an image from the Internet, try not to make it too clichéd and worn. Make sure that it does not have logos, watermarks, place only high quality images.


When publishing sales posts on Instagram, pay special attention to the picture. Stock photos are definitely not suitable here. It’s better to take a photo of your product yourself or capture the workflow. Remember that Instagram users are an audience that prefers to look at a picture rather than read the text below it. Therefore, even if you write great text, but the image is unattractive, your post will be scrolled through and not considered. You can place text directly on the image. Of course, not all. It's best to put a caption on the image that tells what your post will be about, such as "Winter Collection Sale". Below the image, write briefly about your offer.


If we compare the users of the listed social networks, then Facebook has the most reading audience. But there is one caveat: they don’t like explicit advertising here. Therefore, do not start the text of the publication with a call to action or a story about your products / services. Tell readers first Interesting Facts related to your business area, share knowledge or stories from your personal experience. Tie a commercial offer to this information and place it at the end of the post.

Sales post templates

  1. Problem designation. This can be done through questions or by stating that many people experience such and such difficulties.
  2. Description of the product or service. Here it is necessary not only to tell what it is and how it works, but to explain how your proposal will help solve the existing problem.
  3. Benefits and benefits. Make them a list, not a solid block. Avoid abstractions, value judgments and clichés. For example, you write "The best prices for women's bags." Beneficial compared to what? And who are they good for? It may be beneficial for one customer and not for another. " Women's bags from 1,500 rubles ”- this is already clearer.
  4. Motivation to take action. It is necessary to call on the audience to take action, and the call must be clearly expressed: call, leave a request, take part in the action.

Selling Post Examples

Let's look at 2 examples: one for a children's clothing store (selling a product), and the other for a photo studio (selling a service).

Example #1.

The image is at the bottom if it's VKontakte, and at the top if it's Instagram. You need to visualize the offer. If this is a “1 + 1 = 3” promotion, you need to depict 3 things, if these are discounts, it is best to place an image with a percentage of the discount against the background of the product that falls under the promotion.

Text. We take into account the specifics of the product. Determine who the product is aimed at: stylish and young girls, wealthy men, young mothers. Next, already compose the text according to the above template in the appropriate style. Don't forget about the call to action: Order today and get your order tomorrow / call the manager and choose a dress, etc.

The online store of creative children's clothing "Grow Up" offers to buy clothes for kids from Russian designers. Here you will find outfits for boys and girls from 3 months to 6 years. Growing Up Shop is:

  • Author's models, unusual styles and colors.
  • Tailor services.
  • Free delivery across Moscow.

Order any item from the winter collection and get a 50% discount on the second one!

Example #2.

The image is an example of good work, selected in accordance with the specifics. For example, you have a promotion for a wedding photo shoot - post a photo from the wedding.

Let's move on to the text. Storytelling is the best way to sell services. Describe the touching story behind this photo. You can come up with a love story and tell it. The essence is clear, then everything depends on the situation. In a call to action, a scarcity trigger, a time frame for the promotion, etc. will be useful.

Selling posts are effective for promoting goods and services. But for them to really work, you need to competently approach their compilation, do not overdo it with advertising and honestly tell customers about your offer.