Consider today the question of how to clear your browsing history and search history on Youtube? I am sure that advanced and curious users know how to do this. If you have not yet deleted the history, then watch the video or read this short article. Anyway, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, it's just great.

  1. Surely, you have noticed that Youtube stores all the videos (history) you have watched and the history of your requests.
    So, when switching to home page Youtube, you may notice that you are offered similar, and more often the same videos and channels, according to your interests, views and requests in the hosting search line.
  2. I agree that sometimes it’s convenient not to additionally search Youtube for videos of a certain channel if you are still interested in the topic. In other words, you can always return to what you have watched. YouTube's memory is "rubber". Probably, this first point can be attributed to the minuses of clearing views.

But to the pluses of cleaning, I will include the following subparagraphs.

  1. We do not stand still, interests change, plus there are a lot of such videos and requests. Therefore, Youtube's memory still needs to be cleared so that it works better, faster and does not slow down.
  2. Also, if the computer in the family is shared by several family members, it is worth clearing your history on YouTube from time to time so that a curious husband or children do not spy on your interests).
  3. Another advantage of deleting the browsing history is the fact that we will most likely not miss popular videos and in the end, for example, I myself want to decide what to watch and what I'm interested in this moment, especially since you can clear / delete history in just a matter of seconds. Why not take advantage of this opportunity.

Clear browsing and query history

  • 1. We go to our channel and in the left column of the menu we click on the item "Viewed". Here you will see two tabs: the entire history of the videos you have watched to which you can always return, as well as the history of requests.
    Previously, this menu item was called "Journal".
  • 2. So, how to clean. It is necessary to select individual videos and simply delete them by clicking on the cross.
  • 3. The second option is to click on "Clear History". Then reload the page. The browsing history should be cleared, if not, then repeat this action again (I cleared it only after reloading the page). Do the same with the request history. By the way, if for some reason you want to delete or temporarily hide your channel, separate secret videos, then read how to do it.
  • 4. It is also possible to pause the history recording by clicking on the corresponding button in both tabs.

That's all for me, watch the video. All the best! Sincerely, . In the next article, read how to make a placeholder, a stub image.

Related video.

Question: I often watch videos on YouTube - of course, some of them may not please someone and confuse someone. How to clear search history so that no one can find out what videos I was trying to find?

Of course, you can use programs that are automatic. But what to do when necessary clear youtube browsing history, which is not stored on your computer, in the browser, but on the YouTube site itself.

Now I will tell you how to clear the history of the last watched videos, and the history of requests, and if you wish, even completely suspend the history recording function.

Login to your account, click on the Seen link in the menu on the left. To remove a video from history, move the cursor over the video and click on button with three dots.

From the menu that appears, select Remove from playlist. Browsing history.

Clear YouTube browsing history

How to disable browsing history

In addition, you can click on the button Pause browsing history recording. Now your playlist will not update automatically.

YouTube search history

Clear YouTube search history

How to delete YouTube search history?

The user has access to a complete cleaning of the search history - Clear the history, or pause recording — Pause Recording.

To delete favorite queries, click on the square at the top of the screen, select creative studio, go to Video Manager and then click Search History . Mark with checkboxes the right queries and click Delete .

Have you ever noticed that if you start typing a search term on Youtube, the result starts showing up before you've even finished typing? This is because, like many other Google services, Youtube tracks your activity. Google remembers search queries and videos you watch. Company policy states that this data is tracked and used to compile a list of recommendations for each account.

Thus, this service is being improved. If any user wants to delete this data, the developers have made this feature very simple and affordable. How to clear search and browsing history on YouTube?

Clearing search history

User search queries? It should be remembered that if you decide to clear this data, then after such actions the list of recommended videos will no longer be formed. If you are still sure that you want this, you need to follow these steps:

  • Follow the link Or just go to the "History" tab in the "Library" item on the left side of the window.
  • Next, if you want to delete certain queries, start typing a name in the "Search in search history" field on the right side. Before that, you must select the required data type. In our case, this is the search history.
  • After the necessary records are found, delete by clicking the cross next to the required search query.
  • How to delete search history in YouTube completely? In this case, you must click the corresponding button on the right side of the dialog box.
  • The system will verify the correctness of your actions. If you haven't changed your mind, click "Clear Search History" again.
  • The list of recommended videos will be re-compiled based on your activity on other Google services.

Clearing the list of watched videos

  1. Follow the previous link or open the "History" tab in the "Library" item.
  2. Select the data type "View History".
  3. Enter the title of the desired video.
  4. Move the mouse and click on the cross that appears. When you confirm the action, the video will be deleted.

How to delete the history of watched videos in YouTube completely? In this case, you must click the "Clear browsing history" button, which is located below in the same dialog box. Previously viewed video content will be deleted.

Managing history on my YouTube channel

The service also provides a function to disable saving search queries and watched videos. In this case, the recommendations that the system makes for the user will become less accurate. In order to pause the recording of watched videos, as well as the history of search queries, you must do the following:

  • Follow the link or go to the "History" tab in the sidebar.
  • Select the required data type: browsing history or search history.
  • Click the "Do not save browsing history" or "Do not save search history" button, respectively. Confirm your actions in the pop-up window that appears.

This setting applies to the entire account. Therefore, Youtube will stop remembering the videos you have watched on any device, provided that you are logged in with your account.

By default, YouTube video hosting automatically saves the videos you watch and the queries you enter, provided that you are logged into your account. Some users do not need given function or they just want to clear the list of viewed entries. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to do this from a computer and through a mobile application.

Delete information about search and watched videos in full version The site is quite simple, the user only needs to perform a few simple steps. The main thing before cleaning is to make sure that you are logged into your profile.

Clearing the request history

Unfortunately, you can't make queries not saved in the search bar, so you'll have to delete them manually. Luckily, this is not hard to do. Just click on the search bar. Recent requests will be displayed here immediately. Just click on "Delete" so they don't show up again. In addition, you can enter a word or letter and also remove certain strings from the search.

Clear browsing history

Watched videos are saved in a separate menu and displayed on all devices where you are logged into your account. You can clear this list in just a few simple steps:

Clearing History in the YouTube Mobile App

A huge number of people use YouTube mainly on smartphones or tablets, watching videos through a mobile application. It also allows you to clean up saved queries and views. Let's look into this in detail.

Clearing the request history

The search bar in mobile YouTube is almost the same as in the full version of the site. Clearing the request history is carried out in just a few touches:

Clear browsing history

The interface of the mobile application is slightly different from the full computer version of the site, however, all the most necessary functions are preserved here, including the ability to clear saved watched videos. This is done as follows:

There is nothing complicated in clearing history on YouTube, everything is done in a few simple steps both on a computer and mobile application. In addition, I would like to once again note the function "Do not save browsing history", it will allow you not to manually clean up every time.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to delete search and browsing history on YouTube;
  • How to turn off the recording of information about the materials viewed and your requests for the future.
As you search and view videos on YouTube, Google records history. On the one hand, this is convenient: you can always find the video that you watched earlier, or see what search queries you entered. But on the other hand, under certain circumstances, information about your actions on YouTube can be seen by strangers.

Clear YouTube browsing history

  • Click the button Menu;
  • Click on Viewed:

To delete browsing information, click Clear browsing history. In this case, you will delete all information about the videos you have watched, but in the future YouTube will start saving everything again. To prevent saving the playlist views once and for all, click the button Pause browsing history recording:

Deleting Your YouTube Search History

To manage the list of entered search queries, go to the section Search history. To delete the entire query log, click the button Clear the history. If you want to prevent saving search phrases permanently, click the button Pause Recording.

Also, you can remove individual items from the search history. To do this, click on the ellipsis to the right of the desired element and select Remove from playlist Search history:

All. Now you have hidden your activity from prying eyes.