A Skype login serves two purposes: to log into your account, and as a nickname through which other users contact you. But, unfortunately, some people forget their login, while others do not know what it is at all when they are asked to give their contact details for communication. Let's find out where you can see the login on Skype.

To log into your account on Skype, fortunately, you do not always need to enter a login. If you have already logged in this account on a specific computer, then most likely the next time you start Skype programs You will enter it automatically, without entering a username and password. This will continue until a manual logout is made. That is, there is a high probability that, even without knowing or remembering your own login, you will be able to visit your account.

But, it cannot go on like this forever. Firstly, one day the program may still require you to enter a username and password (when you log in from another computer, this will happen), and secondly, until you provide your Skype username, none of the other users will be able to contact you. How to be?

It should be noted that, depending on the specific procedure of your registration, the login may correspond to your mailbox entered during registration, but may not correspond to it. You need to see the login directly in the Skype program.

You can find out your login in Skype 8 either by directly logging into your account, or through another profile if you cannot log into your account. Next, we will look at each of these methods in detail.

First of all, let's look at how to find out the login while in your account.

Method 2: View login from another profile

If it is impossible to log into your account due to the loss of your login, you can ask one of your friends to look at it in your Skype profile.

Find out your login in Skype 7 and below

In similar ways, you can find out your login in Skype 7. In addition, there is also additional option steps to help you discover necessary information through « Windows Explorer» . All of these methods will be discussed below.

Method 1: View login by an authorized user

Method 2: How to find out the login if the login is not possible?

But what if you've already encountered a problem and can't sign in to your Skype account because you don't remember your account name? In this case, there are several options for solving the problem.

But, this method will only help if you can contact those people who are listed in the contacts. But what if you always kept in touch with them only via Skype? There is a way to find out the login, and without contacting third parties. The fact is that when a user logs into a certain Skype account for the first time, a folder is formed on the hard drive of the computer in a special directory, the name of which is the name of the logged in account. In the vast majority of cases, this folder is stored at the following address:

C:\Users\(Windows username)\AppData\Roaming\Skype

That is, to get to this directory, you will need to insert your username in Windows into this expression, and drive it into address bar "Explorer".

But, both of the methods described above (referring to a friend and viewing the profile directory) will only work if you remember your password. If you do not remember the password, then knowing the login alone will not help you get into the skype account. But, in this situation, there is a way out if you remember the phone number or address Email, which were entered during registration in this program.

Mobile version of Skype

If you prefer to use mobile version of Skype, available both, and then you can find out your login in it in almost the same way as in the updated PC program - from your own or someone else's profile.

Method 1: Your profile

Method 2: Friend Profile

Obviously, much more often users are wondering how to find out their login in Skype when they simply do not remember it, which means they cannot log in to the application. In this case, the only thing that can be done is to seek help from any person on your contact list with whom you communicate somewhere other than Skype - ask him to look at your login in this program.

Note: If you know your email and password from your Microsoft account, try using this information to log in to Skype - the developer company combined these profiles a long time ago.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to find out your username if you don't know it or have forgotten it. The choice of a specific method depends on which one of the three situations you are in: you can log into your account; you can't log into your account; In addition to the username, they forgot the password. In the first case, the problem is solved elementarily, and the last one is the most difficult.

This guide will cover two things related to the Skype login: if you forgot your login, and also if you need to find a person's login using the data you know (name, etc.). I will tell you some little things that will help you understand how to find out your Skype username.

In this article I will tell you how from the easiest to the most difficult and therefore you should start reading the articles first so that you don't take too much time to read this information.

If you sign in to Skype automatically

If you need to know the login from Skype when it loads automatically when you turn on your computer, then it will not take you long to find out your login.

So, Skype has loaded, open it and click on the area on the left, where you indicate your status. Your account information will appear on the right and your login will be indicated in the very top line.

If Skype does not download automatically, for example, on home computer, you can use another computer where it turns on automatically. This is, of course, provided that you use several devices where Skype is installed.

Finding a login on a computer

This method is suitable for those users who have already logged into their Skype from a computer or laptop. So, if you have a device through which you have already accessed Skype, then open your computer and go to C:\Users\Alexander\AppData\Roaming\Skype. In this folder you will find a folder whose name is your login.

This folder can also be opened in another way: "Start" - "Run" - enter %APPDATA%\Skype and press Enter.

In a situation where you reinstalled Windows or there is no access to this computer, then this way will be of no use to you, so move on to the next one.

The login is written in the email when you reset your password.

If a software skype has not yet been downloaded and installed on your computer, you will have to go to the official skype website. . I talked about how to install Skype in the article: "". To find out your own, but previously forgotten Skype login, you need to click "Login" (located at the top right on the official website), then click the left mouse button once on the link called "Forgot your Skype login».

You can also use Facebook accounts and account Microsoft entry to log into your account.

Next, enter your mail, which was indicated when registering a Skype account and click the "Submit" button. An email containing all further instructions needed to recover earlier forgotten login.

To successfully complete the recovery of a forgotten Skype login, you need to go to your mailbox and proceed with password recovery. After clicking on the link, a page will open in the browser, on which the Skype login you previously forgot will be indicated. This procedure is usually used to recover a password, but as you can see, you can also use it to find out your Skype username.

Email filter

If you use, for example, the program Mozilla Thunderbird or a service where you can filter messages, you can try to find letters that came from Skype support.

If you are not already using client programs to work with mail, I recommend that you follow the link and familiarize yourself with the settings and advantages of such programs: "". Now I will give an example of how you can filter by words. For example, we need to find letters in which there is the word Skype, thereby we will find old letters in which maybe your login is written.

So, select your mail on the left (if there are several), then enter “skype” at the top right. In the image below, you can see that the program has filtered emails and found several emails that contain the word Skype.

Now you need to go into these letters and see their contents. Below I showed you a screenshot in which my Skype login is written. When I did a password recovery, this message was sent after the whole procedure.

Conclusion: if you did a password recovery, then perhaps there is a message in your mail in which you can see the login from Skype.

I talked about password recovery in the article: "".

Skype support to find out your username

It was described above how to find out your login on Skype, as well as find a user in the Skype system. But if this does not help you, then use this section of the article. The official website has a list of resources that you can refer to to clarify any problem. It is important to understand that this is not a magic wand and it may take time to get help.

There is one unpleasant moment - the site interface will be on English language. But if you need an old login that you cannot remember, then I think that this problem will not be a wall for you to solve it.

Search for the login of the right person

To complete the article, I will briefly tell you how to find out the Skype login of a person by search. You can also use this method when you forgot your own Skype login! First of all, download the program and install it on your computer. A link to an article about installing Skype is just above.

After installing the program, go to Skype by entering your password and login. On the left you will see a window with contacts (all available contacts are divided into 2 groups: contacts and recent). Just above the columns with contacts, you can find a search bar with a small magnifying glass and the name "Search". This is where you have to enter known information about the person you are going to find in the Skype system.

Before starting the search, click on the little man button with a plus and type in the name and / or email address of the person you are looking for in the search bar.

Once you have found the Skype username of the person you need, click on it with the left mouse button and on the right click "Add to contact list". I talked in more detail about searching for contacts in the Skype system in: "".

If you get an error when signing in to Skype:

On the new computer or after installing the OS, to get started you need to enter your account information. Well, if you have one account for it and Windows, then the login information is the same. But what if not? Or are you using the program under a different operating system? Then the question arises, how to find your username in skype.

Determining the account name

This problem may seem ridiculous. But if you often changed accounts due to the increased interest of hackers or for other reasons, then it is not surprising to get confused in logins. Or, on the contrary, you started Skype so long ago that it automatically starts every day, and you have already forgotten about manual login.

The easiest way to find out your login name is to go to the access recovery page and enter your email (or phone if you registered through telephone number). After analyzing the data, the service will give you all the logins associated with the given email address or phone. You just have to choose the one you need and try to log in with it. If you can’t log in, you can use the access recovery function right here.


If in this moment If you have Skype running and working, then it’s easy to peep the login in it:

The place where you can see your login in Skype may vary from edition to edition. However, it can be assumed that the web version offers the most progressive option. Therefore, the rest of the options will be equal to it.

If you have already signed in

It's much easier to find out your Skype username if you've already signed in. But in this case, do not confuse the login and the name. The name can be changed at any time, while the login will remain the same as it was chosen during registration. How to find out your username in Skype in this case:

  • First you need to click on the left upper corner to the name next to the profile avatar;
  • in the right part of the working window, a field will open for viewing the user's personal information and editing it;
  • next to the words Accounts» and there is a login;
  • at the very top of the window capital letters not a login is specified, but a name under which the subscriber is seen by other participants in the call. Sometimes the name matches the username, sometimes not. You can edit the name at any time. To do this, just click on it and enter a new one. But the login itself will remain the same.

If not logged in

Most often, a login is required in order to log in to the system. But what if he is forgotten?

  1. It is enough to go to the login recovery page at https://login.skype.com/recovery and enter the email address specified during registration in a special field;
  2. receive a service email with a special service link and security code. You will need to follow the link and enter the received code. Important! The code is only valid for three hours;
  3. all academic records associated with the email address will appear on the screen. It remains only to choose the right one.

You can also ask another user to view the login in personal data. To do this, he needs to click right click click on the contact's name and select View Personal Details. Next, a window will open in which you can see the login.

Similar actions to restore the login are performed both in the PC version and for mobile platforms.

From operating system

There is a way to find the login in the operating system itself. This can be useful, for example, if you do not have access to the Internet. Need to go to address C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Skype. Here is located service folder, which bears the name of the login.

The same effect can be achieved through the "Run" command. In the text field of the window, you will need to enter the following: %APPDATA%\Skype. Finally, if absolutely nothing helps, you can always contact the Support Service and describe the situation that has arisen.

It often happens that many users forget their Skype username under which they registered. There can be many reasons: the use of only one account on the computer (as you know, authorization is automatic), or the person simply has not used his account for a long time. In any case, the problem is completely solvable.

Method 1

Login is a unique username that is specified during registration and uniquely identifies you in the system. If you have ever logged out of your account in the Skype client, then when you log in again, your login will already be entered in the appropriate field.

If you remember your password, then this method is one of the easiest. To do this, click on top menu"Skype" and select "sign out".

Method 2

If you do not remember your password, then you can find out the login without leaving the Skype client. To do this, in the upper left corner, click on the icon opposite which your name is written, and you will see your profile, where the login will be displayed.

How to find out the login if skype is turned off

Method 1

To find out the login if Skype was accidentally deleted or as a result of reinstallation operating system, you can contact your friends who are in your Skype contacts.

To do this, they will need to explain where to find your username.

To find the login of any user that is in your contacts, you need to right-click on the desired contact and in the opened context menu select "View personal data". It displays information about the user and his login.

Method 2

If there is also no way to contact friends, then in this case the Skype support service will help you. You will need to restore your Skype login through it. All you need to know is your email address, which you provided when you signed up for Skype.

and enter your email address. Then click the "Submit" button. You will receive an email with a verification code. The code is valid for three hours.

Note: If you haven't received an email, please check your spam folder.

The letter that you will receive in the mail will contain a link that will redirect you to the code entry field. Follow this link. You will see detailed account information, including your username.

Note: If the link doesn't work, copy the code to web page click the "Enter code" button. After that, an input field will appear where you need to paste the code. Click the "Submit" button, after which you will be shown detailed information about the account.

If you have forgotten your password, select an account and then click the Reset Password button. After that, follow the instructions.

If a Account linked to a Microsoft account, you can use their account to sign in to Skype.