There are almost 7 million blogs in the world, and their topics are so diverse that you can even find a blog about hungover owls. Properly selected photos will help you not to get lost with your blog, which will distinguish it from millions of similar ones. In this article, you'll learn a few image selection tricks to help make your blog more interesting.

What face will you choose for your blog? A photo .

If you want your blog to be a pleasure to read, don't style it like this American SEO or Russian commentator. Despite the fact that the first one talks in detail about the CEO, and the second one is one of the best sports journalists in the country, which is usually silent during broadcasts, reading their blogs is boring and uninteresting. Looks much cooler, for example, this one, or this blog. Images help to distinguish a blog from millions of others, create your own style and atmosphere. However, you need to choose them correctly. How to do it - in our material.

Only high quality photos

Blurry or pixelated photos are not liked by anyone (unless it's done on purpose). When the image cannot be found high resolution, you can use special tools to improve it. The same photoshop or PhotoZoom Pro, or online resources, such as or

High-quality photos look great both on a smartphone screen and on a widescreen monitor, while low-resolution images will disappoint owners of the latter.

An example of how you can beat the topic of the post. A photo .

In general, you can find everything on the net, even if you write about comparing the fashion of the past and the present; make a rating of the beauty of historical figures; Do you need Soviet postcards, movie screenshots or many different photos Brodsky.

Use GIFs

And why not for a change instead of simple photos not use GIFs? You can find them on Tumbl great amount on various topics:

Be trendy, keep up to date

Browse photography trends and don't forget to use them on your blog. For example, muted warm colors and family values ​​will be popular in autumn. Read more about autumn trends in photography.

Don't Forget Retro

Photos certainly adorn the blog, but, as in any business, it is important not to overdo it and not turn it into a gallery. Choose your images wisely, use our tips and, of course, listen to yourself. And you can always find cool high-quality photos on.

A bad title illustration will spoil the coolest article. Even if you have been collecting secrets bit by bit from experts for two weeks, a stock handshake or a puppet businessman on the main page will play a cruel joke - they will either treacherously get lost in the news feed, or create a bad first impression and discourage the desire to delve into the text. In this article, we will tell you how to select pictures for an article in order to attract attention, complement the text and look witty.

A good picture is important

What is the point of investing a lot of effort into the text if no one appreciates it? You need to work equally thoughtfully on the content of the article, and on the title, and on the illustration. The title image is the first thing people notice. She makes an impression.

The title illustration differs from the illustrations in the text.

When there is context, it is easier to illustrate. In the text at your disposal are quotes, graphics, infographics, gifs, videos, photos - any visual content. You can make signatures to them to explain what you have planned. One weak illustration will not spoil the impression of the text.

With the title picture only one chance.

Therefore, never take on the homepage anything!

How to understand that the picture is bad

It's the first thing that came to mind. It's most likely a bad picture. When an association is too simple, it comes to hundreds or thousands of authors. It is also the first thing the reader expects to see. She does not surprise, looks sluggish and lifeless, unable to fight for attention.

Screenshot from Executive. If we are talking about websites, then there will be futuristic bullshit with icons, and if we are talking about a business plan, a man in a suit is thinking about pricing.

Over time, you begin to automatically discard too widespread options, but at first beware of too simple associations.

Staged photos. Tilda's blog has an example with two illustrations on the topic "Fast food is evil." On the left is a supposedly bad title illustration, and on the right is an excellent, according to the editors, option.

In fact, both pictures are complete plastic nonsense. On the right, staged burgers that don't ooze grease, no oiled paper, no mayonnaise. Not evil at all. A perfectly white countertop, clean dishes, sterility - this is also a very bad stock illustration for an article on the topic of the dangers of fast food.

Pictures from photo stocks. Maxim Ilyakhov wrote in his article about bad illustrations that photo stocks are taboo. But it's not.

The only thing that definitely doesn’t work is stock photos like those that Google or Pixabay give out for most queries. Abstract graphics, 3D models and human figures. Never take such illustrations for articles - they look cheap.

Especially when it comes to something abstract. For example, the growth of business in all editions is a constant exhibitor that goes somewhere in the sky.

But not all stock photos are bad. Compare. The first pages of Google images for the query “discounts” are some kind of quiet horror, I agree.

But on the Gratisography stock, in the search for discounts and sales, there is a completely freaky aunt who will definitely set you apart from the rest.

It turns out that these are not bad stock pictures, these are bad first-order associations. Our familiar thoughtful man could well be suitable for another article.

If you have a head on your shoulders, then photo stocks are an endless field for creativity. Especially if you are friends with Photoshop and can make a collage or know a couple of programs to sculpt stickers, layers and filters.

Stock illustrations with mobile phones, tablets and smartphones. This is a separate conversation, and almost always very bad and off topic. Talk about gadgets - take or find a real photo of the gadget you are talking about. Talk about programmers, take a picture (or ask to take a picture) of the mess at the workplace, but do not insert a sterile, turned off (!) laptop.

Write about youth addiction to smartphones, bypass stock images with mobile phones that lie peacefully on the table by a cup of coffee - take pictures of schoolchildren who stick to their phones during recess. There are plenty of these around every school. The principle is clear, right?

Be careful if you make a title illustration with text. It can merge with the title if it goes on top of the picture. As on the website of the Universarium.

There may be an inscription on the main picture. The inscription will attract more attention, but then it should not conflict with the title, it should be well readable, understandable and not divorced from the topic of the article. To make the inscription clearly visible, you can change the background, apply a filter or make a colored plate.

Example from the Serpstat blog - there's more

Grey, dim pictures. According to a Xerox study, bright color pictures attract attention 80% more. This must be taken into account when trying to take a real truthful photo to illustrate an article.

An example of a good title illustration from Maxim Ilyakhov's blog

If you are not the editor of the entire Runet, there is a risk that such a truthful photo will pass by the eyes of a potential reader. It is real, with a history - the seagulls cool down on the table. Put her next to another and she will most likely win.

But if she appears on the Facebook feed, without a bright accent, she may not be noticed. When the real photo turned out to be discreet, add a bright plate with text, use filters, replace it with stock or an attractive collage. As they say, you go or checkers?

Real but unknown people. Another temptation to put on the main character of the article. Cool - a great idea, but if your hero is generally known to someone. Otherwise, it will look like another lifeless stock image.

To do well, add a signature - tell the reader what kind of people are in front of him and whether it is worth spending time on them.

The worst pictures are the ones you don't have the rights to. Often it itches to take a screen from a movie, a poster from a series, to steal a colorful photo from someone's blog. They may not notice. And they can notice. If they notice, both the reputation and the wallet will suffer. And do not think that if some Getty Images is overseas, you will not be sued. In short, read when pulling pictures from the Internet.

Which images are not suitable:

    Pictures showing too obvious associations

    Stock pngs from the first pages of the search

    Stock illustrations with laptops, smartphones, mobile phones

    Images with small text or text that conflicts with the title

    Gray, dull photos without accent

    Photos of unknown people without a caption

    Images you don't have rights to

What pictures are considered good

A good illustration first of all attracts attention and makes you read the text. It is true, reflects the essence of the title. It is immediately visible in the feed social network, it is unbanal, associated with the brand. All together - an almost unreal cocktail. Sometimes you have to choose one.

If interesting associations do not come into your head, try to beat keywords on

You can take a stock image. But in this case, the user must clearly understand that you are not serious and you yourself are dying from your picture. Try not to go too far with sexist and racist jokes.

Apply filters. You can change the background or apply a filter, just like Copyblogger does. You can add an inscription or make a collage of cut stock figures.

You can add text only to those illustrations that occupy at least 30% of the screen in width on the desktop and completely fill it in mobile version. Otherwise, your text will be difficult to read. Then it is better to use only illustration.

True, real photos. If they do not look like stock, bright enough, interesting - this is the safest option. They can be used when your text has a tangible example to talk about. Write about dog training, take pictures of the dogs you talk about. You make a post about volcanoes - you take (ask, find, buy) photographs of real hills.

Historical chronicle. Real photos from another time immediately stand out from the rest of the images. If the photo is black and white and discreet, you can add bright accents, refine it, make a colored text box.

Painting, art. When nothing comes to mind at all, use painting - paintings, frescoes, icons, if the format allows.

Illustration for the article

Thrash, waste, mess. If you have the courage, do abstract things in the style of a BOS magazine. Take memes to the main page, make collages out of them, combine them with painting, real photos.

Do the same. The only way to make images for articles in the same style is to make them yourself. Such pictures make the article stand out in the mass and become part of the brand, your calling card in the media space. We can bet that you recognized these stubborn illustrations of Tinkoff magazine.

The designer can collect collages and animations, or the illustrator will draw you a whole story with a character. If there is a hero, this will add zest to the illustrations - they will begin to communicate with the reader. So does the business magazine Thirst.

The module-bank used to draw entire stories in its publication Delo.

Daniil Shardakov draws simple pictures for his blog.

Such a comic on some Kwork or other freelance site costs 500 rubles. But in the long run, you get incomparably greater benefits from the unique design of your posts. Pictures attract attention, the publisher gets traffic, he likes it - he orders more articles from you. Save money, no one reads the text, your fee is reduced.

If you really feel sorry for the money. You can freehand scribble something in paint or circle the photo in Photoshop. It also turns out not the worst illustration.

Let's say you have some kind of image (drawing, picture, photograph), and you want to find the same (duplicate) or similar one on the Internet. This can be done with special tools. Google search engines and Yandex, the TinEye service, as well as the amazing PhotoTracker Lite browser extension that combines all these methods. Let's consider each of them.

Google photo search

  1. Specify a link to an image on the Internet
  2. Uploading a file from a computer

As a result, we get full list similar pictures according to the image that was chosen as a sample:

There is one more good way working in Chrome browser. While on the page with the picture you are interested in, move the mouse cursor to it, right-click and in the tooltip that opens, select "Find an image (Google)":

You will immediately be redirected to the page with search results!

Image search in Yandex

Yandex is no less simple than Google :) Follow the link and click the camera icon in the upper right corner:

Specify the address of the image on the Internet or upload it from a computer (you can simply drag and drop it into a special area at the top of the browser window):

The search result looks like this:

You instantly have access to the following information:

  • What are the online dimensions of the image you uploaded as a search sample
  • List of sites where it is found
  • Similar pictures (modified on the basis of the original one or on the basis of which the algorithm decided on their semantic similarity)

Many of you have probably already heard about online service TinEye, which Russian-speaking users often call Tiny. It was developed by experts in the field of machine learning and object recognition. As a result of all this, tinai is great not only for finding similar pictures and photos, but their components.

TinEye's indexed database of over 10 billion images is the largest on the web. “There is everything here” - this phrase characterizes the service in the best possible way.

There is another way to search in one click. By default, the "Show quick search icon" option is enabled in the application settings. When you hover over a photo or picture, a round green icon pops up, clicking on which starts a search for similar images - search results for Google, Yandex, Tiny and Bing will automatically open in new tabs.

The extension was created by our compatriot, who, by the nature of his hobbies, is closely connected with photography. He originally created this tool to quickly find his photos on other sites.

When it might be needed

  • You are a photographer, post your photos on the Internet and want to see on which sites they are used and where your copyrights may be violated.
  • You are a blogger or a copywriter, write articles and want to choose an “unhackneyed” image for your material.
  • What if someone uses your profile photo from Vkontakte or Facebook as an avatar on the forum or fake account on any social network? But this is more than possible!
  • You found a photo of a familiar actor and want to remember his name.

In fact, there are a lot of cases where a photo search can come in handy. One more example can be given...

How to find the original of a given image

For example, you have some kind of photo, perhaps cropped or photoshopped, and you want to find its original, or a better quality version. How to do it? Search in Yandex and Google, as described above, or using PhotoTracker Lite and get a list of all found images. Next follow the following:

  1. The original image is usually larger and of better quality than the resized copy resulting from cropping. Of course, you can set the picture to any size in Photoshop, but when it is increased relative to the original, artifacts will always be observed. They can be easily seen even with a cursory visual inspection.
  2. Original photographs often have watermarks indicating the authorship of the picture (last name, website address, company name, etc.). Of course, anyone can add a watermark to absolutely any image, but in this case, you can search for a sample photo on the site or by the name of the author, he probably uploads his portfolio online somewhere.
  3. And finally, a very simple sign. If your sample photo is black and white (sepia, etc.), and you found the same, but full-color photo, then you obviously do not have the original. much more difficult than converting a color photo to black and white :)

JPEG, PNG, GIF - my God! They have been looking for the ideal format for years, because few people understand how they work.

Let's look at image compression algorithms in order to know which format to choose.

Rules for storing images on the Internet. What format to choose so that the picture is not rotten? Translation of the article from


The format has stood the test of time. How does it work and what is it good for?

JPEG compresses images into 8*8 pixel squares and then does some crazy and mathematical stuff. Converts the pixels in each block from RGB to YCbCr. From a technical point of view, JPEG converts information from the spatial domain to the frequency domain.

Fits: to compress images with many colors and smooth transitions between them.

Not suitable: for objects with clear boundaries in the image.


The GIF format compresses images using the LZW algorithm. It's easier than the magic math in JPEG. The LZW algorithm scans the image and generates short codes for repeating parts, and then cuts them down.

GIF also has a couple of features: transparency and animation support, but ... This format only supports 256 colors.

Fits: to compress images with repetitive data. Images with sharp transitions are saved without loss.

Not suitable: for images with a lot of colors. Compression leads to pasteurization.

The strengths of GIF and JPEG complement each other - they were a killer team in the age of the young internet. But problems with the patent for LZW prompted the creation of new formats.


PNG is like GIF, but better:

  • There is no limit to 256 colors.
  • There is support for an alpha channel (to create partial transparency).
  • Suitable for almost all situations.

How does PNG work?

  1. The PNG compression algorithm reduces the amount of data. It assumes that each next pixel is similar to the previous one. If it is confirmed - stores the difference between the guess and the actual value. Small numbers take up less space.
  2. Cuts repetitions using the LZ77 algorithm. Yes, for GIF - LZW, and for PNG - LZ77. We do not confuse! This avoids problems with the patent.
  3. Uses the Huffman coding algorithm. Generates short codes for common values.

PNG is better than GIF (almost always). Worse than JPEG - for photos.

Feel free to use PNG for images with clear shapes, repeating data and patterns.

New generation

At the time of writing, JPEG, GIF, and PNG are the only formats with universal support. Only developers can actually use them. However, new formats are already here and worthy of attention.


WebP is a fork of the Google WebM video format.

WebP uses one of sixteen prediction strategies for each block in an image. It losslessly compresses the difference between predicted and actual values.

WEBP is better than PNG or JPEG. But this format is only supported in Chrome.


Next generation format, Microsoft's choice is JPEG-XR. New methods based on JPEG compression mechanics. But he offers.

The image is selected for a specific task. It will be wrong to find just a beautiful image, and then think about how to use it in design.


We create promotional brochures for new service restaurant of Japanese cuisine food delivery to your home. And we want to emphasize that food delivery is carried out in cardboard boxes, not plastic containers. Accordingly, we no longer need just beautiful images of food, but above all, photographs of Japanese dishes. In addition, the second criterion for selecting images can be specific dishes that our restaurant specializes in or that bring us the maximum profit. The third selection criterion will be the search for these dishes packed in cardboard boxes. As you can see, with each new criterion, the search among finished images presented on the Internet is getting harder. Therefore, if you want to seriously approach the creation of a unique design for a specific task, then the most correct solution would be to create your own images.

Please note that each image you use must be of the highest possible quality. If you are creating a document for later printing, then choose images with a resolution of at least 1920 px and higher.

How to combine colors and image

Ideally, the image should match color scheme the whole design and not argue with it. There are two ways to solve this issue:

The first. You already have a preliminary design or an idea of ​​how it should be, with a chosen color palette. It can be either your corporate colors or colors that suit your style. Thus, you need to find or create an image that matches your color palette.

Second option. - You haven't decided on a color scheme yet, but you've found a good themed image, you can borrow colors from it. As a rule, in any image there is a dominant, Primary color, and some Vivid color or a tint of the primary color. Use them in your design in the same way - Primary Color - as a background for an entire document, or as a font color for body text. Bright color or shade for accents, headings.

Where to get suitable images

Buying images

There are a fairly large number of paid photo stocks on the network, where you can buy a suitable image and use it as you wish. As a rule, purchased images do not require an attribution to the author. However, it should be noted that purchased images may also have a different license, for example, only for personal use, or for commercial use.
Learn more about license types below.

Free image download

In addition to paid ones, there are many free resources where you can download great images in good quality. (A list of these resources is provided at the end of the article). There are also two types of licenses here - for use without reference to the author of the image and with a mandatory reference.

Image License Types

It must be remembered that any image is intellectual property, which is protected by copyright law. In order to use any image, you must read the license (permission) for its use, which was established by its author. There are the following types of image licenses:

public domain

creative commons

Licenses for the use of images with the obligatory indication of copyright. In total, there are 6 types of licenses, differing in the possibility of using for commercial purposes and processing the material. We will talk about the two most suitable for us, with the ability to edit copyright images and use for commercial activities.

CC Attribution (abbreviated as CC-BY)

The principle of the license is "do whatever you want with my work, just indicate my authorship." The most "free" of all licenses.

This license allows others to distribute, modify, correct and develop the work, even for commercial purposes, provided that the author of the work is credited.

CC Attribution - Share Alike (CC-BY-SA)

It differs from the previous one in that it also applies to derivatives of the product. That is, if you modify, edit, for example, an image, you must also indicate its author after publication.


License for paid materials. Means that after you buy an image, you can use it any number of times you want.


License for paid materials. Unlike the Royalty-Free license, it allows you to use the image for a strictly specified number of times. If you need more, you will have to pay.

Thus, 2 types of licenses are suitable for us to download and use the material for free: Public Domain - for use without attribution and Creative Commons license - for mandatory attribution. If you purchase materials for money, then the Royalty-Free license will allow you to use them without restrictions, and the Rights-Managed license will limited quantity once.

Useful Image Search Resources

Image storage sites are called photo stocks. There are two categories of photo stocks on the web: free and paid. We present the best of them.

Free photo stocks One of the best free photo stocks with high-quality images. Public Domain License. There are beautiful author's pictures in good quality. The license is completely free. After the search results appear, the tools button appears, where there is a “Use Rights” tab, select “With a license to use” or “With a license to use and modify” Useful resource to check the use of photos on other resources. is one of the world's most popular photo sites. Type the required query in its search:

And in the drop-down menu, select the items that suit us:

Suitable for us:

All creative commons (all creative commons licenses);

Commercial use allowed;

Commercial use mods allowed (Commercial use and editing is allowed);

No known copyright restrictions (No information about copyright restrictions).

After that, go to the page with the image you like and look at the details about the attribution (Some rights reserved) in the lower right part:

Subject to these conditions, we are given full discretion to use this image, including use for commercial purposes:

Paid photo stocks An excellent photo stock with beautiful and high-quality vector images on a transparent background, which are essential in almost any design. Especially a lot of pictures on children's and school themes! Additional pluses: very low prices and a simple interface, without registration. One of the largest paid photobanks in the world. A large number of high-quality photos, video materials. There is a significant drawback high price for content. Quite a large photo bank with a decent collection of images. Photobank from Adobe with good choice and quite affordable prices for content.


correct and beautiful icons is an essential part of successful design. Below are the most popular icon storage sites. In our opinion, the most convenient icon bank due to a simple search and the ability to choose a color for icons downloaded in SVG format. Completely free with a link to a resource. One of the best icon stocks from convenient search by category. To use the icon for free, you must specify a link to the site or buy a license. All icons are downloaded in one archive (Download button at the very top of the page). Icons are downloaded in one archive. There are free and paid ones.