Probably, many users are familiar with a device called a “router”. This small installation helps people get a wireless Internet connection, which is very beneficial for the free space and aesthetic appearance - there are practically no wires. Suppose that you have purchased a router and you have a desire to send a wireless signal not only to mobile devices but also on a stationary personal computer. What to do in this case, how to install Wi-Fi on a computer? If there is a question, then there is an answer to it. Therefore, today we will look at ways wireless connection internet on PC.

Wi-Fi network on PC without cable

As soon as the router is installed, many are immediately puzzled by the question, but how to install Wi-Fi on a computer? Previously, a cable was used to transfer data, but what to do now? Does it make sense to lay a new cable from the router if the router was installed in order to get rid of all the wires?

Of course, the vast majority of indoor devices (tablets, smartphones and other laptops) are able to work with a Wi-Fi network without any tricks, since such gadgets are equipped with a wireless communication module. But if you also have a stationary personal computer, then only two scenarios emerge:

  1. We throw a cable from the router to a stationary PC and serve the Internet. Unfortunately, this option not all users like it, because few people like to mess with wires, and not everyone has the opportunity to run the coveted wire to a computer.
  2. The second option is to use a Wi-Fi module (adapter), which we are going to talk about today. Using such a device, a stationary device can be connected to a wireless network.

The topic is relevant, because today every second person is faced with a similar problem. After installation and configuration, all mobile gadgets had connections, but the electronic “head of the family” was always left without the Internet. You can try using a special Wi-Fi receiver that connects to your computer using a USB cable. It is about these devices that most words will be said today.

Important! If you have an unnecessary router that you haven't used for a long time, you can try using it as a signal receiver. It will independently receive and transmit data to the device. Best of all, models from the manufacturer ZyXel cope with this task.

Using an adapter, you can distribute the Internet in space. For example, you have cable Internet connected to your PC. You can simply install the adapter on the device and distribute data to all other devices.

Network connection without cable

For standard PCs that do not have built-in modules in their design, there are countless different models on sale. Such devices can be classified into the following two types:

  • Internal.
  • External.

If we talk about the price, then such a purchase will not hit too hard on your pocket. Of course, you can find models on the market that will cost sky-high money, but buying such equipment does not make any sense.

If you are willing to spend no more than ten dollars, you can pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  1. Tenda.
  2. TP Link.

These components work without interruption and provide a fairly high-quality connection. Many devices from this area are made in the form of familiar USB flash drives, which are very convenient to use.

How to choose equipment for working with Wi-Fi?

We have already mentioned that there are two types of modules. To install Wi-Fi on a computer, you need to decide on the view.

External adapters

These components use the USB input on the PC to connect. In order to install such a device, you do not need to remove the computer cover, and this is an absolute plus. Outwardly, such models look like the simplest memory carriers. There are small, medium, large, in general - for every taste and color. Some types of gadgets are equipped with antennas for best quality connections.

Important! If you are not very good friends with modern technologies, it is best to give preference to external type. Almost any model will suit you.

The “installation” itself is intuitive and looks like this:

  1. We insert the device into a free entrance.
  2. We are waiting for the end automatic installation drivers.
  3. We connect to our network.

How to install wifi on desktop computer inside the structure? Let's outline the main nuances.

Internal adapters

Modules of this type use a PCI slot for connection, which is located on the motherboard of the device. It is immediately clear that for the installation you will need to remove the cover of your PC, but even here “installation” will not bring you any special difficulties:

  1. Remove the system cover.
  2. We insert the gadget into the PCI-input.
  3. Reboot the Windows operating system.
  4. We are waiting for the drivers to be installed and enjoy the wireless connection.

Important! Be sure to de-energize all electronic devices with whom you will be dealing.


Which of these two types is more priority for purchase? In fact, there is practically no difference. The only difference is that in the first case you will take one USB input, and in the second you will have to tinker with the installation for a couple of minutes more. The cost of this equipment is also not particularly different.

After building a home Wi-Fi network that connects laptops, Cell phones and tablets, from the owner of a stationary personal computer the question arises: how to connect a computer to Wi-Fi. Most often, such a PC was previously connected directly to network cable, and it does not have a built-in wireless module.

You can solve the problem in Moscow in the following ways:

  • installing an additional router, followed by a wired connection to a PC. Advantages - the ability to significantly increase and improve the quality of wireless coverage home internet. The main disadvantages are the high cost of the router; experience with setting up routers as a “bridge” is required;
  • Another option on how to connect a PC to Wi-Fi is to connect the built-in Wi-Fi module. In doing so, you create a stable PC to wireless network. The only drawback is the need to dismantle the cover of the system unit and the skills to install devices in the PCI bus;
  • the best option is to use an external Wi-Fi module, also known as a “wi-fi flash drive” or “whistle”. Its advantages - a budget solution, does not require special skills, provides a stable computer access to the network.

Selecting, connecting and configuring a Wi-Fi adapter

Let's figure out how to connect a desktop computer to Wi-Fi with the least chance of problems during the connection process.

Decide on the type of Wi-Fi module used. The newer the desktop computer and the “fresh” operating system installed on it, the higher the chance that the device will be recognized by the system and work without advanced settings. To eliminate the possibility of driver problems, we recommend that you contact your ISP and, regardless of whether you choose an external or internal module, purchase a device that comes with a set of drivers to ensure its operation.

For most situations, using an external Wi-Fi module as a solution to the question of how to connect a computer to Wi-Fi wirelessly is the most preferable. Therefore, we will consider further connection primarily for external modules.

Follow the step by step instructions:

  • Connect external wifi adapter to USB port your PC. We recommend choosing the port located on the back of the computer.
  • After the device is detected by the system, it will notify you of the required actions. If, according to our recommendations, you have chosen a Wi-Fi adapter equipped with drivers for your operating system, insert the disc into the CD / DVD drive and follow the instructions of the autoloader.
  • Restart your computer after the driver installation is complete.
  • After the reboot, find the icon of a running computer in the lower right corner of the desktop. wireless adapter and double click on it. In the menu that opens, select your home wireless network by name and enter the password to access it.
  • Congratulations! If you're accessing websites over Wi-Fi normally, you've just verified that you can connect your computer to Wi-Fi without using the services of a network engineer.

Frequently asked Questions

What are the benefits of built-in Wi-Fi connectivity solutions?

Most computers detect them and find the drivers they need to work, regardless of operating system. Since such modules are equipped with additional antennas, they can also be recommended for networks in which a stationary PC is located at a considerable distance from the router.

Is there an alternative way to connect a computer to Wi-Fi?

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region using the WIFIRE Internet provider can instead self setting access to Wi-Fi networks from stationary PCs, call a network engineer to professionally install internal or external Wi-Fi adapters, install drivers, set up and connect a stationary PC to WiFi networks.

Call by phone and get a free consultation and selection of an adapter, followed by installation and configuration of the device in a PC at a convenient time for you!

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

Through a router, but don't know where to start? We will help you with this. Only a small part of all those who connected the Wi-Fi router at home themselves do this installation without errors - they configure it, organize a wireless network and combine it into this network various devices. Ignorance of the basics of planning local networks in the future can lead to problems when using them.

What is important to know at the beginning of the process

It is important to understand the nuances: in order to create a functional local network, you must purchase a Wi-Fi router. Don't confuse it with a wired non-Wi-Fi router that uses wires to route the signal - it usually doesn't have an antenna. Or with a similar device - an access point that performs other tasks.

To connect to the Internet through a router and organize home network Wi-Fi, you can use different routers, because the main differences are in the settings and WiFi connection routers to the Internet consist only in the graphical design of the admin panel. Thus, if you understand the principle of connection using the example of one router, you can easily connect and configure any other. For example, today we will set up ASUS WL-520GC, the whole process with screenshots.

How to connect the Internet on a computer through a router

Before buying a Wi-Fi router, your PC itself received an IP address from an Internet provider, and now, using your new purchase, you can connect other computers and devices. Now it is the router that will “communicate” with the provider and in your local network it will assign internal IP address any of the connected gadgets.

So let's go.

  • We connect the router to the mains and configure it to communicate with the PC. To achieve this goal, we insert the Internet wire into the WAN connector on the router, and connect the other wire with two plugs (RJ45) to network card PC (where the Internet cable was previously connected) and to any of the LAN1-LAN4 router connectors.
  • We recommend that you always use the source uninterruptible power supply to protect your system from potential power surges and resulting hardware problems.
  • Let's start setting up your PC for work. Keep in mind that not all networks are configured the same. Some need static IPs, others need dynamic ones. Still others use a PPPoE connection (regular login and password). The fourth ones do not require any settings at all: just connect the router to the provider's cable, open any site and you will see a menu with a login and password.

Many, by the way, are interested in how to connect the Internet to xp through a router. Nothing complicated - we perform the following steps according to the scheme.

For Windows 7, the path looks like this: "Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and public access> Change adapter settings. Then in the list existing connections we must find and double-click the “Local Area Connection” tab, then select “Properties”, select the item “Internet Protocol TCP / IP v4” and click the “Properties” button (in the diagram, I’m in the settings wireless connection, but since you don’t have it yet, but connected the PC and the router via an Internet cable, you select the menu item “Local Area Connection”).

If there is any data here, be sure to rewrite it for yourself. This is important for those users who cannot find an agreement with an Internet provider for the provision of services and, accordingly, do not remember important data from the network setup agreement. This data may come in handy when you move on to the task of how to set up the Internet through a Wi-Fi router (WAN), which will be discussed later.

Then, in the same window, go to “Network connection settings on a PC”, set the IP, gateway and DNS values ​​​​as automatic - we will enter them separately in our router ourselves.

We drive the address or into the browser search engine (if the first one did not work), here in most cases there are settings for almost any router. If this address did not work, we look in the manual for the router at which address we can enter the settings menu of our device. You can also flip your router. The sticker on the bottom of it contains the information you need.

Even if you did not find this path in the above ways, go to the "Control Panel", click right click mouse on "Local Area Connection", in the new window click on "Details", then we find the IPv4 Default Gateway - it is the IP address of our router.

  • In the settings menu of our router, we must find the DHCP Server (usually in the LAN or " The local network”), then we set a number of values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the IP addresses of various gadgets that will connect to our home network.

I used the following Start IP values ​​- and End IP, you can vary them depending on the number of connected devices.

Turn on the DHCP Server opposite set “Enabled”. “Domain Name” (possibly also “Host Name”) – the name of the created local network.

Keep in mind that I took screenshots from my routers that have an English interface and it is problematic for a beginner to understand what and how without screenshots - so these screenshots should help. And given the fact that almost all new routers come with Russian-language software, it will be even easier for you. For the device in question, it will look like this.

  • The global connection of the router occurs in the WAN menu. In Online, for example, IP is set automatically, no configuration is required, you just need to insert the cable, set the network settings - and you are on the Internet.

In "WAN connection type" set Automatic IP.

In Starnet and similar networks - PPPoE type. At PPPoE setup we must enter: username, server name (or Service Name), password, primary and secondary DNS. All of the above can be found in the contract with the Internet service provider.

Greetings, our dear readers. AT modern world almost everyone is faced with Wi-Fi routers. The Internet is firmly established in our lives. Sometimes you have to connect and configure it yourself, let's find out how to set up a Wi-Fi router yourself.

First of all, we need this:

  • the presence of a wired connection to the Internet;
  • PC or laptop;
  • wireless router;
  • connection cable to the network board.

Wi-Fi router setup.

How to set up the Internet through a Wi-Fi router for home? Initially, you need to connect the equipment. For all routers, it is the same, for clarity, everything is clear in the photo.

And sometimes manufacturers just draw a diagram on the modem itself. Very convenient and understandable.

Here's what we need to do:

  • To do this, insert the power supply cord into the router.
  • Next, the provider's cable should be inserted until a characteristic click into one of the ports on the device, which differs in a different color from the rest.
  • We connect our laptop or desktop computer to any of the remaining LAN ports.

Connection via web interface.

Now almost all network routers are managed using a web interface. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to set up a Wi-Fi router at home through a computer browser. To use the program, you must first enter it.

To this end, we do the following:

Setting the basic parameters.

In the Wan / Basic settings / Main settings (or something similar) tab, you need to set the following parameters:

  • connection type
  • username and password
  • IP parameters
  • connection mode

Currently, in most cases, the PPPoE connection type is used; for clarification, you can find it out from the contract with the provider or in the support service.

Sometimes there is no such parameter, more often the required type of connection is automatically connected there, if not found, we skip it.

The username and password are entered from the documents provided at the conclusion of the contract.

We leave the IP parameters as Disable, or Dinamic IP, depending on the conditions that the operator provides you.

Set the connection mode to Auto so that devices can connect to it automatically and at any time. And don't forget to save your settings! =)

After that, we proceed to setting up a WiFi connection.

Open the tab Wireless networks / WiFI or something similar. In the tab of the main settings of the wireless network, we need to specify:

  • Connection type
  • Network mode
  • Wireless network name SSID
  • Channel

We set the connection type based on the data in the contract, most often as an "Access Point". Sometimes this option is simply not there.

The network mode is set to b/g/n or g/n mixed. The bottom line is that, depending on the network mode, devices with different WiFi standards will be able to work in it. So if you have old phone or a laptop, then it will not be able to connect to the Wi-Fi of the modern standard. If you have a modern device, then it is able to work in most standards.

We set the name of the wireless network as desired - this is the name of your wifi for connection, for example, "My_WiFi".

The channel can be left auto.

However, if devices will not connect in this mode, then you should change it manually to 7 or any other selection method. This is due to the fact that in our time there may be several routers nearby, for example, in a multi-storey building and they can work in the same range, which causes difficulties.

And at the final stage of setting up Wi-Fi on the router, we go to the security settings. Here you need to do the following:

After that, we try to connect to WiFi from a phone or tablet and check the performance. Next, you need to correctly change the network card settings in order to connect the laptop to the network.

Setting up the network card

To fully answer the question, they say, how to set up a Wi-Fi router, we still need to correctly configure the network card. You can perform manipulations in the "Network Connections" menu.

  • The easiest way to get into it is through the entrance to the parameters network adapter through command line, using the key combination Win + R, after executing the ncpa.cpl command.

  • Or just go to the network settings;

  • Next, open the properties of the connection that interests us;

  • After that, you need to go to the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)";

  • Where it is worth putting a checkmark in front of the IP and DNS items, allowing them to be automatically received in this way.

  • After that, we connect to the configured WiFi networks our modem as usual!

So we figured out how to set up a Wi-Fi router (Wi-Fi) without a disk using the web interface. That's all for me, leave your comments or questions below, subscribe to our group, bye bye everyone.

Updated: January 9, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Most of the devices currently being produced have the function of connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Thanks to the adapter already built into the gadget by the manufacturer, the user can connect to the Internet almost immediately, as soon as he took out the purchased device from the package, for example, a laptop, camera, smartphone, tablet, etc.

You only need to turn on the necessary function and you can enjoy Internet surfing. But what to do when you need to provide access to world wide web through a desktop computer? In this article, owners of such PCs will find detailed instructions to solve this topical issue in the modern world.

What additional accessories will be needed?

If the computer is not equipped necessary equipment to connect to the Internet via WiFi, you can equip it with one. Below we will consider the types of devices that can allow a stationary PC to recognize wireless networks.

Outdoor WiFi Adapter

Adapters that provide connection to Wi-Fi, related to the category external devices, have the ability to connect to a computer via USB connectors.

Sometimes such devices are equipped with a special antenna that amplifies the received Wi-Fi. The device is easy to use and connect, since you only need to insert its USB plug into system unit computer and install drivers for the adapter. Software on CD is always included with the instrument. Below will be presented step-by-step instruction for the following settings if you select the adapter as an external Wi-Fi receiver.

Internal type WiFi adapter

Connection to a wireless network of a stationary PC is often provided by another method. You can use the built-in type WiFi receiver by connecting it via motherboard computer.

Distinctive advantages and disadvantages of external and internal adapters

The cost of these devices is almost the same. Software installation and configuration is also not very complicated. For owners of several computers, it is advisable to purchase an external type of device, since it can be quickly disconnected from one PC and immediately easily connected to another computer to access the Internet. However, an outdoor device takes up valuable desktop space, so for aesthetics and lack of space, it is recommended to purchase a built-in adapter, the pluses of which also include the absence of the risk of breakage as a result of external influence.

Wireless Source

Obviously, without the presence, near the location of the computer with the installed Wi-Fi network receiver, its source, and more specifically the router, it will be impossible to connect to the Internet.

In turn, himself wifi router must be connected to the global network via an Internet cable. Next, you can already turn on the router to distribute the Wi-Fi network to the PC and other gadgets.

Outdoor WiFi adapter installation procedure and subsequent configuration

The procedure will be described for "TP-LINK TL-WN721N", but all steps are similarly applicable to other devices of this type.

Stage 1

Remove all of the following items from the packaging:

  1. Adapter;
  2. USB cable;
  3. User's manual;
  4. CD with software.

Stage 2

Connect the PC system unit to the Wi-Fi receiver via a USB cable. It is recommended not to pay attention to the output of notifications on the PC monitor that the software for the equipment has been found and installed, since the drivers must be installed manually from the CD.

Stage 3

Insert the CD into the drive and activate the installation procedure. In the installation wizard window that appears, find and specify the model of the WiFi receiver and click "Install driver and utility".

After that, the installation wizard will guide you through intuitive menus, where the user will only need to follow the sequential instructions of pop-up windows.

When the procedure is completed, an image of an icon about the start of the Wi-Fi device will appear in the system tray.

Stage 4

In the next menu that appears, type in the WiFi access code and click OK.

Ready! Now you can turn on the browser on your PC and start active Internet surfing.

The procedure for installing the built-in WiFi adapter and subsequent configuration

The procedure will be described for "TP-Link TL-WN751ND", but all steps are similar and applicable to other devices of this type.

Stage 1

Remove the device from the packaging and disconnect the antenna from it.

Stage 2

Turn off the PC and open the system unit. Insert the device into the PCI slot.

Install the antenna back to the regular place of the wireless Internet receiver.

Stage 3

The process of setting up the built-in receiver is exactly the same as described above for the outdoor unit.