Alexander, good evening.

As regards the question of

What is the minimum warranty period for laptops in Russia?

I note that the current legislation does not provide for any time limits (neither minimum nor maximum). Establishing a warranty period for goods, including a laptop, as well as determining its duration, is a right. not the responsibility of the seller (manufacturer).

By virtue of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

6. Manufacturer (performer) entitled install on a product (work) guarantee period- the period during which, if a defect is found in a product (work), the manufacturer (executor), seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer must satisfy the consumer's requirements established by Articles 18 and 29 of this Law.
7. Seller entitled establish a warranty period for the product, if it is not established by the manufacturer.

Thus, the law does not compel these persons to establish a guarantee period.

Many laptop repair service centers write the following: “according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, if you have a cash receipt and a significant malfunction of your device, you can apply for warranty service within 2 years from the date of purchase of the device.”

The service center, acting on behalf of and on behalf of the seller, also exercises the right of the latter to accept the goods for warranty service after the established warranty period has passed.

All in the same article. 5 of the law states that

Salesman entitled to undertake in relation to defects in the goods discovered after the expiration of the warranty period established by the manufacturer (additional obligation).

The only right of the buyer, which makes it possible to apply for warranty service after the warranty period, the duration of which was set at 1 year, is established in Art. 19 of the Law, which was mentioned above

5. In cases where the warranty period provided for by the contract is less than two years and the defects of the goods are discovered by the consumer after the expiration of the warranty period, but within two years, the consumer has the right to present the seller (manufacturer) with the requirements provided for in Article 18 of this Law, if it proves that the defects of the goods arose before its transfer to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment.

But there is one nuance, you are obliged to prove the reasons for the deficiency. In this case, it is not assumed that the defect arose due to the fault of the seller or manufacturer before the transfer of the laptop to the consumer or for reasons that occurred before that moment.

This is where the law comes from. that the consumer, by examination or otherwise, must prove that there was a manufacturing defect (in other words, a manufacturing defect). Accordingly, if the seller refuses to accept the product for warranty service after a year of warranty, the buyer is recommended to conduct an examination and already apply to the seller with a claim for warranty service and the results of the examination.

Otherwise, the seller has legal grounds for refusing to accept the goods for post-warranty service after the one-year warranty period has passed.

Technically sophisticated devices have an appropriate warranty period - a period of time during which the manufacturer is obliged to correct the shortcomings found in the equipment if they appeared through no fault of the user himself.

In this case, the guarantee can be established both by the manufacturer and the store selling laptops.

Laptop warranty terms

Repair is carried out at the expense of the seller or the manufacturer in the service center (popular companies have customer service points in many cities of Russia).

It is worth noting that the store cannot refuse to accept a defective product if it is still covered by the manufacturer's warranty. This rule is fixed in part 7 of article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-I of February 7, 1992.

There are the following warranty periods:

  • within the period specified in the warranty card and documentation that supplements the equipment;
  • within 24 months if the warranty is not established.

The countdown of the warranty period begins from the moment the laptop is purchased and the warranty card is issued. Sometimes the warranty comes into effect after the registration of the purchase on the site. If it is impossible to determine the date of purchase of the gadget, the countdown starts from the moment the equipment was manufactured.

The parties themselves determine the period necessary for the correction of defects by concluding a written agreement.

If the document has not been issued, repair work must be carried out immediately. In total, the correction of deficiencies cannot last longer than 45 days (diagnosis or examination is not taken into account during this period of time).

Notebook Parts Warranty

The law provides for an increase in the warranty period established for the device if the manufacturer gives a longer warranty for individual components of the laptop.

For example, if the warranty period for this species technology is only one year, and on rechargeable batteries- 1.5 years, you can return a faulty gadget to a store or service center within a year and a half from the date of purchase.

The following are laptop parts that may be covered by a separate manufacturer's warranty:

  • battery;
  • touchpad;
  • keyboard;
  • HDD;
  • etc.

As a rule, the warranty cannot be provided for the cable, driver disks, laptop bag and some other accessories (for example, a computer mouse).

What does worldwide guarantee mean?

In this case, we are talking about the possibility of free warranty repair of a laptop in the service center of the manufacturer, located in any country in the world.

To return the device, you will need to have a warranty card with you (however, it may not be presented in some situations, for example, if you have a laptop from HP).

HP laptop warranty repair

HP offers its potential customers thin and feature-rich laptops at affordable prices. The equipment is made of high-quality materials, so the warranty on devices is given from 1 to 3 years (the period depends on the type of laptop).

There are two ways to confirm the fact that the gadget is under warranty at HP:

  • with the help of documentation certifying the fact of purchase of the device (warranty card, cash or sales receipt, delivery note);
  • by using internal system company (just go to the official HP website ( and enter in the search field serial number equipment, after which the system will determine the presence or absence of a guarantee).

It should be noted that in the latter case, it is not required to document that the laptop is within the warranty period.

The company offers a service to increase the standard warranty to five years - HP Care Pack. To activate the post-warranty package, you must purchase it before the end of the standard laptop warranty period or within a month after that. The service will take effect after the end of support for the device.

Asus laptop warranty repair

The company provides a guarantee for the laptops it manufactures up to two years, inclusive, while batteries are covered by a separate warranty period equal to a calendar year.

You can find out the necessary information using a special sticker on the back of the device.

In order for the service center to accept a faulty laptop, you must present a warranty card (if available, the warranty period starts from the date of purchase, and if not, from the date of manufacture of the gadget).

Lenovo laptop warranty repair

The standard warranty period for equipment manufactured by this company is one year. At the same time, users can extend the warranty period up to five years inclusive for a fee or upgrade it to meet basic needs.

On the Lenovo official website ( you can check if your laptop is still under warranty.

Acer laptop warranty repair

Mobile PCs from this manufacturer are covered by an international warranty of one year (in individual cases may be up to two years). The battery used in laptops also has a separate warranty period of one year.

The calculation of the period starts from the date of sale indicated in the warranty card. To transfer the device to the service center, it is necessary to provide this document.

How do I get my laptop back for warranty repair?

Correction of malfunctions of the gadget at the expense of the store or the manufacturer is possible only if the warranty period has not yet expired, and the defect is related to the production of the device. The user must comply with the provisions of the instructions and rules for operating the laptop.

The request must be supplemented with a warranty card, a copy of the buyer's passport and papers related to the purchase (for example, branded packaging, a receipt certifying the purchase of the device, etc.).

The laptop, accessories and all necessary documents are sealed in the presence of the applicant and sent to a specialist who first conducts an appropriate examination to determine the cause of the breakdown. If the defect appeared through no fault of the user, the repair will be carried out free of charge.

Non-warranty cases

Each manufacturer of such equipment provides for situations in which the warranty ceases to apply:

  • foreign objects or liquids getting into the laptop;
  • violation of the rules of operation of the device;
  • repair by incompetent craftsmen;
  • intervention in the internal structure of the device;
  • etc.

In these situations, the user cannot count on a free warranty repair of a failed laptop, however, he has the right to contact the service center and get this service for a fee.

- How to enable camera on EeePC in Windows XP?

1. Install the driver for the camera by downloading it from the support page of the ASUS official website:
It's called Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Driver. After downloading, unpack and install.
2. In the tray next to the clock (lower right corner of the screen) is the icon of the program "EeePC Tray Utility", there you need to turn on the camera.
3. A "USB video device" will appear in "My Computer" folder, by launching it, you can turn on the camera.


You can also read information on caring for the battery and extending its life on our forum:

The warranty replacement of the battery is carried out at the service center when the battery capacity falls below 80% of the standard level. Diagnostics is carried out by engineers using special equipment.
The warranty for the battery is 1 year from the date of purchase of the laptop (if you have a completed warranty card), but no more than 18 months from the date of manufacture of the laptop.

AT last years Notebook sales have grown significantly, prices have fallen. Has the quality improved? There is no unequivocal answer, even in a large company selling laptops and having the status of "official representative" of many brands, they will definitely not tell you which laptop is more reliable. The manager's response does not depend on their own statistics. service center, it depends more on the need to sell hot goods. The same goes for electronics stores. Sell, sell, and sell again.

Useful information:

RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) is a European Union directive restricting the use of six substances in new electrical and electronic equipment after July 1, 2006. Including the use of lead-containing solders. Bridges and chips in laptops built to these standards are increasingly falling off. Lead is more viscous and tolerates changes in temperature and, as a result, deformation of the board. Where there is no lead, there is silver and other elements, due to which the connection is more fragile and when overheated-cooled, the contact simply cracks. If you have a "dump bridge", then pressing it to the motherboard of the laptop, it is possible to temporarily turn it on and work.

Standard history:

You bought a laptop, no matter what the cost. He worked for a year, half a year, and began to fail or stopped working altogether. Come to the store, you are sent to the SC authorized for this brand of laptops. You hand over the laptop for repair, describe the problems in work, the laptop is accepted for repair. The maximum repair period established by law is 14 days. You call for 2-3 days, they tell you that they are repairing. Then they call you on the 5-6th day, they say that they ordered spare parts, they are waiting. 14 days pass, the laptop is not ready. Come to the SC, they describe the situation to you - there are no spare parts for repair, but they have already ordered it, and you need to wait a few more days, and then just install the part and you are again with a laptop. You agree, sign a paperwork to extend the repair, wait. These few days pass, you call the SC, and they are still waiting for the part. Then everything repeats. The term grows to 20, and then to 30 days. Finally the laptop is ready. You rejoice, although the delay in repairs overshadows ...

What can be done to speed up the repair or to resolve the situation in your favor?

When handing over for repair, if possible, rewrite all important information. To avoid loss of information, regularly make copies to DVD or external media. HDD all the information you need. In case of failure hard drive laptop data recovery is not covered by the warranty repair. It will cost extra money. And since hard drives are now on average 250-320 GB, then it will be very expensive, or you will have to refuse to restore.

Service centers enter into an agreement with laptop manufacturers. In this agreement, there may be a condition for the creation of a replacement fund in the SC. What does this mean? At your request (in writing), you are required to issue a similar product for the duration of your repair. If you are refused, then for this you are required to pay 1% of the cost of the goods. Another nuance - the law allows you not to have a replacement fund in the SC. Those. at the discretion of the SC and the manufacturer. But if you hand over the goods to the store, then they are obliged to give you a replacement.

If you do not want to get into red tape with repairs, in no case do not sign papers with your consent to extend the repair. This will give the SC the right to delay repairs for more than 30 days.

All oral promises and your angry requests have no legal force and do not guarantee you absolutely nothing.

After 14 days, write an application addressed to the director of the SC. Bring two copies with your signature and date. You may not accept such a statement, i.e. do not register in a journal and do not sign your copy. Threaten that you have drawn up an application to the consumer protection center and attach an unaccepted application to the SC to it. The second option is to send by registered mail. The courier will bring the letter, and they will be required to sign. In case of refusal to sign for a letter, this will be considered a violation of the law.

The application must contain your contact information - full name, address. Also, the date and place of purchase and the date the laptop was handed over for warranty repair. Remind the director that, according to the law, the period of warranty repairs is no more than 14 calendar days. Specify that you need a conclusion about the technical condition of the laptop.

We receive an opinion on the technical condition of the laptop, pick up the laptop from the SC, draw up an application addressed to the director of the store where the goods were purchased, with a request to give you a similar new laptop- We're going to the store. We hand over the paper to the director, we ask you to sign the copies. If not accepted, send by registered mail.

Instead of faulty laptop you can demand either a laptop of similar parameters (no surcharge), or money. The money must be given to you in full, if you bought an additional guarantee, for example, for 499 hryvnia for two years, this money must also be returned.

I personally encountered all this, and at the first delay in terms of repair, I began to read the legislation. As it turned out, it protects the consumer, you just need to clearly act within its framework.

The above tips can be applied when handing over any equipment for repair.

Nokia announces its first mini laptop

This year will be the year when phone makers start releasing computer equipment. Desktop PCs are also planned, if you can call devices that are built into TVs, keyboards or players, and mobile computers. The most desperate will bet on mobile processors - the ARM architecture - mastering the niche of smartbooks invented by Qualcomm. The moderate and cautious will put on netbooks, since Intel's unspoken monopoly in this niche has led to the fact that the platform turned out to be ideal for cloning. The vast majority of systems are known to consist of the same components. Therefore, in order to release an exclusive, all you need is to choose the color and shape of the case, which is available to any more or less competent designer.

The last path was chosen by the Finnish company Nokia. For reliability, the company even enlisted the support of Intel, in return transferring the last license for the production of HSPA/3G modems. The partners promised to release something more than a laptop, netbook or smartphone. Indeed, in the official Nokia press release published yesterday on the company website, there is no mention of any of the above devices. The mobile computer "Nokia Booklet 3G" is called ... a mini-laptop. Thus, presumably, the company distances itself from the term "netbook", as from something cheap, and from the definition of a laptop, because it still produces miniature devices.

Detailed specifications for the Nokia Booklet 3G mini notebook will be released on September 2nd. Briefly, the company talks about Intel platform Atom, 10-inch HD LCD (max 720 lines), built-in WEB-camera, external HDMI port, support for A-GPS, weight 1.25 kg, 12 hours of battery life and integration into 3G/HSPA and Wi-Fi networks. Two last paragraph are key to "Nokia Booklet 3G". Netbook from a renowned manufacturer mobile phones it just needs to work offline for a relatively long time and be able to stay online all the time.

PNY Introduces Lifetime Warranty on Top Graphics Cards

Buying a top-end video card is a serious investment in computer hardware. Therefore, such a simple trick as a lifetime warranty can add popularity to a particular model of graphics adapter. After all, no one will argue with the fact that, other things being equal, the buyer will prefer a product with a “lifetime guarantee”? In practice, the entire “lifetime” often ends after the model is discontinued, which happens after a year, and at best, a year and a half after the start of production of a new model. But the magic of the word "forever" is useless to resist.

At the end of last week, a limited lifetime warranty on a number of top adapters was introduced by PNY Technologies ( see press release PDF). The PNY XLR8 GTX line of graphics cards, including the GTX 295, GTX 285, GTX 275, and GTX 260 models, have been honored with "eternal support". no one will need him anymore.

TSMC on 28nm plans

Chinese sources have already reported on the success of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) in developing a 28-nm process technology. Such in its simplest form in the form of semiconductors based on silicon oxynetride (SiON) will be introduced at the factories of the world's largest contract chip manufacturer before the end of the first quarter of 2010. This technical process is suitable for the production of economical consumption and cheap chips for the market. mobile communications and primitive consumer electronics.

Higher performance 28nm process - using high-k dielectrics and metal gate transistors (HKMG) - the company will put into operation at the end of the second quarter of 2010. Based on this technical process, it will be possible to produce the entire range of chips for consumer electronics, as well as processors, chipsets and graphics chips. IBM Alliance, which also includes subsidiary production AMD company Globalfoundries, similar process plans to introduce in the third and fourth quarters of 2010. The success of Chinese engineers is evident.

However, TSMC's pride, a low-power version of the 28nm process using HKMG, will be the latest to be implemented in the third quarter of 2010. The cost-effective HKMG process is designed for ARM processors for smartbooks (see Qualcomm), phones, wireless communications chips, and handheld electronics. Note, thus TSMC seriously hopes for a new niche mobile computers based on mobile processors.

As for the union of TSMC with Intel, then for the release of Atom processors in the SoC version, a technical process starting in the second quarter of 2010 is suitable. In other words, by the fall of next years Intel can attack the smartphone niche with x86-compatible processors that are very attractive in terms of their characteristics.