The transfer of data on accrued wages to 1C on platform 3.0 is carried out in the mode of data synchronization between databases. This is a much more convenient mechanism compared to the previously existing unloading from 1C Accounting to 1C ZUP and vice versa.

How has the data exchange between 1C 8.3 databases changed from ZUP 3.0 to Accounting 3.0 compared to previous versions of 1C?

In versions below 1C 8.3, the transfer from the payroll and personnel database to 1C Accounting was carried out through a separate file. This file was forcibly formed in the payroll database, uploaded to a separate folder, and then uploaded to the main database for accounting purposes.

The transition to platform 3.0 pleased accountants with a fundamentally new mechanism for transferring data from 1C 8.3 Accounting to 1C 8 ZUP and vice versa. This mechanism allows you to exchange information between two databases with almost one click of the mouse. This function is called - synchronization of 1C ZUP 3.0 and 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0.

How to transfer data from 1C 8.3 Accounting to 1C 8.3 ZUP?

In previous versions, to correctly reflect accrual transactions wages it was necessary to unload from the database where the accounting of the enterprise's activities is kept to the payroll database. This upload contained data with a chart of accounts, posting templates, subcontos to uploaded accounts, etc.

Now the question of how to upload data from 1C Enterprise 8.3 to 1C Salary 8.3 is not worth it - this exchange is also carried out within the framework of synchronization.

Is it necessary now to upload data from 1C ZUP 3.0 to 1C Accounting 3.0?

We have already written that, as such, data is not being uploaded now. It was replaced by synchronization of unloading from 1C 8.3 ZUP to Accounting 3.0. About it and will be discussed further.

To start data synchronization, find the "Administration" section in the menu, where you will find the necessary line.

If data synchronization has not been used before, then you need to configure it using the algorithm described in the next section. If the settings have already been made, you can skip the next section.

Initial synchronization of databases 1C 8.3 Accounting and ZUP 3.0

In the synchronization window, first of all, check if the corresponding box is checked.

Click on settings.

In the new window, first find the "Set up data synchronization" button at the very bottom and select the program with which you plan to exchange information. In our case, this is “Salary and HR, edition 3.0”.

In the new window, set the start date for synchronization. Decide how you want to reflect accruals in accounting - in a single transaction or broken down by employee. Mark whether to do unloading for all organizations or selectively - relevant for those specialists who keep records of several enterprises in one database.

After that, you can click "Save and close." Now start syncing.

Step-by-step instructions for unloading zp from ZUP 8.3.1 in 1C 8.3

To start the process, click "Synchronize" in the settings window, which we described in the previous section.

A window will appear showing the synchronization progress.

At the end of the process, a window will appear on the successful completion of synchronization.

How to upload from 1C 8.3 ZUP to 1C 8.3 Accounting - is it possible to do synchronization in the salary base?

The program will equally exchange data when starting synchronization both in the payroll database and when launched in 1C Accounting. Therefore, there is no difference where synchronization is started. And also there is no need to duplicate actions in one and the other program.

Is it possible to exchange data between 1C 8.3 databases from ZUP 3.1 to Accounting 3.0 in automatic mode?

1C developers have provided the possibility of automatic synchronization. The frequency of these actions can be configured. We will tell you how to do this in the next section.

How to set up synchronization of 1C 8.3 BP 3.0 and ZUP 3.0 on a schedule?

To set up a schedule, go back to sync settings.

Go to the schedule tab and click "Settings".

In the window that opens, check the "Automatically scheduled" box. And next, click on the hyperlink, which immediately offers a default schedule.

The program allows you to set up the most convenient schedule - go to the tab that suits you best. You can set up daily synchronization at a specific time. You can set it to start automatically on certain days of the week, etc.

What errors happen when synchronizing data in 1C 8.3?

In rare cases, an accountant needs to correct a document in the accounting database, and leave the documents unchanged in the payroll. Or vice versa. In this case, during the next synchronization, the program itself can cancel the changes made. How to avoid this will be discussed in the next section.

How to limit the transfer of data from 1C 8.3 ZUP to 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0?

To limit possible mistakes due to accidental changes in data for past periods, it is worth limiting the synchronization period. To do this, set the change prohibition date by checking the appropriate box in the data synchronization window.

As soon as you check the box next to the date of the prohibition of downloads, a link for settings will appear next to it.

If you use synchronization to exchange with several bases, then in the most last tab you can set different dates for different bases.

How to upload data from 1C ZUP 8.3 to 1C Accounting 8.2 and is it possible?

The need to exchange data between such databases does not happen very often. The developers mean that the transition from 1C 8.2 to 1C 8.3 is carried out simultaneously for all databases used by the enterprise. For this reason, there is no built-in mechanism for exchanging data on accrued wages between 1C ZUP 8.3 and 1C Accounting 8.2. But if necessary, you can write external processing for such an operation. Often regular programmers cope with this.

How to transfer data from 1C 8.2 ZUP to 1C 8.3 Accounting and is it possible?

With the opposite situation, i.e. with the exchange of data between 1C 8.2 ZUP and 1C Accounting 8.3, the situation is similar to that described above. If such uploads are necessary, an external processing file will be required.

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To be honest, I have been thinking for a long time about how to start considering new version 1C ZUP 3.0, and I am very grateful for this question. The final release, ready for accounting, of the 1C Salary and Human Resources Management program edition 3.0 was released in September 2013. This edition is intended to replace the program of edition 2.5, which is still supported by 1C. However, the developers warn that in 2015-2016 support for version 2.5 may be discontinued. In this regard, I will gradually begin to consider the new edition and start with the topic proposed by the blog reader ().

This article will cover two topics:

  • Setting up and implementing data exchange between ZUP and BUH edition 3.0;
  • New document format in 1C ZUP 3.0.

Read also:

  • Series of articles

What is the essence of the changes in the exchange between payroll and accounting in edition 3.0

In version 2.5, data exchange, as a rule, consisted in uploading a document "Reflection of salary in regulated accounting", in which postings were generated monthly based on the results of accrued wages, calculated personal income tax and contributions. And this document was uploaded to 1C Accounting 2.0. It was also possible to upload payment documents. The upload was done via an XML file. You can read more about the exchange of documents between the programs 1C ZUP 2.5 and 1C BUKH 2.0 in the article.

The essence of the exchange between these programs of edition 3.0 has changed. Now there is no need to take actions to upload and download documents every time when it is required. It is enough to set up data synchronization between these programs once and set the exchange schedule (for example, once a day or once a week) or start synchronization when necessary. The main document for the exchange is still "Reflection of salary in regulated accounting", but the document itself has undergone significant changes.

How the document “Reflection of wages in regulated accounting” has changed in 1C ZUP 3.0

Since the main document for the exchange between accounting and payroll is the document "Reflection of salary in regulated accounting", then it would be wrong not to mention the changes that he has undergone in 1C ZUP 3.0 compared to edition 2.5. And these changes are quite significant and in some way even controversial, but the 1C developers decided so and we can’t do anything about it.

Previously, in version 2.5, this document generated postings based on the results of the salary calculated in the specified month, as well as on the basis of the calculated personal income tax and insurance premiums. To tell the truth, there were actually no postings, i.e. the document did not form movements in specialized accounting registers, as is done in 1C Accounting, but a complete similarity of this process was created. And most importantly, the user of the program could directly influence how these transactions are formed and customize this process. You can read more about how this is done in 1C Salary and Enterprise Management edition 2.5 in the article. Then the document was uploaded to 1C Accounting and the very transactions that we saw in the “salary” were created.

It seems to me that an interesting situation was created in such a scheme. The payroll calculator, which, according to the meaning of its work, should not have got into the formation of postings, did exactly this, since only in the zup it was possible to set up automatic generation of payroll postings. And the accountant working in 1C Accounting had only to wait for the finished document, check it and point out to the salaryman his mistakes, although in fact this is the work of an accountant. These are just my guesses and assumptions why the 1C developers decided to abandon such a program operation scheme and perhaps the reasons are completely different.

For me, this is very convenient. You can see the calculation of insurance premiums on the “Contributions” tab of the “Payroll” document.

Next, you need to generate postings based on the results of accruals. In 1C ZUP 3.0, for this, as well as in 2.5, the document is used "Reflection of wages in regulated accounting". You can find it on the "Salary" tab of the main menu of the program. Let's create a new document, set January 2014 and generate postings. It should be noted right away that we will not see the usual postings as in edition 2.5. This is the first important difference.

Please note that the fields "Reflection Way" were not filled. This is fair as I didn't make any adjustments.

First, you can set the reflection method for the entire organization. To do this, open information about the organization (this can be done through the main menu item "Enterprise") and on the tab "Accounting policy and other settings" select item "Accounting and Payroll". In the window that opens, fill in the field "Reflection Method" This field is filled in from the reflection methods directory.

And now it is worth paying attention to the element of the directory "Ways of reflecting salaries". It has only one field "name". And this is the second important difference of the new edition of the program.

What is the meaning of this directory, if its elements can only have a name, it is still quite difficult to understand, but soon everything will become clear.

So, I set up a way to reflect salaries and taxes for the entire organization as a whole. You can also set it separately for a department, type of calculation, and so on, as it was in edition 2.5 (read more). Now let's return to the document "Reflection of wages in regulated accounting" and refill it.

The field "reflection method" of the tabular part will be filled.

Setting up synchronization / exchange between ZUP 3.0 and BUKH 3.0

Seminar "Life hacks for 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 accounting life hacks in 1s zup 3.1:

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

Now we need to set up synchronization / exchange between ZUP and BUKH so that the document we created appears in the accounting department.

Setting up 1C ZUP 3.0

In 1C ZUP 3.0, to configure, you need to go to the "Administration" section of the main menu and find the item Data sync settings. It must be checked "Data Sync" and fill in the field "Prefix of this infobase"(I wrote "ZU" for salary).

In the first window, select "Step 1: Set up a new data sync". By the way, this window says which documents will be synchronized:

  • payroll records;
  • Deposited salary;
  • Receipt and payment of loans by employees;
  • Reflection of salary in regulated accounting.

Click Next. In the next window, you must select the option to connect to another program (1C Accounting). Since both databases are located on the same computer, we select "Direct connection to a program on this computer or in local network» and just below select the switch "On the this computer or on a computer on the local network. You should also specify the directory of the infobase from which synchronization is carried out (1C Accounting). If you do not know exactly where the infobase files are physically located, then launch the 1C shortcut and in the list of your bases point to the line with the desired base and the path to the base will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

This path must be specified in the field "Infobase catalog".

If you need to enter a username and / or password to enter the database with which synchronization is being configured, then specify the data in the appropriate fields. The final step will look like this:

Please note that this window has a button "Check connection" to make sure the settings are correct.

Click "Next". The program will start connecting to another base and setting up synchronization. As a result, a window will open in which you can change a number of unloading rules by clicking on the button "Change the rules for uploading data." In these settings, you can specify for which organization this synchronization will work.

Setting in 1C BUKH 3.0

Seminar "Life hacks for 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 accounting life hacks in 1s zup 3.1:

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

To fix this error, you need to run the 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0 database. 1C ZUP does not need to be closed !! Our task is to enable the data synchronization service. To do this, open the program section "Administration" and in the group of links "Program settings" click on "Data synchronization settings". As a result, a window will open in which you need to check the box next to the line "Data synchronization". If you could not find this setting then before the latest release or read below.

AT previous versions In Accounting 3.0, this setting was in a slightly different form and was located in a different place. Open the program section "Administration" and in the group of links "Settings" click on the item "Program settings".

In the window that opens, go to the tab "Data Sync" and check the box "Use Data Sync", and specify a two-character infobase prefix. For 1C Accounting, I set the prefix "BU".

Now you need

Print (Ctrl+P)

One-way exchange between 1C: ZUP 8 (rev. 3) and 1C: BP 8 (rev. 3.0)

How to set up an exchange with a PSU in one direction? that is, everything would be unloaded from the ZUP to the BP, and nothing would be unloaded back, neither directories, nor documents that were entered or edited in the BP.

For this, it is necessary but NOT enough change the rules for registering objects in the exchange plan by the BP. Disable registration of changes of unnecessary objects. For example: add “Rejection=True” to the object handler “Before processing”. However, this does not mean that nothing will go during the exchange.

Indeed, according to background information handler event Before processing an object registration rule programs is executed before applying the registration rule, at the moment when the request to the infobase to determine recipient nodes has not yet been executed. If you set Refusal = True in the body of this procedure, then this means refusal to execute the registration rule and the object will not be registered on the nodes of the exchange plan for which this rule was created. However, IT'S ALWAYS LIKE THAT!!!. You also need to keep in mind the value of the UnloadingObjectsExchange enumeration of the unloading mode that the exchange object can accept (see Figure 1)

Fig 1 Unload Mode enum values

Codd the exchange object takes a value UploadAlways, then it will always register for sending and the value of the failure parameter is not processed when the event is executed Before processing the object registration rule.

In this article, I describe how you can set up a one-way exchange between “1C: Payroll and HR 8” (rev. 3) and “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0).

As a programmer, I received complaints from the personnel department that the data of physical persons - addresses, passport data, etc. disappear in the payroll information database after being exchanged with the accounting database. The addresses of the organization also disappeared. It seemed strange to me, since a typical two-way exchange strives to ensure that the information in the source and receiver bases are identical. Basically, data is transferred from the program “1C: Payroll and HR 8” (rev. 3) to the program “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0). However, I decided to change the registration rules on the part of the BP so that no information migrates from the BP to the ZUP.

Note! The exchange of accounting with Salary 3.0 takes place according to the exchange plan O bmenSalary3Accounting3 (See pic 2).

Fig 2 Exchange plan with ZUP 3.0 in the BP3.0 program

Typical registration rules are stored in a layout, which, after setting up exchange synchronization, are rewritten in a special register for their further use. These registration rules are edited in special program Data conversion, edition 2.1 Sample registration rules can be taken from the layout Registration Rules , save them in a file in xml format, and then load them into the program Data conversion, edition 2.1 for editing. You can also save the rules to a file from the data synchronization settings form in

Designed to set up data synchronization and storage existing settings data synchronization in 1C enterprise mode (see Figure 3). The Data synchronization window can be found on the desktop of the program or opened in the Administration - Data synchronization settings section by the appropriate command.

Fig 3 Saving registration rules to a file for editing

When editing registration rules, special attention should be paid to unload mode switch, which can be empty or take one of two values: (see Figure 4)

  • Unload Mode When Necessary
  • Upload ModePersonal Data

Fig. 4 Setting up registration rules in the CA 2.1 program

I set Reject = True in the body of the handler Before processing all exchange objects as shown in Figure 5. However, some objects that had their upload mode switch set to Unload Mode When Necessary registered.

Fig 5 Editing the body of the procedure Before processing the object registration rule

Only after I cleared the radio button or set to value Upload ModePersonal Data,objects are no longer registered in the planexchange . The point is that the developers program code processed the switch like this:

If an object with the UnloadModeOnRequired switch exists in the information register “Object Correspondences information bases” , then the object is registered again when it changes.


In order to set up a one-way exchange between “1C: Payroll and HR 8” (rev. 3) and “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), you need to:

  • First, set up a two-way exchange according to the instructions. These instructions are written on the ITS disk
  • Then edit the registration rules from the side of the BP. At the same time, not enough set Reject = True in handler body Before processing all exchange objects as shown in Figure 5. You must also clear the value of the upload mode switch or replace it with the valueUpload ModePersonal Data

Data exchange between the 1C ZUP 8.3 program and Accounting 8.3 is necessary to reflect transactions for settlements with employees in accounting. If you keep personnel records and calculate salaries in the 1C ZUP 8.3 program, then read here how to upload data from 1s ZUP 8.3 to 1C Accounting 8.3.

With a small number of employees, personnel records and payroll can be kept in the accounting program 1C 8.3 Accounting. But if your organization has a need for a larger and more detailed accounting of salaries and personnel, then you will need additional program 1C 8.3 Salary and personnel management. Keeping records in two programs is not very convenient, but 1C solved this problem. Now the exchange of data between 1C 8.3 databases from ZUP 3.1 to Accounting 3.0 occurs automatically. But for this you need to set up the synchronization of 1C 8.3 Accounting and ZUP. How to do it yourself, without involving technical specialists, read this article. How to set up data exchange between 1C 8.3 databases from ZUP 3.1 to accounting 3.0 in a few steps, see below.

Step 1. Set up synchronization in 1C ZUP 3.1

Go to 1C ZUP 8.3 in the "Administration" section (1) and click on the "Data synchronization" link (2). A window for setting up the exchange will open.

In the window that opens, check the box next to "Data synchronization" (3) and click on the link "Data synchronization settings" (4). The settings window will open.

In the window that opens, click the "Set up data synchronization" button (5) and click on the link "Enterprise accounting, edition 3 ..." (6). A window will open to continue the configuration.

In the new window, select "Specify settings manually" (7) and click the "Next" button (8). A window will open for filling in the exchange parameters.

In the window that opens, you need to specify some system exchange parameters. First you need to select the connection option in another program. In our example, this is "Directly connecting to a program on this computer ..." (9). This method is used if the 1C 8.3 Accounting program is located on the same computer or on the same local network with 1C 8.3 ZUP. Next, you need to specify the connection settings in another program. In our example, there are two options:

  1. On this computer or on a computer on the local network
  2. On the 1C:Enterprise server

In our example, we select the second option (10) and fill in the "Server cluster" (11) and "Infobase name" (12) fields. Where to get data for these fields, read in the next step (Step 2).

Next, select "Authentication 1C: Enterprise" (13) and enter the user (14) and password (15) that you use to enter 1C 8.3 Accounting. The data is entered, now check the connection by clicking on the "Check ..." button (16). If a check will pass successfully, after a while the message "Connection test completed successfully" will appear. If something goes wrong, you will see an error message with brief description Problems.

In the next step, we will tell you where to get data by server cluster and database name, and in the third step we will return to setting up synchronization.

Step 2. Where in 1C 8.3 to get data on the cluster and the name of the infobase

When you enter 1C, you see the start menu. In this menu, click once on the base with which you are setting up synchronization, on 1C 8.3 Accounting (1). Next, click the "Change" button (2). The database editing window will open.

In this window, you see data on the server cluster (3) and infobase name (4).

Now back to setting up synchronization.

Step 3. Continue setting up synchronization in 1C ZUP 3.1

In the first step, we stopped at checking the connection. If everything went well, click the "Next" button (1). A window will open for further synchronization settings.

In a new window, you see the rules (2) for uploading data from 1C ZUP to 1C Accounting. To change these settings, click on the "Change" link (3). The exchange rules settings will open.

In this window, you can specify the start date of the exchange (4), select organizations for the exchange (5). You can also choose the method of generating postings in 1C 8.3 Accounting:

  • “disaggregated by employee” (6);
  • “summary of employees” (7).

To save the settings, click the "Save and close" button (8). To go to next setting click "Next" (9). A window for further configuration will open.

In this window, you see the rules (10) for uploading data from 1C Accounting to 1C ZUP. If necessary, you can change them by analogy with the previous setting by clicking on the "Change" link (11). Click the Next button (12) to continue. A window will open with general information on setting up synchronization.

If there are no errors, a window will open with a message about successful data synchronization (15). By default, the program will offer to synchronize (16). To do this, click the "Next" button (17). A window with data mapping information will open.

In the new window you can see directories for which there is unsynchronized data (18). Since you will synchronize the information of two different infobases from the date specified in the setting - 1C ZUP and 1C Accounting, it is necessary that certain directories in both databases have the same values. Such directories include, for example, "Individuals", "Organizations", "Methods of reflecting salaries in accounting." In this window, you see directories (18) for which the data does not match. The program will automatically create the missing elements of directories in both databases. To do this, click the "Next" button (19). The following window will open to synchronize data.

In the window that opens, the program informs about the composition of the data that will be sent. To view a report in which a list of these data is visible, click on the link "Report on the composition ..." (20). To complete the exchange, click "Next" (21). The exchange procedure will start, it will take some time.

After the data exchange is completed, a window will open with a message about the completion of synchronization (22). In this window, you can set up the so-called "exchange schedule", i.e. temporary rules, according to which data will be automatically exchanged between the two databases. To configure these rules, click the "Configure" button (23). The data synchronization script opens.

In the script window, click on the "Set up a schedule" icon. routine task» (24). The exchange schedule setting will open.

In this setting, you can set, at your discretion, at what time interval programs should exchange data. For example, in the "Repeat after" field (25) you can set the number of seconds after which the exchange will be repeated. Press "OK" (26) to save the setting.

You have successfully set up synchronization between databases and started data exchange. You can change the exchange settings and control the synchronization process in the "Data synchronization" window. You can enter it through the "Administration" section (27) by clicking on the "Data synchronization" link (28).

How .

Quite often there are situations when the organization uses the “1C: Payroll and HR 8” configuration for settlements with employees, it is then that it becomes necessary to upload data on payroll, income tax to the accounting program individuals, insurance premiums and other payments.

In the program 1C: ZUP 8 ed. 2.5 data exchange was carried out by uploading a document to XML format, it was also possible to upload payment documents. Then the data had to be loaded into the database accounting program after making certain settings. You can do this on the “Salary and Personnel” tab by selecting the “Download from ZUP rev. 2.5"

To download data, it was necessary to select a file that was previously generated when uploading from 1C: ZUP.

Data synchronization when using programs 1C: ZUP 8 ed. 3 and 1C: Accounting 8 ed. 3.0 has changed significantly. Now there is no need to upload and download documents to the 1C: Accounting program every time. Now you can make certain synchronization settings once and set the time period when you need to exchange. Also, the user can independently start synchronization if necessary, and not according to a schedule.

In BP 3.0, in the Accounting Settings (Administration section), you must set the following setting.

In the same "Administration" section, select the "Data synchronization settings" item, where you need to check the "Data synchronization" checkbox. The link of the same name becomes immediately available.

We go to 1C: ZUP and set a similar checkmark in the same paragraph on the "Administration" tab. Next, you need to select the program with which the synchronization will take place. We make a choice and put down the IB prefix in order to know which of the databases the document was entered into.

Then select the directory through which the synchronization will take place.

Here we put down necessary settings. If you need to upload only postings for payroll, taxes, contributions, while in the accounting department calculations on account 70 are NOT kept in the context of employees, then we set the “Summary by employees” point, in which case the statements will not be uploaded.

The next window shows the data synchronization options. We check if all the data is entered correctly, click "Next", if something needs to be changed - "Back". In our case, everything is entered correctly, go Next.

Now we check the settings on the side of 1C: Accounting

These settings need to be done once for the first synchronization. They can then be adjusted as needed.

Now we go back to 1C: Payroll and HR 8 and click on the "Synchronize" button.

To check in the BP, open the document "Reflection of wages in accounting".

It will be without postings, for their appearance it is necessary to tick the "Reflected in accounting" box. After checking the box, you will notice that this document blocked to make changes.

And now we need to block the document on the side of the 1C program: Salary and personnel management. For this purpose, in 1C: Accounting, click the "Synchronize" button.

Let's check the result in 1C: ZUP: go to the menu "Salary" - "Reflection in accounting". We see that this document is not available for editing and the checkbox is automatically checked, which cannot be unchecked.

The programs also automate the synchronization schedule setting. Here the user can choose the parameters that are convenient for him.

Thus, we examined how synchronization is configured and performed between the programs 1C: ZUP 8 edition 3 and 1C: Accounting 8.