Users often notice a disadvantage free space in the internal memory of their phones. This problem is solved by using a memory card to store large data, including applications. This article will show you how to install apps on the Android SD card.

Using built-in tools

The installation of applications here should be understood as the initial installation of software, as well as the transfer of programs with (or without) saving data.

The SD card has a large capacity compared to the built-in memory of a smartphone (especially older models). Here we will consider several options for different versions OS.

Note! Not all software is transferred to the card due to optimization by their developer to function only on system memory.

Pure Android 2.2–5.0

Transferring applications to another storage has become possible since Android 2.2.

Note! The instruction describes the basic principle of operation, but appearance and the location of the elements may differ depending on the specific version of the OS.

After that, the system will notify you of the result of such an action.


For phones from a South Korean company with Android up to version 6.0, the instructions are slightly different with menu elements.

  1. Go to "Settings" → "Applications".
  2. Select Application Manager.
  3. Click on the desired program.
  4. Select Memory.
  5. Click Edit → Move → Memory Card.

Android 6.0 and above

AT latest versions With its OS, Google has rethought how a phone works with flash memory. Previously, it was only portable storage, but then a new solution was added to it - Adoptable Storage, which integrates a flash drive with internal memory. The convenience is that, by default, programs will be installed on the SD card, and also solves the problem when software is not installed on it.

The downside of this idea is the inability to insert a USB flash drive into a computer to transfer files.

To activate the mode:

Transferring files

Android stock tools allow you to transfer not only applications, but also user files, including multimedia

The method allows you to transfer a large number of files to a USB flash drive at a time.

Using External Programs

AT Play market there are programs that perform similar actions, but in a more simple form. The Titanium Backup application is considered as an example.

I’ll make a reservation right away that we are not talking about programs like link2sd. The principle is similar, but we will link not the program directories, but the data directories of these programs, for example /sdcard2/Navigon -> /sdcard/Navigon or /mnt/extSdCard/Books -> /sdcard/Books, etc.
In addition, we need a root (where would we be without it). By the way, after I found out about this program, this is another argument for root for me.

Many owners of android smartphones or tablets with a small built-in memory must have encountered the following problem: a large sd card is inserted (for example, 16, 32 or even 64 Gigabytes), but after installing several heavy programs, our device or another program with impudence declares that there is no enough space. Sometimes the program itself is small, but after installation it climbs the Internet and pulls gigabytes of data onto the smartphone.
Once again, having received the message “No space” and looking at the card, we see that it is almost empty, but inner memory device is packed to capacity.
This is because internal memory is often used as the default directory for many programs. The fact is that it is mounted as /sdcard , which historically has always been an external sd card (it used to be the case on all smartphones). The external sd card is mounted in this case as /sdcard2 , /mnt/sdcard2 , /mnt/extSdCard or even /sdcard/.externalSD . I understand that this is done by manufacturers so that the device works out of the box, i.e. no sd card at all.

Many "unscrupulous" programs always want to read/write data from/to the /sdcard/NameSubstitute directory. Rarely, this can be changed in the program settings.
As a result, we have what we have, and several opportunities to improve the current situation:
Two the latest ways are also not a panacea, because. they require certain skills from the user, besides they are not “clean” enough, for example, there are known problems when connecting a smartphone to a computer via usb (they cannot be unmounted), etc.

The DirectoryBind program will help to correct the situation, which a good person slig from xda wrote for himself and posted on the forum for public use.

QR code

Although the audience here is technically savvy, a couple of explanations need to be made for inexperienced Habr readers. As he himself wrote (the program is not idiot-proof), i.e. unlikely to pass the fool test.

After installation, run the program (for the first time, of course, we allow forever Root rights), press the menu then "Preferences" and set the default paths to external memory"Default data path" for example /sdcard/external_sd/ and internal memory "Default target path" /sdcard/ . Exit the menu.

Press menu, then "Add new entry"

Now let's create a new directory link, for example, move the CamScanner folder to an external card. A long press on the folder path opens a small built-in file manager, where you can create and/or select a folder. Folder on external map must be created (and empty).

By checking the "Transfer files from target to data" checkbox, files and folders will be transferred from the /sdcard/CamScanner/ directory to the /sdcard/external_sd/CamScanner directory.

It should be noted that links are not automatically activated after creation (gray floppy disk icon, as in the screenshot below for gameloft). To complete the binding of folders, select the necessary links with the checkboxes and press the menu -> "Bind checked". Icons of active (linked) folders should turn green.

By the way, if you want to attach the entire external card, I completely recommend doing it not like /sdcard/externalSD/ , but with a dot in front of /sdcard/.externalSD/ . This will save you from troubles like double thumbnails in galleries, etc. The truth will not help for all galleries and players, because. some look for media in hidden directories as well.
Having suffered, I decided for myself to link only individual directories.

UPD. By the way, an external SD card is much slower than internal memory, so transferring program data to an external SD naturally slows down the work of this program. This should be especially remembered by those who decide to completely change the mount points of internal and external memory, because. chances are your entire device will run slower than before.

I hope this program will complement your collection of useful utilities for android devices.

If you still decide to swap the internal and external memory, i.e. remap the external sd card to / sdcard and there is no such option in the device settings - having root, this can be easily done by performing the following operation:
In Root-Explorer, mount "/etc" as R/W (if R/O), find the file "/etc/vold.fstab", save a copy and open (long click) it in the Text Editor.
In the next two lines, we change the name of the mount points in places: dev_mount sdcard / mnt / sdcard [email protected]/devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 ... dev_mount sdcard /mnt/external_sd auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 ... to dev_mount sdcard /mnt/external_sd [email protected]/devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 ... dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 ...
You can read more. They also offer, as an alternative, to use another interesting program Root External 2 Internal SD.
I will add that in both cases, before switching, you need to copy the entire contents of the /sdcard folder to an external sd card.
Keep in mind that after the switch, your entire system may work better than before.
be careful- you need to understand that everything you do under root, you do at your own peril and risk, and for example, saving the wrong “vold.fstab” may lead to the inability to boot the device and for treatment you will need to boot into recovery and edit “vold.fstab” already there.

This method can be used in conjunction with DirectoryBind, only now the opposite is "Default target path" (/sdcard) and all links created in DirectoryBind will point to an external card.

Installation of programs on the internal memory of the tablet is carried out by default. To place an application on the built-in memory card, just run standard installation. It will take a little longer to send it to external media. One simple session of settings will clean up the file system of the device, installing each new application on the SD card.

Option 1: specifying the installation address

Some programs during installation ask the user where to stay. Specifying the installation address is not difficult. Choose a removable memory card, and that's it. But this applies only to some applications, such a minority.

Option 2: Set the installation path in advance

The application must support the app2sd patch if the version of the Android OS on the tablet is earlier than 2.2. There will be no such items in the settings. For all new versions, this algorithm for solving the problem is suitable.

Go to "Settings", find the item "Memory". Click on it and the memory settings menu will open. Here you can also find out about the amount of free memory on your device, how much space is on the tablet in general, how much internal memory is occupied. Some people insert an SD card into a card reader and find out the data about the flash drive on a computer, not knowing that this can be done on a tablet.

Find the "Default Burn Disk" section, which offers you several sources for installing applications. Among them, select "SD-card". Click on this item, and you will see a circle opposite it. Now installing applications on the memory card on the tablet is the default.

Option 3: Using Third Party Programs

Most likely this method will help you. But he demands. You can find out whether or not you have root rights on the tablet by. Downloading special applications, such as FolderMount or GL to SD, which will help you transfer game and program data to an SD memory card. See video instructions below:

Option 3

Install a program on your tablet PC that will allow you to select the installation address. Before installing the application directly, a dialog box will appear in which you will specify the installation address.

This is the most convenient option offered. Because the forced installation of "default" is not desirable in all cases. Utilities such as InstallManager, MagicUneracer will help organize economical and rational filling of the tablet's memory. By the way, these same programs also remove programs with all auxiliary files.

If the application is not installed on the SD card

Open the "Applications" item in "Settings". In the list of applications, select the one you would like to transfer to a removable card. Click on the application icon and a menu will open. See if it has a "Move" option. If there is, press the option button and select the memory card. This procedure does not require the installation of an additional software, you can do it yourself.

As a rule, the internal memory reserves of a smartphone are not enough to store a large amount of content: programs, videos, photos. There comes a time when you need to free up space to record something new. This becomes a problem if nothing can be removed due to the importance of the information. The way out of the situation will be to transfer the data available in the Android device to a removable SD card. How to install the application on a memory card, it is worth understanding in detail, with the disclosure of some of the nuances.

Ways to install applications on a memory card

Most budget models OS-based smartphones android internal memory of limited capacity (4–8 GB), for more expensive ones - up to 32 GB, for flagships - about 128 GB. This is because such devices predominantly support micro SD cards. Therefore, before purchasing a mobile gadget, the first thing to do is to clarify this aspect.

For ordinary users, this volume is enough. To expand the internal memory reserves, insert microSD cards and configure new way the persistence of downloaded files, applications and other content. It is easy to do this through the phone settings or special utilities taken from Google Play.

Applications previously downloaded to the phone can be transferred to a removable memory card, if there is an Android version of at least 2. 2. Such a procedure can only be carried out manually.

How does the move happen installed apps to SD card:

Sequencing illustrative example
In the menu, find the item "Applications" or "Application Manager".
To get acquainted with the list of programs available on the phone, click on the "SD-card" column. Opposite each application, the amount occupied by it in MB or GB is indicated. Select the one you wish to move to removable media, and click on it once.
A window opens automatically with complete information about this product. There is also a line "Memory", which should be selected. Next, click "Change".
Next, in the pop-up window, select "Memory card" or "Move to SD card." Wait a few seconds for the process to complete successfully

Take into account the fact that the application is not completely moved to an external memory card, partly its data remains in the internal storage. The size depends on functional features mobile device. If you remove the card and insert it into another smartphone, the applications will not function.

File Manager

You can use the file manager to transfer videos, photos, and other files. On most smartphones, this option is installed initially. Then they act like this:

  1. Enter the "Memory" tab, which is located at the top. You can immediately see possible options memory on the device: sdcard0 - internal, sdcard1 - external.
  2. Proceed to change the location of the photo. To do this, click on sdcard0 and are transferred sequentially to the DCIM and Camera folders. This is the place where photos taken with a smartphone are stored.
  3. In the lower right corner there is an ellipsis, which you should click on, and in the pop-up window select the line "Select multiple files".
  4. Checkmark the necessary to move.
  5. Complete the process by clicking on "Move".
  6. Go into the micro SD card and click "Insert".

Audio and other files are transferred in a similar way.

Changing the installation location of apps on your smartphone

The ability to synchronize an external memory card with an internal one appeared only on Android, starting with the sixth version. The developers have created a feature called Adoptable storage. With its help, you can format removable storage in such a way that the smartphone OS begins to perceive it as an integral part. As a result, the internal memory reserve is greatly expanded.

This kind of adaptation has a number of disadvantages, namely: a portable drive becomes one with the operating system of a particular mobile device. When you remove the OS, there is a high probability of losing all applications stored on the microSD card.

A step-by-step overview that will help you understand the essence of the work of an adaptive bank:

  1. Insert the SD card into the smartphone.
  2. A dialog box will instantly appear. further action regarding the setting. The system offers a choice of 2 installation options: internal memory or external.
  3. Stop on the inside.
  4. The card must be formatted to protect the data it contains. Before that, they create backup if the card contains something important.
  5. In the Android settings, find the "Storage and USB drives" column.

In the case of correctly performed steps, you can see your card in the list of drives.

It should be taken into account that when downloading applications, they will not be immediately installed on the memory card, but will be fixed in the internal storage. But there are many programs that allow you to change the installation path of applications. When available official firmware on a phone called Cyanogen Mod, it is possible to independently change the installation location of applications on a smartphone. With unofficial firmware versions, they usually use programs - App2SD, apps2sd, A2SD, etc. An EXT subsection is created on the map, where the content will migrate.

Transferring files, depending on the manufacturer

In some smartphone models, manufacturers purposefully disable the Adoptable Storage option, despite the modern version of Android - Marshmallow or Nougat. The explanation is the fact that the expansion in the form of an SD card negatively affects the working speed of the gadget. But many users have learned to bypass such restrictions through some tricky tricks. It turns out that this function has not been completely removed from the firmware, but is only in a passive state.


As already mentioned, by default, install applications on SD media during Galaxy flagships S7 and S7 Edge is not possible. But it is possible to enable this feature manually. The essence of the procedure is that after inserting the card into the device, it is required to format it correctly. Before doing this, make a backup copy, since all data will be deleted. Then connect the device to personal computer using USB cable. Next, you need to execute a series of sequential commands.

Download USB drivers for this model and a set of Minimal ADB / Fastboot applications that will help you perform certain manipulations on Android through a PC. After installing the drivers, unpack the archive by specifying any path on the computer.

On the smartphone, enter the settings, activate the parameters set by the developer and USB debugging. Why move in the following direction: "Settings" - "Information about the phone" - "Build number". The last field is clicked 7 times in a row. After that, the developers tab will appear in the settings, which you need to enable. Opposite the column "USB debugging" is ticked. A request for consent to further manipulations should be displayed on the screen of the mobile device. To confirm, check the box next to the "Remember this computer" entry and click "Allow".

Go to the folder on the computer where the Minimal ADB / Fastboot archive was unpacked. It should contain Fastboot and ADB.exe files. To continue working, hold down Shift button and at the same time use right button mouse pointer over this folder. In the submenu that opens, select "Open Command Window".

AT command line type adb shell and confirm with Enter. As a result, synchronization with a mobile gadget occurs. Enter the sm list-disks command, which allows you to view the connected memory cards. Such information begins with the word "disk" - an identifier assigned to the media.

They start formatting, which starts when you type in the command - sm partition disk: 192: 117 private. The numbers are entered by those that were displayed specifically by the user. After that, the SD card will merge with the internal memory of the device. It remains only to disconnect the cable.

You can check the result of the work done if you enter the settings, in the "Memory" tab. Now there will be no division into external and internal memory.

As a result, there is no need to manually move unnecessary data if there is a shortage of space in the smartphone's storage. System in automatic mode uses free space.


Set up the loading of utilities immediately on removable media in Xiaomi smartphones not so difficult if you strictly follow a certain algorithm. To do this, you need to enter the settings: they are located in a curtain that retracts from above in the form of a gear.

Select the "All applications" item and go to the "Documents" tab, which is located at the end of the list.

At the bottom of the screen, find the “Enable” icon and enter the file Total Commander. If not, then install by a single click on the "Install" button.

Seeing the line "User-defined location", activate it.

Find the SD card and click on "Select".

This completes the procedure. Now the removable card is freely synchronized with the internal storage, and the downloaded content will be immediately sent to it.

Many utility programs have been developed for the Android OS that make it easier to work with applications - not only allow you to transfer directly from the Play Market to a card carrier, but also perform a number of other functions: view statistical data, clear the cache, delete several files at the same time, and so on.

Compared to many operating systems, Android provides the ability to fully work with a memory card and has an open file system. In cases where system memory becomes scarce, Android device owners are wondering about the possibility of installing programs on an external storage medium.

Of course, such a function is not always available, for example, developers may not open this option, and Android itself, due to its version, will not allow it to be used. But still there are some tricky ways to install apps on external drive.

The easiest way to install an app on an Android memory card

Android system management provides the ability to host applications on Micro SD only from version 2.2. At a certain stage of unpacking, the user can choose whether to install the package in system memory gadget or place on a memory card. To activate this function, you need to go to the “Memory” settings section and select the SD card as the installation location.

But sometimes apps don't install on external drive due to insufficient rights granted by the developer. Starting with Android 4.4, manufacturers have removed this option, as modern mobile devices already have enough of their memory. Therefore, not everyone will be able to use this method of arranging individual programs.

Other ways to install an app on an Android memory card

  • Applications can also be installed from other sources. Programs may already be configured to be installed on an external drive or divided into several parts: cache and main. In the second case, it is best to transfer the cache to an external drive.
  • Another way is to transfer installed applications from main memory to Micro SD. To do this, in the settings you need to select the "Applications" item, find the program that you want to move to a flash drive and click on the "Move to SD card" button.
  • For android versions 4.4 and later, there is the KitKat Writable MicroSD application, which provides access to an external card and provides the ability to install programs on it, subject to Root access.

If, nevertheless, you decide to install applications on a memory card, then when choosing the latter, you need to deal with its following parameters.

  • A flash drive should be taken with a margin of memory, because it fills up very quickly, and replacing it can damage the device's performance. Therefore, it is better to buy a card with 2 times more memory than you originally plan to use.
  • Programs that prevent the removal of a memory card can be removed from mobile phone, and the flash drive must be in the device at all times.
  • Best to choose accumulative cards Class 16. Flash drives of lower quality and price will not be able to provide a pleasant pastime with almost your favorite games, powerful programs and videos.