From the cycle: "Extensions for the browser family Google Chrome" .

Many people know that in Chrome browser and its relatives have the ability to automatically translate the page. But after a while, this opportunity gets out, they turn it off, but they still want to get the translation of the page. It is for such people that the extension exists. Today I'll tell you about him.

Attention! This extension works only for!

Part 1. How to install?
1. Let's go to extension page .
2. We find the "Install" button there and click on it:

3. After a while, the extension will load and ask if you want to install it:

I recommend that you either answer in the affirmative or stop reading.

If you still answer in the affirmative, the extension will install very quickly. After that, the extension icon will appear in the Extensions Panel:

And they will write you the following:

Part 2. How to set up the extension?
Click right button mouse on the extension button. Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu:

There are not many settings, as many as 3:

In the very first you must select your native language. For example:

In the second setting you need to specify whether to automatically show the Google Translate banner when the language of the web page differs from that specified in the first setting.

In addition, you can click on " languages ​​and URLs" and select exceptions to this rule (languages ​​and web page addresses):

In the third setting you can set up automatic translation of some sites. Setting the languages ​​of these sites and / or their addresses is absolutely the same as the 2nd setting.

Part 3. How to use the extension?
Very simple! If you want to translate some website, just click on the extension button with the left mouse button. And the site will automatically be translated into the language that you specified in the first setting.

Here's what it looks like for example

Active Internet users often visit English-language sites in search of necessary information. In this case, it becomes necessary to use a translator to translate the existing text from English into Russian. Use for such purposes special programs or online translators not very convenient.

It is much more convenient to download and install special extensions (plugins) for web browsers. So, for example, the popular Google Chrome browser can be equipped with the Google Translate add-on. After its installation in the right upper corner browser icon will appear. Download Google plugin Translate is also available for free for browsers such as Opera, Yandex browser, Mozilla and the like.

Thus, after visiting a web resource that contains text in English or any other popular language, the user will be automatically offered the operation of a complete translation of the text located on the pages of the site. The Google Translate translator will almost immediately issue a translated into Russian language.

All foreign text on the web page will become available to the user in the language that Google Chrome uses by default. The Google Translate extension is completely free and is very popular.

We would like to present to your attention an excellent translator extension for Google Chrome, with which you can easily translate both individual words and entire texts directly in your browser.

The extension translates using the three most popular translators: Google, Microsoft Bing, Translator. Therefore, you can be sure of the accuracy of the translation.

How to translate text in Chrome?

In order to translate any text using ImTranslator, you need to select the text and press the Alt + C keys. This way you can translate texts up to 5000 characters. More, unfortunately, the translator will not pull.

You can also translate in a new window. To do this, press the key combination Alt + Z. The popup translation is just Alt.

And besides these features, the extension is also able to translate entire pages and individual words (there is a built-in dictionary).

Translation is carried out in 91 languages ​​of the world, the application can voice the text in 30 different languages.

Other application features:

  • You can customize hotkeys.
  • Reverse translation (return to the original text).
  • Built-in dictionary.
  • Ability to save the history of all translations.
  • Lots of useful settings.

If you like this application, then you can install it by going to the extension's official page at the link below.

There is no built-in online translator function. But the developers from the OperaSoftware company did not leave the admirers of their offspring unattended. Thanks to fruitful partnerships with leading developers software Sailormax and Imtranslator, for any user search engine Opera, there is an unlimited opportunity to draw information in almost any language of the world from any Internet resources. To do this, you need to install the appropriate "Extension" for free.

Installing "Extension Translator for Opera"

Go to Menu Internet browser, select Extensions, Further Download extensions.

In the opened tab Add-ons for Opera, in the search engine type the word interpreter. Press the search button.

From the search result, select the application you are interested in to install. Detailed information You can read about each program by clicking on the item Show more.

For example, the user has selected the Translator app from the Sailormax developer.

You need to press the button Add to Opera, for installation this application as a component in the browser.

The application is installed. The on-line translator icon appeared in the control panel.

Using the translator is quite simple.

Select text. Click on the icon translator.

The translation, of course, is not professional, but for understanding the main essence of the selected text, it is quite acceptable.

If the user asks the question: "How to translate entire pages in Opera?". That and the creators of the application have an answer to this. At the bottom of the window with the original and translated text there is a function Translate active page XXXXXXXXXXX. By clicking on which, the user receives an automatic translation of the entire page from Google.

Now any user can dive even deeper into the universe of the Internet. With available apps, translating content into your native language has never been easier. But it is better to start learning foreign languages. This is useful, and sometimes vital.

Surely you have repeatedly found on foreign resources useful materials but not in Russian. If you are not a linguist, then you have to open Google Translate, copy articles there, and so on. All this can be made easier thanks to the Google Chrome Translator function of the browser, which will be discussed later.

Translating a page in Google Chrome

Let's say you went to an English-language resource, where a lot useful information but you are not good at English language. Then you are wondering how to enable page translation in Google Chrome? It's simple, when you visit a site whose content is not in your native language, Chrome offers to translate it. You must agree and the text will be automatically translated immediately.

If something is not clear, the translation is wrong, you need to highlight the problematic sentence and its original version will be automatically displayed.

And what to do if the "Translate" button did not appear, how then to enable the translator in Google Chrome? It is necessary to right-click in an arbitrary area of ​​the web page and click on the "Translate into Russian" item.

Automatic translation function

How to set up automatic translation in Google Chrome? Easily:

1. Launch Google Chrome.

2. Open the Chrome menu.

3. There, go to the "Settings" section.

4. On the page that opens, scroll down with the mouse wheel and click on the inscription: "Additional".

5. will open up Extra options, where you should scroll down to the "Languages" section.

6. Open the "Languages" block, activate the option "Offer translation of pages if their language differs from that used in the browser", if it is disabled.


We hope you have studied our material well and will be able to use the translator without any problems. Google browser Chrome to translate the page. This is very useful option, especially if you often surf sites in Burjunet (foreign Internet).