Hi all! Today I will try to write a large-scale article about Java. After all, many applications now use it.

And sometimes errors occur during operation.

Java - what is it and what is this program for

Java is a programming language or technology in which online applications are written. Those. chats on websites, games, downloading files (including photos, videos) and many other things.

The advantage of this technology:

  1. code independence, operating system and devices i.e. this allows you to run applications on any device, regardless of operating system;
  2. And security (this is most likely used in many banks when connecting), because if the operation exceeds the authority, an immediate interruption will occur.

And of the shortcomings is the speed of execution, although there have been improvements.

There may be more, but these are the main ones from official sources.

And here's the story:

How to update Java to the latest version (or install)

In order to update java (or install) you need to go to . And click download java.

And one more thing ... In browsers that are developed on the Chromium engine, java may not work. If the version is old, then you can try in address bar entering chrome://flags/#enable-npapi next paragraph " Enable NPAPI".

But most likely, you will have to download an old version of the browser, look for add-ons, or use Internet Explorer.

Installation is simple, just click install.

You can also update via the control panel:

And in the application, the Update tab.

By the way, here is the instruction on how to enable it in browsers.

How to Check Java Version

To check the version, you can also go to the control panel, select java.

About button.

In the window that opens, we see the version.

How to uninstall Java

Java is being removed in the usual way, through the uninstall tool, but if you could not remove it, then use the utility.

This is how uninstalling through the JavaUninstallTool looks like.

Java Errors

Here I will try to disassemble common mistakes at work. If suddenly you had mistakes and you solved them, also feel free to write in the comments, we will help each other, so to speak ...

Java applet not loaded

First, follow the usual steps, make sure that the required version of java is installed, and the firewall is not blocking. Restart your computer and router. Next, if all else fails, go to the control panel, select java.

If you use a proxy, then you need to register a proxy in General - Network Settings - Use proxy server.

There are still cases when it is necessary not to store temporary java files on the computer, but to store them on the bank server, for example, but this is an individual situation. In such situations, you need to read the instructions on the websites of banks. And in general, always, if you are setting up a java bank, then read the individual instructions of the bank.

Error 1603: Java update not completed

In this situation, uninstall java using the application, or you can try manually through the control panel. Then reinstall.

Java is not installed

  • Here also try to delete if there is old version and reinstall. When installing, try installing as an administrator.
  • Make sure you have full access to all folders.
  • Download the offline installer and try installing it.
  • If all else fails, make sure that nothing prevents the installation, for example: antivirus, firewall.
  • All applications require NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++, try updating them.

Not an internal or external team

In this error, we copy the path to the program, I have it: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin

We are looking for PATH and click edit.

Be careful here now!

For example here is my piece of code: C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;

Those. each parameter must be separated by a semicolon. If you are not confident in your abilities, just in case, copy this line somewhere.

So what do we do:

  1. Go to the end of the line
  2. If there is no semicolon, we put it, if there is, we write our path C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin (your path should be here) and put a semicolon at the end.

You can also try this path: C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;

Some programs, not only web-based applications, but also full-fledged desktop programs, require virtual machine JAVA, which must be installed on your computer. In addition to the virtual machine, the program may need other modules.

Important for the performance of programs, and in particular the newest ones, is the version installed on your computer. And to find out if this or that application will work on your computer, you need to find out current version JAVA.

Way to check version

First of all, you need to go to the "Control Panel". For click right click click on Start, then go to Control Panel. Our task is to find the JAVA icon.

Click on the icon with the left mouse button. We have a JAVA system settings window. In it, you need to click on the "About" button, which is located on the right.

Then a small one will open. modal window, which will display information about the version, update (Update) and number of this assembly, which is currently running on your computer.

If, after going to the control panel, you still could not find the JAVA icons, then most likely Java is not installed on your computer at all. In this case, you need to download JAVA and . You can also view the version of the Java virtual machine by going to the "Add / Remove Programs" section in the same control panel. However, in this way it will not be possible to find out in detail about the build number of the version, but only about the availability of an update.

There is another option to check the version through the official Oracle JAVA website, but it is not universal, as it only works with certain browsers (FireFox and IE).

This section is about:
  • Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista, macOS, Mac OS X
  • Java Versions: 7.0, 8.0
Java version can be found:

If you're having trouble running applets, use any of the following options to verify that you have a particular version of Java.

Java Version in Windows Start Menu - Java 7 Update 40 (7u40) and Later

Starting with Java 7 Update 40, you can find Java version information in the Windows Start menu.
  1. Start Menu Windows start
  2. Click Programs
  3. Find a list of programs Java
  4. Click About the Java program to display the Java version

Java Version in Java Control Panel - Windows and Mac

The Java version can be found in the Java Control Panel.

  1. Finding the Java Control Panel on Windows
    Finding the Java Control Panel on Mac
  2. The version can be viewed under About tab General. A dialog box will be displayed (after clicking the section About) with Java version.

Java version in Windows programs section

The latest Java versions of your system will be listed as Java 8 with an associated update number (for example, Java 8 Update 111). Previous Versions may be listed as Java(TM), Java Runtime Environment, Java SE, J2SE, or Java 2.

Windows 10
  1. On Windows, click the button Start
  2. Scroll through the list of programs to a folder Java
  3. Click on a folder Java, and then to the item About Java to find out the Java version
Windows 8
  1. Right-click on the bottom left of the screen and select from the drop-down menu Control Panel.
  2. When the control panel is displayed, select Programs.
  3. Select Programs and Features.
Windows 7 and Vista
  1. Open the menu Start.
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. Select Programs.
  4. Select Programs and Features.
  5. A list will be displayed installed versions Java.
Windows XP
  1. Open the menu Start.
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. On the control panel, click the icon The installing and deleting of programms.
  4. The Add/Remove Programs window displays a list of all software products installed on the system, including Java versions.

Using the Command Line to Find Java Versions - Mac

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that you downloaded from website or oracle.com contains a plug-in for running Java content from a browser. To use the tools command line, you need to download the Java Development Kit (JDK). JRE and JDK are separate systems that can be shared on your computer. You can only install one JRE runtime on a Mac. You can install as many JDKs as you need on your system.

JRE version command line on Mac

Enter the following command in the window terminal :
/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java-version

Determining the default JDK version on a Mac

When you run a Java application from the command line, the system uses the default JDK. The JRE version may be different from the JDK version.

To determine which version of the JDK is being used by default, enter the command java -version in the window terminal. If version 7u55 is installed, you will see a line with the text 1.7.0_55 . For example:

Why do I need a Java program on a computer?

I got a wizard to set up my computer. Windows 7 installed, a bunch of drivers and a dozen typical programs, obviously. Here I look at the list of programs, I seem to understand everything why they are needed. But I don’t know why a Java program is needed on a computer. Is it something systemic, like a driver? Thanks for the answer.

asuna | December 23, 2015, 18:56
There are many applications and websites that do not work without Java installed.

Zhenya Weidberg | February 19, 2015, 11:00 am
Java is such a programming language (object-oriented, if that's saying anything). The beauty of it is that Java applications can run on any platform and computer architecture with what is called the Java Virtual Machine. Actually, by downloading Java, you download to your computer this particular virtual machine that can interpret the code.

Without installing this distribution kit, many of the programs will simply not work for you, for example, OpenOffice, Minecraft, etc. Even the shell for nVidia drivers uses it. So it's a must to put it on.

Evgeniy | February 16, 2015, 09:52
Java is a special programming language. For these programs to work, Java must be installed on the computer (one for all Java programs).

This distribution is for installation in the system, which is better (less hassle) and portable. There are programs in almost every category in the Java language. If I'm not mistaken, they can work on a computer with any OS (not just Windows). And even on mobile devices.