Sometimes users may need to replace the original system files of the operating system with their own, modified, for example, to install third party themes Windows styling.

To do this click on desired file right click mice –> Properties.

A window will open in which you need to select the tab " Safety” and press the button “ Additionally».

In the window that opens, look for the tab " Owner”, go to it and press the button “ Change". Additional security settings will open ... Select yourself from the list and click OK. A message will appear stating that you have taken ownership of this file.

We confirm all the remaining open windows with the OK button, and on the last "Properties", we stop. Here we find the button Change»

Permits for given file, select " Full access". Confirm all open windows with the OK button. Now you are the full owner of this file and can change it. When doing this, keep in mind that you need to terminate the processes that can use it.
The article is based on the file ExplorerFrame.dll, which I needed to replace in order to install the "Stylysh lite" skin. The system will not allow you to immediately overlay one file on another, first rename the original one, for example, to 1ExplorerFrame.dll, and only then transfer your file to the same folder.
(for ExplorerFrame.dll it is …Windows\System32)

There is an alternative programmatic method to replace system files. To use it, download the utility. This is simple and free program to replace system Windows files 7.

Unzip the file and run it, a warning will appear:

To continue, we agree with him and get into the modest interface of the program:

To start the replacement, press the " Manual”, in the first step the program will ask you to specify your new file, and in the second one it will prompt you to specify the old one (which needs to be replaced). Immediately after the replacement, the utility will ask you to reboot the system, we agree ...

In order to roll back the changes made, you need to run Se7en File Replacer again and click the " restore”, find the file, select it and click “Yes”, then reboot.

Attention! Before changing system files always do backups and create system restore points, because. after these manipulations, for example, such a nuisance can happen:

The error code (0xc000007b), in Russian speaking, the Explorer process stopped starting, respectively, along with it, the entire interface of the operating system. Saved the cherished three keys Ctrl + Alt + Del, launched the task manager and opened the “Run” menu in the “File” menu. I clicked on the "Browse ..." button and used this window as an explorer, using the keyboard key - Back Space, went up several levels up to the desktop, where the very Se7en File Replacer utility that led to such a failure lay. I launched it and using the "Restore" button rolled back the corrupted file.

After the reboot everything worked. I'm not sure what exactly it was, maybe the program failed, because. with the first manual method of replacing with the same file, the OS did not break down. Be careful.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can legally claim someone else's real estate. How exactly to do this, the Supreme Court explained.

The decisions of the regional authorities, which refused to satisfy the application for obtaining the right of ownership to a share of a dwelling, registered to another owner, were revised. The building is divided into two halves, one of which was owned by the person mentioned above. From the owner of the second half for many years there was no news. They were not interested in the house and did not show any attention to the property.

Little is known about this, but according to Russian laws, any citizen can take possession of someone else's real estate according to "acquisitive prescription." This is relevant if a large number ownerless buildings - for example, in small villages.

Without a person, the house quickly becomes dilapidated and collapses: the lack of repair and regular heating affects the condition of the building. However, an abandoned house can be easily “brought to mind” if someone who claims to be called the new owner settles there. In order to enter into legal possession, it is necessary to comply with certain rules announced by the decision of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Courts.

The story begins in the small town of Shakhty, located in the Rostov region. The resident filed a lawsuit against the city authorities and against the second owner of the disputed building. According to the applicant, she is the legal owner of half of the house in Shakhty. There was no news from the co-owner of the building for thirty years. The owner has been registered and has been living in the house since 1965. Attempts to find a second owner, who never showed up during this period, were unsuccessful.

The object, which became the subject of judicial debate, has a rich history. From 1945 to the second half of the 1950s, a certain N. lived here, bequeathing equal shares of the building to his legal wife and his niece. Dissatisfied with such a division, the wife challenged it and received ¾ of the building according to the court decision. The niece, who moved to Magadan for permanent residence, did not file a counterclaim.

The widow died in the early 90s, and the property passed to a new owner, a family member. The building itself has undergone several changes: after redevelopment, it became larger. However, the owner of a quarter of the house is still listed as the niece of the late N., whom the new owner does not know.

Throughout this period, she is single-handedly engaged in construction, repairs, and pays taxes with utility bills. For this reason, the hostess is confident in the right of full ownership of the building according to the right of "acquisitive prescription".

The Shakhty city court did not agree with her demands, which was also confirmed by the regional court. The citizen had to challenge the decisions of the instances in the Supreme Court. In the course of studying the case, the lawyers came to the conclusion that the decisions of the local judicial authorities were incorrect. The Board has made the following arguments:

According to Art. 218 of the Civil Code, you can claim real estate that has no owner or is unknown. In Art. 225 states: such an object is considered ownerless. Real estate meeting this criterion, which was not transferred to the ownership of the municipality, can be transferred to the previous or new owner by “acquisitive prescription”.

There are no documents in the case file, according to which the co-owner challenged the actions of the plaintiff living in the house. A certificate was received from the Migration Service of the Magadan Region stating that the residence of this citizen in the region was not registered. According to the neighbors, the last time she appeared here was about 30 years ago. The Supreme Court believes that these facts refute the conclusion of local authorities that the owner of the house did not provide evidence of the refusal of the co-owner of her half of the property. A decision was made to review the case.

Sometimes, when opening the data, the user receives a warning that there is no access to it or that they need to request permission from the owner. In this case, access to information will be possible after obtaining rights. Several ways to do this will be described in this article. But in order to use them, the user account must have administrator rights. However, you should not change the owner of the entire HDD on which the system is installed at once, this can lead to failures.

Using the takeown command

The first option for obtaining rights is related to using the console. To get started, you need to run the console with administrator rights, this is done through the start. After launch, you will need to enter the command takeown /F "path" /R /D Y.

Examples of command execution are shown in the image. The user will then be able to access the information.

Change owner with icacls command

The second method also involves entering a command through the console. Turn it on and enter Icacls “Indicating data” /setowner “User” /T /C. Paths are written in exactly the same way as in the previous section. Instead of the user, you need to substitute the name of that account to which the data will be available.

An example of operator input and execution can be seen in the image.

Using security settings

The following method has nothing to do with using the console and entering commands, it only uses standard means systems. To get started you need find a file or folder that you want to access. After that, you will need to right-click on it and select " Properties”, go to the security section, and then select the item Additionally.

In the window that opens, find the owner and click next to him on the link " Change". After that, another window will open, in which you will again have to go to Extra options, and search them already.

As a result, a list of accounts on the device will be displayed. It is worth choosing the one that will receive the necessary rights. After which it is necessary press OK.

If the user changes the owner of a folder or local disk, then you need to check the box marked on the image, and then apply the changes.

Other ways to get owner rights

You can download one of the free utilities that will allow you to access data from context menu. For example, TakeOwnershipPro, free utility to help you get access. One has only to right-click on the data and select the desired item.

However, such actions are not required very often, so the user should consider whether it is necessary to clog the system with another program that will constantly run in the background.

Opening, deleting, editing, moving folders or items file system problematic in some cases. In this case, the user may receive, depending on the version of the operating system, various notifications. But they are all, in fact, the same, the root of the problem is the same and it can be solved by the same method. To be able to change files / folders, you need to become their owner and get the rights to any operations. And while they are in the sole possession of the OS, no manipulations with the elements of the file system are possible.

You can assign the owner of a folder/file and grant rights in several ways. In the article we will talk about the main, most common. These will be both programmatic methods and solutions using the services of the operating system itself. Using the programs is, of course, easier and faster. All you need to do is download, install, run and select the appropriate option. Everything that will be described in the article is applicable to all versions of the OS (“seven”, “eight”, “tens”).

Only Administrators of the computer can assign the owner of any element of the file system using one of the following methods.

You can only change the owner of folders/files. Changing the owner of the entire partition where it is located operating system, is fraught with malfunctions of the computer.

If you are unable to delete the folder due to a system warning that you do not have permission from the system user, the TrustedInstaller service, use separate recommendations. They are in our previous publication, where we wrote,.

Using the takeown Command to Take Ownership of an Object

To change the owner of a file element, folder, we will first use the service cmd.exe(command line interpreter).

To use it, we repeat, it must be run only on behalf of the Administrator. This can be done by right-clicking on Start.

To become the owner of an element, you will have to choose from 2 commands:
  1. If you need to get permissions on a folder or partition, type takeown /F "here you must specify the path to this drive/folder" /R /D Y. For example, a folder path might look like this: D:\name. The path to the drive looks like this: E:
  2. If you need to get permissions on a particular file, type takeown /F "here you must specify the path to this file". If there are several administrators on the computer and you need to grant access to all, specify immediately after the file address: /A.
The execution of one and the second command will provide access to change, edit, delete, etc. file objects. The system will notify you that you now own the file or the individual items in the folder.

How to change the owner of a folder or file using the icacls command

Start the cmd.exe service, also as Administrator, and use the second command. Using icacls, you can similarly assign your user as the owner in order to perform any manipulations with files, elements, folders.

Icacls "here you must specify the path to files/folders" /setowner "User" /T /C. To set the path, do the same as for the first command, takeown. If there are several administrators on the computer and everyone needs to be granted access, specify not the User, but the Administrator (in Russian or English).

If, after you take ownership of an item, it still cannot be deleted, you need the right to do so. Run this command: ICACLS "%1" /grant:r "PC User":(OI)(CI)F.

Gaining access using security settings

OS security settings will also help you change the owner of any file system object. Follow these steps:

You nominated yourself or specific user owner and now you can do anything with file system objects.

Other Ways to Take Ownership of Folders and Files

There are programmatic methods that allow you to quickly become the owners of any elements. If you download such a utility, it will embed a special option in the File Explorer menu. And then, if necessary, you just need to click this button and get the rights to the file, element, folder. For these purposes, you can install the program. The utility has free version, and it's safe to install (no junk software).

You can also change the owner by editing the registry. But we do not recommend that you use software or changes to OS settings. It is better to change the owner manually.

Many people are familiar with such a way of creating commercial real estate as buying an apartment on the ground floor with a further transfer to a non-residential fund. Such a property, rented out, brings experienced investors at least 20% of net profit per year. How to create your own commercial premises on your own, spending a minimum of money and time, is described in detail in my book “How to earn income from real estate, or Vacation for a lifetime” (Economics, 2014). But often, it is hard for people to see the forest for the trees (especially if the forest is unfamiliar). Having a detailed methodology, as a rule, does not exclude the question: “So where do I start?” I will try to answer it in this article.

The wind in the head does not happen

The life circumstances of each of us are unique. This includes place of residence, income level, availability of free time and much more. In an effort to change these circumstances, the desire to create income from commercial real estate is born. The direction of movement seems to be quite obvious. But this direction can only be called the wind in the head. You cannot create a route based on direction alone. A clear and measurable goal must be formulated, for example:

Having spent no more than ___ million rubles, by "___" ________ 20___:

    buy an apartment with an area of ​​~ ___ sq.m. on the ground floor on the streets: _______, _______ or ______;

    transfer the apartment to a non-residential fund and subsequently put it into operation;

    make a reconstruction and a separate entrance;

    lease the premises with an income of _____ thousand rubles per month and a profitability of at least ___% per year.

The above example can be used as a template for formulating your own goal by entering your data.

Once the goal is formulated, it should be an eyesore every day. One of best solutions: A piece of cardboard with a written goal to use as a bookmark in your diary. For those whose head is hopelessly loaded with current affairs, more radical way: every morning, for several months, copy the goal in your workbook. This method helped me a lot when creating my first room. The memorized goal regularly popped up in my mind during the day, occupying my thoughts and forcing me to do at least something on the way to it. But this is the main difficulty of any undertaking - to force yourself to act.

Thus, the first thing to start with creating your own commercial space is the formulation of a clear and measurable goal.

Limit your property search area

For this, in in the language of experts, you need to conduct a study of the real estate market. It is worth thinking about it, as analytical reports, expert opinions, forecast charts and other nonsense immediately seem appropriate. If you start filling your head with all this, then you will get nothing but a distorted idea of ​​reality. To make informed decisions, you need to do your own research and form your own “expert opinion”. And it’s worth starting with choosing the area where in the future you plan to buy an apartment for transfer to a non-residential fund. But how to choose this very area?

Imagine that you want to choose a place of residence, limiting yourself to only one criterion, for example: the price of an apartment. In your field of vision will be a great many options, most of which do not suit you. If you start going through them all, trying to choose at least something satisfactory, then spend a lot of time on it and you will not find anything worthwhile. Surely in your childhood you went looking for treasures behind the nearest pine tree, and found nothing but poop. It's the same with real estate, only the costs are disproportionately higher. An effective search for an apartment for non-residential real estate begins with a clear definition of the boundaries of the search. As a rule, this is just a few only city streets. And not the entire length of the streets, but only their small sections. If you live in a large city, then we are talking about several streets of the same district. These streets must be found. They are very different from others:

    the price of rental rates for non-residential premises (3-5 times higher than on other streets);

    pedestrian traffic (maximum compared to other streets);

    the presence of many existing retail premises of the street retail format;

    distance of no more than 30 minutes by car from your home, taking into account traffic jams.

And if you don't want to join the unlucky property owners who can't find a tenant for months, just ignore all other areas except your chosen one. As a result, 95% of offers for the sale of apartments will no longer interest you. Focus on the most promising. It is better to create one profitable room in the central part than t ri "kabyzdokha" n and the outskirts.

The second thing you need to do to create your own commercial premises is to define clear boundaries for finding an apartment.

Find the right people

Everything we can get in this life, we get from other people. Before you start directly creating your first commercial premises, you need to gather a team around you - those who are able to support your undertaking with their skills or connections. At the same time, there is no need to hire several specialists and plant them in a separate office. Everything is much easier and cheaper.

Imagine that you need to redevelop your apartment. You will need a "mastermind", a builder, a material salesman, someone who coordinates your redevelopment, etc. All participants in the redevelopment will be members of your team. Your duty is to competently delegate work to performers and be able to coordinate their activities.

A team is built in a completely similar way to create a commercial premises, only there are more participants in it. About who exactly should be among the members of your team and how to look for them, you can read in the article “How to create profitable real estate. Looking for the right people." I can only add that it is not necessary at the first stage to look for ideal performers. All the same, you will eventually replace them all. The more you gain your own experience, the more professional and reliable people will be in your environment.

So, the third thing you need to do to create your commercial premises is to create a team.

Search smarter

The main work, of course, begins with the selection of a specific apartment. At this stage, there are many nuances, which are very difficult to describe within the framework of the article. Per detailed information it is better to refer to the book. But there is a separate detail that I would like to mention especially. It's about searching for offers of apartments for sale.

It must be accepted as an axiom: offers of apartments that have already appeared in real estate databases do not deserve attention. There are, of course, exceptions, but they are so rare that they can be neglected. In most proposals, your future profits have already been “eaten up”, leaving you with a lot of work and a low-profit premises. Bargain happens when you are the initiator of the transaction. It's not even about the selling price. Most people do not need money, but better living conditions. Having the ability to independently select a seller alternative options housing and being creative, you can save from several hundred to millions of rubles. Agree, it's worth the effort.

Looking back, the beginning of the creation of my first commercial premises seems to me like swimming on a cool summer day: you can wrinkle on the shore for a long time, but as soon as you take a dip, you no longer want to go out. If a person lacks determination, then you can read articles and books all your life without taking real steps. I know people who, instead of creating their tenth business, still attend business seminars and get inspired to great things. Therefore, you still need to start creating commercial real estate from yourself, overcoming your doubts, fears and laziness.

Only after you are really determined and ready for the real work, the following steps will help you start creating your own commercial space:

    first: formulate a clear and measurable goal, write it down and make it an eyesore;

    secondly: choose promising streets and in the future work only with them, ignoring everything else;

    thirdly: find the right people and create your own team;

    fourthly: when choosing suitable apartment options, be the initiator of the transaction, do not rely on ready-made offers.