BlaBlaCar is an Android application that brings together many people who want to find both travel companions and good friends. Thanks to this program, any driver with free seats in the car can also find passengers. It will also be useful for fellow travelers who need to get to a certain place quickly, without unnecessary expenses and in a pleasant company.

Benefits of BlaBlaCar

  • Low prices for moving from one city to another. For example, for only 900 rubles. you can go from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • No need to negotiate with the driver or passengers in advance, adapt to each. With the help of the Android application, you can easily do everything at the last minute and not worry that you will be late.
  • Travel will become much more interesting together! With BlaBlaCar, you can find interesting people to talk to that will make time pass faster.
  • You do not have to think about how much money will be spent on the trip. The driver and passengers equally share the cost of fuel.

Who benefits from the app

If you are a passenger, then by setting this application, you just need to select the right driver who drives the required route and send him a request. The program is easy to use, it has a simple and understandable menu, and most importantly, it does not take much time to find the necessary route and people.

Prices for routes with this application are much cheaper than traveling by train or plane. At the same time, you no longer need to think why the car owner requests a certain amount, all his actions are transparent - the cost of gasoline is paid equally between all people in the transport.

In case you need to quickly find fellow travelers, as well as save money, BlaBlaCar offers next option: add your trips to the menu, after that the fellow travelers themselves will send their requests. Or the owner of the car can independently view the profiles of prospective passengers and choose the most suitable one.

This Android application is not commercial and is not created for earnings by third parties. Of course, everyone will have to beware, because there is still a chance that someone will try not to pay for the trip. Whether it is worth the risk is up to everyone to decide for themselves, since no one will give any guarantees. There may also be problems with luggage: some of the clients can carry quite bulky things, so you should think in advance how to organize a trip.

On RusGameLife you can download the BlaBlaCar app - Search for fellow travelers on Windows computer absolutely free. The BlaBlaCar app will help you find a car ride to the place you are going to for free, and even with the inherent comfort than riding a train or public bus. If you are a driver of a vehicle, then you can easily find fellow travelers who will share the cost of gasoline with you, brighten up the trip with a pleasant company and interesting conversation, if you are a passenger - find a driver who will comfortably take you to your destination, as well as will save you money and time that you could spend on a trip on a public bus or train.


The Bla Bla Car application, which can be downloaded to a computer, was originally a program for mobile devices on Android, iOS and Windows background, but was soon announced for Windows, due to the great popularity among users. The service was created solely to search for passengers for drivers who do not mind taking an unknown person on the road, while reducing costs, as well as for people who want to get to their destination as quickly and comfortably as possible. right place while also saving you time and money. The very idea of ​​creating an application of this kind simply cannot but be called ingenious, because each of us tries to find a more convenient and cheap option when you want to go somewhere. Such a program should be at hand for everyone, especially for those who like to travel!

Program Features

Bla Bla Car for Windows will help you whether you are a driver or a passenger! Each side has its own possibilities.

If you are a driver then:

  • You can look for fellow travelers on the road, thereby reducing the cost of gasoline.
  • Find new acquaintances and friends, maybe these acquaintances will become useful in your future.
  • Brighten up a lonely train with a pleasant companion and interesting stories.
  • Quickly place your request for a travel companion - just a couple of clicks and your ad is searchable.
  • A convenient interface for concluding an agreement with a fellow traveler - you can correspond directly in the application or place your phone number.

If you are a passenger, then:

  • Travel at discounted prices - according to statistics, a trip via BlaBlaCar on Windows saves you 2-3 times your travel expenses.
  • Comfort + time are two important factors that distinguish a trip by car from a trip by public bus or train. Agree, because no one likes to languish for a long time on the road!
  • Quickly find the right driver with the right route. Forget about planning ahead or buying tickets.
  • The rating system will allow you to immediately understand whether it is worth going on a journey with this driver or not. And the comments will back up these assessments with the words of those who have already traveled with him.
  • It will not be difficult to contact the driver - write private messages or call the number indicated by him.
  • Save on the road - spend on yourself. It's nice.
  • Save even more time by downloading Bla Bla Car on PC.

Results and comments

The developers have brought a brilliant idea to life, giving everyone and everyone the opportunity to save their most necessary resources - time and money. Full set features that help you easily find the driver and / or passenger on the road. On RusGameLife you can download the BlaBlaCar - Search for fellow travelers application on your Windows computer for free.

BlaBlaCar is an easy way to save on transport costs. The application allows you to find wonderful fellow travelers, not only for a new acquaintance, but also to reduce costs. Effective use applications will make it possible to catch two birds with one stone - to help people and make life easier for yourself.

The mobile application for Android devices has been on the list for a long time best apps Playmarket. The simple functionality of Bla Bla Car Travel Companions easily replaces the cumbersome forums for finding travel companions that are so hard to load through the browser. The search for a fellow traveler is reduced to a few clicks.

Your device will give you a fairly detailed idea of ​​your upcoming new company. Before the trip, you will be able to find out: how many seats are available in the car, whether it is possible to transport bulky luggage or a pet, a smoking driver or fellow travelers, and much more, which will give you an idea about the upcoming trip.

After each joint trip, fellow travelers leave their reviews, which makes it easier to find cars in the future. BlaBlaCar is not a commercial event and private carriers have nothing to hope for in order to profit from the application, since all prices in it are fixed.

Main features of BlaBlaCar on Android:

  • travel together and share fuel costs;
  • quick search for fellow travelers and offers for a joint trip;
  • instant communication with the driver / passengers directly in the application;
  • savings on gasoline costs;
  • study user profiles before traveling together;
  • find a trip even at the very last minute;
  • open comments and reviews about drivers / fellow travelers to facilitate the search;
  • own profile with the details of your travels.

Download Bla Bla Car app for Android by direct link from our website, absolutely free.

BlaBlaCar is an online service that allows you to find drivers who are driving on the route you need and are ready to take passengers with them. Installation on mobile device The program allows you to easily pick up passengers on the way to another location. The main task of the Internet service is to unite drivers who have free seats in the vehicle, as well as passengers following along the way. Among the main advantages of using BlaBlaCar is saving money, as well as the ability to get to the desired location as quickly and comfortably as possible.

The application of this service is very simple and understandable for every person. By entering the point of departure and destination, as well as selecting the date of travel you are interested in, you will be offered all the suitable options. Note that they can be sorted by reviews about the driver, vehicle, price and other parameters that interest you. You can apply for a trip even at the very last minute of posting an ad. By selecting the driver of the vehicle, you can contact him as quickly as possible, literally with the click of a button. Travel with maximum comfort and save money.

If you are a driver and are planning a trip to another city, then you can easily place an ad looking for fellow travelers. Submitting an ad will take a few seconds. You can receive messages and requests from a passenger directly in the program itself. Travel and share fuel costs as profitably as possible.

The main task of the developers of this service was to create a community of fellow travelers who could share travel expenses among themselves. Therefore, it is impossible to say that BlaBlaCar is a commercial service. Depending on the car model, the number of seats for passengers may be limited. The cost is the same and the driver cannot set the maximum.

Before making a trip, it is possible to study the data on passengers. After the trip has been completed, the driver and passenger are encouraged to leave a review. This approach allows you to further understand what to expect from the trip. Communication between the passenger and the driver can be carried out in the chat available in the application. Note that you can always get access to all completed and upcoming trips. The main condition is the availability of Internet access.

To start using the application you will need:

BlaBlaCar is an application that can truly be called unique. Despite the fact that it has already appeared some time ago, it seems that it is better and difficult to come up with. What it is, what functionality it carries and whether it is worth using it - all questions will be provided detailed information below. To make it assimilated better, download BlaBlaCar to your computer and take a simultaneous briefing.

About the program

Traveling is an integral part of life for many people. Most of the time we work, devote ourselves to our work, earnings, and also solve personal problems in parallel. It is so important to know the measure in everything, and to alternate work with rest. Every person needs a break. But the most best holiday is a change of scenery. Traveling even outside the city inside the country and seeing still unexplored places is already a great alternative to just sitting at home in front of the TV. However, for some people there is another problem. It is not always possible to afford trips in which everything will be included. In this case, you can plan trips yourself, choosing the most profitable options for yourself. Travel costs are usually one of the most expensive costs. Today it is possible to save as much as possible on a trip, but at the same time get to your destination in good company. The BlaBlaCar app is the solution for all those who want to travel.

Application Features

This application is designed to find fellow travelers. To draw an analogy, instead of standing on the road and voting with outstretched hand, today it is enough to download and install the application. However, this is more than just "braking a ride." Let's look at all the features of this program.

Interesting fact

The program saw the light in 2006, when the French programmer Frederic Mazella first launched the application. To date, the number of users exceeds 20 million!

In order to get started, you need to create a profile, which will contain information about you. The service pays special attention to safety, both for the driver and for the companion. Therefore, in the standard registration form, you will need to provide the following data:

  • post your photo;
  • enter the name and contact information in the form mobile phone and email;
  • specify brief information about yourself: place of work, hobbies and so on.

You can also link to personal profiles in in social networks to increase the confidence of a fellow traveler or driver.

After registration, your account is carefully checked by the service, and if there are no questions, then you get access to the database with other users. Further, the work process is very simple. If you need a driver who could take you to your destination, then you need to provide the following related information in the search:

  • destinations and departures;
  • date and time of departure;
  • estimated cost of the trip.

If you are a driver, then all information must be submitted in the same order. Both parties may indicate additional preferences about the other party. Therefore, if you prefer to take non-smoking fellow travelers, be sure to indicate this in order to weed out people who are not suitable for you. Especially for the fair sex in the program, you can filter offers only from female drivers.

It's important to know

All prices presented in the application are the cost of gasoline costs. If any attempts are noticed by the BlaBlaCar administration to earn an “extra” by transporting a passenger, the account will simply be blocked and deleted.

Also in the application there is a rating system, thanks to which you can initially understand whether it is worth driving with one or another driver. Therefore, do not be too lazy to rate a person after the trip, so all users can make a significant contribution to the organization of comfortable trips and eliminate unpleasant incidents in the future.

By downloading the BlaBlaCar app for PC, you will realize that this is a great opportunity to save money on the road, whether you are a driver or a passenger. No need to think about how to buy tickets for a stuffy bus or train in advance. It is enough to place your application with all the wishes, and you can find a company that is pleasant for you, with which the road will fly by unnoticed.

Program functionality

  • A great opportunity to find fellow travelers or passing transport directly from your personal device.
  • Availability of comfortable search engine, in which you can leave requests and be sure that there is an option that most closely matches your wishes.
  • The system for creating an account with personal information and a rating greatly helps to make the right choice.
  • The cost of the trip is indicated according to the cost of fuel for the road. If moderators notice attempts to make money, such accounts are blocked and removed from the service.
  • Thanks to the immediately indicated contact details, the driver or fellow traveler can be easily contacted via internal system messaging or calling.
  • Selection of female drivers for special wishes from the female side.
  • The application provides extensive geography.
  • BlaBlaCar is a great opportunity to save money on the road, and at the same time spend a trip in a pleasant company.

How to install BlaBlaCar on a computer or laptop

If this application turned out to be useful for you, but the question remains, where and how you can download it, then you need to read this paragraph to the end. Users of mobile gadgets have long had the opportunity to download the application on the Android platform. Today, for ease of use, you can download BlaBlaCar for Windows. That is, you can use the program directly from your personal or work computer. For this you need to use special program, which involves installing Android applications on a PC.

The emulator is handy application, for the installation of which you do not need to spend a lot of time. Download the installation file directly from our website and start the installation. Be sure to wait until the installation is complete. You will then be prompted to create personal profile and enter the required information. After saving this data, you can begin to fully work with the application.

To find the program you like, you can use the popular and proven Google service play. In the search bar, just enter the name BlaBlaCar, and then download the program to your device in two clicks.

System requirements

Please make sure your device meets the following before installing Blue Stacks system requirements emulator: availability free space– from 9 GB, random access memory- at least 2 GB. Operating Systems fit all not lower than Windows XP.