Purpose: Introduction to the profession of a postman.
Program tasks:
continue to introduce the profession of a postman,
expand ideas about the necessity and benefits of his work,
to acquaint people working at the post office with the attributes of their profession. develop visual and auditory attention when the teacher tells about the mail. Raise respect for the work of the postman.
Preliminary work:
1. reading the story of V.G. Suteev "Christmas Tree" and the poem by S.Ya Marshak "Mail";
2. Making New Year's cards for children of the younger group "Teremok"
3. didactic game "Professions".
Vocabulary work:postman, brand, internet, telegraph, telegram, air mail.

The course of the tour.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:
He brought us a telegram:
"I'm coming, wait, mom."
Brought my grandfather a pension
At least not Santa Claus.
On his feet since dawn,
Who is this?
Children. Postman.
Educator: That's right, well done. Would you like to visit the postman?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Where do you think the postman works?

Children: At the post office.

Educator: So, it’s decided, we’ll go to the post office and send our Greeting Cards. caregiver: Here we are with you. Guys, guess the riddle. “I hang blue on the wall and many greetings are stored in me.”
Children: Mailbox.
Educator: Well done! Correctly. And now I will put our postcards in the box.
Letters like birds to the mailbox
Flying down to hit the road.
To someone to Moscow, and to someone abroad,
Just the address, my friend, don't forget.
And our postcards will go to the kindergarten "Ship" in the younger group "Teremok". Let's go to the post office and get acquainted with the postal workers.
Children: Hello!
Educator: Hello! This is our post office "Solnyshko". Wonderful people work here: the head of this post office is Ekaterina and the postman is Rimma. Guys, what do you think, what is mail for?
Children. To write letters. And my grandmother here receives a pension. And my mother subscribed to the magazine "Fidget".
Educator: Right. People need mail so that they can contact other people, congratulate relatives and friends on the holiday with a postcard or telegram, tell in a letter about themselves, about their family, about interesting events. You can also send a parcel, subscribe to interesting magazines, newspapers. And before the holiday New Year Postmen have a lot of work. They are Santa's helpers and they need to have time to deliver the holiday mail.
More for holidays
At work post office...
The trains are rushing
And planes are flying.
The ships are sailing
And the cars are running
Postal cargo
They carry around the world.
More for holidays
Attention mail...
Hurry congratulations,
Wishes are coming.
And without delay
Reliable and accurate
Gotta deliver them.
By mail address.
Educator: Guys, look at the variety of holiday cards here. Now our boss Ekaterina will show us an envelope and a postcard.
Tell me, please, can I send a postcard like this?
Children: No. You have to write to someone.
Educator: Right. It is necessary to write the address: city or village, street, house number, name of the person to whom you are writing.
My grandmother has apples, and she would like to send them to me for the New Year. Apples won’t fit into a letter, what to do?
Children: Must be sent in a parcel.
Educator: Right. How did I not think of that! Large cargo is sent in a parcel. A parcel is a small or large box in which they put what they want to send. Guys, how do they carry mail?
Children: By car, by train, by plane.
Educator: Well done! How to name a car, train, plane in one word?
Children: This is transport.
Guys, what are computers for?
Children: Play.
Educator: Maybe someone is playing. And you can also write on the Internet - this is a new modern connection.
Guys, let's go to another room. Here Rimma signs newspapers, magazines - to whom to take them - and puts them in her big bag. Look how heavy she is. What color is the postman's bag?
Children: Blue.
Educator: Right. Both the mail machine and the postman's uniform are also blue. Not easy but very the right job postman. And in frost, and in heat, and in rain, all newspapers, magazines and letters must be distributed.
Honor and glory to the postmen,
Tired, dusty
Honor and glory to the postmen
With a thick shoulder bag!
Educator: Let's say goodbye to the wonderful postal workers and say "thank you" to them for their work.
Children: Thank you! Goodbye!

Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of knowledge and ideas of children about the work of the post office.

  • educational: to form the ability to create in the drawing the image of the hero of a literary work (proportions of the figure, characteristics clothes, details). To consolidate the ability to draw with a simple pencil, followed by painting with colored pencils. Develop the skill of accurate painting;
  • developing: to develop the perception of the image of a person; productive and creative activities of children, communication skills;
  • educational: to promote the development of spiritual and moral qualities (responsiveness, respect for work).

subject: "Mail"

area: artistic and aesthetic development

integrable areas: cognitive, social and communicative, speech development.

form of organization of children: group.

form of GCD: integrative.

materials: album sheet, simple and colored pencils. Postman image.

preliminary work: Cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Mail". Listening and memorizing B. Savelyev's song "Postman's Song". Conversations with children about the work of adults, the importance of the work of a postman. Reading poems about the professions of V. Mayakovsky, S. Mikhalkov. Examining illustrations. Production of a mailbox, boxes for parcels, letters, telegram forms. Excursion to the post office with parents. Role-playing game "The postman brought the package." Didactic game "Journey to the post office".

methods and techniques: visual (observation), demonstration method

Organizational stage

Educator: Good morning guys! I'm glad to see you all. Today I wanted to tell you about a man I met on the way to kindergarten. He was in a hurry. On his shoulder he carried a heavy bag containing letters, newspapers, telegrams. Most likely, he was in a hurry because they needed to be delivered to people who were waiting for them.

Motivational-orienting stage

Educator: Have you ever met a postman?

Educator: Have you seen the postman as a hero of stories or cartoons? (E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat", cartoon "Prostokvashino"). Describe it.

Children's answers.

Planning for future activities

Educator: I have prepared illustrations for you. Look closely, who is depicted on them? That's right, this is one of my favorite characters - the postman Pechkin.

Maybe you have already guessed what we are going to do with you now? (we will draw a postman).

Children sit at tables.

Educator: Guys, I recently read a very interesting poem about the postman. Let's read it?

Who is knocking on my door

With a thick shoulder bag

With the number "5" on a copper plate,

In a blue uniform cap?

Leningrad postman.

Today a lot

In the bag on the side -

from Tashkent,


From Tambov

At seven o'clock he started the business,

At ten, the bag lost weight,

And by twelve o'clock

All smashed to the addresses.

Educator: And who wrote this poem, do you know?

Children: Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

Teacher: Yes, it is. Let's once again turn our attention to the picture, which depicts a postman. I drew this drawing myself, large, in full sheet

Educator: Tell me, what does the postman I have drawn have?

Children: bag, hat, etc.

Educator: Yes, children, you are right. Now I will show you how to draw a postman, and you listen carefully and remember. First, draw a head in the center of the sheet. Then we draw a body, we add legs and arms to it. Our postman needs to draw his face. Now we draw him trousers, a shirt, of course, a blue cap. We completely forgot about the bag, and it will be cold for him barefoot, we draw a bag and shoes. And then the hands, because without them he will not be able to distribute mail. Now let's start carefully painting the postman with colored pencils. And of course, do not forget that a person’s head is small, and the torso is large, the legs are longer than the arms, and the arms should reach the middle of the thigh. Now you kids, get to work. First, pick up a simple pencil, draw a postman, and then carefully color it with colored pencils.

Independent activity of children

Children draw a postman.

Educator: The guys are finishing their work, and whoever has already finished puts everything on the edge of the table.

Physical minute: Girls and boys: clap, clap, clap,

They jump like balls: jump-jump, jump-jump.

They stomp their feet: top, top, top!

They laugh merrily: ha, ha, ha!

Blinking eyes (rhythmic squinting of eyes,

After rest (squat, hands free)

I stand on the bench, rise on tiptoes and stretch

I'll just get the box. hands up.

I open the box "Open",

Blue, shiny.

Fell down from the box Squat - get up with outstretched

The letters are real. hands.

Joint generalization of results, summing up

Discussion of the resulting work.

Educator: Children, now let's hang our work on the exhibition and see what we got.

Children take turns approaching the teacher and hang their work on the board, and return to their places.

Educator: Tell me, how many drawings did we get?

Children: A lot.

Teacher: Let's count?

Educator: Are all postmen the same?

Children: No.

Teacher: What are they?

Children: Big and small. Merry and sad.

Educator: Why are they funny?

children: Because they finished their work, they smashed all the mail.

Teacher: Why are you sad?

children: Because they are tired. The bag was very heavy.

Reflective-evaluative stage

Educator: Masha, what work did you like the most? And why? What did you like the most about this job? How is it different?

The teacher asks the same questions to 2-3 children.

Educator: Guys, how can you express your attitude towards postal workers - Postmen?

Children: sing, read a poem, draw.

Educator: What do you think, what mood will the postmen have at the time when they see you organized an exhibition of gifts-drawings?

Educator: Thank you guys for your work, the exhibition was a success. Now we can teach our friends, younger brothers and sisters, dads and moms how to draw a postman. (Orientation to further activities).

List of used literature

  1. From birth to school. Exemplary general education program preschool education/ Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. M.: MOSAIC-SINTEZ, 2014. 327 p.
  2. Comprehensive classes under the program "From birth to school" / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Senior group / ed.-comp. N.V. Lobodin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2017. 399 p.
  3. Grigorieva G.G. Game techniques in teaching fine arts to preschoolers. M.: Education, 1995. 61, p.
  4. Grigorieva G.G. Visual activity of preschoolers: Textbook: For students Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments. M.: Academy, 1997. 269, p.
  5. Kazakova T.G. Develop creativity in preschoolers (Summaries of drawing, modeling, appliqué classes): A guide for educators for children. garden. Moscow: Education, 1985. 192 p.
  6. Kutsakova L.V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten: Program and notes of classes. M., 2007. 156, p.
  7. .Komarova T.S. Classes in fine arts in the senior group of kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007. 168 p.

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Rostov region "Volgodonsk Pedagogical College"


Synopsis of GCD

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Visual activity (drawing)

in the senior group of the general developmental species No. 10 "Rainbow"

Topic of the lesson : Story drawing

"This is he, this is he - the Leningrad postman"

Venue: MBDOU kindergarten "Zorenka"

Group room №10

Compiled by: 3rd year student of group DO-3

Educator-mentor: A.N. Bogdanova

Practice leader: T.A. Radchenko

Head of pedagogical practice: G.N.Bessalova

Volgodonsk - 2015

Subject drawing "This is it, this is it - the Leningrad postman"



Develop a perception of the image of a person.

Learn to create in the drawing the image of the hero of a literary work.

Learn to convey your favorite literary image in a drawing

(proportions of the figure, characteristic features of clothing, details).


Develop the skill of accurate painting.

Develop the ability to evaluate your drawings and drawings of peers.


Exercise in the image of a person

To consolidate the ability to draw with a simple pencil, followed by painting with colored pencils.

Preliminary work:

Arrange a walk to the nearest post office (if possible)

Watch the postman at work (or invite parents to take their children to the post office).

A conversation with children about the work of adults, about the benefits of their work for people, about the importance of the work of a postman.

Readings of poems about professions.

Examining illustrations.

Methodical methods:

Consider with children drawings depicting a postman, pay attention to the posture of children when drawing.

Materials and equipment:

For a child:

Album sheets;

Colour pencils;

A simple (graphite) pencil (for each child);

For the teacher:

- Postman illustration


I. Introductory part

1. Organizational moment - 2 min.
2. Heuristic conversation - 6 min.

II. Main part
3. Creative - productive activity - 10 min.
4. Dynamic pause - 2 min.

III. Final part
5. The result of the lesson:
a) exhibition and analysis of children's works - 2 min.
b) introspection - 3 min.

Methodology of the lesson:

S.Ya Marshak

Mail (to Boris Zhitkov)

Who is knocking on my door
With a thick shoulder bag
With the number 5 on a copper plaque,
In a blue uniform cap?
It's him,
It's him,
Leningrad postman.
In his hand he holds a strange
Wrinkled letter.
On the stamp - foreign


So that the head does not hurt,

We rotate it to the right - to the left. (head rotation)

And now we twist our hands -

And for them there will be a warm-up. (rotation of arms forward and backward)

We stretch our hands to the sky,

We part to the sides. (arms up and to the sides)

Turns to the right - to the left,

We produce well. (turns left and right)

Leaning easily

We take out the floor with our hands. (forward bends)

Pulled shoulders, backs

And now the end of the workout. (children sit down)

Organizing time:

Everyone is here!
Adults and children!
We can start!
But first,
You have to say hello!


Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun, who came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever picks it up will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We pass a balloon - the sun, saying an affectionate word to each other). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate.

Heuristic conversation

Children, come to me. See who is in the picture?
What are the parts of a person? What geometric shapes do they look like? (head is a circle, body is a square). Invite children to show parts of the human body.

Practical work

(leads the children to a magnetic board on which drawings made with various art materials are attached).

P.: What materials and techniques did the artist use to create such beautiful drawings. What other materials can be used?(Answers) children)

Analysis and exhibition of children's works

Let's see what you got. We coped with the task (draw the postman)? What's his name? Which one has the most fun? Who has the most interesting, funny, handsome postman? Why? etc. (In the course of work)


You all did a great job today. Our lesson has come to an end. We still have fish left, let's give them to our guests as a keepsake of our lesson. See you at the next lesson.

Outline of direct educational activities

in the senior group

Theme of the week: "Mail".

Theme of the NOD: "Post cars"

Integration of educational areas:

  • knowledge;
  • communication;
  • reading fiction;
  • health.


  • use of game methods;
  • problem learning;
  • gaming technologies aimed at developing auditory and visual attention;
  • informational Computer techologies;
  • health-saving technologies: gymnastics for the eyes;
  • technologies for maintaining and stimulating health: physical minute;

Correctional and educational: to form ideas about the work of postal workers, about the importance of their work. Expand and activate the dictionary on the topic “Mail“. To teach children to coordinate nouns with singular and plural verbs.

Correction-developing: to exercise children in the selection of nouns for adjectives and teach them to agree in gender, number and case. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop visual, auditory, perception. Prevention of violations of written speech. Strengthen eye muscles and improve their coordination.

Materials: pictures on the topic "Mail", presentation "Journey to the post office" .

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist draws the attention of children to the computer monitor (slide 1).

Here are the wagons in a row

And they all say in unison:

Let's go, let's go to kindergarten

We're delivering packages for the kids.

What are the names of the wagons that carry postal parcels? (Postal).

What is the name of the mail train? (Mail).

2. Announcement of the topic slide 2

Today we will learn the history of mail wagons. And now I invite you to listen to the story of how the mail appeared.

3. Picture conversation

The post office is forwarding postal items- letters, newspapers, magazines, money orders, parcels, parcels. All shipment takes place by means of transport. The need to talk to each other appeared among people in antiquity. But how do you talk if the person you need is very far away? After people learned to read and write, this problem disappeared. Appeared postal service. At first, mail was transported on horseback, then they began to be transported by rail. Later, the amount of mail increased and it began to be transported by plane. Nowadays, when every home has a computer, letters and messages can be sent using e-mail.

4. The game "Sending a letter" slides 3,4,5

And here is the story of the first trailer:

I am a bright scarlet trailer,

Neat and old-fashioned.

Here postal letter,

Vanya I'm taking him.

Tell me, how else can you deliver letters?

To send a letter by rail, you need (what?) ... (Mail car).

To send a letter by airmail, you need (what?) ... (Airplane).

To send a letter by pigeon mail, you need (who?) ... (Dove).

To send a letter email need (what?) ... (Computer).

To send a letter to the north, you need (what?) ... (dog sleds, helicopter).

Guys, think, please, and tell me, what kind of mail is not available now? (Pigeon).

5. The game "Whose telegram?"

Now the orange trailer will tell us its story:

I am an orange wagon

Very kind postman.

There are telegrams for Kolya,

For his girlfriend Olya.

This telegram is for Olya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Olya's telegram.)

This telegram is for Kolya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Kolya's telegram.)

This telegram is for Zhenya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Zhenya's telegram.)

6. The game "Magic package" slide 6

You and I sent parcels to fairy-tale heroes, and now the parcel has come to us. Look, in the parcel there are cards with syllables. You must make four words from these syllables.

Children make up words, a speech therapist checks and evaluates the work of children

7. Fizminutka "Mailbox"

I stand on the bench, rise on tiptoes and stretch

I'll just get the box. hands up.

I open the box "Open",

Blue, shiny.

Fell down from the box Squat - get up with outstretched

The letters are real. hands.

8. The game “What is he doing? What are they doing?

It's time to listen to the story of the blue trailer.

I am a blue trailer

Don't chase after me.

Parcels I'm taking a cart -

Ordered by Santa Claus.

Guys, now we will tell you what can be done with parcels, letters and parcels.

Vanya sends a letter, and the children send letters (what are they doing?) ... (Send.)

The postman delivers the telegrams, and the postmen carry the telegrams (what are they doing?) ... (They deliver.)

Mom sticks a stamp on the envelope, and moms stick stamps on envelopes (what do they do?) ... (They stick it.)

Grandfather receives a parcel, and grandfathers parcels (what are they doing?) ... (They receive.)

Masha draws a greeting card, children greeting cards

(What are they doing?) ... (Drawing.)

The boy puts the letter in the mailbox, and the boys put the letters in mailboxes(What are they doing?) ... (Lower.)

9. The game "How many letters are in the postman's bag?" slide 7

It remains for us to listen to the story of the last trailer.

Often I travel around the world

I distribute letters, newspapers.

Feel free to open doors

And do the math!

Children look at a noisy image of letters on a monitor.

10. Gymnastics for the eyes

And now look into the distance, look straight ahead, put your finger

It’s not a pity for this time, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look

What is near and what is far at the tip of your finger and look at it, then

Eyes must be considered. put your hand down.

So that we don't yawn Raise our eyes up, right, down, left

Eyes darted around. and up; and vice versa: left, down, right and

Stop, and again up again.

Run to the other side.

10. Read the word by the first sounds of the names of the pictures slide 8

11. Summary of the lesson

Whose stories did we listen to today? What can be mail?

What should we remember to do on holidays, birthdays and when our relatives and friends are far away? (Send greeting cards and letters.)


Teacher speech therapist

Stella Danelyan

Outline of direct educational activities

in the senior group

Theme of the week: "Mail".

Theme of the NOD: "Post cars"

Integration of educational areas:

  • knowledge;
  • communication;
  • reading fiction;
  • health.


  • use of game methods;
  • problem learning;
  • gaming technologies aimed at developing auditory and visual attention;
  • information computer technologies;
  • health-saving technologies: gymnastics for the eyes;
  • technologies for maintaining and stimulating health: physical minute;

Correctional and educational: to form ideas about the work of postal workers, about the importance of their work. Expand and activate the dictionary on the topic “Mail“. To teach children to coordinate nouns with singular and plural verbs.

Correction-developing: to exercise children in the selection of nouns for adjectives and teach them to agree in gender, number and case. Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop visual, auditory, perception. Prevention of violations of written speech. Strengthen eye muscles and improve their coordination.

Materials: pictures on the topic "Mail", .

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist draws the attention of children to the computer monitor (slide 1).

Here are the wagons in a row

And they all say in unison:

Let's go, let's go to kindergarten

We're delivering packages for the kids.

What is the name of the wagons in which postal parcels are transported? (Postal).

What is the name of the mail train? (Mail).

2. Announcement of the topic slide 2

Today we will learn the history of mail wagons. And now I invite you to listen to the story of how the mail appeared.

3. Picture conversation

The post office is engaged in sending postal items - letters, newspapers, magazines, money orders, parcels, parcels. All shipment takes place by means of transport. The need to talk to each other appeared among people in antiquity. But how do you talk if the person you need is very far away? After people learned to read and write, this problem disappeared. There was a post office. At first, mail was transported on horseback, then they began to be transported by rail. Later, the amount of mail increased and it began to be transported by plane. Nowadays, when every home has a computer, letters and messages can be sent using e-mail.

4. The game "Sending a letter" slides 3,4,5

And here is the story of the first trailer:

I am a bright scarlet trailer,

Neat and old-fashioned.

Here is the mail

Vanya I'm taking him.

Tell me, how else can you deliver letters?

To send a letter by rail, you need (what?) ... (Mail car).

To send a letter by airmail, you need (what?) ... (Airplane).

To send a letter by pigeon mail, you need (who?) ... (Dove).

To send an e-mail you need (what?) ... (Computer).

To send a letter to the north, you need (what?) ... (dog sleds, helicopter).

Guys, think, please, and tell me, what kind of mail is not available now? (Pigeon).

5. The game "Whose telegram?"

Now the orange trailer will tell us its story:

I am an orange wagon

Very kind postman.

There are telegrams for Kolya,

For his girlfriend Olya.

This telegram is for Olya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Olya's telegram.)

This telegram is for Kolya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Kolya's telegram.)

This telegram is for Zhenya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Zhenya's telegram.)

6. The game "Magic package" slide 6

You and I sent parcels to fairy-tale heroes, and now the parcel has come to us. Look, in the parcel there are cards with syllables. You must make four words from these syllables.

Children make up words, a speech therapist checks and evaluates the work of children

7. Fizminutka "Mailbox"

I stand on the bench, rise on tiptoes and stretch

I'll just get the box. hands up.

I open the box "Open",

Blue, shiny.

Fell down from the box Squat - get up with outstretched

The letters are real. hands.

8. The game “What is he doing? What are they doing?

It's time to listen to the story of the blue trailer.

I am a blue trailer

Don't chase after me.

Parcels I'm taking a cart -

Ordered by Santa Claus.

Guys, now we will tell you what can be done with parcels, letters and parcels.

Vanya sends a letter, and the children send letters (what are they doing?) ... (Send.)

The postman delivers the telegrams, and the postmen carry the telegrams (what are they doing?) ... (They deliver.)

Mom sticks a stamp on the envelope, and moms stick stamps on envelopes (what do they do?) ... (They stick it.)

Grandfather receives a parcel, and grandfathers parcels (what are they doing?) ... (They receive.)

Masha draws a greeting card, children greeting cards

(What are they doing?) ... (Drawing.)

The boy puts the letter in the mailbox, and the boys put the letters in the mailboxes (what are they doing?) ... (They drop it.)

9. The game "How many letters are in the postman's bag?" slide 7

It remains for us to listen to the story of the last trailer.

Often I travel around the world

I distribute letters, newspapers.

Feel free to open doors

And do the math!

Children look at a noisy image of letters on a monitor.

10. Gymnastics for the eyes

And now look into the distance, look straight ahead, put your finger

It’s not a pity for this time, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look

What is near and what is far at the tip of your finger and look at it, then

Eyes must be considered. put your hand down.

So that we don't yawn Raise our eyes up, right, down, left

Eyes darted around. and up; and vice versa: left, down, right and

Stop, and again up again.

Run to the other side.

10. Read the word by the first sounds of the names of the pictures slide 8

11. Summary of the lesson

Whose stories did we listen to today? What can be mail?

What should we remember to do on holidays, birthdays and when our relatives and friends are far away? (Send greeting cards and letters.)


Teacher speech therapist

Stella Danelyan