31.1-"Communication operator"

The importance of the profession

In the conditions of modern informatization of society, the telecom operator is a kind of agitator, carrying the message of accessibility and usefulness to the people. modern technologieswire transfers, Cyber ​​- money, international transfers Western Union is not only for urban residents, but also for rural residents.
Each of the postal operations has its own characteristics, requires the operator to be attentive, thorough and accurate. From the outside it may seem that there is nothing special, romantic in the work of a telecom operator. Accept a parcel or other postal item, receive money, issue a receipt - that's all. But it only seems that way from the outside. Experienced operators do not work only according to instructions. They are looking at people. The operator must be able to capture the characteristics of a person and make sure that the client leaves the post office satisfied, in a good mood.
The duty of the operator is to save the time of the client, treats them with respect. Attentiveness, speed in paperwork, courtesy in dealing with customers - these are the main qualities of the operator. After graduating from the lyceum, all graduates get a job in their specialty, those who wish can continue their education.

"to see this gallery."

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What does the employer require today?

The operator is the face of the post office, according to his work they judge the work of the postal service. The requirements for a modern telecom operator are very high: this is an excellent knowledge of a computer, and the ability to work with people, and knowledge of languages.

Required personal characteristics

The telecom operator is distinguished by a combination of high concentration and distribution of attention, visual and effective thinking, the ability to balance assessments, emotional and volitional stability, determination, observation, attentiveness.

Where can you work?

Our lyceum has been training postal operators for 35 years. Many of our graduates work as managers of postal enterprises not only in the city of Kursk and the region, but also in other cities of Russia. For example, the heads of departments of the Kursk Post Office - Babstin Oksana Mikhailovna, Bobkova Lyudmila Ivanovna; heads of large postal departments - Torkiane Galina Nikolaevna ...

Prospects for the profession

The postal organization in Russia is traditionally a state-owned enterprise. The post office network is the largest organizational network in the country. Currently Russian post makes efforts to modernize mail processing technologies, transition to global delivery standards.

in profession groups "Communication operator"


Qualification - telecom operator.

Basic education - 11 classes.

The term of study is 10 months.

About the profession

A telecom operator is a specialist operating in post offices, whose duties include:

The work of a telecom operator is diverse. A qualified operator owns all postal operations.

The main result of the joint work of many thousands of telecom operators operating throughout Russia is the fast reliable transmission of news from one person to another across the distance separating them.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist

The telecom operator must have a secondary complete general or primary vocational education, as well as must know:

  • the technological process of the work performed;
  • requirements for the quality of work performed;
  • Latin script;
  • standards and rules for the provision of postal services;
  • postal terminology;
  • rules for using the collection of postal parcels;
  • order of registration postal items to documents;
  • administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation;
  • organizational structure of communication bodies;
  • tariffs for communication services within the scope of the work performed;
  • the procedure for accepting subscriptions and forwarding periodicals;
  • the procedure for compiling reports on the work done.

Telecommunications operator should be able to:

  • carry out activities using modern computer tools;
  • possess the skills of clerical work;
  • quickly perform mathematical calculations;
  • quickly master new equipment in connection with the technical re-equipment of postal institutions;
  • use guides.

Professionally important qualities of a telecom operator include:

Working conditions

The telecom operator works in comfortable indoor conditions, as a rule, together with colleagues. His workplace is equipped in accordance with the operations that he performs: a table, a cash register, a computer, on the table - stamps, sealing wax, twine, paper. In his work, the telecom operator uses manual and electrified means of labor - a pen, calculator, computer, scales.

Medical contraindications

Medical contraindications that impede the work of a telecom operator include: complete or partial hearing loss, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, speech disorders, mental and nervous diseases, epilepsy, and serious visual impairment.

Areas of application of professional knowledge

Telecom operators are required everywhere in post offices. Today in Russia there are more than 42 thousand post offices and almost half of them require qualified employees. Experienced telecom operators are employed by companies mobile communications, radio and television companies, call centers, communication centers, telephone information.

Career prospects

The career growth of a telecom operator depends on its interests, professional plans, personal and professional qualities. Over time, gaining experience, a telecom operator can get a promotion - a telecom operator of 1, 2, 3 classes.
If desired, the telecom operator can master related professions, such as a mobile operator, cashier, bank teller.
A managerial career will require an increase in the educational level to higher professional education.

Connection. They say she rules the world. There are public relations professions, for example. And sometimes literally. Telephony is a traditional type of communication, and laying a telephone (well, let it be more modern - fiber optic) cable through the sewer is also a profession in the field of communications. A kind of, cesspool-connector mix.

Summarizing, we can conclude that the professions associated with communications have a very wide profile. One thing remains in common - everyone who is engaged in its provision allows subscribers to interact, exchange information, solve problems and, no matter how trite it sounds, make the world a better place.

This is not a beautiful hyperbole at all. After a meticulous analysis of the reasons for the explosive growth in the development of the United States in the middle of the 19th century (that is, slavery had not yet been abolished), economists made a very specific conclusion: the growth was the result of the construction of railways in the country and the subsequent laying of telegraph lines. Also, growth in the 70s is associated with the sphere of communications. already in the 20th century. And therefore it would be extremely curious to know who exactly ensures the continuity and quality of communication (globally). In other words, jobs and professions are communication workers.

Communication professions

Jokes aside, because being a professional communicator means becoming a generalist with expertise in all of that. It is curious that although more specialized professions are distinguished within this sphere of knowledge, carrier specialists are universal and able to replace each other if necessary. So, let's call the professions in the field of communication:

  1. Network communications and systems engineer.

It is interesting that behind the profession of "communications networks and systems" are often the duties of a high-tech equipment purchasing manager (but more on that later). In fact, the profession of a communications engineer is a position of an expert in the field of wires, information circuits built on their basis and their management systems.

  1. Wireless technology specialist.

The scope of their activities can be described in one word - Wi-Fi. However, the now developing broadband satellite connection systems are also their responsibility. A specialist in this field is already more of a programmer than an organizer.

  1. Mobile operator specialist.

In the job function of such an employee:

  • tower design cellular communication;
  • determining the necessary and sufficient distance between them
  • calculation of signal parameters various kinds;
  • control of installation of telecommunication equipment.

Here there is already a narrow profile with the requirements of a broad base of theoretical training.

  1. Military communications specialist.

This person is responsible for setting up and maintaining the signal even when the radio environment prevents it. In addition, it requires specialized knowledge and skills in programming and cryptography.

  1. Profession electrician communications or ... electrician.

This is also a communication specialist. And the need for the above specialists in the organization depends on the result of his work.

Profession: advertising and public relations

Those whose working years fell on the time of socialist construction will probably grimace here with displeasure: they say, public relations - what kind of profession is this! It is understandable, the Soviet maximum of such functionality is, perhaps, the assistant secretary. And during the formation of wild capitalism in Russia, the specialization of such personnel was seen in inventing various creative advertising.

Since then, the profession of public relations specialist has undergone significant changes along with a revolution in the methods of these same public communications. Now they're in charge social networks. And a competent expert in this field:

A) pursues a consistent information policy of his company among interested communities;

B) maintains the firm's popularity ratings at a consistently high level;

C) exercises control over the content entering the media space in relation to the company it represents;

D) finally, the profession of a communications specialist also implies a response. It means Feedback from interested counterparties, which also needs to be responded to.

Advertising, as such, is not a priority in this profession. This position initially appears only in those organizations that grow so much that they no longer need artificial popularization. Now their main advertising tool is their social media accounts.

Communication networks and switching systems. Profession

Speaking about the professions of the communications industry, the specialty of "switching systems" (networks and communications) has already been touched upon. Due to the fundamental importance of this specialization, it is proposed to highlight it in more detail. So, it assumes the following knowledge and skills:

  • the engineer must navigate the equipment and keep track of new items;
  • he carries out responsible work to determine the required amount of required communication materials (cable) and related fittings (adapters, clamps, etc.);
  • everything connected with wires is the competence of this specialist;
  • it is the wire technology engineer who provides the rationale for deploying and maintaining communication networks of the required characteristics.

The profession of communication technician, as this specialty is also called, will always be in demand. And the more so, the more interactive the life of the majority of the population becomes.

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems. Professions

In the field of telecommunications and communications, a profession related to infocommunications and technologies based on it stands apart and implies several specializations at once:

  1. design of telecommunication systems (including integrated ones);
  1. engineering in the field technical support information systems;
  2. system administration;
  3. electronic technical support;
  4. design and tech. support for signal receivers and transmitters;
  5. engineering in the field of network technologies (including technical support for telephony);
  6. programming;
  7. administration of technologies in the field of telecommunications.

And answering the question: telecom operator - what kind of profession is this? With full responsibility, one can cite as an example a specialist in infocommunication technologies.

Postal communication. Profession

Despite the exponential growth of electronic means of communication and communication, traditional mail does not lose its positions. Mainly for two reasons:

1 - monopoly on official notices in citizen-state communication (summons and notices; official letters and notices);

2 - delivery of parcels and parcels at the lowest prices (ensuring the commodity exchange of the population both within the country and in the international format).

And here the key technology is sorting. The country has already built and continues to create logistics centers within the framework of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post, where automatic mode Correspondence is sorted for further sending to addressees. Accordingly, the professions of the postal operator are close in essence to the engineering of infocommunication technologies, because when servicing high-tech and productive equipment, the skills of all the specializations discussed above will be required.

College of Communications. Professions

Within the framework of this article, quite a lot of positions were listed (both the names of specialties and the listed in-demand knowledge and skills) in the field of communications and communications. Interested persons can receive training in these specialties in special educational institutions - communication colleges.

The competencies obtained in the course of training are highly responsible, so you should not try to receive such applied education in institutions that do not have proper accreditation for this. There is only one choice - only public educational institutions. Formerly a universal educational center for this profile there was a technical school of communications: professions for which they prepared in such studies. institutions, as well as their graduates, have always been valued at specialized industry enterprises. Now technical schools have been “re-profiled” into colleges, but the essence remains the same.

A) postal items sent and delivered within the territory of the city

B) postal items sent and delivered within the territory of the CIS countries

C) postal items sent and delivered within the territory of Russia

D) postal items sent and delivered within the territory of the region

Sample answer: 1.B

2. Postal items in the form of written correspondence that are sent with the issuance of a receipt to the sender are called:

A) special

B) custom

B) special

D) custom

Sample answer: 2.B

3. Can postal items with declared value be accepted for postage with cash on delivery:

Sample answer: 3.A

4. A citizen or organization that sends mail is called:

A) sender

B) sender

B) addressee

D) recipient

D) shaper

Sample answer: 4.A

5. Is it true that “for all categories of users, the rights of access to postal services are different”:

Sample answer: 5.A

6. Postal items in the form of written correspondence that are sent without issuing a receipt to the sender are called:

A) special

B) simple

B) ordered

D) special

Sample answer: 6.B.

A) forwarding of postal items to the addressee;

B) a set of technological features that determine the procedure and conditions for receiving, processing, transporting and delivering a postal item;

C) the service provided by postal organizations;

D) a set of technological features that determine the types of written correspondence;

Sample answer: 7.B

8. Domestic postal items include:

B) parcels;

B) parcels;

D) boxes

D) letters;

Sample answer: 8.V.D.

9. Who is the user of postal services?

A) addressee

B) a foreigner;

B) a citizen

D) the sender;

Sample answer: 9.A.G.

10. A citizen or organization to whom a postal item is addressed is called:

A) recipient

B) the sender;

B) addressee

D) designer;

D) an observer;

Sample answer: 10.V

11. Notice of service is...

A) a service provided by postal organizations to the sender by informing him about when and to whom the postal item was issued

B) a service provided by postal organizations to the sender by informing him about how much the postal item costs

C) a form sent by the addressee in Russia

Sample answer: 11. BUT.

12. Arrange the stages of the production cycle in order:

A) transportation

B) processing;

D) delivery (delivery);

Sample answer: 12.B.V.A.G.

13. Name the physical parameters of the postal item:

B) size;

B) design;

D) cost;

D) packaging;

Sample answer: 13.A.B.D

14. Match:

1. postal items with declared value;

2. ordinary mail;

A) postal items estimated by the sender for the amount determined by him and accepted from him with the issuance of a receipt;

B) postal items accepted without assessing the value of the investment with the issuance of a receipt;

Sample answer: 1.A 2.B.

15. Is a secogram a postal item:

Sample answer: 15.A.

16. Postal items sent within the same city are called?

A) out of town

B) significant;

B) local

D) internal;

Sample answer: 16.V.

17. Postal items accepted for shipment outside of Russia are called:

A) international

B) regional;

B) regional;

D) internal;

Sample answer: 17.A

18. Are parcels letter post?

Sample answer: 18.A

19. All postal items accepted with the issuance of a receipt to the sender, sent with a note along the way to the accompanying documents and handed over to the addressee against receipt are called:

A) special

B) registered;

B) elite

D) custom;

D) ordinary;

Sample answer: 19.B.

  1. Postal items sent outside the same city are called?

A) out of town

B) significant;

B) local

D) external;

Sample answer: 20.A.

Ordinary and registered written correspondence

1. Postcode is…

A) conditionally digital designation assigned to determine the amount of outgoing correspondence;

B) conditionally digital designation assigned to the postal operator;

C) conditionally digital designation, serves to determine the cost of the post office;

D) conditionally digital designation assigned to the postal service object;

Sample answer: 1.G.

2. What should a communication worker check when submitting a simple letter?

a) correct packaging;

B) the content of the letter;

C) correct spelling of the address;

D) the color of the envelope;

Sample answer: 2.A.V.

3. Outgoing mail taken from mailboxes, after processing

A) stamped;

B) turns around

B) is overlaid;

D) being scanned;

Sample answer: 3.A.

4. Where does written mail go?

A) a specialized point for collecting letters;

B) in mailboxes;

C) surrendered to the OPS;

D) in a mailbox

Sample answer: 4.B.V.

5. In what form are they assigned to the invoice? registered letters and parcels?

Sample answer: 5.B.

6. In the absence of the addressee at home, can registered mail be delivered to adult family members?

Sample answer: 6. BUT

7. The attachment of simple and registered parcels is packed in

A) mailboxes

B) strong paper;

B) mail bags

D) postal packages;

D) postal envelopes;

Sample answer: 7.B.G.D.

8. What does the postal operator issue for each received registered item?

A) notice f. 22;

B) call f.23;

B) notification f. 37;

D) reminder f. 21;

Sample answer: 8. BUT.

9. What is the sorted written correspondence formed into?

A) postbags;

B) postpackages;

B) post-kulki;

D) stacks;

Sample answer: 9.B

10. Is it possible to send a postal item on which the postal code is not indicated

Sample answer: 10A.

11. When receiving registered mail, a receipt is issued

Sample answer: 11.A

12. How should postage stamps be redeemed?

B) ice cream;

B) an insurance seal;

Sample answer: 12.G

13. What to do with damaged letter-post pieces

A) banded;

B) sent back

B) are thrown away

D) are depersonalized;

D) uncorked;

Sample answer: 13.A

14. After the operator weighs the letter, he must

A) report it to management

B) throw away the letter

B) give the letter to another operator

D) determine the amount of payment for his correspondence

Sample answer: 14.G.

15. What is done with undelivered mail

A) are returning return address

B) are burned;

B) are thrown away

D) are transferred to undistributed;

D) are opened;

Sample answer: 15.A.G.

Letters and parcels with declared value

1. How are insured open letters sealed?

A) control - official seal;

B) insurance seal;

B) ice cream;

D) surcharge stamp;

Sample answer: 1.B

2. Where are the letters and parcels with declared value delivered?

A) mailboxes

B) postman

C) to the operating cash desks of the OPS;

D) post office;

Sample answer: 2.B

3. What must the sender indicate in the inventory of the attachment f. 107?

A) an index

B) the name of the recipient;

C) assessment of each subject;

D) postal address;

Sample answer: 3. A.B.G.

4. Specify the documents for the addressee to receive letters and parcels with declared value?

A) medical pole;

B) issued notice f. 22;

B) an identity document;

D) pension certificate;

Sample answer: 4.B.V.

5. For each received letter and package, the following is compiled:

A) address label f.17;

B) receipt f.1;

C) notice f.22;

D) invoice f.16;

Sample answer: 5.V

6. How are insured letters sent?

A) in insurance bags;

B) in boxes;

B) in tablets;

D) in containers;

Sample answer: 6.A

7. Arrange in order the postal operator after packing:

A) weighs

B) determines the shipping fee;

B) signs;

D) put down the total amount of the payment received;

D) puts down the mass;

Sample answer:A.B.D.G.V

8. What is the purpose of the investment inventory f. 107:

A) when sending important letters and parcels with declared value

B) when forwarding open letters and parcels with declared value

C) when forwarding closed letters and parcels with declared value

D) when sending letters

Sample answer: 8.B

9. Match:

2) barcode postal identifier

A) the right corner of the address side of the letter

B) the left corner of the address side of the letter

Sample answer: 9.1.A. 2.B.

10. Insured postal items are:

A) a service provided by postal organizations to the sender by informing him about when and to whom the postal item was issued

B) postal items valued at an amount determined by him

C) postal items, where the sender instructs the federal postal service to collect the amount of money established by him from the addressee

D) postal items, in the form of written correspondence, which are accepted without issuing a receipt to the sender

Sample answer: 10.B

Receiving, processing and delivery of parcels

1. What is the name of a parcel with a declared value of an investment that exceeds 10 times the minimum wage:

A) heavy

B) highly valuable;

B) oversized

D) small;

Sample answer: 1.B

2. What is the name of the package, in which one of the sides exceeds the maximum dimensions?

A) heavy

B) highly valuable;

B) oversized

D) small;

Sample answer: 2. B

3. What is the name of a parcel weighing more than 10 kg.?

A) heavy

B) highly valuable;

B) oversized

D) small;

Sample answer: 3. A

4. Specify the types of packaging for sending parcels?

A) wooden boxes

B) postal packages;

B) glass containers;

D) tissue shell;

Sample answer: 4. A.B.G.

5. Is it necessary to present the identity document of the sender when handing over the parcel to the operating cash desk of the OPS?

Sample answer: 5.A

6. For each parcel, the sender fills out an accompanying form:

Sample answer: 6.G.

7. What is indicated on the accompanying form for the parcel by the operator?

A) the weight of the parcel;

B) the amount of the shipping fee;

C) puts OKSH;

D) banding;

D) puts his signature;

E) sticks a label f.10;

G) sticks a bar postal identifier;

Sample answer: 7. A.B.W.D.Z.

8. What are the parcels called that have the same destination address and the same distinctive features distinguishing them from total number parcels?

A) the same parcels;

B) a group of parcels;

C) overseas parcels;

D) special parcels;

Sample answer: 8. B.

9. Groups of parcels are made in the presence of:

A) 5 or more parcels;

B) 10 or more parcels;

D) 15 or more parcels;

E) 25 or more parcels;

Sample answer: 9.B.

10. Can we deliver the parcel to our house?

C) yes, but for a fee;

D) yes, but if the parcel is of high value

Sample answer: 10.V.

Postal items with acknowledgment of receipt, cash on delivery, batch mail

1. What is a "Notice of Delivery"?

A) postal items, in the form of written correspondence, which are accepted without issuing a receipt to the sender

B) a service provided by postal organizations to the sender by informing him about when and to whom the postal item was issued

C) a service provided by postal organizations to the sender by informing him about how much the postal item costs

D) a service provided by postal organizations to the sender by informing him about when to come to receive the postal item

Sample answer: 1. B.

2. Notices of delivery may be:

A) simple

B) custom

B) accelerated

D) all answers are correct

Sample answer: 2.G.

3. What form does the sender fill out when handing over the postal item with a return receipt:

Sample answer: 3. A.

4. Is the statement "Sending a notification must be made on the day the postal item is issued" true?

Sample answer: 4. A.

5. Is it possible to serve the sender with unformed and incorrectly executed notices?

Sample answer: 5.B.

6. When notifications of delivery are received by the OPS, the following is put on the left side of the address side of the notification:

B) postal number

B) operator's signature

Sample answer: 6.A

7. What is the name of the notification that the sender has the right to request within 6 months after they have been submitted to the OPS?

A) late notices

B) notifications on demand

B) paid notifications

D) follow-up notices

Sample answer: 7. G.

8. Match:

Subsequent notifications are paid in accordance with the applicable tariffs for forwarding notifications:

A) bespoke

B) accelerated

1. stamps

2. cash

Sample answer: 8. A.1 B.2

9. What is the name of the postal item when the sender instructs the OPS to collect the amount of money set by him from the addressee upon delivery of the postal item to him and send it to the sender's return address by postal order?

A) notice of delivery

B) postal order

B) cash on delivery

D) registered mail

Sample answer: 9.B

10. Postal items with cash on delivery are issued to addressees after receiving:

A) 30% of the amount of cash on delivery and the fee for its forwarding

B) 50% of the amount of cash on delivery and the fee for its forwarding

C) 75% of the amount of cash on delivery and the fee for its forwarding

D) the full amount of the cash on delivery and the fee for its transfer

Sample answer: 10. G.

11. What is batch mail?

A) ten or more registered mail items received from one sender to one or more addresses

B) twenty or more registered mail items received from one sender to one or more addresses

C) registered mail received from legal entity to one or more addresses

Sample answer: 11. BUT.

12. Is it allowed to draw up lists f.103, for batch postal items, by the sender himself?

Sample answer: 12.A.

13. In the completed lists f.103, for party postal items, the following are not allowed:

A) fixes

B) bend

B) cleanups

D) paste

Sample answer: 13.A.V.

14. Is it necessary to certify the lists f.103 with a seal of a legal entity?

Sample answer: 14.A.

MY PROFESSION IS MY FUTURE PRESENTATION MY PROFESSION IS A TELECOM OPERATOR Author Kristina Romanovna Filyushkina 1st year student by profession telecom operator Head Odina Yuliya Anatolyevna Master of Communications by profession GBPOU SO "Rtishchev Polytechnic Lyceum"

Day and night, at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, mail moves in a continuous stream across our country and throughout the vast planet in all directions: it walks through hot deserts, snowy expanses, climbs mountains, surfs rivers, lakes, seas and oceans , soars or rushes to sky-high heights, rushes into space.

Throughout the history of mankind, people have exchanged news. At first, these were rock paintings, the smoke of signal fires or the sound of alarm drums announcing the approach of the enemy. Time passed. With the development of human relations, there was a need for a regular exchange of information.

Initially, there was a post office on foot, then horse messengers appeared. Behind them, a pit chase arose. With the development of railway transport, special mail cars began to be used to transport mail. Then, where there were no railways, mail was delivered by water, by air. And now we have email. You can communicate with people anywhere in our Earth without leaving your home.

Today, the Russian Post includes 86 branches, near postal facilities, providing postal services throughout the territory Russian Federation including all cities and rural areas. One of the largest labor collectives of postal workers is about employees. Every year, Russian postal workers receive, process and deliver more than 1.5 billion letters, 48 ​​million parcels and 113 million units. money transfers.

In total, the Post offers its customers over 80 postal, financial, infocommunication and other services. Post offices deliver pensions and allowances, as well as subscription printed publications. You can pay at post offices utilities, receive and repay a bank loan, cash out money from plastic cards, take out insurance, purchase lottery, railway, air and theater tickets, as well as consumer goods. In addition, in the Public Access Points, those who wish can access the Internet, send and receive email, print the document.

The operator provides services to the public for the receipt, processing and delivery of postal items (letters, parcels, parcels, transfers), both domestic and international. It subscribes to periodicals, accepts payments for utilities and issues pensions to citizens.

The telecom operator is a kind of agitator, carrying the message to the people about the availability and usefulness of modern technologies - electronic transfers, Cyber ​​- money, international transfers Western - Union, not only for residents of cities, but also for rural residents. Each of the postal operations has its own characteristics, requires care, thoroughness and accuracy from the telecom operator. The telecom operator must be able to capture the characteristics of a person and make sure that the client leaves the post office satisfied, in a good mood.

We are students of the lyceum by profession a telecom operator for a whole year comprehending the basics of this interesting profession, we can say with confidence that we were not mistaken in choosing a profession. Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to join us in our friendly student team! 14 Take my order, postal operator. I'll stand at your counter. I am ready to be here all day and all evening. I love looking at your work. Computer mind, monitor screen. All mail progress is obedient to you. The send is electronic faster than the motor. And the realm of miracles becomes a reality. Send my regards to Saturn and Venus. What does it cost you, press the button. I'm used to the idea, and I hope and believe. That we are not alone in this galaxy. So let the operators from our post offices send the signal to the universal height. All Masha, Alena, Tatyana and Nata, They were born to know the universe. They will certainly wait for an answer. To Earth - starship space trail. Cool, ventilate and do not burn. Taking astronauts from hot planets.