Such an error, unfortunately. occurs frequently. To get rid of it, you cannot resort to disabling your antivirus program, the fact is that it is he who can block some files, mistaking them for malicious ones.

    If suddenly this does not help, then you can do the following:

    Here, delete the folder with the name:

    Restart PC.

  • Well, this problem, like many, can be easily solved. To begin with, I advise you to check through the antivirus, see if Steam starts without an antivirus that is enabled, if it didn’t work, try restarting your computer, if after that it doesn’t help you should refer to the instructions on these videos

    I have been using the Steam platform (hereinafter referred to as Steam) for a long time and I had a similar error pop up several times when launching various computer games(e.g. Left 4 Dead 2, Dayz). At first, I could not understand what was happening, why it happened. I tried to run the game several times, rebooted Steam and even the computer, eventually deleted the game and reinstalled it again. Then I realized that this antivirus program (I use Kaspersky antivirus) deletes the startup file (exe file) or places it in quarantine. Moreover, when you return from quarantine, the antivirus transfers it there again at startup and Steam again gives an error when you start the game.

    Therefore, if it appears given error:

    • check whether the antivirus swears at the startup file;
    • if he quarantined it, then return it and add it to the trusted zone;
    • if the antivirus deleted it, then we check the integrity of the game cache (it seems, right click mouse click in the Steam library on the game and select Verify integrity of cache).

    After these manipulations, the game started normally for me.

    If in some game based on the Steam platform (Steam) you got a sign with the error you described - Could not start the game - the executable file was not found, you can try to take the following steps, which may help eliminate this error:

    • go to My computer;
    • open Program Files;
    • find the folder with the desired game and rename it;
    • then go to Steam and delete this game in the Library section;
    • after that, restore the folder name that was changed;
    • The next step is to install this game through Steam.

    In most cases, these steps will help resolve these kinds of issues with these kinds of errors.

    This problem is solved in several steps:

    • go to the Steam folder, which is located in the drive С in Program Files;
    • then find the folder with essential game and rename the folder;
    • then go to Steam service and delete the game from there from the section libraryquot ;.
    • then we restore the name of the folder, which was changed in the first paragraph, back.
    • and again we go to the Steam service, re-install the game.

    That's basically it. These actions solve the problem in most cases.

    If you get this error, then first you need to try disabling the antivirus program, it is he who can interfere with the normal operation of the program. If that doesn't help, you can try a laptop or computer.

    Sometimes the antivirus can identify something in the game as a virus attack. Therefore, it is better to turn it off for a while. It is also better to close other programs that can conflict with the game. Here is the list.

    Now you can try the following. Close the STIM application.

    Log in to your computer at the following address:

    C:Program_Files (x86)Steam


    Find in this folder and delete the entire appcache.

    Turn off your computer and turn it on. The problem must be solved.

    If such an error has come out, go to my computer, then Program Files and look for the folder with the Installed game. We rename it (in order not to get confused, we just add a few characters). Now open the uninstall wizard and uninstall the game. Then we rename the folder from Program Files back, as it was. It remains only to restart Steam.

    In case of such an error, the solution will be as follows:

    • the first step is to find and rename the folder with installed game(any name will do): the game folder is most often located in the Program Files
    • after that we go / go to Steam and delete the game there
    • then rename the folder with the same game (return the previous name)
    • and finally, you will need to restart Steam

    After that, the problem with starting the game should be resolved.

I see an error when launching a game or application through Steam "executable file not found". What should I do?


This error usually appears when there are not enough game or program files, or as a result of their damage. Please try following the steps below to start downloading corrupted or missing files:

  1. Close Steam completely.
  2. Navigate to the Steam installation folder (usually C:Program Files (x86)Steam for 32-bit systems and C:Program FilesSteam for 64-bit systems).
  3. Delete folder "appcache".
  4. Restart your computer and try launching the game or application through Steam.
If the game or application does not launch as a result of the above steps, then some other program may be interfering with the download of entire files of the non-working application or game. Please remove programs from the list of those that conflict with Steam for a while. that your antivirus software detects game or application files as containing viruses.

Unsupported OS


Some games and applications can be downloaded through Steam even on those Operating Systems which they are not supported. Check system requirements product on its page in the Steam Store or on its box. This may be due to how the product is configured by the developers themselves. In such cases, even if the installation was successful, the game or application will not be able to run on this operating system.

Running Steam as Administrator

For Windows Vista, 7 and 8:

  1. Quit Steam completely.
  2. Right-click on the Steam shortcut with which you launch it.
  3. Select an item "Run as administrator".

For Windows XP:

Reset Steam Configuration

You can reset the Steam configuration files to default settings, which in some cases may resolve the issue in the article. If you have multiple folders where games are installed, resetting Steam settings will remove entries about them. You will need to re-add these folders to steam settings to have your games marked as installed.

  1. Open Steam.
  2. Enter the menu Steam > Settings.
  3. Go to the tab "Downloads".
  4. Click on the button "Steam Library Folders".
  5. Click on the button "Add Folder" to add a folder containing your games.
  6. Click on the button OK.
  7. Restart Steam.

Verifying game or application files

If after performing all the troubleshooting steps above, the problem is not resolved, you can initiate a scan of the local files of the game or application.

Important note:

Do not run this process while other system-intensive processes are running, such as defragmenting your hard drive or virus scanning. Do not run this process for multiple games at the same time.

To check the integrity of files:

  1. Launch Steam.
  2. Right click on the game in library and select the item "Properties".
  3. Open a tab "Local Files" and click on the button "Verify integrity of cache..."
  4. Steam will verify the integrity of the game's cache files, this operation may take several minutes.
  5. After the operation is completed, the verification window will automatically close.
After the verification is completed, Steam may display a message stating that some files did not pass the verification. This is normal - in this case, all files that have not passed the check or are missing will be downloaded from the Internet.

Contacting Steam Support

If after following all the steps in this article your problem still persists, please contact Steam Support. fix this problem and write about it in your message. Also be sure to include the following information:

  • Full screenshot with error.
  • MSinfo Report (PC) or System Information (Mac) .
  • List of programs you have uninstalled based on

If so, then you probably know about all the benefits that a gamer gets by using this platform from Valve. The player not only becomes available to all the most modern and Interesting games, but also online battles with friends who may live on the other side of the world.

Unfortunately, not always all the features of Steam work in the normal mode. In particular, sometimes the user sees the message “Failed to connect to the Steam network”, and often the error pops up for no apparent reason.

Do not rush to panic. How many times does this message pop up? Have you only tried to launch the game once? If so, then simply try to do it again, after closing the Steam service in the system tray.

As a rule, single client crashes with such an error do not indicate anything terrible. Perhaps short-term problems on Valve's servers are to blame. If this situation persists after the restart, you need to check the Internet connection.

It often happens that the provider is to blame, which has some problems on the line. In addition, there are banal problems with the cable or WiFi signal. If you are using a router located on a closet in the next room, check its power supply. It happens that the nervous system suffers because of all sorts of little things. Have you checked? Still unable to connect to the Steam network?

We eliminate the cause

Try closing your antivirus and firewall, then try to launch the game again. It is not so rare that it is these “watchmen” who do not release a program on the Internet. This happens especially often immediately after updating the Steam client, when the main files of the program are changed, after which the firewall automatically begins to "suspect" that some kind of malware has upgraded it.

If the launch of "Steam" without firewall successful, you will have to manually add it to the program exceptions. To do this, you need to read the FAQ on the official website of the application manufacturer. In this case, it is impossible to give any specific recommendations, since there are too many programs, and their setup procedure is different.

Valve way

It is curious that the “valve” themselves know about the problem, but they cannot say anything specific about its cause. Technical support notes that many factors can affect this. However, they also gave out a method that often helps. If you are unable to connect to the Steam network, try it.

To fix everything, right-click on the Steam shortcut, and then go to "Properties". In the opened it is necessary to find a field called "Object". At the very end of the line written there, insert: "-tcp -login Your login password".

In a word, as a result you should get something like this: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steam.exe" -tcp -login Vasyapupkin 9876543". In many cases, such actions really help to solve a painful problem.

Another solution

Some users have reported that they started having problems with Steam after switching to a different provider. It is not known how, but sometimes the program's connection with its servers is hindered by a large number of registered users in the system. When it was not possible to connect to the Steam network, it is better to thin out this list.

Simply put, after the old provider, it remains to be removed. How to do it?

Click on "Start", go to "Control Panel", "Network Management". In the right part of the working window there is an item "Change adapter settings". After clicking on the link, a window will open with a list of all adapters registered in the system. Find among them extra connections, and then delete them. This is done by clicking on them with RMB and selecting in context menu"Delete" item.

A radical solution to the problem

Some Steam users managed to overcome the problem very in a radical way. They report that the program began to connect to the servers normally only after they completely deleted the contents of the Steam directory, leaving only the "Bin" folder and the "Steam.exe" file there.

There is also a more targeted solution to the problem. Change to the aforementioned directory again, and then look for the "ClientRegistry.blob" file in it. Delete it and then try restarting the program. Still unable to connect to the Steam network? Move on.

More about the provider

If all of the above did not help, and Steam stubbornly refuses to go online, in any case, the problem should be sought on the provider's side. Try another solution: go to the "Control Panel", and then to the "Network Control Center". Find on the right side of the working window "Change adapter settings", then right-click on your connection.

In the context menu that appears, click on "Properties". In the next dialog box, find the item "Internet Protocol Version 4", select it with the left mouse button and click on the "Properties" button.

In the fields "... addresses of DNS servers", set the values ​​ and Click "OK", and then try to start "Steam" again. This is special open servers from Google.

Finally, try to remember if you installed any additional software before the problems started: was there a critical patch on Windows, was there a release of the nix system that was updated?

Quite often it happens that, for some unknown reason, updates may conflict with some programs. So, the story with Windows update, after which the program basically refused to start.

Call to technical support write to them at email, attaching screenshots with the problem that has arisen. If this is something typical, which arose just because of problems with the software, they will definitely help you.

Here's what to do if you can't connect to the Steam network.


I see an error when launching a game or application through Steam "executable file not found". What should I do?


This error usually appears when there are not enough game or program files, or as a result of their damage. Please try following the steps below to start downloading corrupted or missing files:

  1. Close Steam completely.
  2. Navigate to the Steam installation folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam for 32-bit systems and C:\Program Files\Steam for 64-bit systems).
  3. Delete folder "appcache".
  4. Restart your computer and try launching the game or application through Steam.

It is also possible that your anti-virus software detects game or application files as containing viruses.

Unsupported OS


Some games and applications can be downloaded through Steam even on operating systems that do not support them. Check the product's system requirements on its Steam Store page or on its box. This may be due to how the product is configured by the developers themselves. In such cases, even if the installation was successful, the game or application will not be able to run on this operating system.

Launching Steam on behalf of the administrator

Reset Steam Configuration

You can reset the Steam configuration files to default settings, which in some cases may resolve the issue in the article.

If you have multiple folders where games are installed, resetting Steam settings will remove entries for them. You will need to re-add these folders to your Steam settings in order for your games to be marked as installed.

  1. Open Steam.
  2. Enter the menu Steam > Settings.
  3. Go to the tab "Downloads".
  4. Click on the button "Steam Library Folders".
  5. Click on the button "Add Folder" to add a folder containing your games.
  6. Click on the button OK.
  7. Restart Steam.

Verifying game or application files

If after performing all the troubleshooting steps above, the problem is not resolved, you can initiate a scan of the local files of the game or application.

Important note:

Do not run this process while other system-intensive processes are running, such as defragmenting your hard drive or scanning for viruses.

Do not run this process for multiple games at the same time.

To check the integrity of files:

  1. Launch Steam.
  2. Right click on the game in library and select the item "Properties".
  3. Open a tab "Local Files" and click on the button "Verify integrity of cache..."
  4. Steam will verify the integrity of the game's cache files, this operation may take several minutes.
  5. After the operation is completed, the verification window will automatically close.

After the verification is completed, Steam may display a message stating that some files did not pass the verification. This is normal - in this case, all files that have not passed the check or are missing will be downloaded from the Internet.