Website domain is perhaps the very first obscure term that any novice website builder will have to deal with. However, in fact, there is nothing complicated and intricate in this word, as in. In this article, I will talk about what a website domain is, what it can be and how to choose the right one.

What is a domain

The domain of a website is the address where it is located. For example, this is the domain of my site. By typing this address in the browser, you can get here.

Domain names are designed to make it easier for users to browse the Internet. The Internet, in fact, is a set of computers connected to each other over a network. Surely, you know that all computers on the network have their own IP address, which is unique. Well, every site on the Internet also has an IP, and if there were no domain names, we would all have to type in the IP in the browser to view this or that site. This is inconvenient and hard to remember (IPs consist of 8 or more numbers). And the website domain is easy to remember, and it refers to the IP of the site to which it belongs. Communication between domain and IP is managed.

A domain is a shortened, easy-to-remember website address, which is equivalent to its complex numerical IP address. By writing the domain in the address bar of the browser, we get to the site.

What are domains

Website domains are divided into several levels.

  • The first (upper) level, it is also called the domain zone. It is registered by thematic or geographic affiliation. For example, .ru or .rf - for Russia, .eu - for the European Union, .travel - for tourist sites, .biz or .com - for commercial projects. No one monitors whether geographic or thematic norms are respected. So, at the first there may be some Japanese site, for example, and - something about computers.
  • Second level or website domain. It is he who should be registered to create a site. The second level name is registered in the first level zone. All second-level names must be unique within their domain zone, that is, two sites with the same address cannot be.
  • Third level or subdomain. It is registered for some additional needs of the site. For example, a subdomain might host a forum, a shop, or something else.

I will give an example on my website domain.

  • My first level;
  • Second level - ;
  • If I had a third-level domain, it would look like this:

As you can see, all levels of website domains are separated by dots. It is not recommended to use more than 3 levels, as it will be difficult to promote them.

How to choose a domain

First you need to determine in which domain zone the site will be registered. It is recommended to choose a geo-referenced zone for promotion in a particular region. So, if you are planning to promote a site in Runet, you should choose .ru or .rf. However, this is not an axiom at all, but a recommendation. Practice shows that in Runet (and in other segments of the Internet) both domains of other geographic zones and international domains of a website are advancing well.

To choose a second-level domain, you need to decide on the subject of the site and choose one or two words that characterize it well.

For example, for a site about car repair, you can choose (or another domain zone instead of .com). It is advisable to choose a website domain so that it is also easy to remember and read. This will have a positive effect on the sympathy of future visitors, although this is not critical.

Since all names must be unique in one zone, it is likely that the website domain you have chosen will be taken. There are two ways out here - either try to register in other domain zones, or somehow change the registered name, for example, put a dash or come up with something else.

Timeweb is a reliable domain registrar. We have low prices without imposing additional services and expensive extensions. On the site, you can buy an address in almost any domain zone, from the popular .com and .ru to the original .fashion and .blackfriday. The price of a domain varies depending on the level of demand, exchange rates and other factors.

If you don't know yet which network name to order, use the search on our website. So you can not only check if the address is free, but also determine the appropriate domain zone by name or cost. Or choose first one of the categories of zones, for example - popular, international, thematic groups. And then filter by price or alphabetically and find attractive options for yourself.

How to register a domain

Domain registration is a simple process that usually takes no more than half an hour. If you have already come up with an address for the site, then just enter it in the search bar, make sure it is free, and add it to your cart. The next step is filling out an application in the basket, where you need to specify personal data, tariff and frequency of payment.

In addition to domain name registration, our company also provides hosting services, so you can immediately buy a network address and server space to host your project on the Internet.

Moreover, if you use the website builder, you can easily make a web resource in Timeweb in just a few hours. By the way, for the annual payment of virtual hosting or a designer, you will get .ru or .rf for free.

If you are not interested in hosting, then when filling out the order form, select the special "Parking" tariff. In this case, you need to pay only for registering or renewing network addresses. Please note that we return cashback from 15 to 20% when ordering several domain names at a time! And for those who want to buy domains in bulk, we reduce prices for .ru and .rf to 99 rubles.

How to pay and renew a domain

You can pay for and renew your domain in our control panel, where you get access immediately after submitting an application on the site. The procedure is simple - the only thing you need to choose is the payment option: from the account balance, a separate account or use bonuses.

Especially for our clients, we have implemented free service Domain Auto Renewal: You don't have to worry about renewing your domain registration on time, as payment will be made automatically 35 days before the expiration date. Therefore, to protect against cybersquatters, we recommend enabling auto-renewal in the settings immediately after purchasing a domain name.

If you have any questions about registration, be sure to contact Timeweb support by phone, chat, or via tickets in the hosting control panel. Our experts will be happy to advise and help you!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This blog has a detailed one. After or while reading this publication, I advise you to read that article in order to get a complete picture. I also advise you to read my publications on the topic, which means and.

Today we have on the agenda the question - what is domain or domain name(in fact, they are synonyms). Well, it's actually quite simple. This is the site name., which is assigned to it instead of the hard-to-remember IP address of the server hosting this site (see). Enter this name in the address bar of the browser and the site opens.

But the difficulty lies in the details. What are they, how does it all work, what is domain zones, how to understand which level domain and which of them can be registered, where it can be done and which zone to choose. There are many questions and I will try to answer all of them in this "small note".

What is a domain?

As I mentioned above, domain is the name for the site..162.192.0. Also, imagine the situation. You have placed a site on a hosting server (see above for what it is) and received an IP address. But, moving to another hosting IP will change, which will cause a disaster. But in the case of domain names, this will not happen. Why?

The fact is that there are thousands of DNS servers (domain name systems) on the Internet, which will state that the domain site is available at IP address If I move to another hosting, then I go to the domain name registrar panel (where I bought it), change something and it will be written in all Internet DNS servers that the site should be searched for at a different IP address. Is it convenient?

Convenient, but probably not clear yet. The main thing to understand is website name is very important thing and it is for life (as a rule, although you can transfer the site to another domain if you wish, but this is not easy). Whatever you call a boat, that's how it will float. True, not only the name is important, but also the level of the domain, as well as the zone to which it belongs. Again unclear? Well, let's go in order.

How a domain name works

Let's start with the basics. The domain record (site name) must include all nesting levels of the domain (all zones it belongs to) so that it is unique and there is no confusion.

There are two main rules for recording domain names:

  1. The zones that this domain belongs to are listed from right to left.
  2. Points are used as a separator.

It might look like this, for example:

We get the fourth-level domain net, which is part of the third-level domain zone "blog", which is part of the second-level zone "ktonanovenkogo" belonging to the first-level Nonsense, right? (my wife, who checks for errors in the article, will confirm this with pleasure).

What are the levels of domains

  1. Root domain(zero level) is considered an empty entry, denoted simply by a dot (.). In theory, the full record of a domain name should always end with a dot, but in most cases it is omitted (as if meaning) and instead of the record: site.

    They use the already firmly established relative domain record (without a dot at the end):

  2. This is followed by the first level - this is usually regional(national) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) or thematic(.com, .edu, .org, .net, etc.). But there are also first-level domain names, including national alphabets(for example, .rf).
  3. Second level- these are the same domains that we are with you buy(we register with special registrars). Prices for them vary not only depending on whether they belong to a particular first-level domain (for example, is cheaper to buy, as a rule, than, but also depending on the registrar (or its reseller - retailer).
  4. Third, fourth, etc. - they no longer need to be bought (as a rule) and can be created independently (without registering anywhere) based on the purchased second-level domain. For example, I can create such a name for a new site -

Let's explain it all again For example:

  1. . (dot) - zero (root) level domain
  2. ru - the first level, also called top-level domain or zone
  3. website - second-level domain name
  4. - third level domain
  5. - fourth level

Top (first) level domains

Except for the zero level (root - root domain), because it is emptiness, then the base is the so-called zones or top-level domains(it is with them that the name of any site begins, although it seems that it ends with them - but not the point). They cannot be bought by an ordinary person, but it is from these zones that we will choose when buying a second-level domain (name for our site).

So what are they like:

  1. Domains of the first (highest) level, assigned to countries, which are usually called among very smart people by the abbreviation Cctld, which means country code top-level domain. Russia has two of them:
    1. su - vestige left over from Soviet Union and representing now the space of resources in Russian
    2. ru - originally assigned to Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabets, which are usually abbreviated as Idn (internationalized domain name). In Russia, this is zona.rf. In fact, their names are still written in English characters (recoding takes place), but this is, as it were, hidden from view. However, if you enter the address in the browser: http://ktonanovenkogo.rf/

    and after going to this site, copy its address from address bar, then you get a completely indigestible nonsense:

    Http://xn--80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ Here it turns out how unattractive it looks. And it is in this form that it will have to be added to different services (like ), and not in the form of someone new.rf. This must be taken into account. Yes, and other problems are possible, although at first they are not obvious.

  3. Upper domains common use , usually called Gtld, which means generic top-level domain, are registered (sold) regardless of the country in which the webmaster lives. The most used of them:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-commercial sites of various organizations
    3. .net - for projects related to the Internet
    4. .edu - for educational institutions and projects
    5. .biz - commercial organizations only
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for personal sites
    8. .gov - for US government agencies

How and where can I register (buy) a domain in top-level zones

Second-level domain names, as a rule, cannot be obtained just like that (and it is better not to try, because the name for the site is too important to risk registering it with no one knows who). They cost money. And payment is made per year, and then the domain lease needs to be renewed.

Once again I will draw your attention - buy second-level domain names, and everything above - you can create yourself on their basis. This is usually done in your hoster's panel in the subdomains section - these are domains of the third and higher levels, such as

There are not so many such companies (bright examples are RegRu and webnames), but they may have a whole network of resellers (partners) who will be engaged in the selection and sale of domains on their behalf. If the current reseller did not satisfy you with something or you had trouble with it, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

At all without Borders you can buy domains in the public domains .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, and .name. In the .edu, .gov, and .mil zones, however, this option is available only for institutions, as well as educational and military institutions of the states. There are also a number of specialized first level domains, such as .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

Second-level domain names in these public areas can be purchased from any registrar(not only national), which, in fact, is used by some resources that may have conflicts with copyright holders. The same torrent was forced to move to the public zone org, because its resource was blocked in the national domain zone ru.

Second level domains - busyness check and Whois

About half a billion domain names have already been registered on the Internet in various zones, so choosing a good (short, simple, sonorous) name in the right zone is now very not an easy task(just like hard). A third of the registered names are not used at all, because they were bought for resale (successful domains can be expensive in the secondary market - sometimes many millions of dollars).

Checking a domain name for availability

Therefore, the first thing to do when choosing a suitable domain for a site is . This can be done with different registrars (the result will be the same, because they use a common base).

Therefore, when viewing information about a domain in the so-called whois records, you can find your personal data there, which was required during registration. In my opinion, it is better to hide this information, because there are enough dashing people on the Internet (although if you need problems out of the blue...).

Domain name history and purchase of vacant domains

The history of domain ownership can be traced in the so-called . There you can clearly see what kind of sites were ever hosted on this domain name, what they were like and whether their history will affect the initial attitude search engines to your site.

Just below are released in this moment domains(for a detailed view, click on the price):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Web is one of the newest top-level domains on offer. Rumor has it that .web could replace the .COM domain. The new .web domain space will be the first truly generic space to compete directly with the overloaded .COM domain. This will enable a broad new range of domain name options for businesses and individuals around the world and provide a platform for a range of innovative domain-based services.

There is a shortage of quality domain names in current gTLDS such as . .com, .biz, .org, .net. Implementing .web will give businesses and individuals the ability to register more appropriate, attractive, and descriptive domain names.
Source: cpr144449003101

The Internet is growing at a tremendous speed! More than 2.2 million internet users and about 50,000 new domains are registered every day. Global e-commerce is expected to grow by 13.5% in the next 4 years and reach approximately $1.4 trillion in 2015. There is no longer room in the existing cpr144449003101 top-level domain space to support this rate of growth. Finding the right gTLD domain name without spending a fortune is becoming more challenging task for new ventures and businesses. And so ICANN is opening up a new domain name space with about 1,000 new gTLD extensions coming out.

The ICANN New gTLD program is in full swing and continues to progress. More and more domain zones are being launched at a high pace. As 101 cpr144449003101 becomes more aware of new domain launches, we will update the launch dates for each zone. Check out huge amount exciting domain names coming soon!

Pre-registering a .web domain will allow us to submit your domain for registration as soon as this extension is available for registration. it best method maximize your chances of getting your desired new .web top-level domain. By pre-registering, you save yourself from the worry that you may miss the right moment and it's completely free cpr144449003101, which means that by pre-registering you do not risk anything. Additionally, pre-registration requests will allow the site to keep you up to date with changes in prices, terms, and policies for new domains..web that has been applied for through pre-registration will be successfully registered.

The pre-registration process for a .web domain is completely free. You are only required to provide a valid email address and other contact information. And only when the new gTLD .web domain becomes available for registration and you wish to register it, you will be required to provide information about credit card or another method to pay for the registration of a new domain.

We may send you an email regarding your .web domain pre-registration in order to receive an order confirmation from you. If cpr144449003101 this email cannot be delivered to the address you provided, then your Account will close and pre-registration will be cancelled.

No. Pre-registration of a .web domain is completely free and without obligation. As soon as we receive information about the rules for registering a .web domain, prices for its registration cpr144449003101 - we will ask you to confirm your preliminary registration, which will allow you to change a simple preliminary registration, which does not carry any obligations, to an application for registration of a .web domain.

the site has set a limit of 500 pre-registrations of .web domains per user. This restriction is intended to provide a level playing field for our cpr144449003101 customers and to prevent domain name warehousing. Any pre-registrations of .web domains that go beyond this limit, as well as the creation of multiple accounts by a single user, will be deleted.

Yes, the site is authorized to pre-register new .web top-level domains cpr144449003101.

Pricing information for new gTLDs. web yet not available. All users who pre-register cpr144449003101 .web domains will be notified via e-mail as soon as such information becomes available.

Once the new .web top-level domain is approved, ICANN will establish rules and guidelines and a launch sequence that will determine who can register the new .web domain, when and under what conditions. Expected sequence:

  • The Sunrise trademark phase for the .web domain is a special period that provides existing trademarks and trademark owners with the opportunity to trademark their respective new top-level domains. Registration fees are usually higher during this period, as all trademarks must be verified and matched with the domains being registered.
  • The "landrush" period is a short registration period intended for businesses and individuals who do not own trademarks corresponding to domain names that they want to register. This period is for popular and in-demand .web domain names, and our prices for such names are significantly higher than the cpr144449003101 price for this extension during public registration. If there is more than one "landrush" application for the same .web domain name, then that .web domain name will be auctioned, where bidders can win the right to register that name from competitors.
  • Public Registration - At this stage, registration is available to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. When the .web domain extension is registered, it means that it is officially reserved and registered at the same time.
  • Premium Names - The Registry can and will withhold .web domain names from open registration, which are considered premium - those names that are very popular or unique. Such .web names will, of course, sell for the highest price.