Tag is the title of the page, the title of the page and one of the most important elements both in terms of conversion rate optimization. The title of the page is the first element that the user encounters most often. From header content ( ) often depends on whether a page is selected among others or closed.

Correct title pages can attract the attention of users, help in search engine optimization and getting to the top search results. An incorrect title may repel the user or make the page inconspicuous among other pages, resulting in, potential client will never know about a super offer that was posted on your .

title syntax

Tag located inside the tag <head></head> and has a mandatory closing tag −. The TITLE document's title tag has no attributes and can only be used once per page. In addition, the element does not have a direct display on the web page. Most often, the title of the page title is displayed at the top of the browser window. However, not only on this, one should think about <b>how to optimize page title</b>.</p><p> <head> <title>header

Title value </h2><p>Tag <title>has a key meaning on the page and is used for various purposes as the title of the page:</p><ul><li><b>Informing visitors about the content of the page</b>. The title text allows the visitor to get information about the page title, page content, site name. Because the page title appears on the browser's taskbar tab, the page title text helps you navigate the collapsed pages. The absence of text can negatively affect the visitor's desire to view the page.</li><li><b>Saving a web page on the local computer</b>. Many browsers allow you to save the contents of web pages as a file on <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-na-kompyutere-sety-zaiti-v-internet-kak-sozdat-lokalnuyu.html">local computer</a>. The page title will be selected as the file name when saving <title>.</li><li><b>Saving a page to favorites</b>. Modern web browsers allow you to create lists of preferred links in a special "Favorites" section. When saving a page link to favorites, the content of the title title is used as the page title. And since the links from the "Favorites" are usually stored as separate files, the TITLE page title is also used as the file name.</li><li><b>Page title in search results</b>. Search engines actively use the page title to form the name of the link to the site page. Tag text content <title>used for and calculating page relevance. The presence of keywords in the page title can have a positive effect on . Header match <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/servis-dlya-gruppirovki-klyuchevyh-zaprosov-klasterizaciya.html">key query</a> and the correct wording can make the link to the site more visible and attractive to visitors, which in turn will increase the CTR - (synonymous with click-through rate, from the English click-through rate) and increase search traffic on the site.</li> </ul><h2>How to optimize the page title tag <title></h2><p><b>The length of the page title title is 60-100 characters</b>. Consider how the page title will look in search results or in a browser tab. Due to page title length limit, long title will be cut off and what will be left in the end? Will the page title be informative and attractive? <span>Page title should be short</span>. And the shorter the page title, the more likely the visitor will read it and go to the page. Indeed, often it is by the name of the page that users decide to open the page or not.</p><p>The header length limit makes it unacceptable to place all sorts of informational garbage in the page title like: “ <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-nastroit-glavnuyu-stranicu-yandeksa-po-umolchaniyu-kak-izmenit.html">Main page</a>" or "Welcome!". The title should consist of keywords characteristic of the page, collected in a short, readable, meaningful and informative phrase. Try to avoid direct keyword listings. In addition, there are a number of characters that are undesirable for use in the page title: (= / ! ? * ":< >| + _). Do not use any characters to "decorate" the page title. It is necessary to rid the title of everything that does not carry <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/chto-takoe-ansi-chto-takoe-ansi-lyumen-lm-lm-edinica-izmereniya.html">useful information</a> about the page.</p><p>It is advisable to use a common style and phrase structure for the formation of headings on all pages of the site. It would be best to place target <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-podbirat-klyuchevye-slova-dlya-kontekstnoi-reklamy-klyuchevye.html">keywords</a> near the beginning of the title, and less significant keywords at the end of the page title. Often, page titles use site names and even contact details, such as a phone number. Here we can only advise against using such elements at the beginning of the heading. Duplicate header parts like this are more likely to be discarded by search engines, so it's better for them to stay at the end of the page header.</p><p>However, a bright and attractive headline can play a cruel joke if it is a deliberate or unintentional deception. A user who opens a site whose content does not match the title of the page is likely to leave the page and return to the search. Return to search is one of the parameters and when <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/vysokii-pokazatel-otkazov-iz-adwords-kuda-kopat-v-metrike.html">high rates</a> return to the search, the site page may wait for a decrease in relevance and loss of positions, for not matching the key query.</p><h2>Correct page title</h2><p>Immediately assess the degree <b>header effectiveness for page SEO optimization</b> or increasing conversion is not easy. However, there are a number of conditions, the observance of which will allow you to avoid errors when creating site headers:</p> <ol><li>Title length 60-100 characters;</li><li>Place keywords at the beginning of the heading or closer to the beginning;</li><li>Use fewer direct keyword listings;</li><li>Brevity, clarity and meaningfulness of the page title;</li><li>Eliminate, if possible, extra characters (= / ! ? * ":< > | + _);</li><li>Eliminate repeating parts or leave them at the end of the title;</li><li>Maintain consistency in page titles;</li><li>Do not mislead visitors, the title should match the content of the page;</li><li>Do not use rare, complex or allusive phrases - the title should be simple and clear.</li> </ol><p>Compliance with these conditions is the first step towards understanding what headline optimization is, on which a significant part of the search engine optimization of website content rests.</p><p>Add the page to your favorites, see the title. Share your opinion in the comments, ask questions. Put likes, tell your friends. <br>Be sure to subscribe to blog updates!</p><p><b>And write the right headlines!</b></p> <p><b>Proper SEO Title</b> will attract a lot of readers from search engines. Therefore, in order to increase page traffic, you need to use a number of SEO rules for creating a title for text.</p> <p>At the same time, in addition to typical conditions (the SEO title of the article must match its content), it is worth considering such nuances as the length of the SEO title and the content of keywords in it.</p> <h2>The title should be about 50-70 characters long</h2> <p>If this threshold is exceeded, then the search engine will show only one part of it instead of the title. In addition, records are kept only for the first 15 words, everything else is discarded by the search engine. This is another reason why you shouldn't make a headline too long.</p> <h3>Can keywords be used at the very beginning of the SEO title or in the middle of it?</h3> <p>The first option is preferable for Yandex, and the second is more successful as a means of promotion in Google. In any case, do not forget about the attractiveness of the title for the user. So, for example, in a bad tone <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/poiskovye-sistemy-rossii-i-lidiruyushchie-poiskoviki-interneta-kakaya.html">search engines</a> consider using instead of a “human” title a simple enumeration of all key phrases separated by commas.</p> <p>As already mentioned, the SEO title should be equally attractive to both search engines and potential readers. Therefore, it will be useful to use the following 2 techniques for compiling beautiful headlines.</p> <h3>Using numbers in the title of an article</h3> <p>The thing is, the numbers do <b>SEO title more specific</b>. Therefore, use lists and enumerations in the article, after which you can later name the article. For example, a great option would be to title an article on promotion methods “ <span>3 methods of SEO-promotion of an online store</span>».</p> <h3>SEO title in the form of a question</h3> <p>Since each article aims to answer a particular question, you can use this in its title. And an SEO title with a question will always take precedence over regular title options. So, if you call the article " <span>How to promote a site to the top?</span>", it will get a lot more clicks from search engines than an article with the topic " <span>The main features of the promotion</span>».</p> <p>And finally <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/navigator-v-avto-varianty-ustanovki-poslednie-sovety.html">last tip</a>: try to combine these techniques to maximize the effect of headline SEO optimization</p> <h4>Two part header</h4> <p>To make the title both interesting and SEO-optimized at the same time, you can include two elements in it: a key phrase at the beginning and a question at the end. Example: " <span>Website promotion: how to reach the top in 3 months?</span>».</p> <p><input type="checkbox" id="aside"><i> </i></p> <p>The first heading that a site visitor often doesn't pay attention to is the one shown on the browser tab (). For the search engine, it is the most important, since it is its Yandex, Google, etc. <b>most often</b>() is used as the title of the snippet.</p><p>The second heading is in the h1 tag. Further subheadings <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/arhivaciya-failov-dlya-umensheniya-obema-arhivaciya-failov-faily-i-failovaya.html">smaller sizes</a>. If you collect them all, then the structure of the web document should be clearly visible, like the chapters of a school textbook. Such information divided into sections and subsections is easily perceived; it is not difficult to find the necessary material on the page.</p><p>Important notes:</p><ul><li>the title clearly explains the content of the page, section, subsection. This is not a text styling tool. They don't need to highlight a menu item that contains nothing but a title.</li><li>title is a word, phrase, sentence. It shouldn't be long.</li><li>The title is the whole sentence, not part of it. For the design of one or several words, there are tags such as strong , mark , em , etc. ().</li><li>if the article is built in the "question-answer" format and the answer is in most cases short (for example, the instructions for a medicinal product), then instead of the h tags, it is more correct to use the triple dl , dt , dd .</li> </ul><h2>Check h1 page</h2> <p>Now a phrase in any tag can be made a heading using <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/css-znacheniya-po-umolchaniyu-dlya-html-elementov-sbros-css-stilei-primery.html">css styles</a>: increase the font and/or text size. In order to check the number of h1 tags and their contents, it is enough, no <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/usloviya-predostavleniya-uslug-google-chrome-usloviya-predostavleniya-uslug-google-chrome.html">additional extensions</a> not required. Such a tool can be displayed by pressing the key <F12> : </p><h2>Difference in using h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 in HTML5 and HTML4</h2> <p>Before reading further, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the examples described in the standards yourself.</p><h3>One h1 per page (HTML4 version)</h3> <ul><li>Sudoku step by step solution <ul><li>Sudoku solver with explanations (online)</li><li>Rules of the game</li><li>Crossword Cell Filling Algorithm <ul><li>Method 1. "Hidden Loners"</li><li>Method 2. "Singles"</li> </ul></li><li>Sudoku Solving Methods <ul><li>Strategy 1. Candidate in two or three cells of one square</li><li>Strategy 2. Groups of candidates</li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul> <h1> <img src='https://i0.wp.com/logo.gif' loading=lazy loading=lazy> </h1> <h1>Name of the site</h1> <div class="vyrovnyat"> <h1>header</h1> </div> <p><b>Statement 1:</b> The title of the page, or part of it, must not be a link (see Common Sense and News.Google Help). Hence the corollary: the name of the web project on the Main should also not be a link. In general, you don't want a page to link to itself (excl. ). And this is how it is permissible (on Avito, on the announcement page of each similar post, h3 is given):</p> <p>Interest rates from 1% to 5%</p> </a> <section> ... </aside> </p><p><b>Statement 2:</b> there is a slight difference in how to place the link: inside the h tag or the h tag inside the link. And it lies in the fact that in the first case, only the text is a link, and in the second, the entire block.</p><p> <h2> <a href="#">text only</a> </h2> <a href="#"> <h2>entire block (rectangular area)</h2> </a> </p><h2>Should title be different from h1 ?</h2> <p>"Can title be the same as h1 ?" - Yes maybe.</p><p>"A different title and h1 is good for SEO?" - yes, useful. Additional keywords can be added to the tags in question to increase the tail of queries that come to the site. Or, to make a snippet more attractive, put in the title, say, the name of the company, if the company is well-known, or a phone number (for a taxi, for example).</p><p><b>Note:</b> in order for the page to appear in Google News or Yandex quick links, the main part of the title and h1 must match. This may be due to the fact that visitors expect to see the same title on the site page as in the search engine results. On the <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/podrobnyi-obzor-i-testirovanie-apple-iphone-se-apple-iphone-se-2017-dizain.html">this moment</a> It is worth paying attention to information sites.</p><h2>Should the headings of the side blocks be taken in h ?</h2> <p>If the headings are indexed (see ), then it's better to be in the h tag. Anyway, they are used on every page of the site and the weight of these words ("Advertising", " <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-pomenyat-shrift-v-novoi-versii-skaipa-specialnye-vozmozhnosti-v.html">Last messages</a>", "Subscription", etc.) is overestimated. It can be assumed that the aside parent should decrease their value.</p><p>In addition, for the visually impaired it will be clear what's what, and not solid untitled .</p> <p>Proper design of H1-H6 headings in text content will allow you to improve the ranking of the site and bring pages to higher positions in the TOP results. Along with the title and description meta tags, titles are the most important elements of a page that are taken into account in the process of evaluation by search robots. The quality of H1-H6 tags affects the quality of internal optimization in general. Without working with headings, it is impossible to get the full benefits of SEO.</p> <h2>H1-H6 Heading Rules</h2> <p>Here are some rules to follow when writing H1-H6 tags:</p> <ul><li>The H1 tag can only be used once per page.</li> <li>Headlines should include keywords that <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/kak-sohranit-dannye-stranicy-v-pdf-kak-sohranit-veb-stranicu-v-pdf-dokument.html">this page</a> moving forward in the search.</li> <li>The absence of any spam.</li> <li>Compilation of H1-H6 tags taking into account synonyms and morphology.</li> <li>Key queries should be placed closer to the beginning of the heading.</li> <li>Queries used in H1-H6 must appear in the text on the page.</li> <li>Headings should be clear, concise and informative.</li> </ul><h3>Features of placing headings in the text</h3> <p>H1-H6 tags are written in the site code and serve to highlight headings in text content. The title text is enclosed in the appropriate tag on both sides. Thus, search robots distinguish these elements from the rest of the text.</p> <h4>Composing H1-H6 tags</h4> <p>The H1 tag is of the utmost importance in website optimization. With its help, the main title of the page is highlighted - the title of the article, the title of the product, the title of the news, etc. When compiling this tag, it is mandatory to use <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/v-kakih-sluchayah-ispolzuetsya-semanticheskoe-yadro-sostavlyaem-topovoe.html">key phrase</a>(word) on which the page advances.</p> <p>The rules for writing titles are similar to those used when designing the title meta tag. The content should be unique, capacious and thematic. The H1 heading should not be a copy of the title. It is important to use your own unique H1-H6 for each page of the site and avoid repetition.</p> <p>Do not list keywords in titles separated by commas. The content of the tags should be understandable not only to search robots, but also to readers. After reading the title, users should understand what the next piece of text is about. In fact, the H1-H6 tags reflect the summary of the information contained in individual sections (paragraphs) <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/stateinye-ploshchadki-podbiraem-vneshnie-ploshchadki-dlya.html">text content</a>. With their help, you can focus on the details, encourage users to further explore the information.</p> <p>If a large number of keywords are used in the headings, then search engines may take the entire text as spam. In this case, the headings will harm the entire promoted page. When compiling tags, it is important to monitor their quality, trying to avoid repetition of words and too much volume. In each heading, it is enough to mention one key expression from those used in the text.</p> <h4>H2-H6 tagging features</h4> <p>Tags of the second and lower levels are placed on the page in descending order. Thus, the H1 tag is affixed first, then the H2-H6 tags. It is desirable to make all headings not too similar to each other. If you use the same keyword in several headings, then you need to dilute it with different additional phrases.</p> <p>It's best to avoid headlines like "Welcome" or "Welcome." Such phrases will not benefit the page in terms of SEO. Any title should help, first of all, promote the site in the search. It is necessary to design it taking into account the requirements of optimization so that the page gains more weight and good positions in the search results.</p> <p>Of course, you should not forget about the readability of headings for users. When designing H1-H6 tags, it is necessary to find the balance that will ensure the satisfaction of both search engines and the target audience. Google and Yandex should understand what the page is about, what queries the site is being promoted for. Visitors, in turn, should get the most useful information after a cursory glance at headlines and text snippets.</p> <h4>Common Heading Mistakes</h4> <p>If the H1-H6 tags are incorrectly composed and placed, the quality of the site pages for search engines deteriorates. This is reflected in the effectiveness of promotion in the results of issuance.</p> <p>Very often in <a href="https://bar812.ru/en/analiz-sushchestvuyushchih-programmnyh-produktov-dlya-realizacii-zadachi.html">free systems</a> content management headers are not formatted as necessary for proper optimization. For example, H3 tags highlight other elements on the page, and H1 tags are used in the wrong part of the text.</p> <p>Another mistake when designing headlines is creating empty tags that either have no text at all or contain incoherent words. When placing headings, be sure to check the correct spelling of the tags, their placement on the page, taking into account the hierarchy. Identifying these errors and fixing them will help you improve your page rankings in search engines and improve your site's rankings.</p> <p>Read times: 4 301</p> <p>Hello, friends! Today we'll talk about title , headings (h1 , h2 , h3 ...) and meta tags (description , keywords). How to write them correctly and structure them correctly on a web page.</p> <p>When a user enters a query into the Yandex or Google search box, the search engine should give him the information he is looking for. To form a search engine results, the search engine refers to the title , meta tags, headings and content. Properly seo-optimized titles and meta tags are very important for the relevance of search queries and, as a result, the ranking of site pages in the SERP.</p> <blockquote class="citata-info"> <p>The conclusion is simple, so that the pages of the site get into the search results, the titles and meta tags need to be properly optimized.</p> </blockquote> <p>There are special HTML tags for declaring headers and meta tags, below we will consider all of them. Here is an example, a simple HTML page structure.</p><p> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title

Article title

Second level heading

Third level heading

Let's start with the most important tag title is the title of the entire web page. It is a priority for search engines when forming a snippet in SERPs.

You can also see the title in the browser tab and in source code pages between head tags.

The title phrase should not exceed 60 characters and should not be exactly duplicated in titles. When repeating a phrase in the title, be sure to dilute it with other words.

I wrote more about how to select keys for titles and headings in the article “How to compose the semantic core of a site? ".

Description and keywords meta tags

Description is short description pages. The description should not exceed 150 characters, you need to meet the allowed number of characters and describe as much as possible what this page is about, while using the main promoted key.

A big mistake is when a bunch of keywords separated by commas are written in the description. This has not been working for a long time, search engines consider such pages to be “overspam” and lower them in the search results. Should be a normal easy to read sentence.

The content of the description meta tag often ends up in the SERP snippet.

Keywords - page keywords. There is a lot of talk about this meta tag, a large number of experts believe that keywords are no longer taken into account by search engines and there is no point in prescribing it, while others argue that search engines simply began to pay less attention to it, but still take it into account. Personally, I tend to the second opinion.

In keywords, it is desirable to write one key phrase with a small letter, and if you write two phrases, you need to separate them with a comma. I do not recommend writing more than two keys.

Headings H1 - H6

H1 is the title of the entire article (content). It is often confused with title , but they are different things, and their content should be different. The difference is that title is the title of the entire page (html document), it is shown to the user only on the browser tab, and h1 is the title of the article inside the html document and is shown to the user in the largest font.

They have one similarity, h1 and title are used only once on the page, this is logical, there cannot be two titles of an article or, for example, a book.

H2 is a second level heading and can be used multiple times just like all the others: h3 , h4 , h5 and h6 .

The following should be remembered: headings must go strictly according to the hierarchy in the page structure. Can't head over high level put after low. That is, h2 cannot be used after h3 has been written. Also, for SEO, it is not recommended to write headings in the sidebar and footer of the site, they should be only in the content. Keys are also from larger to smaller, the higher the heading level, the higher the frequency of the key phrase and don't forget about "re-optimization".

Never insert title tags if you just want to increase the font size, that's what CSS is for. The title should explain the content of the article, section of the article, or subsection. It should be readable and understandable for people.

This is where I will end this article, I hope the information presented was useful and understandable, if not, then ask questions in the comments, I will answer everyone.