... today we are in this short but useful article, we will figure out how various programming code. I won’t talk much, because if you are interested in this, then you have already encountered the questions of this task, and you have an idea about it.

You have come to the right place... but a few words for clarity and usefulness. You must have seen how it is done with CSS code, since css is of most interest to many beginners, like me.

… Good!

But note that comments are also used in html and php... But most beginners get confused at the initial stage of their work with the site and do not know how to add the necessary explanations to themselves. After all, it happens the same way, for example, you need to deactivate for some time html code, and then resume its function again - this is easy to implement if you made notes on the “margins”, but you never know what.

But what should be remembered about “comments” in general - everything here is strictly dependent on which file you are working with specifically, and therefore the application code is different.

Commenting out the CSS code

a:hover, a:focus ( color: #D5071E; text-decoration: Overline; /*underline at the top*/ )

This is how you explain yourself. Or you can generally comment out this css script like this: just wrap

/* CODE here */

/*a:hover, a:focus ( color: #D5071E; text-decoration: underline; /*BOTTOM UNDERLINE*/ )*/

I draw your attention to the fact that - comment out the full cycle css code in this way it is possible, but !! then you will have to remove repeated comments /* UNDERSTRING BELOW */, or play with slashes if the explanation is important))

Otherwise there will be an error!!


If open source pages - Ctrl + U and take a look ... we will see that the commented out piece of css code is beautifully displayed in the generated document! this is if css was used (properties were set) directly in html

And, as you understand, if you follow the link from the source code to the css document of your active template, you can observe and study all the comments)) if someone needs it. But that's unlikely.)

English dialect (words) will be readable. Russian symbols - no.

Commenting out the HTML code

The XML file is commented in the same way.

Important: always check the code proposed in the articles, at least visually, otherwise there may be errors.

Simple formatting carelessness can cost time, for example, the COMMENTED code shown above is often wrong: instead of two short hyphens, an em dash looms:

For your information:

as mentioned in the previous remark - so is the comment ... the html code is displayed in the generated document!

Keep this in mind.

And here's something else:

in addition to the fact that the commented code is displayed in the source code of the page (and therefore is processed in some sense, although it will be invisible on the page!) - some php functions in conjunction with html it is better to take it out of the active document.

For example:

will be visible in the document and the functionit will do its job remarkably well: that is, in the front-end the information will not be visible, but in the source code it will be clearly displayed! and this is a bespontovy request to the database: all this is a trifle, but you need to know!

It is possible to do this if you do not want to take out a piece of code from the document:

add before the necessary "extra" html code opening… inline function… and closing?> …

In a word, this is what you can do if the code is large:

**/ ?>

then the source will be clean!

Or more simply:

Let's comment out the function itself in html document. The source code in these cases regarding the development of functions will be clean!

how to comment out javascript

if (beingShown || shown) ( // don"t trigger the animation again return; ) else ( // apply ANY COMMENT on the line // apply ANY COMMENT on the line // true;

This sample JavaScript code - I, for clarity, grabbed on the net, slightly correcting the punctuation. It doesn't matter... The main thing is to understand the principle...

As you understand, the slash “//” is double, this is the SIGN of the comment ... SINGLE-LINE!

And the rest of the JS code is commented like php , more on that below:


Commenting out the PHP code

... and ... here it is similar - slash-slash ... single-line.

But note that it can be commented just like CSS code.

... or you can comment out like this - a one-line version, when we use NOT TWO SLASHES, but BEKAR (hash) before the commented line:

…Of course, commenting should be done carefully in the code loop!

... or in this way - similar to the CSS example shown above ... i.e. this /* code */ commenting option is suitable for both CSS and JS codes!

But in this way you can comment out a more voluminous explanation of the PHP code, somewhere between its main examples ...

You can also comment in php cycles if the code is mixed ... php and somehow html

Similar to above:

For example, some such function ... somewhere in the general code (or a loop in html):- you can comment out, i.e. add your label like this:

or like this: a one-liner…


php code is not visible in any source codes!! only its functional result is visible - working off!

That's all I wanted to report today!

Now you can experiment... Good luck.

And of course, read the articles of the site and subscribe:
I share my bitter experience - some knowledge, for your sweet well-being))

...the city of webmasters Michalika.ru© - easily with WordPress

In this lesson, I'll show you how to make comments in HTML, CSS, PHP. Comments are text that is not visible on a web page. They are used for all kinds of explanations, reminders, descriptions for webmasters, which allows you to structure the document. Comments are indispensable when debugging code, they allow you to quickly navigate the markup of a web page and find desired block. Comments are often used to debug HTML code. For example, you can temporarily comment out a specific block of code so that it is not executed, and if necessary, it is easy to restore it.

Comments in HTML

In HTML, comments are formed using characters:. Thus, any text between these characters is a comment. Consider an example:

Comments in CSS

Comments in CSS are created using the characters: /* and */. To create a comment, you just need to put the web page code between these characters:

/* Beginning of block with styles for Body*/ body ( background: #efeded; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ) /* End of block with styles for Body*/

Comments in PHP

Comments in PHP can be single-line or multi-line:

1) Single-line comments in PHP are created using the characters: //. It is enough just to put this symbol before the line and it will be commented out. This option is used when the comment consists of only one line.

2) To implement multi-line comments, the following symbols are used: /* and */. This option is useful if the comment spans multiple lines.

Thus we have learned to

Comment tagsin HTML code are used to temporarily disable the code (as a rule, it is inconvenient to simply delete the code because it may have to be restored) and as a hint for yourself or for people who will understand your code. The text inside the comment is not rendered by the browser on the page.

Comments can be used anywhere on the page, except for the tag .</p> <h2>Browser Support</h2> <table class="tableTag"><tr><th class="tw">Tag</th><th></th><th></th><th><br>Opera</th><th></th><th><br>IExplorer</th><th><br>edge</th> </tr><tr><td><span><!-- текст комментария --> </span> </td><td class="tyes">Yes</td><td class="tyes">Yes</td><td class="tyes">Yes</td><td class="tyes">Yes</td><td class="tyes">Yes</td><td class="tyes">Yes</td> </tr></table><h2>Usage example</h2> <span><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </span> <title>An example of using the comment tag Page content.

Conditional comments.

Conditional comments are used to write special code, designed for a specific browser ( Internet Explorer). Other browsers ignore this code as a normal comment.

For example:


The code is executed only when it matches given condition. In this case, if Internet browser Explorer 7, then you need to execute the code that we will place inside the tag.

Other examples: Инструкции для всех Internet Explorer Инструкции для всех IE меньше или равно 6 Инструкции для всех IE старше или равно 7

Meaning of operators.

Before learning how to make comments in html, you need to figure out what they are for. If you are interested in such information, then you probably already know, so we will not dwell on this issue. Some people do not pay enough attention to the placement of comments in their codes. In one-page sites, such an error may go unnoticed. But when it comes to huge portals, small comments will save time and make your life easier. Plus, notes allow other developers to understand your code when additional explanation is needed.


Creating an html page is sometimes not complete without confusing codes and forever repeating tags. New classes, selectors, id-indicators, etc. All this can literally drive you crazy. HTML comments are designed to ease the plight of web developers. After all, when the site code stretches far down, it is difficult to remember what and where is located. It is comments that help you make small notes right in the html code that will not be visible to your users. Beginners rarely use this tag. But already experienced specialists highlight a huge, useful property comments. This tag is especially effective when several developers are working on the code at once. Instead of asking questions every time and interrupting your partner from work, you just need to look at the comments.


In order for a new line with a comment to appear in your code, you need to add the following entry:. This is what the tag looks like in html. Anything inside it will not be displayed to users. Html comments should not stretch over several lines and contain any code (this is considered bad form). They should carry only some description of the developer's intentions regarding the insertion of this particular tag, attribute or value. Although among high level there is an opinion among masters that the code should be written in such a way that no additional explanation is required. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such a gift for writing html pages.


Taghas some of its own characteristics. For example, you can add any other tags inside it, but you cannot create nested comments. This will lead to not quite the expected result. Comments in html are widely used for testing web pages. For example, when you need to look at a site without a specific tag, but you can’t delete it, since it will be difficult to restore the entire source code. In this case, you just need to put the necessary part of the page in the comments. And then the tag will be ignored by the browser. But it is worth noting that all comments can be traced if you open the source code of the page. And every user can do it. Therefore, you should not put any important information inside this tag.

In the work of a programmer, you constantly have to make some notes in the form of comments in order to describe a part of the code or marks for the future. Each language has its own syntax, which is why when developing web pages, not knowing how to comment out a line or a small block at once in HTML is a common problem.

Comments in HTML

When developing a web page, sometimes it is necessary to temporarily hide part of the code or make a note for the programmer. In order not to use additional applications, for example, when moving a piece of code to another file, you need to know how to comment out a line in HTML.

Unlike most programming languages, HTML does not have a special function or tag for creating a single line comment. If you need to "hide" only one line or part of it, you have to use the classic language tools. However, this can be done in several ways.

Standard Comment

AT HTML language The easiest way to comment out a piece of code is with special pairs of characters. Before starting a comment, you must specify "". Thus, anything inside this construct will be hidden from the user when the page loads.

It is worth noting that when working with a comment, you must be extremely careful. When defining its boundaries, you need to check if any opening or closing tag has got into it, the second part of which has remained outside it - in this case, the page will not load correctly. Also, you cannot create several more within one comment - with this writing, the first signal for the completion of the commenting part will open the entire subsequent part of the hidden text.

Below is an example of correct spelling:

This is a comment.


In HTML, you can comment out lines using a special pair of tags - . It is specifically included in the language syntax for this purpose, but most popular browsers do not support it, with the exception of Internet Explorer 8.0. Tag useful when some information needs to be hidden only for IE 8.0, 4.0 and earlier, or as a temporary development solution. The specific point here is that you can comment out part of the code only in the body of the page, that is, inside the tag .

In the example below, when loading the page in specified browsers a white sheet will be displayed, while in other programs the page will say:

This is a comment


Non-standard approach

In addition to the classic methods, you can comment out the code in HTML using specific methods. In addition to basic HTML language structures, script tags and style sheet tags are often specified in the body of the page. Each of them also has its own comment definitions.

Thus, if you enclose the necessary part of the code in one of the specified tags, then inside you can use other methods to HTML page comment out part of the code. Such methods are practically not used in modern practice, however, for self-development or, if necessary, to exclude the possible appearance of text on the page, they can be applied.

When using a script tag or style sheet, comments can be either single-line or multi-line. The former are defined by the "//" construct, which, from the moment these characters are written, comments out the rest of the line. In order to hide part of the code, you should use the syntax description "/*" to open, and "*/" to close the comment. If the closing construction is not written after the "/*" characters, then the entire remaining HTML code will be commented out.

The following example shows how to use non-standard commenting:


Это комментарий.
