As you know, to surf the vast expanses of the Internet, special programs are used, called browsers or web browsers. Today you can find a lot of them. Almost all operating systems have their own built-in tools for accessing the World Wide Web. But what if the user does not like the default browser used by the operating system to open links, download files, or something else? Let's try to figure out how to change the current settings and install another application for surfing, which will replace the standard "native" program.

Default browsers on Windows

Until recently, absolutely all modifications of Windows were equipped with a built-in tool for accessing the Internet - a browser called Internet Explorer. In the early stages, its use was completely justified, since only Netscape Navigator could compete with it in the software market for this direction. However, over time, many developers began to release alternative solutions, which had much more features than IE and was much more stable and easier to use by automating some important functions.

With the advent of the tenth modification of the system, the developers introduced a new browser called Edge into it, which became the default browser in Windows 10, replacing Internet Explorer. However, as the ratings and all kinds of polls testify, alas, Microsoft's own developments have not received significant popularity (and many users still do not trust the IE browser and treat it with a great deal of skepticism). Third party software products in the form Google Chrome Opera, Mozilla Firefox etc. are ahead of their own in the ratings Windows tools, as they say, in all respects. It is not surprising that users install them. But after all, it is not enough just to install the program into the system. We still need to make sure that it is used as a tool that automatically opens links or downloads files from world wide web. Read on for how to perform these steps.

How to set the default browser at the browser installation stage?

So, the user has firmly decided to stop using Internet Explorer or Edge. As a rule, in most third-party browser installers, a window for creating shortcuts appears at one of the stages, and almost at the end of the installation, a prompt is issued to install, for example, Opera as the default browser. This can be either a direct notification or a special box marked with a checkmark. Usually, such a line is made active initially, since any developer tries to make sure that his software product is used for Internet surfing. Here, as you can see, there is nothing complicated.

Using the settings of the installed browser

But let's see how to set the default browser if the user missed this step at the installation stage or no such offer was received. To get started, you can try to launch the installed browser, and then go to general settings.

In all browsers known today, you can find a special activation point for their installation / use / assignment as a tool used by the Windows system by default both for opening links on the Internet and for downloading files. In theory, difficulties should not arise here. If you have downloaded and installed the English version of the application, look in the settings (Settings) for something like Make default browser with various variations.

Default Programs in Control Panel

In order to make the selected browser the default browser, you can also use the tools of the operating system. For this, in simple case you will need to enter the default programs section, which is located in the standard "Control Panel", where the necessary options are set.

For example, in Windows 7, in the list of programs, you need to select your preferred browser, and on the right, use the destination hyperlink with its default application for accessing the Internet. Just below there is a link to reassign actions for files and protocols of a certain type. And this is exactly what is needed so that the files are loaded using the downloader built into the browser, HTML or PDF files are opened in the browser, etc. But here you should be especially careful that, for example, for the same PDF documents do not change the application intended for viewing or editing them, if it is also present in the system as a separate applet.

Selecting programs in Windows 10 settings

In the tenth modification of the system, you can also use the standard "Control Panel", however, when you select any action in the described section, you will be redirected to the options menu, where similar settings are set.

Actually, the default browser is set in the web browser selection item, and additional settings are performed using the links to select actions located below (setting actions with files, protocols and setting actions).

One last thing

These are the most basic methods that allow you to change the standard types of programs in Windows systems.

The browser from Yandex looks somewhat intrusive in this regard. Even when visiting start page service, an installation proposal is issued immediately, and during the installation process, Yandex.Browser replaces the standard system tools by default. Of course, the question of using this particular browser is very controversial, since during the installation of the browser a bunch of unnecessary rubbish is installed (for example, in the form of quick links to social networks or additional services), which later, as well as the main application itself, will be very problematic to get rid of. And without special knowledge and skills to clean computer system from everything that has been integrated into it, it is impossible. No, of course, this is by no means a slander, however, according to many users who have tried it in practice, from installing this browser (as well as software products from Mail.Ru, Orbitum, Amigo and the like) it is better to refrain.

The browser is special program used to view web pages. After installing the OS Windows browser the default is Internet Explorer. Generally, latest versions this browser leave the most pleasant experience, but most users have their own preferences ...

In this article, we'll look at how to change default browser to the one you need. And first, let's answer a small question: what does the default browser give us?

It's simple, when you click on any link in a document, or often when installing programs, their registration is required - a web page will open in the program that will be installed by default. Actually, everything would be fine, but constantly closing one browser and opening another is a tedious business, so it’s better to tick one box once and for all ...

When you first launch any browser, it usually asks if you want to make it the main Internet browser, if you missed this question, then it's easy to fix ...

Google Chrome

I think this browser needs no introduction. One of the fastest, most convenient browser in which there is nothing superfluous. At the time of release, this browser worked several times faster than internet Explorer "a. Let's move on to the settings.

1) In the right upper corner Click on the "three stripes" and select "Settings". See picture below.

If you have Windows 8, it will definitely ask you again which program to open Internet pages. Choose Google Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox

Very interesting browser. It can compete with Google Chrome in speed. In addition, Firefox, with the help of numerous plug-ins, is easily expanded, thanks to which the browser can be turned into a convenient "combine" capable of solving a wide variety of tasks!

1) The first thing we do is click on the orange heading in the upper left corner of the screen and click on the settings item.

3) At the bottom there is a button: "make Firefox the default browser". We press it.

Opera Next

A rapidly growing browser. Very similar to Google Chrome: just as fast, convenient. Add to this some very interesting features, for example, "traffic compression" - a feature that can speed up your work on the Internet. In addition, this feature allows you to access many blocked sites.

1) In the left corner of the screen, click on the red Opera logo and click on the "Settings" item. By the way, you can use the keyboard shortcut: Alt+P.

2) Almost at the very top of the settings page there is a special button: "use the default Opera browser". Click it, save the settings and exit.

Yandex browser

A very popular browser and its popularity is only growing day by day. Everything is quite simple: this browser is closely integrated with Yandex services (one of the most popular Russian search engines). There is a "turbo mode", very reminiscent of the "compressed" mode in "Opera". In addition, the browser has a built-in anti-virus check of Internet pages that can save the user from many troubles!

1) In the upper right corner, click on the "star" as shown in the screenshot below and go to the browser settings.

2) Then we scroll the settings page to the very bottom: we find and click on the button: "Make Yandex browser default". Save the settings and exit.

Internet Explorer

This browser is already used by default by the Windows system after it is installed on the computer. In general, not a bad browser, well protected, with many settings. A kind of "middle man" ...

If suddenly by chance you installed some program from an "unreliable" source, then often browsers are slipped into users as well. For example, the "" browser often comes across in "rocking chairs" programs that allegedly help download a file faster. After such a jump, as a rule, the program from will already be the default browser. Let's change these settings to those that were during the installation of the OS, i.e. on Internet Explorer.

1) First you need to remove all the "defenders" from, which change the settings in your browser.

2) On the right, on top, there is an icon shown below in the picture. Click on it and go to Internet Options.

2) Go to the "programs" tab and click on the blue link "Use Internet browser Explorer by default".


Popular browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome are installed by the user. But here's the problem: when launching web shortcuts or when opening saved pages, as well as when clicking on hyperlinks in documents, it's still in the standard . How to install new browser ohm by default?
When you first start, whether it's Chrome or Opera, or some other web, you will see a notification in the main window that prompts you to install this one with the answer options "Yes" and "Cancel". Select "Yes" and all web browser functions on this operating system will be delegated to this browser.

If you clicked "Cancel" when you first launched the browser, i.e. missed the first step, do not despair. In this case, go to "Start", "Control Panel", select small or large icons and find the item "Default Programs".

You will see a window for delegation of authority for software - "Select programs used by Windows by default." Select the very first link "Set default programs" and wait for the installed applications.

In the narrow block on the left you will find installed browser, click on it once. Now you will see two buttons at the bottom marked with green arrows. First, click "Set this program as default", then "Choose defaults for this program". You will be taken to a new window in which you need to check all extensions and protocols, then click "Save" and in the previous window - "OK".
This browser is installed by default.

Useful advice

Also, the default can be given to the browser through its settings. Go to the main settings or browser properties, and in any browser on the very first tab you will see a button or checkmark "Use default browser". Select this option and save your changes.

Browser- an application with which a user can access the Internet, view resources of interest to him, exchange files with other people. These applications are distributed, they are embedded additional functions that make the user's job easier. To download a new browser on your computer, you need to follow a few steps.


After installing the operating system Windows user Internet Explorer browser is available. In other cases, another application may be installed on the computer. Whatever it is, don't rush to delete old browser. With it, you have yet to download a new one.

Decide which browser you want to use: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, or some other application. Launch your old browser and go to the official website of the software developer of your choice (, and so on).

On all sites, the button to download the browser is located on home page, it's big enough that you can't miss it. Click the button and select a directory to save the installation file on your computer.

Wait for the file to finish downloading. Go to the directory where it was saved. Browser s are installed automatically, so even a novice user will cope with the task.

A few words for those who do not know what a browser is. This word is called the program in which the Internet opens. That is, now you are reading this text in a similar program - in a browser.

Here are the most popular ones:

You also use some. But most often on the computer there is not one such program, but several. This is where the concept of default browser.

I'll explain with an example. Let's say my favorite browser is Opera. I'm used to opening the Internet in it and I'm not going to change anything. But the computer now and then strives to slip me another program - Internet Explorer.

I am reading, for example, a book on a computer that has a link to a page on the Internet. I click not on it, but for some reason the site starts to open not in my favorite Opera program, but in another browser.

Or I made a shortcut on the Desktop that opens Neumek's website, I click on it, but for some reason another browser pops up - not the one I'm used to.

By the way, you can learn how to make a shortcut that opens Neumek's website from this article.

This happens because the computer has set as the default browser not my favorite program, but another one. And it's extremely inconvenient. Therefore, it makes sense to “explain” to him what exactly I like, and then all sites will open in the right browser.

talking computer language you need to set the correct default browser.

To do this, you need to make a small adjustment. I will talk about this in more detail below in the instructions for each browser. Also, all steps are shown in the pictures.

To enlarge an image, click on it, and to go to the next or previous step, use the arrows. To quickly open the required instruction, simply click on your browser icon:

Internet Explorer


If you can't complete these steps, then you have an older version of Opera installed on your computer. In this case, the procedure will be different:

  1. Open the Opera program.
  2. We click on a small button at the very top left - usually it is called "Opera" or "Menu". We hover over the "Settings" item and select "General settings" in the additional list that appears.
  3. A window appears. In it, click on the "Advanced" tab at the top.
  4. Inside the window on the left side, click on the inscription "Programs". Then, a little to the right, put a birdie next to the inscription "Check that Opera is the default browser" and click on the "OK" button.
  5. Close the program and open it again. A small window will appear asking us if we want to set Opera as the default application for opening web pages. We press "Yes".

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on the small button on the right side, which shows horizontal lines(at the end of the address bar).
  3. Select "Settings" from the list.
  4. A window opens in which you need to click on the inscription "Additional" at the top right, and then on the "General" tab.
  5. Click on the button "Make Firefox the default browser" and click on "OK".

Having opened any new browser, the user is met with a proposal to make it the default browser. If you clicked “No” and ticked “Do not ask again”, but later changed your mind, or accidentally clicked “Yes”, and then missed that the links are opening the wrong software, not everything is lost)) Let's figure out how to make the default browser in the OS settings or the settings of the program you have chosen.

#1 How to make the default browser on Windows

If Google Chrome is your favourite, in the bottom menu (three dashes) go to "Settings" → "Default Browser" → "Set Google Chrome browser by default”, click and find ourselves in the same default web browser selection window in the Windows settings (described above No. 1).

In Opera, we act like: "Menu" → "Settings" → "Browser" → "Default Browser" → "Make Opera browser by default", according to the already familiar scenario, we move the slider down on the page that opens, find the browser and replace it with Opera.

By the way, in recent months, the Opera has been improved with a lot of useful and pleasant options, of which the detachable video is the most delightful. You can turn on the video on YouTube and press a special button to unpin it: now, if you go to other tabs and even minimize the browser, the video will hang on the screen on top of all windows.

In Internet Explorer, the main advantage of which is that it is already pre-installed with Windows, we are looking for the gear “Tools” → “Internet Options” → “Programs” → “Use the default Internet Explorer browser”. The link redirects to setting programs by default (path number 2), and in the list we click on Explorer.

How to make Yandex the default browser

There are a few more pleasant things in the browser under the name Yandex: for example, it analyzes the interests of each user and, based on them, forms a personal selection of publications. There are not as many add-ons here as in Chrome, but among the very first of those offered, you can find useful things a la turn off the Lights - a plugin that darkens the page when playing a video for a cinematic effect.

By default, everything is quick: click on the three lines next to "Minimize" → "Settings" → in the line "Default browser" click on "Use Yandex Browser by default", we get to the first setting option, among which we look for the default web browser .

How to doMicrosoft edgedefault browser

Explorer successor, Microsoft Edge, is one of the web browsers with the most interesting twists. He distinguished himself among his colleagues with chic options for editing pages in note mode, pinning web pages in the form of tiles in the Start menu, and other features. plus out latest news: Microsoft will award points to users of its offspring for the number of hours spent in fermentation on the Web. They can be counted towards payment for software and multimedia content in the Windows Store, as well as receive a discount on MS branded products (but so far only for users from the States).

And the dozens browser has something else: there are no fields, no buttons, no checkmarks to make it the default browser.

Bypassing this injustice, you can “Open in Internet Explorer” in “Advanced” (“...”), and then perform the same manipulations that were described above for the Explorer, only in the end select Edge.

True, it seems easier to immediately go to the second path: “Control Panel” → “Programs” → “Default Programs” → “Set Default Programs” → select MS Edge from the list.

How to doMozilla firefoxdefault browser

FireFox is known for its good website loading speeds and offers a convenient full screen mode page view. No supernatural sights, like the Opera or the Edge, but comfortable to work with and for a change can be hung with additional add-ons.

To designate Firefox as "beloved wife": "Menu" → "Settings" → "General" → "Set as default". Pressing the button takes you to system settings default (#1).

In total, how to make the default browser: from the Windows settings in the Control Panel or Options, or from the menu of the web browser itself, which still refers to the OS settings.

The following two tabs change content below.


An economist who found himself in journalism. Happy to write about household appliances and unusual electronics, which he often does on trips: over a cup of coffee in a cozy coffee shop in the old town or during the quest “find the Internet in the fields-forests-mountains”.

  • Kirill 22.08.2016

    Thank you, very accessible even for "dummies", which I am. I treat the Microsoft browser with an understandable prejudice.

    • Anastasia 28.08.2016

      Cyril's answer:

      It's nice that the guide turned out to be useful) As for the Microsoft browser, if you meant Explorer, then naturally - nothing good))) and if Edge - don't rush to conclusions: it supports really cool features that other browsers don't have.

  • Stanislav 24.08.2016

    Although the methods for setting the default browser are different, but not so radically as not to figure it out. I like the way it uses the OS settings, it's quick and easy and you don't have to rummage through the settings of a particular browser.

  • Alexander 29.08.2016

    I have never made the browser the main one through the control panel, now I will know how this is done. But it seems to me that setting the default browser is best directly through its settings, it's much easier.

  • Garik 08/30/2016

    Yes, Edge is good, but in speed it is much inferior to Mazila and Opera. And by default, the one who opens the pages the fastest should be set.

  • Natalia 08/30/2016

    I use several browsers at the same time (for some reason I really need this) and there is no need to pin one (I also like that each of them wants to become the main one), but thank you very much for the unpinned video in the opera. Dont know.

    • Konstantin 10.09.2016

      Natalia's answer:

      You already have one of them fixed by default. You just turn on the one you need when you work. And when you need to follow a link not through a browser, the one that is pinned will open.

  • Vadim 30.08.2016

    If anyone has such a number of browsers, then you can get confused how to install through the settings. The best way to do this is through the start menu.