Probably, today there is no person who would not have found his own mobile phone. They are used by everyone and everywhere: both the older generation and the younger. In the market of mobile accessories, you can find an endless variety of different cases for mobile phones. If you are used to being original and different from everyone else, then you will like this article.

Here you can find out how to make a phone case with your own hands and what you need to have on hand for this. Original and simple ideas are waiting for you in the article today.

How to make a phone case out of paper?

Do you want to protect your mobile from scratches, moreover, cheaply and quickly? There is such an option - this is the manufacture of a cover from plain paper. If you don’t have a case yet, but you need to run, drive, go somewhere, and you want your mobile to remain safe and sound throughout your trip, and you have little time, the case in question is exactly what you need. necessary.

So, the only thing that is useful to us to create the “protection” in question is a sheet of paper - in this case we will not use scissors or glue:

  1. Lay a sheet of paper on the table in a horizontal position. You choose the color and size of it yourself.
  2. Place your mobile phone on the left edge of the sheet so that there is room for a twist.
  3. We begin to wrap the phone in paper, straightening out all the folds. We do this to the end of the sheet.
  4. We bring the two ends of the sheet together, smooth them. This will back our paper case.
  5. Fold the bottom of the sheet up. We make several folds to the bottom of the phone case so that the case fits the size of the mobile phone.
  6. We take the phone out of the case in order to make it more convenient to wrap the corners. This maneuver is done so that the case holds the shape we created.

The paper cover is ready for use. It will take you no more than three minutes to “create” it, so this method of making “protection” for a mobile device is not only simple, but also operational. Now your phone is protected from scratches and rain, and you can take it anywhere with peace of mind.

If you want, you can paint it or cut out a “window” for the screen and speaker so that you don’t even have to get it, but in this case the screen must be covered with a protective film.

Now you are aware how to make your own phone case from a regular sheet of paper. Note neither glue nor tape in this case you will not need.

How to make a phone case out of rubber bands?

Rainbow rubber bands have been a hit for more than one season. With them it is very easy to make various hairstyles, create interesting crafts. Today we will find out how to weave a bright summer case for your mobile device from rubber bands of different colors.

For this we need:

  • 800 rubber bands (choose your own color palette)
  • hook and loom for weaving

A short list of the necessary tools does not speak of the simplicity of the product, because to make such a case you will need patience, perseverance and inspiration to craft. To say that making such a case is easy is impossible, because the process is quite lengthy.

Detailed manufacturing instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the number of colors from which your case will be made (the best option is 10 colors).
  2. For weaving a cover on modern smartphone, you only need two rows of the machine. In this situation, the central row will not be needed, because we will use only two side rows. For convenience, the row in the center can be removed (if your machine has more rows, they can also be removed for convenience).

  1. The placement of the columns themselves in the machine is very important. On one side, the open parts of the columns should face in one direction, and on the other side of the machine, in the opposite direction.
  2. We choose what color we will start our weaving with (for example, it will be black).
  3. We take an elastic band and carefully throw it on the first column in a row of eight, clinging its other end to the second column diagonally, it turns out that from the first column on the right, we throw it on the second column on the left.
  4. Thus, we put on diagonally 10 rubber bands of the same color.
  5. We turn the machine over and begin to throw rubber bands diagonally in the same way so that we get x-shaped figures.
  6. We put on one elastic band on the extreme columns of the machine exactly vertically, moreover, on one side and the other.
  7. We lower the worn elastic bands with our fingers to the very bottom, so that it is more convenient to throw on the next rows of elastic bands.
  8. The next pair of elastic bands (of a different color) must be thrown from one column to another in the same row, from right to left. So continue to the end of the row, using two elastic bands of each color.
  9. Do the same "maneuver" with the other side of the machine.

  1. Each row of elastic bands must be secured on the sides with black elastic bands, as in the first row.
  2. Now we need a hook in order to start weaving. On all columns, you must throw off the two lower elastic bands. It turns out - we throw one row, then we throw off the two lower elastic bands - this will be our weaving.
  3. We grab the two lower elastic bands with a hook and transfer them to the center. So we do with each column on two sides of the machine.
  4. We lower all the elastic bands down for convenient throwing and weaving the next row of elastic bands.
  5. In order for the color transitions on the cover to be smoother, it is necessary to throw on the next row of rubber bands, shifting the color by one column. In order for the first column not to be empty, it is necessary to throw an elastic band of a different color on it.

  1. Now we repeat everything, starting from the eleventh point, each time shifting the color by one column for smooth transition. We fix each row with a black elastic band.

The considered process of weaving the cover is quite long, and at one time it is very difficult to complete the work to the end.

When Bottom part case will be large enough, you need to check how many more rows you need to make so that your phone fits in it. To do this, you just need to put your phone in the made part of the case.

  1. You also need to finish weaving the cover correctly. So, we take the hook, grab two rubber bands on the first column in the row on the left, carefully remove them and transfer them to the next column.
  2. We do this with each column in the row. Repeat in the same way with the columns in the other row.

  1. The cover is ready, we remove it from our machine, and try it on our mobile device.

This work is quite painstaking, but the result is worth it. The brightness and originality of the made cover will delight you.

How to make a balloon phone case?

If you turn on your imagination, you can come up with and “make” unusual and beautiful things with your own hands, so, for example, you can make an excellent case for your smartphone from an ordinary balloon. Let's find out how to make a phone case at home, using a regular ball:

  1. We inflate the ball. No need to inflate too big, the average size of the balloon is what you need
  2. We put it on a flat surface, holding the place of inflation with your fingers so that the air does not escape
  3. We put a mobile phone on top of the ball
  4. We press it to the ball, gradually lowering the air from the ball with the other hand. Do it gently and very slowly.
  5. As the ball descends, we press the phone harder to its surface

When the ball is completely released from itself, it will tightly “wrap” your phone with its surface, thereby protecting it from moisture, dust and shock.

  1. If the tip of the balloon gets in your way, just cut it off.

This case is budget option, he:

  • cheap
  • practical
  • its easy to make
  • and you can change the colors of the cover at least every day

In addition, this is a universal protection option, because it is suitable for most models of modern mobile devices and tablets.

How to make a phone case out of glue?

Did you know that with hot glue you can not only glue and stick, you can use it to make an unusual, practical and original phone case. The size, shape and model of the device in this case do not play any role. So, to make our case perfect, we need:

  • hot glue gun
  • parchment paper
  • scotch
  • for decor - colored varnishes

Everything is done very quickly and simply, let's get started:

  1. Turn on the gun to heat the glue in it.
  2. While it is warming up, it is necessary to wrap our phone in parchment paper. It is necessary to do this so that no wrinkles and excess paper remain on it, parchment paper should wrap the phone tightly and in one layer (adhesive tape will help with this).
  3. We spread parchment paper on a flat surface, put the phone on it.
  4. We draw various patterns with hot glue on the surface of the parchment paper in which the mobile is wrapped (design and patterns are chosen independently, based on preferences and drawing skills).
  5. Do not forget to leave space for speakers, side holes for charging and headphones.
  6. We are waiting for the glue to completely harden in order to carefully remove the frozen case from the phone.
  7. We decorate it with various colored varnishes.

The main advantage of such a cover is its originality and uniqueness. No one will have such a case except you. You are now aware how to make a phone case with hot glue.

How to make a silicone phone case?

Probably, few people have come across the independent production of something from silicone. It turns out that not everything is as difficult as it might seem. So let's find out how to make a phone case from silicone. We will need:

  • disposable plate
  • starch (potato or corn)
  • silicone
  • paints

Instructions for making a silicone case:

  1. Pour some starch onto a plastic plate. It can be purchased at any grocery store or supermarket.
  2. Pour some silicone on top of the starch, and gently combine these two ingredients.
  3. We add paints to the prepared “dough” (choose colors according to your taste) to get the color we need.
  4. We knead the silicone like plasticine until it is soft and elastic, and so that its color becomes uniform.
  5. Now you need to start preparing the phone. To do this, wrap it over the entire surface with cling film.
  6. We sprinkle the table with starch so that the silicone does not stick to the surface, and proceed to rolling out the silicone “ball” we made with a rolling pin.
  7. We put the phone on top, form a case.
  8. We remove all irregularities and excess starch with a rag, but only be sure to dry it.
  9. Trim off any excess silicone.
  10. From the remnants of the silicone mixture, you can mold additional molds, patterns, decor on the case.
  11. Glue them to the case with silicone.
  12. Cut out holes for the sensor, microphone and headset.

If you wish, you can decorate the cover in any color.

How to make a flip case for your phone?

Today, book cases have become a popular way to protect phones and tablets. Let's find out how to make a phone case out of cardboard and felt without outside help, to get a model of a cover - a book, without spending more than 15 minutes.

Prepare immediately:

  • cardboard (preferably thick)
  • felt - several colors
  • scissors
  • elastic band
  • cutter
  • optional - self-adhesive decor in the form of rhinestones
  • ruler with pencil
  • glue gun

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. It is necessary to cut out three blanks from thick cardboard that will be identical to the size of your phone. To do this, put the phone on cardboard, trace the outline with a pencil, cut it out. Duplicate the workpiece two more times.
  2. We cut one of the cut blanks in half with scissors or a cutter.
  3. We take A4 size felt and glue two halves of the cut blank on it at a distance of 7 mm from each other.

  1. We glue another whole blank to the felt at a distance of 3 cm from the previous blank.
  2. We cut off the excess felt, leaving allowances in order to glue our cardboard with them.
  3. On the whole blank and one of the halves of the second blank we glue the felt of a different color.
  4. The last blank of cardboard must be pasted over with felt of the same color that was used in the previous paragraph.
  5. At the edges we glue small elastic bands on it, which will hold our mobile phone.
  6. We glue the blank with elastic bands onto the part of the cardboard that remained unglued on the first part of our future cover.
  7. Glue Velcro to the finished case, which will serve as a fastener.
  8. We decorate the cover-book with rhinestones, stickers or beads.

Optional, same the cover can be made of leather or any other fabric.

If you decide to “make” a phone case with your own hands, for these purposes you can use various improvised materials in the form of felt, silicone, fabric, glue, etc. The main thing here is your imagination and desire to make something original and unusual with your own hands. The methods presented above are very simple and do not require special expenses, so choose any of them and go ahead - create your own “works of art”.

Video: "How to make a phone case?"

You can sew a leather case-book for a mobile phone in just a couple of hours. Durable, beautiful and original, it will serve as a useful item and become a catchy accessory. To make such a cover, we needed a piece of suede, a detail of an old leather wallet (frame), a nailed collapsible button, and a decorative pendant. In the work we used drawing and sewing accessories, as well as a set for installing clothes buttons.

Operating procedure

1. We build a cover pattern. We circle the phone. We add 1 cm and another 0.5 cm. We draw additional lines.

2. We cut a cover. On the wrong side of the suede flap, we draw two center lines 1 cm apart.

We circle the pattern of the outer (largest) part on both sides of the axial ones.

We cut the pattern to a line of 1 cm and circle the workpiece under the frame.

The finished frame from the old leather wallet turned out to be a little smaller than we need - we have to build it up. We also circle the inner (half a centimeter smaller) part of the cover on both sides of the axial ones.

3. Cut out the frame with small allowances along the inner cut. We tuck inside out and hem short sections. We set up a finished leather frame on top of it.

4. We sew the frame with the inner (smaller) part of the cover, aligning their outer cuts.

5. We fold the outer and inner parts of the cover inside out and sew them together, aligning their middles.

We lay another seam along the contour of the smaller part - a relief one.

6. We cut a pocket.

And a belt of two strips of the desired length (to completely wrap the case folded in half, with allowances for hem and clasp). The width of our belt is 2.5 cm.

7. We sew a belt. We sew our pendant into it from below -.

8. According to the marking, we install both parts of the button on the belt.

9. Sew the belt on the front of the cover in the middle.

We sew only its front end. The second one is left free.

We will conduct several master classes on the manufacture of silicone, felt, knitted, leather cases, as well as amazing herbarium bumpers and a baby sock.

Herbarium case

To make such a smartphone case with your own hands, prepare:

To begin with, think over the composition by applying flowers in various variations to the surface of the cover. As soon as "the one" is found, we get to work:

  1. Take a photo of the ideal location to draw on as you create.
  2. Try to stick large and light details first, and smaller and darker ones on top - under the action of the resin, the plants will turn pale and become more transparent. Sprinkle glitter at the end. Do not overdo it with details - the layer with vegetation should not be thicker than 1.5 mm.
  3. Following the instructions, dilute the resin with water one to one.
  4. Carefully pour the solution into the center. Then spread over the entire surface of the painting, removing air bubbles.
  5. Make sure that the resin solution does not spill over the surface of the composition - in this case, quickly wipe it off with cotton swabs dipped in acetone.
  6. Floral for smartphone will be ready after two hours of drying.

Silicone Case

Protective cases for smartphones made of silicone can be made by yourself using:

Before you make a case for your smartphone with your own hands, be sure to put on rubber gloves.

  1. Mix 50 g of potato starch with about the same amount of sealant. Then knead this product to the consistency of plasticine, adding dye along the way so that the color is even.
  2. Roll out the mass with a rolling pin or a bottle on a flat surface to the desired thickness.
  3. Seal all the holes of the phone with tape, then put it in the center of the resulting cake, pressing this device a little into it.
  4. Then, using a spatula, bend the edges, making sure that the "pancake" fits perfectly on the smartphone.
  5. Be prepared for the fact that the phone will lie in the "captivity" of this mass from 12 hours to a day - this is how much the substance needs to solidify.
  6. After removing the phone, first remove the excess on the front, then cut holes for the camera, charger, headphones - they should be imprinted.

Felt case

Do-it-yourself felt case for a smartphone is made using:

And if you have a sewing machine:

  1. Cut out two identical rectangles - the outer and inner sides. It is necessary to take into account the length, width and thickness of the device, as well as an allowance of 5 mm on each side for seams.
  2. At the outer side, we cut off one corner diagonally, so that in the future it becomes a convenient pocket.
  3. Then lay the parts one on top of the other (outer-pocket outside), fold to the shape of the phone and sew, retreating 4 mm from the edge.
  4. Felt does not crumble, so the edges do not need to be processed. At will, decorate the product with a kind of appliqué or patch - a universal case for a smartphone has been created!

Smartphone flip case

For this product you will need:

  • leather or leatherette;
  • a thin piece of plastic;
  • universal glue;
  • two flat magnets;
  • awl, knife, scissors.

A leather case for a book-sized smartphone is made as follows:

  1. Cut out 2 pieces of plastic to the exact shape of the phone, on one of them make a cutout for the camera.
  2. To the "back" plastic in right place stick a magnet.
  3. Glue both parts of the plastic to the skin, leaving a distance between them equal to the thickness of the gadget.
  4. Wrap a piece of leather so as to completely hide the plastic inside it, glue in the right places.
  5. From a piece of leather, wrapping a second magnet in it, form a clasp, gently glue it to the front.
  6. Do not forget to make the necessary cuts in the skin for the camera and other necessary holes.
  7. Use double-sided tape to stick the device to the case.

Knitted cover

The most "cozy" do-it-yourself smartphone case can be made from yarn, namely, knit it. It will take not so many materials:

Here you can use two methods:

  1. The easiest and fastest. Knit two identical fabrics with your favorite pattern and sew them together. Cast on stitches across the width of the smarphone and then knit in length. You can cast on loops along the length of the device and knit already in its width.
  2. Knit "in one piece" - the way socks are knitted. Cast on two phone-width sts, then divide into four needles. Continue knitting according to the chosen pattern, using only front loops, until the length of the product is equal to the length of the smartphone.

You can crochet such a product, taking into account the first method.

Baby sock cover

Go shopping or order cute original baby socks through the online market. Do-it-yourself smartphone case can be easily made from them. You will also need scissors, a needle and thread, various accessories for applique to your taste - beads, pendants, ribbons, rhinestones, etc.

  1. Cut off the areas of the heel, sole of the foot and toes so that the remaining part has a rectangular outline.
  2. Sew open bottom.
  3. Turn the remaining uncut fabric, which was supposed to cover the top of the foot, up, sew on the sides - this will be a pocket.
  4. Decorate your creation with the knick-knacks you prepared - sew or carefully glue them to this original sock cover.

Indeed, the original phone case is a little joy in life. But instead of buying a new case every time, it's better to decorate it yourself at home. Below you will find simple and not so simple ideas for your case.

Holographic tape

The perfect way to decorate because it's easy, simple and budget-friendly. So all you have to do is choose a holographic tape with your desired pattern or color, cut out a few strips and stick them on your phone case.

marble case

Marble phone case? Yes please! All you need is a white case, nail polish and a disposable bowl/container. Fill the bowl with water, add a drop of nail polish and lower the cover. You can use nail polish remover to remove excess polish from the inside of the case. If you want to add more colors, just repeat the procedure.

Simple phone case

Sweets to decorate the case

Apparently, candy is not only eaten. If you are wondering how you can decorate a case with colorful candies, read below. What you need: Case, Mod Podge, liquid shellac, two brushes, candy, and newspaper (to serve as your work surface). Apply a layer of MOD POJE to the cover, then quickly add candy. Let the surface dry for 30 minutes, and then gradually add another layer. Half an hour after the glue has dried, you need to carefully add a layer of shellac.

Idea for a transparent case

Great idea for creative people. Cover put on Blank sheet white paper and circle with a pencil. Draw a suitable design inside the circled outline. Then cut out along the outlined outline and place the pattern in the phone case. Don't forget to cut a hole for the camera too!

Floral temporary tattoos for case decoration

You will need: clear case, temporary flower tattoos and mod podge. Transfer the tattoos to the body of the case, then apply a layer of glue - this will protect against everyday use, which can damage the color or the tattoo itself.

Decorate the case with nail polish

For this project you will need: a beige phone case, pastel, pink, black, and gold nail polish, cotton buds.

Prints for transparent cases

For those who are too lazy to draw, paint and glue, here is the solution for you: just print the pictures below. Voila!

We decided to shine today's news to fans of hand-made. will tell you how to make a phone case with your own hands and show you some interesting options. Use original ideas - and make your device unique!

First of all, it is worth deciding on the method of manufacture. Let's take a look at the following options today:

    decoration of the finished case;



The first method is perhaps the simplest and does not require much effort and skills. To create a creative case, you will need a base. It could be an old case that has seen a lot of use and scratches, or it could be a brand new but boring pad. Don't hold back your imagination! Embody your ideas - and create a new image of your smartphone.

So, let's start decorating your device. When you have decided on the base, you need to think carefully about what style you want to make your case. Bright and unique design will help you create rhinestones and beads. And we will attach them with superglue.

All you have to do is choose the embellishments for the lining, calculate how many you need, and stick them the way you want. For example, a very cute option with turquoise and purple rhinestones. There was a simple overlay, but it became ... no, not gold, but glamorous!

And here's an even easier option for you -. It turns out very quickly and brightly. And in this way you can change the color of your case even every day!

Well, now let's proceed to the second method - let's try a crochet phone case according to the scheme. We suggest you create a case from threads. You can combine any colors and then decorate the finished product with various decorative elements. You can also knit a cover with knitting needles for a mobile phone- the choice of knitting method depends on your preferences and skills. In our example, a hook and threads of pink and white are used.

To begin with, you need to dial 11 air loops with the main color. Then bind the chain on both sides with double crochets. In the extreme loops, knit nine columns with a crochet, and in the remaining loops - one column with a crochet. In the next row, double crochet into each crochet of the previous row (no increase). Next, you should knit according to the pattern below (see image).

Change color every row. Repeat the fifth and sixth rows in height as many times as necessary so that the phone fits completely into the case. Starting from the 4th row, knit the double crochet fans under the single crochet of the previous row. Upon reaching the required length of the product, knit with the main color the final three rows, which are indicated in the diagram (starting from the 14th). Tie the cord and thread through the holes that you made in the 15th row. It turned out a beautiful openwork cover.

Another version of the crochet cover model is a case with a valve. In the video tutorial you can see how to knit a cover in the form of a cheerful Minion. You can use other colors by making your case in the same way.

Read - " "

Needle and thread are your friends

The third method will require you to have skills in the process of cutting and sewing. If you have never sewed anything before, here is your chance to try your hand. Try sew a phone case with your own hands . Suddenly you will like it so much that you will immediately sit down for tailoring!

We suggest you make a case in the form of a clutch. You can use any fabric and then decorate the cover in different ways. The pattern for the base is shown in the diagram below.

Don't forget to measure your smartphone or tablet to make your own cover suitable for size. To fix the valve, you can use buttons, snaps or Velcro.

Such a creative cover will definitely attract the attention of everyone around.

Show your imagination, develop your creative abilities - and your gadgets will be bright and creative!