Greetings, dear readers of my blog!

I recently needed remove background from the picture, I'm not particularly friendly with photoshop. And I'll tell you that I don't even have it on my computer. (Well, it’s right, in general, why do I need something with which I don’t know how to work).

But the background from the picture had to be somehow removed, I began to surf the Internet, in search of a solution to my problem. There are actually a lot of options, but I was looking for something easier)). I found a very easy and simple way to remove the background from the picture.

And so, let's get started. We need photoshop, but since I don't have it. I use online Photoshop. It's very handy, I'll tell you. And of course the picture whose background we want to make transparent.

I will show you with an example, here is such a picture, we will remove White background

We go to online photoshop. I used this one PIXLR

Choose: Upload image from computer.

Now right in the window "LAYERS" gotta open the lock

We click on it 2 times left button mouse, a checkmark should appear in the box.

Now go to the panel, which is located on the left, select the tool "Magic wand" and tolerance set to 21.

That seems to be all, but I am not completely satisfied with the picture, there are still remnants of the background, I again click on the place that I want to remove. Then "edit" ---- "clear". And so on until you remove everything you need.

When you work on website design, you often have to deal with the fact that the found image, which would ideally fit your site, has a different background that you would like to remove.

And so, we open our picture in Photoshop.

1. The first thing to do is to create a workspace for the image with a transparent background. For this:
- in the layers window, double-click on our layer (with a lock)
- Click OK in the window that pops up.

The lock must disappear

If the background is plain:
Select the tool " Magic wand” is a very flexible tool for selecting the desired area. Our task is to select the entire background, except for the picture. To do this, adjust the settings of the magic wand (parameter tolerance) until we get the desired result. We also use Shift key to select an area other than the one already selected. Press Del and the selected area is deleted.

If the background is multi-colored:
We use the tool Quick Selection". Here our task is not to highlight the background, but the object itself, which should remain. Press until the desired area is highlighted. If the excess is highlighted, hold down Alt and minus the area. You can view the result with the Q key.
When the selection is ready, copy it with Ctrl+C. Create a new document with a transparent background (Ctrl + N) and paste the object there Ctrl + V.

3 . If there is something superfluous left in the picture, use the tool " Eraser“, just overwrite the extra background.

4 . We save the image for the Web (Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S) select the GIF or PNG format (in other our transparent background turns white).

Useful video on the topic:

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop?

Photoshop is one of the most popular programs among people who are fond of design, graphics and drawing. Photoshop may also be needed by people who are far from creativity, but who need its functions. For example, it was necessary to use some kind of image in the text, but it is unacceptable to place it with the existing background. To do this, you can either change the background, or use a transparent background. Let's try to figure out how to make a transparent background in Photoshop.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop - the first way:

Click the left mouse button "File" (File) (in the left upper corner). Select "New" from the drop-down list. In "Background Contents" select "Transparent". This method should be used by those who want to create their own image without a background. It will not work if you want to remove the background from finished image. To do this, you need to use the second method.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop - the second way:

The Photoshop graphic editor is different in that it uses layers. The image behind which the transparent background becomes, needs to be copied on a new layer. This is done by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and J keys (hereinafter we will use the commonly used abbreviation, for example, Ctrl + J). To do this, you can use another method - click right click mouse on the layer and in the drop-down menu select the item "create a duplicate layer" (Duplicate Layer). In the next window that appears, click "OK". You should get two identical layers, only one of them will be called "layer 1" and the other - "background".

The second step is to hide the layer called "background". To do this, you just need to click on the image of the eye, located to the left of the layer.

The third step is to separate the image from the background. This can be done with a tool called "rubber band". On the keyboard, it is turned on with the "E" key. The size of the rubber band tool can be changed using the "[" and "]" keys on the English layout. You will need to resize the tool in order to accurately "erase" the background around the object. If you did everything right, then you will have a "chessboard" around the object - this is the absence of a background, that is, a transparent background.

The last step is to save the image with a transparent background. Saving is standard. In the upper left corner, left-click on "File" (File) in the drop-down list, select "Save as" (Save as). Under the image and the line "File name" there will be a line "file type". In this line you select the format in which the image will be saved. You can choose either the ".psd" format or the ".png" format. It is recommended to use the latest format. After doing this, click "Save". AT JPEG format transparency is not preserved.

Now you can use the image without the original background by pasting it into the required document. It should be noted that the rubber band tool is quite difficult for beginners if the hand is not "full" of daily work in this program. Therefore, it can be difficult to try to "erase" the background around small objects, such as grass, for example. You can advise either to improve skills, or use for work Graphics tablet(which is more typical for professionals), or try another way.

How to make a transparent background in Photoshop - the third way:

You need to convert the background of the image to a layer. To do this, right-click on the background in the area on the right, where the layers are displayed. Select "Layer from background" / "From the background" (most versions of Photoshop downloaded from torrents are on English language. This remark is also true for many tutorials). In the menu that opens, click "OK". Select the Magic Wand tool. It can be used only if the background to be cut out is uniform in color (otherwise, use the Lasso tool). Select the background. Click Delete. After that, we see our object against the background of a chess field. This is the transparent background. It remains only to save the image as described above.

There are a lot of videos on the web on this topic. For example, you can follow the sequence of actions on the video for the article.

You have now taken one step into the realm of study. basic capabilities photoshop graphic program and along the way realized their need for high-quality visual design of your work. Congratulations!

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Good day, dear readers. The ability to make images with transparent backgrounds is incredibly necessary for every novice website developer, designer, and even an ordinary person.

This is the most popular function in Photoshop, and therefore I decided to tell you in as much detail as possible not only about the process itself, but also about how to save an image in Photoshop without a background.

It turns out that many have difficulties with this, but there are no publications on the Internet on this topic on the Internet at all. Only a few threads on the forums. But, I take on the mission to correct this injustice ...

So, now I will put on knightly armor and dispel all fears, doubts, misunderstandings and turn the difficulties of Photoshop art into a simple routine. I will also tell you about all the subtleties of craftsmanship. Get ready. “To know” I will be in a very simple language, so that it becomes clear to everyone, so I apologize to readers who are embarrassed by such meticulousness and they themselves know everything very well.

More patient, I thank you for your understanding. Let's get started.

What you need to achieve in order for the photo to be truly transparent

Transparency in the picture is usually displayed like this checker. If you see it on Google, it means that the image can be downloaded without problems and when this object is superimposed on another background, the color will not change.

As you can see, such a checker is not displayed if the image in the search is reflected through the thumbnail. You have to click on the picture and Additional Information will open.

Look, I copied this drawing and pasted it onto the photo of the field. I will not go into exactly how I did it, now it does not matter. The most important thing is that you can see all parts of the field, the cubes seem to have been cut out and superimposed on the picture.

If I had not found a photo with a checker in the search, the illustration would have looked completely different. The background would be white and rectangular.

Why is that? This checker is a common feature, if you see it, then there is no color at all in this part of the illustration, and when superimposed, you will see lower part drawing. Similarly, transparency is displayed and . If you need to remove the background from a photo, then you need to ensure that instead of color, you can see this cherished pattern. Checker.

How to properly store transparent images

We are all used to such a photo format as jpeg. Some people are not even aware of the existence of others. However, he does not understand what transparency is. In order to download and store the "correct" photos on your computer, you will need to understand and remember the new format - png.

You see, in addition to the checkers, in Google you can almost always see this combination of letters along with the necessary pictures.

Then select the desired file type, png and you're done. It is available in every version. If you don't see it, look harder. Nothing without him. Trust me.

Why was it necessary to come up with a different format? The thing is that the popular jpeg does not understand what transparency is. He changes it to the usual white.

How to get rid of the background: a simple and fairly quick way without unnecessary troubles

On my blog, you can find an article in which I show 4 tools and a video in which you can find 3 ways to get rid of the background in the picture (). You can read it if you are interested. Now I would like to show you one more trick, because I think that without it the article would not be complete. You never know, someone does not want to climb my blog. And here everything is in one place.

So let's open the picture.

Find the Background Eraser tool. If you cannot find it, then hold the mouse for a few seconds with the left button pressed on the key of a regular eraser. The desired tool will open. You can add it by clicking on it.

You can increase the diameter of the eraser to make it easier to erase.

Now play around with the unnecessary elements in the picture. You will see how the checker begins to appear, and the color disappears!

I hope that after you finish, you will not have a question in what format to save the processed drawing. PNG of course.

This method erasing is not the best and incredibly convenient. Therefore, I recommend that you still pay attention to my previous article, which is completely devoted to this topic.

And if you are interested in working in Photoshop, then I advise you to start making money on it! There is a demand. You can easily try, process pictures, and do a lot of interesting things. Believe me, this is really necessary. You can make sure by checking out a few freelance websites.

Think you can't do it or are you too old for this shit? Not enough time? Believe me, these are all ridiculous excuses. I am a lawyer and I earn enough, but… do you have a hobby, a favorite hobby? You live full life? Are you really not bored?

Whatever you know and whatever you are interested in. The Internet opens up a lot of new possibilities. Let change into your life. If money doesn't interest you, that's even better. This gives your project more chances to become expensive, cool and successful. All famous people don't work for profit, they work because they love what they do. Few of them call it "work".

Gone are the days when people spent most of their time at the computer or TV. Now everyone is developing, improving some of their skills and sharing with people what they know. In fact, it has always been like this, only the scale has increased.

By the way, not so long ago I read the secrets of the longevity of the Caucasian highlanders. One of the principles is that the younger generation constantly goes to them to consult on some important issue. Old people feel needed, and therefore do not experience any negative emotions about old age. In the Caucasus, do not be afraid to become old.

By the way, a positive attitude is another of their secrets. The elders argue that no one wants to communicate with angry, irritated and boring people who do not have interesting hobbies, and therefore, such a lifestyle is extremely unprofitable, especially in old age.

Do something new. If you like Photoshop, pay attention to the course of Zinaida Lukyanova - “ Photoshop from scratch and master it to perfection. Very quickly you will have a profitable hobby. Not so passionate about design? Pay attention to that, and create your own projects.

If you liked this article, and I at least a little interested you, subscribe to the mailing list. Maybe not now, but give yourself a chance to do something new. I will send you my publications on how you can make money on the Internet.

Perhaps one of them will inspire you to something new and yet unknown. You will understand that it is interesting and you will want to try it yourself, and then ... who knows what will happen next?

Will the hobby turn into something more or will you just show the result of your work to your friends in order to get their praise and admiration? Unlike many, you will get up from the couch and do something that will take you beyond the usual. You will try to change your life. This is very commendable.

I sincerely wish you success in your endeavors and hope that this meeting of ours will not be the last.

Quite often, you can find a suitable image on the Internet, for example, to insert it on a website. Or perhaps you are making a collage, and you need to add others to one picture. That's just the desired images usually have some kind of background.

Let's see how we can make a transparent background for the image using the editor Adobe photoshop. I have installed English Adobe version Photoshop CS5, so I will show on it. I will try to give various combinations of hot keys.

If you do not have Photoshop installed yet, you rarely use it, or it is in English, you can make a transparent background in This is a simple Russian-language image editor that will not take up much space on your hard drive. By clicking on the link, you can read the detailed article. You can download the program from our website.

Let's start with a simple example. Suppose you have an image on a plain background, it can be a logo or the name of something. Let's make this logo or inscription on a transparent background in Photoshop.

Open the desired image in the editor. Now let's make a transparent background for the layer. In the "Layers" window, double-click on the added layer - there will be a lock opposite it. A window will open "New layer", click in it "OK". After that, the lock will disappear.

Choosing a tool "Magic wand". In the property line, specify the sensitivity level, set different meanings to understand how it works, for example 20 and 100. To deselect the picture, press "Ctrl + D".

Set the sensitivity and press the magic wand on the background area. To add to the selected background, those parts that are not selected, hold down "Shift" and continue the selection. To delete selected areas, click "Delete".

Now, instead of a background, a chessboard - this means that we managed to make the white background transparent. Remove the selection - "Ctrl + D".

If you have an image or photo that has a lot of different colors and objects, consider how make a transparent background for an image in photoshop.

In this case, we will use the tool "Quick selection". We click on the magic wand with the left mouse button with a slight delay and select the desired tool from the menu.

Now we need to select the object that we want to leave on a transparent background. In the property bar, set different sizes and click on the object, adding areas to it. If an unnecessary background is mistakenly highlighted, press "Alt" and remove it.

Press "Q" to view the result. The parts of the image that become transparent will be highlighted in pink.

Copy the selected areas by pressing "Ctrl + C". Next we create new file, "Ctrl+N" , with a transparent background.

Paste the copied fragments into it, "Ctrl + V". If there are unnecessary parts of the background on them, remove them using the Eraser tool. We save images made on a transparent background in PNG or GIF format.

Make the white background of a picture transparent, or make a transparent background for individual fragments of a color image or photo in Photoshop. After that, you can use them where necessary: ​​paste them on the site, add them to another picture, or make interesting collages.

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