The Internet is becoming an integral part of every person’s life, so it’s impossible to imagine a day without new news. Browsers are the link in the information delivery chain, but unfortunately they are not perfect. Failures can occur precisely when visiting a specific site, one of these problems may be a problem: "A script error occurred on this page". How to fix and what causes such an inscription?

How does the script fail?

A website is a complex combination different platforms in the form of scripts, pictures, text, etc. At first glance, everything may seem simple, but in fact it is not. Language HTML text,JavaScript, VBScript are just a few of the main components. Their coordinated work can in the process long work be violated.

Since this error has only an informative component, the solution may be direct intervention in the computer's main browser internet explorer or Windows.

Issue with "Script Error" notification in browsers, programs and games

Solve the problem in Internet Explorer

In most cases, everything should already work. Although there are exceptions. Therefore, it is worth considering more carefully the security system of Internet connections.

  1. All in the same menu find "Safety"
  2. Set all the default settings (there is a corresponding column).
  3. Clear all history, downloads, cookies and the rest.

We fix the problem in Windows itself and games

Launching programs (Avira, DriverPack Solution, KMPlayer, etc.) or games (World of Tanks,) may also be accompanied by a script error. Although in most cases this all resolves itself over time, but why wait for such a miracle when a couple of actions can solve everything.

The last step is to call command line, via search input cmd. In the command line that appears, write: regsvr32 msxml.dll. Press "Enter".

Good afternoon.

Data Windows versions Script are not installed on Windows Vista. According to the information found below, the re-registration of the vbscript.dll library is used, which was performed and did not lead to any result.

The option doesn't work. What else can you try?


I had a problem loading a HP compatibility file for Windows Vista, for my new scanner. The HP Technical person suggested I download Windows Script 5.6 because of the installer error code 2738. The instruction stated to go to Microsoft and download this file for your computer. There is not a Script 5.6 for Vista, but only for XP, 2000, 98 and the like. Will downloading the file for XP cause any problems for Vista?


Windows Vista already includes the latest scripting engine (version 5.7), so you do not need to install Windows Script 5.6 in Windows Vista. The Windows Installer error 2738 occurs if the module vbscript.dll is not registered in the system. To fix the problem, use these steps:

Open an elevated Command Prompt. To do so, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator. Type the following command and press ENTER.

regsvr32 vbscript.dll

Quite often, users can observe a situation where a script error message appears in the Internet Explorer (IE) browser. If the situation is isolated, then you should not worry, but when such errors become regular, then you should think about the nature of this problem.

Script error in Internet Explorer is usually caused by incorrect processing of the HTML page code by the browser, the presence of temporary Internet files, account settings, and many other reasons, which will be discussed in this material. Methods for solving this problem will also be considered.

Before proceeding with the common methods for diagnosing problems with Internet Explorer that cause script errors, you need to make sure that the error occurs not only on one specific site, but on several web pages at once. You also need to check the web page on which the this problem under another account, on a different browser, and on a different computer. This will narrow the search for the cause of the error and exclude or confirm the hypothesis that messages appear as a result of the presence of certain files or settings on the PC.

Blocking Internet Explorer active scripts, ActiveX and Java

Active scripting, ActiveX controls and Java affect the way information is generated and displayed on the site and can be the real cause of the previously described problem if they are blocked on the user's PC. In order to make sure that script errors occur for this reason, you just need to reset the browser's security settings. To do this, follow the following guidelines.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11
  • Service

  • In the window, go to the tab Safety
  • Next click the button Default and then the button OK

Internet Explorer Temporary Files

Every time you open a web page, Internet Explorer saves a local copy of this web page on your PC in so-called temporary files. When there are too many such files and the size of the folder containing them reaches several gigabytes, problems with displaying the web page may occur, namely, a script error message will appear. Regularly clearing the temporary files folder can help fix this problem.
To delete temporary Internet files, follow the steps below.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11
  • AT upper corner browser (on the right) click the icon Service in the form of a gear (or the key combination Alt + X). Then, in the menu that opens, select
  • In the window, go to the tab General
  • In chapter Browser history press the button Delete…

  • In the window Delete browsing history check the boxes next to the items Temporary files of the Internet and websites, Cookies and website data, Magazine
  • Click the button Delete

Operation of antivirus software

Script errors are possible through work antivirus program when it blocks active scripts, ActiveX and Java controls on the page, or folders to save temporary browser files. In this case, you should refer to the documentation for the installed anti-virus product and disable scanning folders to save temporary Internet files, as well as blocking interactive objects.

Incorrect processing of HTML page code

It appears, as a rule, on one particular site and indicates that the page code is not fully adapted to work with Internet Explorer. In this case, it is best to disable script debugging in the browser. To do this, follow these steps.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11
  • In the upper right corner of the browser, click the icon Service in the form of a gear (or the key combination Alt + X). Then, in the menu that opens, select
  • In the window, go to the tab Additionally
  • Next, uncheck the box Show notification for every script error and press the button OK.

This is a list of the most common causes, which cause script errors in Internet Explorer, so if you are tired of such messages, pay a little attention and solve the problem once and for all.

Technology does not stand still. Remember what websites were like 15 years ago. Only text on a colored background. No animation or smooth transitions, no variety of functions. Now many visual effects and functions are implemented using scripts. So let's take a look at how to fix a script error in Windows?

Error Description

A script error is a failure of a script that performs a particular function on a web page. And do not be surprised if a similar problem appeared during the game installed on the PC - they also implement their functionality using JavaScript and Visual Basic. Fortunately, the script error does not represent any fatal consequences for personal data and the system as a whole. And the problem is treated with several simple ways.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so the first thing you need to know is what causes the crash message to appear. It is not surprising that Internet Explorer is on our list - the browser leads in many anti-ratings for stability and performance, so it is recommended to replace it with a better analogue. Perhaps this will be best solution this problem.

In Internet Explorer

But if you are a true fan of Microsoft software or just got used to the application for many years, then do the following:

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the page that displayed the error message.
  2. Refresh the cache clear page by pressing Ctrl+F5.
  3. Check for a problem.

If the script error does not appear, congratulations! Otherwise, proceed to the following points:

  1. Go to "Menu" - "Internet Options".

  2. Open the "Advanced" tab.
  3. Set the parameters of the scripts in accordance with the data in the screenshot.
  4. Save the settings by pressing the "OK" button.
  5. Next, go to the "Security" tab and click the "Select a default security level for all zones" button.
  6. After that, open the "General" tab and click the "Delete" button in the "Browsing History" subcategory.
  7. Select all fields and click the "Delete" button.

    Attention! When clearing passwords, all saved data for logging in to sites will be deleted! Make sure you know all the necessary information. Otherwise, do not check the "Passwords" item.

In apps and games

To resolve script error issues in apps and games, follow a few steps:

  1. Open the Run window by pressing Win+R.
  2. In the text box of the window, type regedit and click OK.

  3. In a new window, look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, right-click on the field and select the "Permissions" item.
  4. Check the boxes next to all available fields in the "Allow" column.
  5. Next, click the "Advanced" button.
  6. Click on the field where the “Subject” column contains the value “All” and click the “Change” button.

It happens that users of home computers or even terminals connected to a local (corporate) network, when visiting some Internet resources, are faced with the fact that a script error pops up on the screen. How to remove such a message and how to fix the situation, we will now see.

What is a script error?

Let's start with the fact that modern Internet resources in the form of pages or multi-page sites contain quite complex structural forms in their structure. It is naive to believe that only text, pictures or animations are displayed on the pages. There are many more forms that are created using systems such as VBScript and JavaScript.

It is errors in the codes of such add-ons that can cause conflicts with opened HTML pages, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding message. Now we will look at the simplest methods to understand how to remove a script error. Today there are two of them. The first is related to the settings of the "native" browser of Windows OS, the second involves more complex actions and consists of two stages.

Script error: how to remove it in Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately, among all known today, it is most prone to the appearance of such errors. Let's say there's a script error in the browser window. How to remove it in the simplest way? Yes, just (key F5). Perhaps the appearance of such a message has nothing to do with the page being loaded, but simply in certain moment a communication failure has occurred.

On the other hand, the right option may be to stop using this browser. Just set yourself something else, well, let's say Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Browser 360 or the same "Yandex Browser". There are a huge number of such programs on the Internet today.

But if you are determined not to abandon Internet Explorer, let's see how to remove the "Script Error" window using the browser's built-in native tools and the Windows operating system itself. Before starting the action in the message box, you must click the No button to stop scripts from continuing to run.

Now in the browser you need to use the service menu, where the property parameter is selected (access can also be obtained through the standard "Control Panel"), and then the transition to additional options is carried out.

Here we are interested in three fields. Put a checkmark in front of the lines containing the disabling of script debugging for both Internet Explorer and other browsers. Opposite the field for displaying notifications about each error, uncheck the box. It remains to click the "OK" button to save the changes and restart the computer system.

Now let's look at the situation when the script error "flies" again. How to remove it using additional funds? Very simple. The fact is that conflicts can also be associated with incorrect security settings of the browser itself.

Here you have to use the security tab in the browser properties and set the default level. After carrying out such actions, it is strongly recommended to completely clear the browsing history, delete cookies, temporary Internet files (clear the cache). But this, in general, is only an additional measure, and not the main way.

How to remove a script error when starting Windows using the system registry

Sometimes errors of this kind can also occur at startup. operating system. Of course, it is impossible to say that this is some kind of serious failure. The system will boot sooner or later anyway. But the constant occurrence of such messages, to put it mildly, gets on your nerves.

Let's assume that a script error actually occurs when the system boots. How to remove it, you can understand if you use the system registry. To do this, you can use either the command line or the Run menu, where the regedit command is written (by the way, if the system does not boot, the command is entered directly in the boot window after the message is displayed).

In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch we find the permissions section, and in context menu select user groups. In the new window below, you need to set full access, and then use the advanced options button.

Here, for all subjects, change permissions is selected and the type “Allow” is set, and checkmarks are placed in front of the read and full access. By pressing the "OK" button we save the changes. A little difficult. True, and that's not all.

Additional commands

Upon completion of work with the registry, you must reboot the system and call the command line again, where you will have to write some commands in turn. In the simplest version, this is regsvr32 msxml.dll. Further with the unchanged first part of the command (regsvr32) through the space msxml2.dll, and then msxml3.dll.

If this does not help, there will be more commands entered one by one (with the same unchanged first part of regsvr32 with a space after it): atl.dll, corpol.dll, dispex.dll, jscript.dll, scrrun.dll, scrobj.dll , vbscript.dll, wshext.dll, msxml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, ole32.dll, and oleaut32.dll. It goes without saying that after each command entered, the Enter key is pressed.


So we figured out the topic “Script error: how to remove it?” As for the proposed solutions, of course, the use is the simplest way, but it has its drawbacks. It may not work if you use other browsers, and even more so if you encounter errors when loading the system. So, for that matter, you have to use a more complex technique with editing system registry and entering specific commands, if changes in the registry do not give a positive result.