Not so long ago for the operating room Android systems a virus was created, the purpose of which is to steal personal information and showing annoying ads - Monkey test and Time Service. This article will give an example of how to get rid of it.

How to understand if your Android is infected?

Everything is very simple, if an abundant amount of advertising constantly looms on your smartphone or tablet screen, even where it should not be, and there are also certain slowdowns in the operation of the device, and in the application menu you found two programs Monkey test and Time Service, then to Unfortunately, your Android is infected and you need to urgently treat it!

Where did the Android infection come from?

If you have previously enabled the ability to install applications from " unknown sources” and you downloaded and installed any game or program from a dubious file hosting service, it is possible that it was from there that the Android OS virus was infected.

List of applications in which the virus is located

WiFi Enhancer
Time Service
Indian Sexy Stories 2
Assistive Touch
Accurate Compass
All-star Fruit Slash
happy fishing
Monkey Test
XVideo Codec Pack
Hubii News
Light Browser
memory booster
word lock
Fast Booster
Talking Tom 3
Photo Clean
super mario
simple flash light
Daily Racing
boom pig
hot video
Lemon Browser
Multifunction Flashlight
小白点/Assistive Touch
hot girls
Sex Academy
Fruit Slots
wifi speeder
Ice Browser


What needs to be done to remove the virus?

In order to remove malware virus Monkey test and Time Service you will have to do the following: install Root rights and on android smartphone or tablet, then install special utility busybox expanding the capabilities of the operating system, and then remove the virus files through a special script that contains the ADB RUN program.

Required to uninstall Monkey test and Time Service

1. You need to get Root rights on your Android smartphone or tablet.

2. After Getting Root rights, you need to install the busybox utility, for this you need to download the application from the official store Google Play- BusyBox program.

After installing BusyBox, run the program and click the Install button in order to install the necessary files to embed into the system.

That's all! Stay with the site! Further it will be more interesting!

Sometimes MONKEY.EXE and other system errors EXE errors may be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the MONKEY.EXE file, but when those programs are removed or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (invalid) EXE registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path to the file may have been changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries looking up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), MONKEY.EXE errors can occur. In addition, malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with 1000 Best Games. Thus, these invalid EXE registry entries need to be repaired in order to fix the root of the problem.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid MONKEY.EXE keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made while editing the registry can render your PC unusable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting up!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any MONKEY.EXE-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries, missing file references (like the one causing your MONKEY.EXE error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, an automatically created backup copy, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors can drastically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we do NOT recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and require reinstalling windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from misuse of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use the Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting a part of the registry related to MONKEY.EXE (eg. 1000 Best Games):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command" in search bar... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. An access dialog will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the MONKEY.EXE-related key (eg. 1000 Best Games) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. Listed Save to select the folder where you want to save the 1000 Best Games key backup.
  11. In field File name enter a name for the backup file, such as "1000 Best Games Backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with .reg extension.
  15. You now have a backup of your MONKEY.EXE-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be covered in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information on editing the registry manually, please see the links below.

Hello everyone Today I will tell you about what the Zeta Games program is and whether you need it. Zeta Games appears on computers at will. Here you have installed some desired program, and then on the desktop you see a shortcut and Zeta Games, although you did not install this program.

Thus, new programs and sites are promoted to the masses, but all this looks like some kind of virus fraud, so it is not surprising that such software is often defined by antiviruses as potentially dangerous.

Zeta Games itself is positioned as access to some kind of super platform where you can find any games and play them.

Also via this program you can find players to make it more fun and interesting to play! In general, as you yourself understand that if you did not install Zeta Games, then I think you hardly need it and therefore it can be removed.

Personally, in addition to the Zeta Games shortcut, others appeared on my desktop, these are Star Conflict, Armored Warfare Armata Project, REACHit:

True, it seems to me that the appearance of REACHit is not connected with Zeta Games

After I launched Zeta Games, I saw such a window, it's kind of like a browser:

There is also a tray icon, and by the way, before deleting it is better to exit the program:

The program also appeared in the Start menu:

After I exited the program using the tray menu, I opened the task manager and saw the zeta.exe process there:

In principle, it can be completed. I completed it and I did it, just as usual, do not turn off the process, then it reappears. But in the case of zeta.exe, it no longer appeared, and this is good, since nothing will interfere with us when deleting.

The program itself was installed in this folder:


And there is also the Uninstall.exe file, this is a special component of the program in order to remove it. That is, you can run it and remove Zeta Games. But I'll show you how to do it through the Programs and Features window.

I will also say that if you hold down Win + R and write the msconfig command there, then OK, then on the Startup tab you can uncheck Zeta Games. Then it will not start with Windows, this is in case when the program interferes with you, but you do not want to delete it:

The tick here is not even one, but two.

But then I remembered something. In general, I indicated to you above in which folder the program is installed. But now I’m thinking, but somehow I didn’t see the zeta.exe file there, well, I didn’t rack my brains, but did a reboot. Then in the manager clicked on zeta.exe right click, chose Open Storage Location from the menu, and the folder opened. Well, I thought it wasn't that simple. The Zeta Games program has two folders, and the zeta.exe process is launched from this folder:


And here, too, there is Uninstall.exe, which can be run to remove it.

It turns out that the program has two modules, these are ZetaGamesViewer and ZetaGamesNews.

Removing the program from Zeta Games

Now let's proceed directly to the removal of ZetaGamesViewer and ZetaGamesNews. I must say right away that I personally would do this with the help of the so-called remover, it will help you not only remove programs, but also clean the system of garbage that these programs can leave

Well, now let's find out how you can delete using the built-in Windows features. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel there (if you have Windows 10, you can hold down Win + X and select this item there):

And then we find and launch the Programs and Features icon:

Well, there in the list of software we look where there is Zeta Games software, and for each of them we right-click and select Delete. First I will remove ZetaGames:

Click Delete:

Then it will all start to disappear:

During the uninstallation, I clicked on Details and saw a strange glitch, in short, the uninstaller tried to constantly complete some process, but it did not succeed. This lasted about ten seconds and then everything was deleted normally:

Now you need to uninstall another program, this is ZetaGames NEWS, also right-click on it and select Uninstall:

Then click Delete in the window:

And everything will be written ready, which means everything turned out:

Well, we did the most important thing! This removed both Zeta Games programs


Here's what I have left:

It's already residual files, there was some garbage left, the program itself has already been deleted.

Then, just in case, I also checked the Program Files (x86) folders and just Program Files, there I did not find any traces of Zeta Games, so everything seems to be clean.

Only the registry remains, well, you can already manually clean it.

How to manually clean the registry from Zeta Games?

After removing Zeta Games, you can additionally clean the registry with pens, garbage keys can easily remain in it. They do not particularly load the system, but it is better not to have them.

Press Win + R, write the regedit command and click OK:

The registry editor will open, in it we hold down Ctrl + F and write zetagames and click the Find next button:

If any keys are found, they will be highlighted. Here you need to right-click on them and select Delete. Then, to continue the search, press F3, and so on until a message appears that the search is completed. Personally, I even found a whole ZetaGames folder:

There is almost nothing in it, but I have it, and you may have something, Zeta Games versions may be different.

I also checked browsers, I didn't find any virus extensions there.

I hope that you have learned what Zeta Games is, and now you can conclude how much you need it. And you know, it's very good that this Zeta Games can be deleted just like that, well, that is, that there are no jokes. With some programs, you still need to suffer in order to properly remove them along with the giblets.

But I think that it would be useful for you to check the computer for such utilities, maybe they will find something, so if you have time, then listen to me and check.

On the Internet you can find a variety of interesting and useful applications. Some of them are installed on the computer without the knowledge of the user. In this case, people prefer to get rid of annoying software. One self-initiating program is Zeta Games. How to remove it from the computer? What is this application anyway? Is it really dangerous for the operating system?


Zeta Games is a news browser program. Here the user can see gaming news, as well as download certain toys online. In total, the application has 3 tabs that allow you to use the features of the browser.

Only many think about how to remove Zeta Games. After all, this software is a malicious file. It infiltrates the PC without the knowledge of the user. Often installed with Amigo.

Application action

But why get rid of the information application? How does Zeta Games operate?

For a computer, this program is dangerous because:

  • it loads the PC processor;
  • makes it impossible to work with browsers;
  • weakens the protection of the operating system;
  • can steal user data;
  • changes PC settings.

As already mentioned, Zeta Games can be compared to the Amigo browser, which is installed on a computer without the knowledge of users. Usually this is possible when initializing or loading one or another software. But how to uninstall the Zeta Games program?


First you have to look into the "Task Manager". From this step, the struggle with the application under study begins.

How to uninstall Zeta Games? This program is written in PC processes. Until the corresponding operations are completed, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the annoying application.

Therefore, the user must do the following:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del on the keyboard.
  2. In the window that appears, select the line "Task Manager".
  3. Open the Processes tab.
  4. Carefully study the list that appears. Find in it all operations that have a mention of "Zeta Games".
  5. By highlighting each corresponding line with the cursor and clicking on the right mouse button, select "Open save location", then complete the operations. To do this, click on "End Process".
  6. Agree with the warning. It will say that the PC may start to malfunction. This is normal.

Once all processes with Zeta Games have been removed, you can close the dispatcher. As already mentioned, this operation is only the beginning of the fight against the application. What to do next?

Habitual uninstallation

How to uninstall the Zeta Games program? The next step is to remove the application of the same name. The operation will become possible only after the user completes all the processes created by the software. Otherwise, when trying to uninstall, a person will see a message stating that the process failed.

To remove the browser itself from Zeta Games, you need:

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. On the right side of the list that appears, click on "Control Panel".
  3. Select "Uninstall programs".
  4. Find Zeta Games in the given list. Usually in the controller installed programs you can find Zeta Games and "News - Zeta Games".
  5. Highlight the corresponding lines one by one.
  6. Select the "Delete" command.
  7. End the processes following the instructions of the uninstaller.

But that's not all. It would seem that everything is ready, you can rejoice. But if you restart the PC at this stage, the user will see "Zeta Games" again.


This means that the files of this application are still on the computer. How to delete the Zeta Games folder? After the user gets rid of the utilities mentioned earlier, you can start cleaning the operating system from residual files.

Would need:

  • Go to the folder opened through the "Task Manager".
  • Select the files in it.
  • Press Del.
  • Empty the PC trash.

If desired, you can delete the Zeta Games folder in the same way. In order not to empty the Trash, we recommend permanent emptying of junk files. To do this, you will have to select the residual documents from "Zeta Games" and press Shift + Del.

Autorun - new problems

How to uninstall Zeta Games on Windows 7 and beyond? Next, it is recommended to check the autorun in the operating system. Often the mentioned software is prescribed here, not allowing you to finally get rid of your documents. After rebooting the PC, the user will again and again encounter Zeta.

If we are talking about Windows 8, then finding "Autostart" is easy. The corresponding tab can be seen in the "Task Manager". For Windows 7, it is better to use the search bar in the Start menu.

After switching to the desired service, you will need:

  1. Press the combination Ctrl + F.
  2. Type Zeta Games in the field that appears.
  3. Search for documents.
  4. Delete all results displayed on the screen.

If no files are found, you can proceed to the next step.

We clean the registry

How to uninstall Zeta Games from a computer? The process is almost complete. There are only a few simple steps left.

Once all of the above operations are completed, you need to start cleaning the PC registry. To do this, it is desirable to use additional software. For example, Ccleaner or AdwCleaner. Most often, preference is given to the first application.

How to uninstall Zeta Games from a computer? Would need:

  1. Install a registry cleaner.
  2. Launch the appropriate software. Consider further actions on the example of Ccleaner.
  3. In the right part of the window that appears, click once on the "Analysis" button.
  4. Wait for the scan to finish.
  5. Click on the new control. It's called "Purification".
  6. After the operation is completed, close the program.

You can also clean the PC registry manually. But doing so is not recommended.

Total cleanup

We almost figured out how to uninstall Zeta Games. You can proceed to the final stage. This will require:

  1. Find on PC Temp folder(it is located on drive C) and clear its contents.
  2. Right-click on the browser shortcut, select "Properties" there and in the "Object" field clear everything that is written after the executable document.

Ready! From now on, it is clear how you can get rid of "Zeta Games" once and for all. In order not to encounter him again, you need to carefully look license agreement different programs, and do not download software from unverified or suspicious sources. In any case, Zeta Games is not a very dangerous utility. If you know how to get rid of it, then there is nothing to worry about! Even a novice PC user will be able to complete the task.


The popularization of cryptocurrencies and its mining have led to the fact that many attackers write special sources that, penetrating into the computer of any user, begin their work, thereby consuming virtually all of its resources. After that, the work becomes virtually impossible, because the opening of Internet pages can last about a minute, office programs constantly freeze, and even typing regular text becomes problematic. To get rid of such troubles, you need to know how to detect the miner on the computer in order to turn it off in a timely manner, and subsequently remove it from the system. Such a threat is most often not recognized.

initial malware of this type were those that launched as a minimalist window. Visually, they were difficult to identify, but still possible. For the computer to work normal mode, this window was enough to find and close. Now the attackers have become more inventive. Now the virus is being introduced into browsers in the form of extensions. As a result, the processor is loaded to the fullest and overheats. Spontaneous restarts or shutdowns of the computer may occur.

Consider the procedure for detecting a miner in the Chrome browser and removing it

  1. Press the key combination Shift + Esc to open the task manager in the browser.
  2. See which page is using the most CPU and complete the task.
  3. If the extension gives the load, then double-click on it, delete it, and then restart Chrome.

Sometimes attackers are more sophisticated and make sure that the extension is loaded in an iframe. In such a situation, the task manager cannot display which extension is infected. A similar threat is also called a hidden miner. How to detect it and subsequently remove it? The scheme is almost the same:

  1. In the task manager, in the displayed list, click on the subframe that is loading the processor.
  2. A special control window will open, in which the malicious extension will be highlighted, remove it.
  3. Restart your browser.

In order to prevent such situations, you can install a special “No Coin” extension that will protect against the penetration of such threats. It does not consume a lot of resources, and if necessary, it will respond in a timely manner to the penetration of the miner.