How to connect cable TV for free is a question that many citizens face. There are several types of cable TV connection: paid and free; by applying to the appropriate branch in the city or independently. We will consider with you a way to independently connect free cable TV to all TVs in an apartment or house.


  • If you or your neighbors already have cable TV in your house, then it will be enough to competently carry out cable wiring work and then you can watch cable TV on all TVs, enjoying excellent channels.

    What is needed for this?

  • Typically, a satellite TV antenna is located on the roof of the house and has several channels for laying cables. If such channels are not "clogged", you can safely proceed to the following steps.
  • The first thing to do is to purchase the required amount of cable and other devices, such as a splitter, multiswitch, diplexer and converter. All this can be purchased on the market or in a specialized store.
  • The next step is wiring the cable. You should have three cables, green, yellow and red. The red cable runs from the antenna to the shield, which is usually located on the site or at the entrance, and then from the shield to each required TV. Such a cable is used to receive a satellite signal. The green cable follows the example of the first and serves to transmit the signal of the collective antenna, and the third type of cable (yellow) runs from the shield to all the TVs in the rooms that should be connected.
  • There are as many cables to the roof antenna as the number of independent points you plan to make, plus one cable (green) for the collective (terrestrial) antenna. Subsequently, with the help of a multiswitch, you can increase the number of cables to the desired one.
  • Thus, for example, on 3 TVs you will need to run 3 cables from the antenna on the roof to the shield, one for each of your access points and plus 1 cable common for the terrestrial antenna. At the same time, 3 cables should go from the shield to each point, that is, in total, 9 cables for 3 TVs. One cable for the satellite signal, the second for the terrestrial and the third for the parallel connection.
  • Advice added on October 3, 2011 Advice 2: How to connect the cable to the TV Experience shows that in order to watch TV in any room of the apartment, sometimes it is not enough to purchase the TV itself. You may need an additional cable to your TV, which you can easily connect yourself. For this, it is not necessary to have a large stock of knowledge behind your back. technical plan, since you can cope with the connection by following a simple instruction.

    You will need

    • TV cable of the required length, fixing tools, plastic plinth (if you need to hide the cable).


  • Decide how you will connect the cable, how many connectors you will need, and how you will hide the excess length.
  • Take a cable with a connector attached to it, check the quality of the transmitted signal, perform the so-called connection diagnostics. After everything is done, stretch the cable to the required distance.
  • Strengthen the cable with special fasteners, which can be purchased at a specialized store. For the cable, it is worth choosing those fasteners that will match the color of the room. It is worth stretching the cable for connection along the carpet or behind large pieces of furniture. You can not put furniture on the cable and allow it to be in a place where it will be constantly exposed to moisture, for example, near flowers.
  • Hide the cable in the plinth when the connection is closed. Attach the plinth along the wall, then for one of its parts (inner) with a special stapler, attach the cable to the plinth. After that, close it with the second part. Such a plinth can be selected in accordance with the color of the floor or wall, it will last quite a long time. In addition, you can hide a long cable in it.
  • If you want to connect a cable to your TV, you should pay attention to the possibility of throwing the cable from one room to another if necessary. Before connecting the cable, pay attention to the possibility of attaching several different connectors to its end, with which you can connect different devices to the TV. Useful advice Remember that the cable that connects to your TV must meet numerous parameters. This is not only its cross section, the length that allows you to watch TV in any room of the apartment, but also the so-called aging of the cable. The fact is that about once every seven to nine years the cable needs to be changed, as a qualitatively new leap is taking place in the development of television broadcasting technologies. For this reason, the quality of the transmitted signal may drop, and the image may disappear and be lost during the transmission process. In addition, when connecting the cable, it is worth conducting diagnostics. Before you run the cable and connect it to the TV, you need to determine which connection method you will use - closed (in which the cable is hidden in the wall or under a special plinth) or open (the cable is simply run under the carpet or along the wall).
    • cable connection to TV
    How to connect a cable to a TV - print version Rate this article!

    On one forum on satellite television, I came across an interesting topic about ways to illegally connect to a cable network. And this is probably a headache for all cable operators. Many of the methods that were described there have long been known to me and are no longer rolled in our network. The very first and apparently most common way is to cut the riser in the entrance and connect through the cheapest splitter. This method is calculated in 5 seconds even if the splitter insertion point is masked.

    A slightly more tricky way is to use tapas instead of a splitter. If the tap is chosen correctly, then there is a chance to watch TV channels for a month and two, depending on the activity of the linemen and the signal level in the riser. Even at the forum it was advised to put an ethereal antenna near the main cable that goes along the roof or technical floor. In one house, such options were simply a disease, and in another house, some kind of ridiculous antenna of 2 beer cans was installed on each site and attached directly above the cable in the entrance. After replacing a cheap Chinese cable with a good one with a double screen and installing 75 ohm plugs. on the first floors, the antennas themselves began to disappear and many new subscribers were added.

    The most harmful method described on the forum is sticking needles and cutting the cable. I remember that at the dawn of the development of our network there were many such smart people. True, they poor things probably still do not know why their TVs began to break down often. I personally punished such people by supplying a phase to their self-made wiring. Telemasters could not cope with the replacement of the hard currency and even with the power supplies that had flown out. But the disease was quickly cured. For warning, they even gave an announcement about what was going on in the cable high voltage and if connected incorrectly, the TVs burn out.

    But I liked one way of dealing with illegal immigrants there. Perhaps that someone can come in handy. It's no secret that neighbors often know who's watching cable on the ball. So, if you give an announcement that everyone who reports an illegal connection is guaranteed anonymity and a reward in the form of a bonus free viewing for a couple of months, then the phone with the number you need to call will be red for the first time from an avalanche of calls.

    Another effective method of dealing with persons who do not want to pay for viewing, and even more so connection, is a local news channel through which you can show the faces of illegal immigrants captured on camera during a raid to identify illegal connections. The effect is steeper than from a fine and a subpoena. In my memory, after we once showed the entrance and the door of the apartment behind which one very smart-ass illegal immigrant hid, as soon as a video camera was taken out during the raid, everyone immediately paid for both the connection and the monthly fee for a year ago and a year ahead! Nobody wanted to embarrass themselves on the local news channel.

    "ILLEGALS" and how to deal with them?

    What do cable TV subscribers lose if neighbors connect illegally:
    - signal quality deteriorates significantly;
    - due to frequent calls, the waiting time for the master increases;
    - the load on the equipment increases, due to which there may be interruptions in communication;
    - companies lose income that could be spent on shares and network development.

    How to determine that someone in the house has connected unauthorizedly?

    Even yesterday, your favorite program showed perfectly, but today it “snowed” on the screen after the neighbors twisted something in the entrance or an additional cable appeared to their apartment.

    The amount of fines for unauthorized connection to cable TV:

    Illegal network subscribers are brought to administrative responsibility and are obliged to compensate for the damage caused to telecom operators.

    Punishment prescribed by law:

    Warning or fine in the amount of 300 to 500 rubles, confiscation of terminal equipment;
    - if the connection caused a communication failure, a fine in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles;
    - if the actions of an illegal subscriber led to a breakdown of the equipment, the operator has the right to demand compensation for damage in the amount of the cost of the equipment or its repair.

    What to do:

    Be attentive to all the facts of the appearance of new cables or devices on the site or in the shield, after which there is a deterioration in the signal, and immediately report by phone to the subscriber department of the company;
    - when carrying out installation work in the entrance or on the site, require the presence of a certificate from working specialists (all employees of the companies have an official certificate with them);
    - pay attention to the fact that all units and devices placed in the house must be marked with information about the operator, indicating the phone number;
    - do not pay for the services of craftsmen for unauthorized connections. Reception of any television signal via cable is possible only subject to the conclusion of an agreement and the payment of a monthly subscription fee.

    Our company is forced to create a special service to deal with unauthorized connections. The problem is that law-abiding subscribers suffer first of all from illegal immigrants. Unauthorized connection to the cable television network leads to network damage, reduces the quality of the signal in the house and entrance, in addition, it can lead to failure of both broadcasting equipment and terminal equipment in the subscriber's apartment. I would like to note that our work with illegal immigrants is put on a systematic basis. In particular, we conduct rounds of our entire network to identify and disable illegal immigrants, and this is almost 90% of the urban residential sector. Network control specialists work in the sector every day. Every week about 30-40 illegal immigrants are detected and disconnected from the network.

    Already after the first illegal connection, these people get into our “black list”. And we check them even more often. As a result, people get more profitable to pay us subscription fee than to buy three to five meters of cable three times a month and connect illegally again and again.

    Well, since illegal connection primarily affects neighbors, and many pensioners live in our cities, our population takes a very active position in the fight against "pirates". Our grandmothers work better than any district police officer. And if they notice something, they immediately call us. In the cities, many people already know that we can come to the “pirate” with a representative of law and order, and further connection for such a subscriber can become difficult. In September 2014, the management of the Cable TV operator Orion Constellation LLC decided to apply tough measures to curb illegal connections to the cable TV network in Lakinsk. As a result of this decision, an application was sent to the Department of Economic Crimes of the Sobinsky District to bring to criminal responsibility the residents of several apartments in which an unauthorized connection was detected. These persons are charged with causing material damage to the company due to the use of the company's services without concluding an agreement and timely payment of a subscription fee.

    Our goal is to protect our subscribers, provide them with quality services and a modern level of service.

    What needs to be done to protect subscribers who regularly pay for cable TV?

    According to our technical specialists, about 15% of the working time they are engaged in the elimination of technical problems caused by illegal connections. We could spend this time on connecting new (legal!) subscribers, on improving signal quality, troubleshooting, and much more that is useful for our subscribers. In addition, we are forced to install additional signal amplification equipment so that our legal subscribers do not suffer from the actions of intruders, repair broken equipment, etc., which inevitably leads to an increase in costs.

    How to deal with this problem?

    Firstly, all illegal connections are technically impossible to receive a high-quality signal. Most "pirates" do not have sufficient knowledge to competently connect to the network. Most often they crash using a makeshift method, they put dividers, because of which the entire network may be affected. Secondly, the actions of illegal subscribers, according to the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, are qualified as “theft” and fall into under articles 158 "Theft" and 159 "Fraud" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    Therefore, it is important convey to all subscribers that, only by concluding an agreement with a telecommunications operator, they will use the cable television service without loss of quality, without the risk of being disconnected at any time and without liability before the law.

    Once upon a time, MTS provided exclusively services cellular communication. But already today it is ready to offer its subscribers access to high-speed Internet and high-quality digital television. And cable TV from MTS is distinguished by its interactivity– users can enjoy additional services, select broadcast languages ​​and even pause programs to continue watching later. Cable TV is controlled from MTS through the "Personal Account" or directly using the remote control.

    The "Home TV" service offers subscribers high-quality cable television, the channels of which are broadcast via the Internet. Broadcasting of individual channels is carried out in HD quality, which will be appreciated by lovers of a beautiful detailed image. Other advantages and benefits of the service:

    • Several tariff plans - you can choose one or another package of channels at your discretion;
    • The possibility of personal choice of channels - you can create the content of the package yourself, excluding channels that you simply do not need;
    • The ability to re-watch programs - view any program that aired yesterday or today;
    • Pausing the broadcast you can be distracted by doing important things, and then return to watching TV from the point of interruption;
    • Multilingual broadcasting - choose the broadcasting language yourself;
    • Possibility of ordering video films on demand - arrange a real cinema at home;
    • The ability to connect information services - you can display exchange rates, weather reports, as well as a map of traffic jams on your TV screen.

    If you want to join high-quality modern cable television with a whole bunch of additional services, feel free to choose television from the MTS operator.

    MTS cable TV tariffs

    The MTS operator is ready to offer its subscribers two main tariff plans:

    • "Basic" - includes 121 channels, 13 of which are broadcast in HD format. The cost of the tariff is 145 rubles per month. This should also include the monthly fee for the decoder - it is 99 rubles per month;
    • "Nothing Extra" - carefully selected 65 channels for 300 rubles per month, 26 of which are broadcast in HD. An excellent solution for those who love a high-quality picture and do not want to subscribe to extra channels. A TV decoder is provided free of charge.

    Additional thematic packages can be connected to each set of channels- "Kaleidoscope" for 100 rubles/month, "Adult" for 250 rubles/month, "Global" for 900 rubles/month, "PLUS KINO" for 380 rubles/month, "PLUS FOOTBALL" for 380 rubles. /month, "Discovery" for 20 rubles/month and many others. It is also possible to connect the Multiroom service to 2 or 3 TVs - the cost of the service is 99 rubles per month.

    In addition to home cable TV from MTS, subscribers can connect themselves to high-speed mobile Internet using GPON technology (fiber optic will be laid in your apartment). The connection speed varies from 60 to 500 Mbps. By the way, to watch MTS cable television, you will need a special set-top box and a router that supports the IPTV protocol. But if the router is provided for use free of charge, then you will need to pay 99 rubles per month for a TV decoder. If you use the “Nothing Extra” tariff, then the decoder will be provided free of charge.

    To manage the cable television service, use the "Personal Account" of MTS, located on the official website of the operator. But instead of the " mobile connection» use section « Home Internet and TV. For authorization in the service, the contract number and password are used.

    How to connect cable TV

    Together with a TV connection, you can connect yourself to high-speed Internet from MTS using GPON technology. Application processing time is up to three days. During this time, an employee of the MTS company will call you and agree with you on the time of the arrival of a specialist who will connect.

    How to turn off cable TV

    In order to turn off MTS cable TV, contact the operator at +7-495-636-0-636 and find out the address of the office where you can terminate the contract and hand over subscriber equipment.

    Why MTS cable TV does not work

    If your TV from MTS does not work, try rebooting all subscriber equipment. Also, the efficiency of the service is affected by the timeliness of making payments for payment. If there is money in the account, the equipment is rebooted, but the TV is still not working, call +7-495-636-0-636.

    A fairly topical issue for consumers of the Internet and TV provider today is the question of how to disconnect from This is due to the fact that the most characteristic problem of the Internet provider is the low quality of services. Another reason to disconnect may be the poor quality of the company's service, or the need for the subscriber to change his place of residence. Only possible option will terminate the contract with the service provider.

    Making an appointment at the office

    In order to be in time for an appointment and at the same time not get into the queue most simple solution there will be a call specified coordinates call center. Details are indicated in each standard contract. By calling the office, you will need to identify a desire to turn off the service, clarify the exact addresses of customer service centers, and make an appointment at the appointed time. It is important to take into account that the working hours of each office are different (some accept subscribers until 17.00, the second until 20.00), and if you don’t specify the period in advance, you can just go in vain. Second important point is that the offices accept applications from those wishing to terminate the contract until 14.00, after which a decision is made.

    Termination of an agreement

    The service operator may turn off cable television, the Internet unilaterally if the terms of the contract have been violated by the subscriber. This provision is specified in the version of the Federal Law No. 171-F3 dated 12/21/2004. Before terminating the contract for cable television or digital TV, you will need to write an application for termination of the contract and pay for the services provided, as well as compensate for the damage caused, if any.

    The reason for turning off television, the network may be the absence of one of the mandatory items (in this case, the subscriber does not pay).

    These items include:

    • date of signing the agreement with Dom.Ru;
    • the presence of all the details, both the subscriber and the operator;
    • indication of the license, settlement accounts of the organization;
    • information about the subscriber who ordered the service;
    • the address where the digital TV client equipment was installed, the Internet;
    • technical indicators and norms of network operation were measured, an act of conformity was drawn up;
    • established and indicated the tariffs at which the subscriber is served;
    • the address to which invoices for rendered services are delivered is given;
    • the end date of the agreement;
    • obligations are presented in writing both on the part of the Dom.Ru operator and on the part of the subscriber, the procedure for the responsibility of each of the persons is regulated.

    If all this is in the agreement, you can use the provisions of the “On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Telematic Communication Services”, namely clause 46 and disable Dom.Ru unilaterally. The user has a completely legal right to do this, on the basis of which you can disconnect at any time without giving a reason. The procedure is quite simple, you just need to contact the customer service center and order the termination of the contract with Dom.Ru, write an application, verify the means of payment deposited to the account.

    Delivery of equipment (set-top box, wi-fi router)

    If it becomes necessary to disable the Dom.Ru Internet, you will need to hand over the equipment installed by the operator (in the event that it was installed within the framework of the agreement by the service provider, and was not the property of the subscriber). The user will be required in the event of a similar situation:

    • contact the company's service specialists;
    • order service shutdown;
    • agree on the time of the arrival of the technical team and the dismantling of the installed equipment.

    When handing over equipment to, it is important to draw up an acceptance certificate, with an accurate description of the serviceability of the units, the presence of defects (if any).

    The procedure for terminating the agreement for all tariffs and services is identical.

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